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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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The Duggars are no longer going to be appearing at the TLC block party in Philadelphia, which is happening next weekend. I was wondering how quickly they would be offed from scheduled appearances...

Thank god. That it close to me and I would've went to give JB n Josh a swift kick to the nuts

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I decided to look at the Facebook pages for Jill and Jessa to see what people were saying.

The leghumpers are on there too. Jill's seem nice, but Jessa's fans are a lot of Josh supporters.

I'm praying for your family and I am full support of you guys n josh and his family. God is an amazing God n forgiving.

Josh molested her, fuck off with your support for him. God is not an amazing God if he allowed Jessa and her sisters to be molested, and allowed her brother to get away with it.

I'm sorry for this outrageous over read into issue from Josh's past, do know my family supports you and we will not be tltlc supporters if y'alls show is canceled... We have fell in love with you guys...

Outrageous???? Its a very serious issue. Josh molested five young girls! All this talk about love and support, and it is all for Josh. Its not very loving to Jessa to say that youre supporting her whole family and love them all, including her brother who molested her and her parents who covered it up.

Very sorry to hear your show is cancelled for something that happened 12 years ago. Josh owned up to his mistakes at the time. Let who is without sin cast the first stone. I was molested so I know the difference between adult and child.

It happened 12 years ago, but it doesn't make it any less disgusting. Also, TLC was in the picture shortly after this happened. It should be cancelled in light of this, and also nobody wants to see Josh on TV again because of what he did.

Love your family stay strong while the devil is trying to ruin your family. Trust in God and all will work out.

The fucking devil isn't trying to ruin her family. Nobody is trying to ruin her family. The people who are reporting this, commenting on it saying that what happened was awful and wrong, and calling for TLC to cancel the show are not coming from the devil. We have good intentions and want to protect the victims. We care a lot for them, and we really don't want the girls to suffer in this. I think the people who aren't fundies have shown way much more love and care towards the victims than the fundies have.

Where can we watch ‪#‎19kids‬, now that TLC has failed miserably and dropped Y'all's show?

Fuck off, the only time TLC failed miserably is for profiting off abused kids. The show doesn't matter. Most people wont watch it anyway now it has come out that Josh molested his siblings. The show is insignificant, it doesn't matter compared to the real issue here, that five young girls were molested.

I am so saddened by TLC's decision to no longer air your parents' show! I pray God leads you all in peace and in comfort, and I pray you don't all have to continue going through all of this wordly hate over some bad decisions made several years ago.

Worldy hate????/ We aren't doing this out of hate for the victims. In fact, we all wish them the best. We aren't the ones being hateful here.

Jessa and Ben, I'm sorry your family is having to endure the cruelty of the world. Thank you for sharing your lives with us! I'll be praying for your family. Let's stand together as Christian sisters and brothers and show the world how to truly forgive. Our Savior paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could be forgiven for even the worst of sins! I stand by the Duggar family!

Cruelty?/// The only fucking cruelty is that these girls were molested! We are not being cruel. None of us are being cruel to the victims, we care for them. Also stop pressuring her to forgive Josh. I would totally understand if she didn't, she has rights to her feelings and should be allowed to feel angry or upset over it.

Hey Jessa, I hope that your pregnancy is going well. I've been watching the news and am praying for the situation with Josh. He has answered for his past with the law and God, and the media likes to make a mountain out of a ant hill. Best of wishes to you all and to you and Ben!

Mountain over a fucking anthill? That isn't even the correct fucking term. And it isn't a tiny little thing, it certainly isn't to poor Jessa, who had to live this reality. Same for her sisters too. Being molested as a child is not an "anthill". Its a big thing that devastates lives and can affect you for life. Stop minimising her experiences, asshole.

What the fuck? Why are these awful people saying this to someone who was molested by her older brother when she was ten. How is that supposed to make her feel better?? How could they say that to her :(

I feel like I have been saying nothing but swear words lately. As much as I frequently drop shit and fuck in my online conversations, in real life I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I have said it in real life this year.

I wish I could tell them all that, but I think I would get banned from the page, however maybe when I do not want to tell everyone to fuck off, I might write something nice and supportive.

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DuggarFamilyBlog.com said this:

"Due to the nature of this incident and the misrepresentation of information that is likely to occur, we encourage you to exercise caution when reading about the allegations against Josh Duggar on other websites."

WTF?! Really, misrepresentation of information? I mean, seriously, IT'S ABOUT AS BAD AS IT COULD GET ALREADY! The guy fondled his sisters and his parents hid it from authorities for a long time. WHAT IS THERE TO MISREPRESENT?!

Oh good lord. Unless the police fucked up big time in transcribing all those interviews, we really aren't interpreting anything. That police report very clearly states who did what to who and when and what was done about it.

As for the anthill comment one of them made... "oops I brushed your boob accidentally" is an anthill. Have any of them read the part where he lifted a girl's dress, pulled down her bloomers and touched her genitals??? There is no world where that is okay, a minor transgression, or something to just sweep under the rug.

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DuggarFamilyBlog.com said this:

"Due to the nature of this incident and the misrepresentation of information that is likely to occur, we encourage you to exercise caution when reading about the allegations against Josh Duggar on other websites."

WTF?! Really, misrepresentation of information? I mean, seriously, IT'S ABOUT AS BAD AS IT COULD GET ALREADY! The guy fondled his sisters and his parents hid it from authorities for a long time. WHAT IS THERE TO MISREPRESENT?!

He also admitted to it. That with the police reports I don't know how anyone can deny it.

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Because the people who should have charged him with the crime (his .parents) didn't.

So because my friends brothers victims family decided to come forward eight years later, brother gets thrown in jail. Because the Duggar parents never pressed charges, Josh goes free?

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THANK YOU, UNIVERSE! Now please, get this starting some discussions around the supper table! Show that bull honkey what it really is!

The Duggars said they wanted their TV show to be a ministry for their faith. Looks like that's finally happening! Just not in the way they wanted.

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Man, why do people have to be so invariably shitty? Basically, every time there is a family or other group of people that seems on the surface to be somewhat decent, something like this eventually winds up getting out. Yes, I know "decent" is hardly a word a lot of you would have ever used to describe the Duggars, but I'm struggling to find a better word to convey what I mean. Yeah, their politics and family arrangement are pretty backwards, but I never expected THIS. I thought the way they lived was more a danger to others rather than themselves. I wouldn't even have that much of a problem with traditional patriarchal roles if things actually played out the way people who live that way claim they do, but instead, blatant abuse is so commonplace.

Humanity sucks.

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I decided to look at the Facebook pages for Jill and Jessa to see what people were saying.

The leghumpers are on there too. Jill's seem nice, but Jessa's fans are a lot of Josh supporters.

Oy, how fucking stupid are people think that a woman needs to hear that god has forgiven her abuser!?!?!

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Does anybody else remember from years ago the kids sleeping fully clothed? I'm trying to remember if this was before a trip and they passed it off with the excuse that it saved time getting ready, but my impression then, right or wrong, was that it was a common thing that they slept in clothes instead of pajamas. I remember cringing at how uncomfortable it would be to sleep fully dressed in a denim skirt and polo. Strange then, but now it seems sinister. If anybody can correct the memories and tell me I'm wrong, I'd appreciate it. I don't love having this in my head.

So many weird things bumping through my brain today. No way do I believe the police report was much more than a carefully gauged, limited response to the crisis of outside intervention. And I'm really thrown by how accurate and specific the stories I heard years ago turned out to be. Who was talking to the Internet? Why and why stop there? Was it all they felt they could do?

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Honestly, I do feel bad for Anna. It would take someone crazy to willingly marry and procreate with a sexual abuser who hasn't been treated and rehabilitated legitimately. I don't think she is crazy, I think she is completely uneducated, stupid, naive and a zillion other things. She has this whole "god forgave him" thing behind her, telling her she is the one who is wrong if she fears for her children in his presence. While I won't forgive her putting her children in possible danger regardless of how stupid she is, I am not confident that she even understands abuse, the fact that you can't pray away those tendencies, and that she realizes her kids might be in danger. She is just so dumb, IMO (through the fault of her parents and lifestyle, not herself).

I know, I agree with all you've said. What a crappy life she now has ahead of her. Stand by your man!

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I think they really, really messed up with their statements. If Josh had SERIOUSLY come clean and been profusely apologetic to his victims and left out all the BS about how he's closer to God now so we should all just move on, maybe people would have been able to get over it.

The way they have handled it just highlights everything that is wrong with this family even more. The girls have always been told that having CONSENSUAL sex, or even less than sex, before marriage will "take a piece of their heart away" and will be a decision they regret FOREVER. It is always implied that it is PERMANENT and that they will live with that decision for the rest of their lives.

And yet Josh can molest girls and somehow THAT doesn't have to stick with HIM forever, of course. All he had to do was spend some time with a full-fledged child predator and his buddies and say Jesus forgave him so the rest of us should just get over it and act like nothing happened already.

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He also admitted to it. That with the police reports I don't know how anyone can deny it.

Well, they are lying liars who lie. They'll say anything, especially to protect prince Josh.

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I've been thinking about writing on Jill & Jessa's pages too.. but what would you say? "Sorry your brother molested you."? "Sorry your family doesn't give two fucks about your feelings in this situation"? I feel like it's picking a scab for them...

I sincerely do support the girls through this and they deserve to know they have a lot of support. There just isn't a nice way to do that without sounding insincere online. =/

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How dare Ma and Pa Keller. You gave one daughter to an obvious gay man and then another to a pedophile molester

Davey possibly being gay is the absolute least of his problems. I'm far more concerned by the fact that he didn't want to get married and treats Priscilla like dirt. In public, no less.

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Man, why do people have to be so invariably shitty? Basically, every time there is a family or other group of people that seems on the surface to be somewhat decent, something like this eventually winds up getting out. Yes, I know "decent" is hardly a word a lot of you would have ever used to describe the Duggars, but I'm struggling to find a better word to convey what I mean. Yeah, their politics and family arrangement are pretty backwards, but I never expected THIS. I thought the way they lived was more a danger to others rather than themselves. I wouldn't even have that much of a problem with traditional patriarchal roles if things actually played out the way people who live that way claim they do, but instead, blatant abuse is so commonplace.

Humanity sucks.

Well i'm pretty sure the Bates family are not as messed up. They have their problems, but for a long time its seemed like they really are everything the Duggars have pretended to be.

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Well, they are lying liars who lie. They'll say anything, especially to protect prince Josh.

"Misrepresentation" is an interesting word choice considering all of the stories are based exclusively off police reports and official statements...how exactly are people "misinterpreting" a police report, I wonder?

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I wonder if Josh gets a severance package from his exjob. I would love for it to go to just anna and the kids but we know that won't happen.

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So because my friends brothers victims family decided to come forward eight years later, brother gets thrown in jail. Because the Duggar parents never pressed charges, Josh goes free?

This isn't accurate. Police and DAs can press charges without parents' cooperation for minor victims, even for adults who won't press charges. It happens all the time in domestic violence situations.

I have a feeling there is more to the story about the police/DA/CPS response.

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"Misrepresentation" is an interesting word choice considering all of the stories are based exclusively off police reports and official statements...how exactly are people "misinterpreting" a police report, I wonder?


Lets see if my very mild and tame comment saying just that gets approved by the powers that be on that leghumper blog. :angry-banghead:

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Guys I had a horrific thought!

People were mentioning that Jill was the one in the report that didn't get molested. I don't think that's true, but let's entertain for a moment it is.

All that shit about Jill being the favorite, and perfect angel daughter would be SO DISGUSTING.

her parents would have essentially thought she was better than her sisters for being the one not molested. And in turn she probably would have thought she was holier than them.

This is not Jill snark, nor am I even saying this happened. What I'm saying is their views are so fucked up and sick that it very well could have worked out this way.

God this family is awful

Someone talked about that yesterday. Personally, I don't believe it. I think Jana is the one who was working on her GED (at the time of the investigation, she would have been in her last year of "school," whereas Jill still had a few more), and therefore the one who claims to have not been touched.

Personally, I don't know how much I believe the idea that one of the girls had been spared. But someone mentioned on the last thread that their family member or friend or something like that was in a similar situation and exhibited a lot of the characteristics Jana does (like feeling the need to protect others) as well as survivors guilt type symptoms and self esteem problems associated with not being a victim. It got me thinking that maybe Jana's trips to weight watchers and her suspected body image problems stem from that. If she was not touched, I think it might make her wonder why and make her internalize it (thinking things like "I must not be pretty"). All speculation of course, but possible if, in deed, she was spared.

But, I do believe the oldest two probably dealt with the majority of the problems. And I imagine that Josh didn't take Jill's "tattling" on him (if "Alice" is to be believed that she's the one that turned him in) very well. I would imagine that Josh would have been more aggressive towards someone who tried to rob him of the "power" he was feeling by assaulting them. I suspect she got the worst of it. And I suspect that her cheerfulness and her faith were her two main coping mechanisms. Especially if JB waited a year to take action.

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Oprah said she wanted to offer the girls midwifery education with a real school. JB turned it down

I thought this was just speculation

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Reading the report, I definitely got the impression that the GED person was Jill. She seemed chatty and was talking about liking to cook, finishing school etc. With the pretty extreme differences in how outgoing Jana is vs. Jill, my gut instinct was definitely Jill. I don't know if I can see Jana getting chatty while she's talking about her molester brother.

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well Huckabee just ruin his chances at office. Like he had any away way. I can't believe he said it's not a big deal for Josh to molest because back in biblical times they would be married :angry-banghead: Typically Republican response.

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Well i'm pretty sure the Bates family are not as messed up. They have their problems, but for a long time its seemed like they really are everything the Duggars have pretended to be.

Hopefully! I don't really know much about them. Even if I did, who knows since people are so often not how they seem.

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