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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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The way they have handled it just highlights everything that is wrong with this family even more. The girls have always been told that having CONSENSUAL sex, or even less than sex, before marriage will "take a piece of their heart away" and will be a decision they regret FOREVER. It is always implied that it is PERMANENT and that they will live with that decision for the rest of their lives.

And yet Josh can molest girls and somehow THAT doesn't have to stick with HIM forever, of course. All he had to do was spend some time with a full-fledged child predator and his buddies and say Jesus forgave him so the rest of us should just get over it and act like nothing happened already.

That's probably the sickest part of all of this. I truly wonder how much the girls are viewed (or will soon be viewed) within their family/community as tainted, for being innocent victims of molestation. I hope not, but I know it's probably happened/happening. But their brother is supposedly 100% forgiven. Natural, human expressions of love (even nonsexual ones) are filthy, but sexual touching of prepubescent children just a forgivable "mistake"?! You can't pray away the impurities of a hug before marriage, but you can pray away those of sexual assault?!

I wish the mainstream media shows would focus on this hypocrisy, instead of just him being a molester.

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This isn't accurate. Police and DAs can press charges without parents' cooperation for minor victims, even for adults who won't press charges. It happens all the time in domestic violence situations.

I have a feeling there is more to the story about the police/DA/CPS response.

It's not uncommon for the police to respect the parents' wishes not to press charges, at least in my state, though. I've seen it first-hand. It's really fucked up.

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well Huckabee just ruin his chances at office. Like he had any away way. I can't believe he said it's not a big deal for Josh to molest because back in biblical times they would be married :angry-banghead: Typically Republican response.

I guess Huckabee missed the part in the Bible about how it's not okay to marry your sister. Unless he was thinking about the Absalom and Tamar situation... :?

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I said this on the previous post, but I feel the need to say it again. How fundies victim blame and overlook victims is absolutely disgusting, Josh made that statement all about him self and JB, M, and Anna all sprinted to his defense. This is just further reason for Jana, Jinger, and Joy to get the hell out of there and do what ever they wish with THEIR lives. Smuggar's years of looking down on those who dont live his specific lifestyle are coming back to haunt him :music-tool:

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I've been taking a closer look at the police reports, and the timeline is just appalling.

One of the kids came to Jim Bob, very upset and crying in March of 2002 and told him that Josh had been sneaking into the girls' room at night and groping their breasts and vaginal areas, and that he had also groped someone who was asleep on the couch. I'm almost positive I know which daughter came to confess this to him, too.

And then, apparently, Jim Bob did NOTHING. It wasn't until JULY, four months later, than someone admitted to Jim Bob that Josh had groped someone asleep on the couch. Josh admitted it, and he was disciplined. God only knows what that entailed.

And then they let it go once again, until March of 2003 when Josh apparently fondled his sister's private area (not through her clothes, 'on her skin'), while they were reading a book. Only then did they decide to send Josh away to Jesus Camp.

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Hopefully! I don't really know much about them. Even if I did, who knows since people are so often not how they seem.

This is true. IDK the general way they behave on their show is totally different to the Duggars. I'm interested to know how Kelly and Gil are reacting to this. I'm guessing they didn't know as they weren't really friends before they were on 17KAC.

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I've been taking a closer look at the police reports, and the timeline is just appalling.

One of the kids came to Jim Bob, very upset and crying in March of 2002 and told him that Josh had been sneaking into the girls' room at night and groping their breasts and vaginal areas, and that he had also groped someone who was asleep on the couch. I'm almost positive I know which daughter came to confess this to him, too.

And then, apparently, Jim Bob did NOTHING. It wasn't until JULY, four months later, than someone admitted to Jim Bob that Josh had groped someone asleep on the couch. Josh admitted it, and he was disciplined. God only knows what that entailed.

And then they let it go once again, until March of 2003 when Josh apparently fondled his sister's private area (not through her clothes, 'on her skin'), while they were reading a book. Only then did they decide to send Josh away to Jesus Camp.

Thats because Daddies US senate campaign was more important! :roll: :angry-banghead:

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I can't get over the supporters. I commented in the Mike Huckabee thing on one comment thread with the police report. That was an hour ago, no one has commented since. I guess a police report makes it hard to defend.

I want to get on Jill and Jessa pages and tell them that we, people who support them, are out there. That nothing they did or didn't do caused this.

Josh is still pissed at those two for whatever reason. The comment about Jill being a tattle tale I put off to jealously over Jill's house. Now it appears to be more. Then the comment to Jessa about not being able to keep a secret. UGH! You smug asshole, you are mad at your victims for whatever role they played in you getting caught. Really?!?!

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I've been taking a closer look at the police reports, and the timeline is just appalling.

One of the kids came to Jim Bob, very upset and crying in March of 2002 and told him that Josh had been sneaking into the girls' room at night and groping their breasts and vaginal areas, and that he had also groped someone who was asleep on the couch. I'm almost positive I know which daughter came to confess this to him, too.

And then, apparently, Jim Bob did NOTHING. It wasn't until JULY, four months later, than someone admitted to Jim Bob that Josh had groped someone asleep on the couch. Josh admitted it, and he was disciplined. God only knows what that entailed.

And then they let it go once again, until March of 2003 when Josh apparently fondled his sister's private area (not through her clothes, 'on her skin'), while they were reading a book. Only then did they decide to send Josh away to Jesus Camp.

Yep, it is truly awful. I like to believe maybe Josh really did turn things around. Let's be optimistic and say he did.

But there is NO excuse for how Jim Bob and Michelle handled it. Sending your kid to do some manual labor is NOT in any way therapeutic and they should NOT get a pass on that.

And beyond that, that they thought it was a good idea to take Josh - clearly already one of the more emotionally stunted of their children at 18, 19 years old to begin with, molestation aside - and MARRY HIM OFF to some naive, unsuspecting girl, talk about "leave and cleave," and encourage him to START HAVING KIDS ONE AFTER ANOTHER IMMEDIATELY. So much Godly wisdom.

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I just noticed the Bates girls don't follow josh on instagram. I wonder if gil warned them to stay away.

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This board is about the Duggars. The others you mention don't pertain to the topic of this board.

He's only sorry that it came out. His apology was all about him and how it could ruin his life.

This board is not just about the Duggars.

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I've been thinking about writing on Jill & Jessa's pages too.. but what would you say? "Sorry your brother molested you."? "Sorry your family doesn't give two fucks about your feelings in this situation"? I feel like it's picking a scab for them...

I sincerely do support the girls through this and they deserve to know they have a lot of support. There just isn't a nice way to do that without sounding insincere online. =/

Maybe we could post on there something like "Here is the number to the National Crisis Abuse Hotline.... they can help you". I would love to give these girls a way out of there.

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Screenshots from mikehuckabee.com a few minutes ago--JB&M are prominently featured. I hope the Duggars take all their fringe political friends down with them.



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So because my friends brothers victims family decided to come forward eight years later, brother gets thrown in jail. Because the Duggar parents never pressed charges, Josh goes free?

Yep. Pretty much. Unless new evidence or new victims come forward, he will continue to go free for that very reason.

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Yep. Pretty much. Unless new evidence or new victims come forward, he will continue to go free for that very reason.

JB and Michelle have no interest in holding their precious prince responsible for his actions,though. They'd prefer to sacrifice their daughters, instead.

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(I promise, this bit of rambling does have a point!)

I'm fairly knew to FJ, but I'm currently reading the history of the whole "Ruth" debacle (I couldn't resist! It's been referenced so much that I couldn't help myself :lol: ). I just got to the post where ofduggar was confirmed to be Ruth, and I followed the link which led to a post on the Yuku FJ forum where the RazingRuth blog was posted. I was slightly shocked by by the "lesson in defrauding at the age of 6" comment, so I went to the blog and did a little reading.

This bit of the defrauding post stuck out to me most:

When I received me ring, my father told me my sexuality was under God's authority. Only God could decide when I should give that gift away, to the man He had for me. Of course my dad would help me find that Knight in Shining Armor and let me know he was THE Knight. The Duggars are up-front with that part. The part they don't share is that Gothard tells fathers to make the daughters accountable to them. Yes, that's right. If a girl commits a sexual sin, she's not supposed to go to her mother or her sisters. If a girl has a sexual sin committed upon her, she doesn't go to her mother or her sisters or anyone but her father.

I know Ruth has been exposed as a liar, so I'm definitely taking what I've read on this blog with a grain of salt. However, I remember reading earlier in this thread where someone asked why the girls would have gone to Jim Bob instead of Michelle to tell; I had wondered the same thing. Could this be it? Ex-Gothardites that are members of FJ, is this true, that girls needed to share details of a sexual sin with their father first and not their mother?

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These girls have had some of the hardest lives that one can havehe here in North America. Their parent's slaves, their siblings' mothers, their brother's toys, their cult's postergirls. The suffering these girls have endured, and how they've been able to carry on, is incredibly admirable. Their parents going on about "women need to be modest so they don't stir feelings in men that can't be righteously fulfilled" HAHAHA. Their modest frumpers totally protected them from their OWN BROTHER.

And to the speculation on whether Jill or Jana was spared --- it's unlikely that either of them were, despite what either may say. It also doesn't matter. Having this happen to your sister or yourself, it will still mess you up a bit.

over 24 hours and still not over it

Suffering? Are you kidding? Hard lives? Hardest lives to endure in all of North America? Yeah. Whatever. I can't even address the ridiculousness of that comment.

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On May 1, just 21 days ago, I posted this in the Fake Charity thread.


I am so enjoying watching the foreshadowing of 19KAC's demise. It's going to be a while. The wait will be worth it. When the Duggars finally fall, they're gonna fall hard.

It didn't take long but they are falling hard. How I wish that the fall had been caused by fake charity work or a tell-all book. Not this way! Not like this!

That police report... it's awful. :(

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Someone talked about that yesterday. Personally, I don't believe it. I think Jana is the one who was working on her GED (at the time of the investigation, she would have been in her last year of "school," whereas Jill still had a few more), and therefore the one who claims to have not been touched.

Personally, I don't know how much I believe the idea that one of the girls had been spared. But someone mentioned on the last thread that their family member or friend or something like that was in a similar situation and exhibited a lot of the characteristics Jana does (like feeling the need to protect others) as well as survivors guilt type symptoms and self esteem problems associated with not being a victim. It got me thinking that maybe Jana's trips to weight watchers and her suspected body image problems stem from that. If she was not touched, I think it might make her wonder why and make her internalize it (thinking things like "I must not be pretty"). All speculation of course, but possible if, in deed, she was spared.

But, I do believe the oldest two probably dealt with the majority of the problems. And I imagine that Josh didn't take Jill's "tattling" on him (if "Alice" is to be believed that she's the one that turned him in) very well. I would imagine that Josh would have been more aggressive towards someone who tried to rob him of the "power" he was feeling by assaulting them. I suspect she got the worst of it. And I suspect that her cheerfulness and her faith were her two main coping mechanisms. Especially if JB waited a year to take action.

I said at the beginning that I don't think it was Jill. My point was that this family is so sick that treating the one unmolested sister as better than would totally happen.

I agree, I also think it's Jana. She's the only one who makes sense really.

Her trust in authorities, and her parents, was destroyed. She realized she could not trust her parents to take care of her siblings. That's probably why she embraced her role as a sister mom so completely.

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I keep reading this thread, then going to reorganize my doll collection to make me feel better. This is just dog awful to read about.

Duggar Girls, if you happen to be reading here (and the married girls might) please know that this is NOT your fault. There is NOTHING that you did to cause this. You are not responsible for the actions of your bother. Abuse is NEVER the fault of the victim. Ever.

Also, I'm really sorry you had to go through all that. No one should have to go through all that. EVER.

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I archived the main info page yesterday JA20.com archive

Good call! From perusing your archived page, I just learned something verrrrry interesting... The company that did several Duggar documentaries before they got the series, Discovery Health Channel, was in 2009 bought out by OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. What does this mean to this situation? I have no clue, but I thought some of you might have some thoughts on the matter.

I want to get on Jill and Jessa pages and tell them that we, people who support them, are out there. That nothing they did or didn't do caused this.

I've been thinking about writing on Jill & Jessa's pages too.. but what would you say? "Sorry your brother molested you."? "Sorry your family doesn't give two fucks about your feelings in this situation"?

Maybe we could post on there something like "Here is the number to the National Crisis Abuse Hotline.... they can help you". I would love to give these girls a way out of there.

I think this could have an impact. I mean, I presume that right now the family's approach to the situation, especially in the media, is to stand together in solidarity, supporting Josh, and minimizing/ignoring the victims as they attempt to pretend that it was no big deal and that it's all about being persecuted for their religion. But those girls can't forget what happened to them, and supportive comments such as "I'm so sorry this happened to you" and "It's not your fault" and "here are some resources for counseling or other support" could actually cause them to start to feel their emotions, and to step outside the family's carefully constructed story-box. Whatever actions they take in response are of course their own private business, but sometimes a few supportive "we're here for you, thinking of you" type of comments is all it takes to get the emotions flowing...

Edited for extra words

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This whole situation is just so disgusting. I was raised very similar to the Duggars and this has brought up some old emotions.....I was abused in many different ways growing up. Abused by so called "Christians" (some of whom were related to me and I was taught that it was my fault (as the female) that I must have done something to provoke it. I pray that they didn't put that on the Duggar girls when this all happened. My heart goes out to those girls.

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My heart goes out to all the kids, of course all the girls, but I can't imagine what Jessa and Anna must be feeling with babies on the way and everything up in the air like this. I hope they are all receiving help. I wish the M kids could have been spared all this, especially number 4. I know plenty here are quick to condemn Anna, but I get a different vibe.

I feel that if Josh's crimes were revealed to her before marriage, they were done very strategically:

i.e. once the courtship was well underway and she was already emotionally invested.

(If we take the to-the-whole-church-confession story as gospel, we still don't exactly know what words were used to describe the situation. 'Inappropriate touches' and 'molestation' give very different ideas of action. But they have such a weird ideology on sin severity that I don't think it mattered, as long as he mumbled an apology)

I also imagine that the confidence undermining of the fundy women was put into play, and there was a spin on this being Anna's calling to help 'The Ultimate Prodigal Son take two'. This could also apply to if she had been told from the first - they played upon her fixer-upper desire to be the Godly woman that Josh needs. And besides, its not that hard to say to a fundy woman that you feel 'God is leading you to do xyz'.

Regardless of what she knew, I feel they're all victims to the cult trappings their parents chose to raise them in, and in doing so, failed them all.

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This board is not about the Duggars.

I'm posting in Quiverfull of Duggars. That means this is about the Duggars. I know this is a multi-faceted website but this particular board is about the Duggars.

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Not sure if this has been posted as still in last thread

http://m.dailykos.com/story/2015/05/22/ ... acebook_sf

I can't add much but I do believe Anna knew. Her father was a prison ministry so I think the Duggars felt safe telling him knowing he believed in repentance etc. Anna may not have known the full details but she knew.

Who leaked it? I don't think a Duggar or son in law. Maybe Derrick's brother. More likely a political outsider who wanted to know if the rumours where true and did some digging.

While these assaults are not as severe as many of you have suffered (& I would like to say how sad and sorry I am that so many of you have been through such horrific abuse) the girls must have been affected and made worse by their cultures obsession on purity and blaming women for tempting men.

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