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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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If any good can come out of this I wish it would be that people would start looking at the dangers of the fundie belief system. The Duggars raised their children in an physically, emotionally, and spiritually abusive home. The way Jim Bob and Michelle treated Josh and the victims was directly influenced by their beliefs. This situation really needs to shed some light on the dark side of believing like the Duggars. People didn't want to see before, but maybe now they will.

i totally agree with this. I think it is really important to see how the messed-up believes, and their situation and interactions (which directly result from these believes) caused this situation - or at least heavily contributed to it.

And I do not mean the way it was handled after the fact. That is pretty clear to everybody. I mean that their believes and way of living *created* this situation in the first place (or at least, really facilitated it).

In a way, it is too easy to just just say "Oh, that 13-year-old is just a monster / predator / evil." It leaves out many factors which are important to point out.

I place the vast majority of the blame on the parents. They created the situation which lead to this.

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Huckabee supports Smuggar. Good people don't wait a year before sharing information with the police. What a moron.

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I can't stand Lena Dunham - that whole situation also made me sick - however totally different situation with different circumstances (and probably was discussed to death on a different board under different usernames). We're gonna leave that there.

I am glad that TLC is pulling the episodes. Fingers crossed that this leads the kids to a happy, normal life.

Reminder to give the kids in your life a hug and tell them they matter. It doesn't solve all problems, but at least they'll know if something bad does happen, you got their back.

Montel Williams has a great statement and replies to leghumpers on his FB. Sorry if it's already been posted.

https://www.facebook.com/MontelWilliams ... 4842266873

Oh shit. Montel just delivered an epic beatdown. Remind me to never stand in his way. :lol:

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I don't believe tlc didn't know. They just fed us an hour of bullshit about how close they are to the camera crew. We're supposed to believe that NO ONE explained why they can't be alone, the cameras in the bedroom, the hurt feelings? Bullshit.

These girls may have been raised to be doormats but they actually have personalities and feelings.

Mr Jim, I'm talking to you! Speak up!

I always had a weird vibe about Mr. Jim. By no means am I saying he is a sexual predator! I want to make that very clear... but I think he (along with other crew members) had some idea that there was physical correction happening in the home. Now that this new information has come to the surface, it's probable that they saw tension between certain siblings; though the crew could have chalked it up to normal rivalry. For sure, certain things - like Josh saying "you can't keep a secret" - have a horrible new meaning in light of this news.

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Does anyone remember a few years ago when they were talking about what they were looking for in a boy and one of them said (unconvincingly) someone like Josh?....

(snipped for brevity.)

I dont recall that specifically, but I DO recall a TH with perhaps Joy or one of the older girls. They were discussing their first kiss. I recall very vividly that the girl said they would ask their brother Josh for kissing advice. I remember it because at the time I found it very odd that they didn't say they'd ask Anna or their mom. (At the time, I think Josh was the only kid married.)

Makes this whole thing even more sickening. I wish I could remember what episode/which clip that TH was in...

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Why should the leghumpers be concerned with the impact of Josh's actions on his victims? It's not like Michelle and Jim Bob or Josh or Anna give a flying fuck about his 5 victims and what his actions did and continue to do to them.

While it's great that God forgave Josh and he managed to stop violating minors before he ruined his own life (goddamn it, really!?), going forward, I sincerely hope that this sparks a CPS investigation into what's going on in the Duggar home with respect to the 13 or however many minor children still living there. And there should be an investigation into what's going on behind closed doors in Josh's house, too.

Ample ground exists to look into them. Josh, by his own admission, has engaged in inappropriate behavior with minor children. If people are visited by CPS for letting their kids walk home alone from the park, surely an admission to molesting their siblings should be enough to spark a visit.

And, by their own admission, Jim Bob and Michelle knowingly allowed Josh to molest their daughters for a year (from March 2002 to March 2003) and took no real steps to prevent it at all. And, then, when they could no longer ignore the problem, instead of getting the girls and Josh help, they buried it and later covered it up to preserve their reality TV show and monetary prospects. And now that their lies have caught up with them, they have "apologized" in an effort to preserve the Duggar Brand and Gravy Train (seriously their belief that they can say that since "this brought our family closer to God, so it's all okay," is insane.). At no point have either Michelle or Jim Bob given any indication that the safety, happiness, emotional security or wellbeing of their eldest daughters is of any concern to them, much less of paramount concern. They don't even seem to get that it should be. If they can so easily ignore the worst of the worst, there really is no wonder what else is going on that they don't care about, either.

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The Duggars are no longer going to be appearing at the TLC block party in Philadelphia, which is happening next weekend. I was wondering how quickly they would be offed from scheduled appearances...

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so michelle's big theory that covering their girls head to toe to prevent males from being tempted doesn't seem to be very sound now does it? and children never being able to see the bodies of their opposite-sex diaper or swimsuit-wearing siblings wasn't the healthiest plan either. that just made josh more curious. whenever anything is made so taboo so irrationally, of course a little kid is going to try to check it out. his sisters were the only females available to him. he didn't have access to friends, radio, magazines, books, tv, internet or even cult-free adults to learn about healthy relationships. my skin is crawling.

also the duggars' completely bogus (IMO), home-churching and home-schooling protected the family from exposure to any mandated abuse reporter i.e a real teacher, school nurse or real clergyperson.

p.s... i don't think joshie has to molest any girls anymore because now he has his very own vagina required to be available to him at all times

That's a really good point. By keeping them away from any mandated reporter they guaranteed that no one can talk

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In regards to CPS visiting the Duggars... this is new to us and the public, but the police and presumably CPS have known about this all along. What reason would they have to investigate them now? The public being aware doesn't change things in that regard. Also, I'm not super comfortable with the idea that because Josh was a molester, his siblings might be too. At least without accusations of such behavior, those kids don't deserve to be investigated. And while JB and M raised Josh and contributed most likely to what he became, he doesn't live there anymore and I doubt he's a threat to the kids at the Duggar house. His own kids, maybe, but not the JB&M kids.

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TLC has finally released a statement:


Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time.

Good idea to compare to Honey Boo Boo's statement. 19K&C isn't done yet.

TLC has cancelled the series HERE COMES HONEY BOO BOO and ended all activities around the series, effective immediately. Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority. TLC is faithfully committed to the children's ongoing comfort and well-being.
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Sorry if this has been said before but I have to get it off my chest. I am sick thinking of all those time those girls had to sit there and smile and nod while their parents prattled on about how girls had to be modest and to avoid "defrauding" the boys. Frankly they could have just come out and said, "Josh molested his sisters and, frankly, we think it's their fault.

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I've very concerned about his own children and the other children he's had access to. The reported behaviors were sick. Yes, they were kept in a weird hothouse environment where they were supposed to be strictly asexual -- except for their horny parents -- but at his age, he knew touching a 4,5 or 6 year old sister was WRONG. He was getting more and more blatant about it. He molested several young girls. His behavior is in line with that of a predator.

So what's he been up to lately? Did he magically/religiously heal? Did he, without real counseling, suddenly lose that destructive impulse? Is Anna his new accountability partner?

I was discussing the RR thread with a friend of mine over a year ago, and talking about how he was just a slimeball of a guy. No real way to describe it, no evidence that he'd done it, just that he had a skeezy vibe. My friend doesn't watch the show (too boring for most of the people in my life), but she was appalled that I'd think that of him based on internet gossip. At that point I was still on the fence -- very good cases were made for both his guilt and his innocence. But we had the truth here! Someone was vindictive and an anti-Duggar (can you blame her/him?), but a truth speaker.

I'm just amazed that a family could work so hard to cover up so much for so long, all to protect a predator and at the expense of their daughters. How shitty and vile.

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I have a friend who's brother I'd mentally disabled. Last year he was put in jail for touching a six year old when he was thirteen. It was also handled privately, until last year when he turned 21. This boy's mother is livid because Josh Duggar gets away with this while her son was thrown in jail over this.

http://m.dailykos.com/story/2013/02/22/ ... ing-Minors

Can someone please explain why ny friend brother goes to jail but Josh doesnt?

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In regards to CPS visiting the Duggars... this is new to us and the public, but the police and presumably CPS have known about this all along. What reason would they have to investigate them now? The public being aware doesn't change things in that regard. Also, I'm not super comfortable with the idea that because Josh was a molester, his siblings might be too. At least without accusations of such behavior, those kids don't deserve to be investigated. And while JB and M raised Josh and contributed most likely to what he became, he doesn't live there anymore and I doubt he's a threat to the kids at the Duggar house. His own kids, maybe, but not the JB&M kids.

I'm not entirely clear what CPS knew, actually. I know that there was some post where someone said that CPS was involved, but it sounds like what happened was that the investigation just got shelved all the way around. I don't know how the Duggars could have been taking their daughters or Josh to mandatory CPS counseling or whatever and word not gotten out. Not to mention that I would think that CPS would, at minimum, remove Josh or the kids from the home, if they were involved. Has that been confirmed?

As for visiting the Duggars' place, I'm not thinking the other siblings are molesters, but more that there have been reports of possible physical abuse and other things that might bear investigation.

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I remember reading stuff on here about one of the younger kids potentially being the child of an older "sibling" but I just thought it was hyperbole for 'they pretty much act like their mother sooo'

Now that we all know about the truth behind the Sin in the Camp... Urg. I really hope there was no penetrative abuse going on.

Michelle was filmed giving birth to all the little kids from Jackson on down, so I doubt you have anything to worry about on that front.

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In regards to CPS visiting the Duggars... this is new to us and the public, but the police and presumably CPS have known about this all along. What reason would they have to investigate them now? The public being aware doesn't change things in that regard. Also, I'm not super comfortable with the idea that because Josh was a molester, his siblings might be too. At least without accusations of such behavior, those kids don't deserve to be investigated. And while JB and M raised Josh and contributed most likely to what he became, he doesn't live there anymore and I doubt he's a threat to the kids at the Duggar house. His own kids, maybe, but not the JB&M kids.

I haven't seen anyone insinuate or say this, and if they did, they are dead wrong. The vast majority of victimized people NEVER abuse/hurt another person. Given the fact that he has already thoroughly victimized his siblings (directly and indirectly), let's not victimize them all over again by slinging nasty accusations at them.

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1. I'm just sick.. woke up this morning to find way too may posts on Facebook trying to turn this into an example of forgiveness and isn't it wonderful that God forgives all of us sinners. Cuz all sins are equal and who are we to throw stones at repentant sinners like us. :angry-banghead:

2. Chan Bernat has posted the best response to the victims I've seen yet. facebook.com/chandra.bernat/posts/10204909385993008?fref=nf&pnref=story

3. This may be OT, but are there any laws or guidelines that require reporting incidents of sexual molestation between minors to the police? Because fundie parents seem to always handle it internally.

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Someone who knows more about the law and legal issues with kids...

Can CPS require you to send your kids to a public school? I know if your child is truant a lot, they can intervene... but how does that work with home-schooled kids?

Is there a possibility that the current minor children will be required to start attending school?

Given TLC's statement... I'm guessing we're gonna see a season of the Jill & Jessa show. It'll be called "A New Season of Life".

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The Duggars are no longer going to be appearing at the TLC block party in Philadelphia, which is happening next weekend. I was wondering how quickly they would be offed from scheduled appearances...

That's a pretty big deal! Glad they did that


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LOL, Cousin Famy issued a statement to Radar that she has no comment. Maybe she can write a song about it.

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Guys I had a horrific thought!

People were mentioning that Jill was the one in the report that didn't get molested. I don't think that's true, but let's entertain for a moment it is.

All that shit about Jill being the favorite, and perfect angel daughter would be SO DISGUSTING.

her parents would have essentially thought she was better than her sisters for being the one not molested. And in turn she probably would have thought she was holier than them.

This is not Jill snark, nor am I even saying this happened. What I'm saying is their views are so fucked up and sick that it very well could have worked out this way.

God this family is awful

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Huckabee defends Josh:

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/05/22 ... legations/

I like how he says the Duggar's were "open about it with the victims and the authorities" ...no they weren't! The authorities really got involved when the Oprah show tipped them off after receiving an email, and then Jim Bob wouldn't let them interview Josh and tried to lawyer up as they say (two lawyers turned him down). Plus I doubt they dealt with it in any way that was truly helpful to those girls! Not when they live in a family that constantly goes on about how the lust men feel is brought on by women and how they act/dress and therefore the womens fault, not the man's fault! They allowed him to continue living in the same house and therefore he re-abused, subjecting those girls to more molestation instead of making sure they were safe. They were more interested in their "brand" and having babies than in protecting the daughters they had! Huckabee, like so many of the Duggar leghumpers, goes on about how good people make "mistakes" sometimes that being a minor means their judgement is not mature (funny...I'll bet a lot of the same people saying that with regards to josh Duggar are the ones yelling for kids to be tried as adults when they are not white and Christian!). I also love how he blames people for "discrediting" Josh by bringing up this old "mistake"... you know what? Sexually abusing your younger sisters is not a MISTAKE. This was not a one time thing. It went on for years and even after he'd been caught and "punished" once, he went on to do it again! Who knows how many times these girls were molested or what was truly done to them or what he threatened to keep them quiet. With the emphasis the Duggars and others like them put on purity and innocence, I can't imagine how these girls must feel...like damaged goods! And I have a feeling Jana got the worst of it because she truly seems to be broken and have deep anguish. Where is counselling to help her? Believe me...you can't just pray away the pain and rage you feel after this happens! It festers inside...not only at the person who molested you, but at the people who you trusted to keep you safe and didn't. Too many parents turn a blind eye and would rather remain in denial than actually do something to stop this kind of abuse! Anyways, here's Huckabee's Facebook book on Josh Duggar:

“Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable.’ He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one’s judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support."

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Where did you read this? I haven't seen in mention of free educations in the latest reports.

Do we know if the Duggars ever made it into the studio before Oprah cancelled their appearance? I know they were already in Chicago, but I'm curious if anything was ever taped.

Oprah said she wanted to offer the girls midwifery education with a real school. JB turned it down

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