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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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Huckabee defends Josh:

Believe me...you can't just pray away the pain and rage you feel after this happens! It festers inside...not only at the person who molested you, but at the people who you trusted to keep you safe and didn't. Too many parents turn a blind eye and would rather remain in denial than actually do something to stop this kind of abuse!


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I don't believe tlc didn't know. They just fed us an hour of bullshit about how close they are to the camera crew. We're supposed to believe that NO ONE explained why they can't be alone, the cameras in the bedroom, the hurt feelings? Bullshit.

These girls may have been raised to be doormats but they actually have personalities and feelings.

Mr Jim, I'm talking to you! Speak up!

Scott's whole thing about not caring that Josie might one day be offended by the poop shot because it made for good television is all the proof I need that these are not good people who work with them.

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Huckabee defends Josh:

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/05/22 ... legations/

I like how he says the Duggar's were "open about it with the victims and the authorities" ...no they weren't! The authorities really got involved when the Oprah show tipped them off after receiving an email, and then Jim Bob wouldn't let them interview Josh and tried to lawyer up as they say (two lawyers turned him down). Plus I doubt they dealt with it in any way that was truly helpful to those girls! Not when they live in a family that constantly goes on about how the lust men feel is brought on by women and how they act/dress and therefore the womens fault, not the man's fault! They allowed him to continue living in the same house and therefore he re-abused, subjecting those girls to more molestation instead of making sure they were safe. They were more interested in their "brand" and having babies than in protecting the daughters they had! Huckabee, like so many of the Duggar leghumpers, goes on about how good people make "mistakes" sometimes that being a minor means their judgement is not mature (funny...I'll bet a lot of the same people saying that with regards to josh Duggar are the ones yelling for kids to be tried as adults when they are not white and Christian!). I also love how he blames people for "discrediting" Josh by bringing up this old "mistake"... you know what? Sexually abusing your younger sisters is not a MISTAKE. This was not a one time thing. It went on for years and even after he'd been caught and "punished" once, he went on to do it again! Who knows how many times these girls were molested or what was truly done to them or what he threatened to keep them quiet. With the emphasis the Duggars and others like them put on purity and innocence, I can't imagine how these girls must feel...like damaged goods! And I have a feeling Jana got the worst of it because she truly seems to be broken and have deep anguish. Where is counselling to help her? Believe me...you can't just pray away the pain and rage you feel after this happens! It festers inside...not only at the person who molested you, but at the people who you trusted to keep you safe and didn't. Too many parents turn a blind eye and would rather remain in denial than actually do something to stop this kind of abuse! Anyways, here's Huckabee's Facebook book on Josh Duggar:

“Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable.’ He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one’s judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support."

You know these fucking ass quacks thumpers wouldn't be defending them if they weren't christian or Duggars. Fans had their own children lookin up to this family. denying what Josh did is a slap in the face to his victims. I have to stop reading the stupid ass comments from stupid ass people. My friend is even defending them. My heart is hurting and my blood is boiling at the same time. I've seen too many cases similar to this.

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Long-time lurker here. What a sad situation. It's now obvious why the boys can sleep 1 per bed in bunkbeds, but the older girls instead sleep with a younger girl next to them in the same bed. It's disgusting.

Anna doesn't seem to be the brightest, but she's been stifled her whole life and seems like such a sweetheart... I hopefully lean towards believing that perhaps Josh and his family didn't explain the full extent of the abuse to her. I worry for Mack. It's always been obvious that Josh is a self-absorbed jerk and undeserving of poor Anna. I hope she can find a way out. Touching such very young girls, and within the family, repeatedly over time, and continuing after being found out... well, it is extremely disturbing and WAY outside the realm of normal sexual curiousity and "teenage mistakes." I do not believe he is safe around children... much blame to the environment in which Josh was raised, but even so... no normal person would desire to touch a 5-year-old's body like that. Obviously they should have pursued pressing charges at the time. I would not be surprised AT ALL to learn that there are more layers to the situation and that Josh had been molested as well, or was acting out echoing abuse that he had witnessed men commit against women/girls. Jim Bob is the ultimate combination of arrogant, vain, and hypersexual... something is very off with JB. Even though there are no legal ramifications for Josh (assuming the abuse stopped when it they say it did and the statute of limitations has run out) I hope that this will cause more scrutiny on the family so as to protect those young children still in the house.

I pray that now the older girls can gain some freedom. Ben may be ignorant, immature, and unprepared to support a family, but I do believe he loves Jessa. And Derek seems to truly love Jill. I hope that these young men are a good support to their wives. I hope that Jana, Jinger, and Joy can gain some financial support separate from Jim Bob and Michelle. I have long felt that the parents have controlled all the children by isolating them to such an extent that they cannot escape... their lack of education cripples their ability to get away.

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How dare Ma and Pa Keller. You gave one daughter to an obvious gay man and then another to a pedophile molester

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Josh Duggar Apologized - So What?

This article sums up my personal thoughts on the matter:

And there's Michelle with her robo-calls trying to get people to worry about transgender people using the public washrooms and how they might molest children...meanwhile in her own home...

It's ironic that this family who has gone to extremes to shelter their kids from the big bad world had this happen. Sheltering and isolating your kids doesn't mean they stay safe. If anything, it gave these girls no where to go to express their pain and anger and anguish. I'm sure they were told - your brother apologised, you forgive him and now move on. case closed. They are expected to paste a smile on their faces and cook and clean and babysit...not only for their parents and other siblings, but Josh as well!

Low self-esteem can be a side effect of this kind of abuse, and yet what have Michelle and JB done to try to build the self esteem of those girls and make them feel powerful and in control and able to do whatever they want in life? Nothing! They are just as helpless as they were when josh was molesting them. Jim bob and Michelle are just as blind and deaf to their pain as they were when the abuse happened...and then they allowed it to happen again. They don't even allow the girls to get away to university or move out...it way more important for their "brand" that they all appear to be one big happy family. Smile and pretend everything is fine. Do you think they ever received true counselling for sexual abuse victims? I very much doubt it...despite what they say now and are putting out there in statements. And who knows if it was just Josh or if the girls were also touched inappropriately by Bill Gothard? Jim Bob went to the elders when this happened. I wouldn't be surprised if he "counselled" the girls. lambs to the slaughter.

And it makes me sick all the defending like it was some teenage prank that was no big deal. These people are so brainwashed, including Mike Huckabee...trying to make out like the people talking about it now are just trying to discredit Josh and he's the victim of bloodthirsty meanies like us!

I just hope that this coming out doesn't push Jana over the edge, especially because I could see JB and Michelle telling her to say this or that to protect themselves and her brother...piling on more pain and hurt. I would hate to see her hurt herself in any way. She is truly a victim in all of this and it makes me so angry at Jim bob and Michelle how they've treated her and what they've expected her to live with ...and with a smile on her face.

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Just tried to go on josh and Anna's website ja20 com, looks like it's been totally suspended.

It's probably better for all the Duggars to lay low for a while....and especially for Josh, Anna, Jimbob, and Michelle to just stfu for the time being.

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Can I fault tlc as well. They knew and edited out Gothard shit. They met the family during the time Josh was doing this. They are guilty too, but money is more important. I'm glad the stupid ass fans that are defending this are mad. I hope someone checks on the three M kids. Josh never got real therapy. Praying isn't therapy. Even the therapist said that on Cnn. If he can molest 5 girls then he mightve done it again. I do hope cps gets involved and requires legit therapy maybe even legit schooling. Anna would've done the same shit JimChelle did. Pray and sweep it under the rug.

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Josh, JB, Michelle: sleazy, disgusting hypocrites.

4/5 girls: victims of Josh, treated abominably in every way possible by their parents.

Other Duggar kids (including Ms): also victims. Future ramifications going to be awful.

Anna: I just don't know. I feel bad I don't feel more sorry for her. I just keep imagining if she was interacting with someone who was in her position. Anna, meet ?, she found out her husband commited incest with 4 of his juvenile sisters. I can imagine the look of disgust on her face.

All the leghumpers are taking sides with Josh against the girls. That is horrible and inexplicable.

I am still so shocked and horrified by this, those poor girls. Those poor Ms. That bloody isolationist religion.

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Just tried to go on josh and Anna's website ja20 com, looks like it's been totally suspended.

It says it's been suspended but the message is from the hosting company. I'd imagine the swarm of people going to look at their website just overtaxed its resources.

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Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air until this blows over. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation the public backlash against us, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time that this whole thing will blow over quickly so we can continue milking our cash cow indefinitely.

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DuggarFamilyBlog.com said this:

"Due to the nature of this incident and the misrepresentation of information that is likely to occur, we encourage you to exercise caution when reading about the allegations against Josh Duggar on other websites."

WTF?! Really, misrepresentation of information? I mean, seriously, IT'S ABOUT AS BAD AS IT COULD GET ALREADY! The guy fondled his sisters and his parents hid it from authorities for a long time. WHAT IS THERE TO MISREPRESENT?!

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I have a friend who's brother I'd mentally disabled. Last year he was put in jail for touching a six year old when he was thirteen. It was also handled privately, until last year when he turned 21. This boy's mother is livid because Josh Duggar gets away with this while her son was thrown in jail over this.

http://m.dailykos.com/story/2013/02/22/ ... ing-Minors

Can someone please explain why ny friend brother goes to jail but Josh doesnt?

Because the people who should have charged him with the crime (his parents) didn't.

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I'm late to this, only learnt this today and was and am still shocked and grieving for the girls even more than before.

This is it, this is the scandal that we were "waiting" for to shake the roots of this fake show, but certainly nobody would have wanted this to be true.

Sickening that they hid all of this, sickening that Josh played the "good brother giving advice" to younger sisters and brothers on courtship, marriage, family...

Sickening that fans are not acknowledging how serious this is.

Sickening that the girls and what they endured are so neglected.

Sickening that JimBob and Michelle are blaming it all on him.

Of course he was the one who committed the abuses, but he was a kid with a twisted upbringing concerning sex.

He clearly needed help through his teenage years, and this is no surprise given the abusive way he was brought up with, along with his siblings.

About the Kellers letting Anna marry him: probably they did know but dismissed the thing as nothing serious. Probably it is not such a big deal among fundies if abuse on women happens? Maybe Anna had seen some of it happen in her own family?

Now Josh life is doomed. He lost his job, he lost his fake persona, he still has the responsibility of a family with four kids and has no prospects. Plus, the Duggars will lose the show, and Josh will take the blame for all of it.

While Jim Bob and Michelle are the real responsible people for this.

And I believe this is just the surface, there is much more behind.

I so wish the girls could speak up and break away.

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I haven't seen anyone insinuate or say this, and if they did, they are dead wrong. The vast majority of victimized people NEVER abuse/hurt another person. Given the fact that he has already thoroughly victimized his siblings (directly and indirectly), let's not victimize them all over again by slinging nasty accusations at them.

Some people have insinuated it. Or said that if he's a child molester, other males in his family should be too.

Someone even said that Josiah was courting now to cover up his own predatory behaviors.

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Working in the field, I'm having a hard time believing CPS is involved. CPS would not just let parents send their son away for a while and just come back. Josh would have been mandated to go to a treatment facility, therapeutic foster home with intensive treatment...something like that. Those 4/5 girls could have even possibly been removed during the inventigation due to the fact that it went on so long without parents awareness and the number of girls involved. When siblings sexual abuse one another they are not (supposed) to be in a home together. Either CPS let something slide due to Duggar fame or they were not involved? Idk, it's all strange to me.

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DuggarFamilyBlog.com said this:

"Due to the nature of this incident and the misrepresentation of information that is likely to occur, we encourage you to exercise caution when reading about the allegations against Josh Duggar on other websites."

WTF?! Really, misrepresentation of information? I mean, seriously, IT'S ABOUT AS BAD AS IT COULD GET ALREADY! The guy fondled his sisters and his parents hid it from authorities for a long time. WHAT IS THERE TO MISREPRESENT?!

There's nothing to misrepresent. They are attempting to shut down critics by insinuating that whatever happened was minor in nature and entirely blown out of proportion. And anyone who failed to read the police report is quite likely to buy into their smoke-and-mirrors routine.

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Josh, JB, Michelle: sleazy, disgusting hypocrites.

4/5 girls: victims of Josh, treated abominably in every way possible by their parents.

Other Duggar kids (including Ms): also victims. Future ramifications going to be awful.

Anna: I just don't know. I feel bad I don't feel more sorry for her. I just keep imagining if she was interacting with someone who was in her position. Anna, meet ?, she found out her husband commited incest with 4 of his juvenile sisters. I can imagine the look of disgust on her face.

All the leghumpers are taking sides with Josh against the girls. That is horrible and inexplicable.

I am still so shocked and horrified by this, those poor girls. Those poor Ms. That bloody isolationist religion.

Honestly, I do feel bad for Anna. It would take someone crazy to willingly marry and procreate with a sexual abuser who hasn't been treated and rehabilitated legitimately. I don't think she is crazy, I think she is completely uneducated, stupid, naive and a zillion other things. She has this whole "god forgave him" thing behind her, telling her she is the one who is wrong if she fears for her children in his presence. While I won't forgive her putting her children in possible danger regardless of how stupid she is, I am not confident that she even understands abuse, the fact that you can't pray away those tendencies, and that she realizes her kids might be in danger. She is just so dumb, IMO (through the fault of her parents and lifestyle, not herself).

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Does anyone think Valerie Young might have been the snitch?

Two years ago, her daughter admitted to her step dad molesting her. Immediateky afterwards, we called CPS and they did an investigation. After the abuse allegations came to light, the Duggars distanced themselves from the family.

Maybe Val knew ssomething or her daughters knew something and told Val. Val then reports to In Touch, who then goes and gets the information needed. She did it to get back at the Duggars for abandoning her family when molestation charges were brought against her husband. They aren't better than her family now, are they? Might also explain her blog being down?

That is my theory.

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And, CPS can mandate public school. But I'm not sure how it would go in cases of sexual abuse. The times I've seen it are in cases where there is some type proof parents are not able to provide adequate education.

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Someone who knows more about the law and legal issues with kids...

Can CPS require you to send your kids to a public school? I know if your child is truant a lot, they can intervene... but how does that work with home-schooled kids?

Is there a possibility that the current minor children will be required to start attending school?

Given TLC's statement... I'm guessing we're gonna see a season of the Jill & Jessa show. It'll be called "A New Season of Life".

I think the only time CPS can mandate schooling choices is when the child is under the care of the state. If you're a foster parent who home schools your own kid, you still have to send the foster child to school. But I do believe you're allowed to send them to a private school with permission.

I think, largely, that's because it's easier for a child to transition families if they're not also transitioning schooling methods.

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