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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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Man, why do people have to be so invariably shitty? Basically, every time there is a family or other group of people that seems on the surface to be somewhat decent, something like this eventually winds up getting out. Yes, I know "decent" is hardly a word a lot of you would have ever used to describe the Duggars, but I'm struggling to find a better word to convey what I mean. Yeah, their politics and family arrangement are pretty backwards, but I never expected THIS. I thought the way they lived was more a danger to others rather than themselves. I wouldn't even have that much of a problem with traditional patriarchal roles if things actually played out the way people who live that way claim they do, but instead, blatant abuse is so commonplace.

Humanity sucks.

The thing is, their family beliefs are not just backwards, the beliefs create an environment perfect for abuse to thrive. I really wish people would have been able to see before now that the Duggar lifestyle is dangerous for everyone involved, but especially for children raised in it. What happened and how it was handled is directly tied to their beliefs. I hate that it took something this horrible for people to start seeing it. It shouldn't have taken this for people to realize that they weren't decent and that their beliefs are causing great harm to their children, because even if this had not happened or had not come to light, their kids were being raised in a home that was abusive.

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Has Jim Bobs old website from 2002 been found before?

http://web.archive.org/web/200210040532 ... ssues.html

The pop ups are beautiful! :?

*any reporters who use this need to credit freejinger.org :)

Not sure what's better, the bolding of character qualities or the fact that he or whoever did his site can't spell "Duggar".

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This is true. IDK the general way they behave on their show is totally different to the Duggars. I'm interested to know how Kelly and Gil are reacting to this. I'm guessing they didn't know as they weren't really friends before they were on 17KAC.

Let's see, Gil Bates was aware that there were decades of accusations about Bill Gothard molesting the teen girls he chose to travel with him well before it became public knowledge. He then tried his best to keep it a secret and sent his own daughters off to travel with Gothard. Why does anyone think this man has high moral when it comes to protecting not only his daughters, but other at risk teen girls from being molested?

Gil and Kelly used methods to raise their children that are dangerous and abusive. They sent their kids off with a guy they knew was rumored to molest teen girls. They helped protect this guy. Kelly can't even be bothered to know her children well enough to list their names. And they have cameras mounted all over their house to spy on their kids. Don't be fooled by their cutesy wholesome show. Those parents aren't nice people because nice people don't protect men who molest teens.

I imagine that their reaction at this moment is not any concern for victims but concern that people are going to start looking too deeply at who Gil Bates has been hanging out with and protecting.

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Good call! From perusing your archived page, I just learned something verrrrry interesting... The company that did several Duggar documentaries before they got the series, Discovery Health Channel, was in 2009 bought out by OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. What does this mean to this situation? I have no clue, but I thought some of you might have some thoughts on the matter.

I think this could have an impact. I mean, I presume that right now the family's approach to the situation, especially in the media, is to stand together in solidarity, supporting Josh, and minimizing/ignoring the victims as they attempt to pretend that it was no big deal and that it's all about being persecuted for their religion. But those girls can't forget what happened to them, and supportive comments such as "I'm so sorry this happened to you" and "It's not your fault" and "here are some resources for counseling or other support" could actually cause them to start to feel their emotions, and to step outside the family's carefully constructed story-box. Whatever actions they take in response are of course their own private business, but sometimes a few supportive "we're here for you, thinking of you" type of comments is all it takes to get the emotions flowing...

Edited for extra words

All 5 of the oldest females have Twitter accounts: @janaduggar @jillmdillard @JessaSeewald @DuggarJinger @JoyAnnaDuggar

I don't want to give Josh any attention, but it might be a good idea to send him messages saying to get help. Real help and not some bullshit prayer retreat or an extended vacation until the shit on the fan has been cleaned off.

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It dawned on me this afternoon that there is a real possibility that the younger (ones without access to social media and the internet) do not know what is going on. Only the courting/married Duggars and Jana (I believe holds the internet passwords) have access to the internet. It's very possible that JB&M have shut down any discussion with the younger children. They live such a sheltered life that is very well possible that they will stay at home secluded from others without being subjected to the media and social media discussion and speculation.

Also... (I really don't want to go back and watch) How did the older girls react to Josh (during the talking heads) when he got married and started having children. Were there any indications they were distant or did the tow the party line?

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I'm posting in Quiverfull of Duggars. That means this is about the Duggars. I know this is a multi-faceted website but this particular board is about the Duggars.

You are right; sorry to be snappish.

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So I went on Jill's and Jessa's Instagram pages and I was SHOCKED, SHOCKED. Of course there are the leghumpers on there "So sorry your family is going through is, it was 12 yrs ago and you've forgiven Josh and other people should too". But that is not the part that SHOCKED me, I expected to see leghumpers on there. The part that SHOCKED me is how people are using the girl's Instagram pages to spread hate to the girls, one guy said something like "Your family deserves this". I know maybe Josh/JB and Michelle deserve it but NOT the girls, not the little kids not the whole damn family. Some people are forgetting that these girls are VICTIMS in all this. So I left a message that said "Please know that you are not to blame for this, you did nothing to deserve this. There are resources, programs and organizations out there that you can reach out to that will help you regain your confidence and self-esteem and to help you be in control of your life. Please tell Jinger that I said: She is WORTHY"!

So please Free Jinger members, who have shown they so adamantly care about these girls go to their Instagram pages and express your support for them ONLY them, because right now it appears that Josh is getting the support and the girls are getting a lot of hate.

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Oh man. I can't stop thinking about Jinger's words at Jessa's dinner. I bet the reason she was made to feel so "unworthy" is because she had trouble forgiving. I mean I doubt any of those girls ever fully forgave Josh, but some might have been better at repressing it. But if Jinger had trouble acting like she forgave Josh, then she would have been punished for being unholy.

"Your lovely older brother said he was sorry for being tempted by you! Why don't you just get over it????"

God I want to puke.

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This is so messed up. But I think the snitch could be any direction. You never know what is any of the girls testimony they have shared at JTTH/Prison JTTH. One of them could have been talking with another, one gives their story, a JDaughter relates, leaked. Or it could have been such a slow news day for InTouch, or it is professional review time, so they headed on over to see if Duggar dirt existed. They may had seen the rumours here, and dug deeper.

I hope it never gets to the point that we can confirm which daughter had what done to her, because the exposure and fallout should only fall on the backs of Josh, JB and M.

Waiting for the Jill Rodrigues 'Defending the Duggars-Part Deux', because if she thinks her sisters broken neck will get attention, she is probably near giddy at this. Plus a statement from Kirk Cameron and IBLP/Davey Dubya.

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Let's see, Gil Bates was aware that there were decades of accusations about Bill Gothard molesting the teen girls he chose to travel with him well before it became public knowledge. He then tried his best to keep it a secret and sent his own daughters off to travel with Gothard. Why does anyone think this man has high moral when it comes to protecting not only his daughters, but other at risk teen girls from being molested?

Gil and Kelly used methods to raise their children that are dangerous and abusive. They sent their kids off with a guy they knew was rumored to molest teen girls. They helped protect this guy. Kelly can't even be bothered to know her children well enough to list their names. And they have cameras mounted all over their house to spy on their kids. Don't be fooled by their cutesy wholesome show. Those parents aren't nice people because nice people don't protect men who molest teens.

I imagine that their reaction at this moment is not any concern for victims but concern that people are going to start looking too deeply at who Gil Bates has been hanging out with and protecting.

Sing it, sister.

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All 5 of the oldest females have Twitter accounts: @janaduggar @jillmdillard @JessaSeewald @DuggarJinger @JoyAnnaDuggar

@janaduggar, @DuggarJinger and @JoyAnnaDuggar are fake accounts

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Seeing all the comments on TLC's Facebook makes me want to cry of frustration. Do these people not realise how serious this is? How is everything okay because "it was twelve years ago", "he is sorry", etc? And most of these people are parents. :pink-shock: Leghumpers have reached a whole new level of absurd.

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Has Jim Bobs old website from 2002 been found before?

http://web.archive.org/web/200210040532 ... ssues.html

The pop ups are beautiful! :?

*any reporters who use this need to credit freejinger.org :)

From a website created likely a year or less before this all happened, is the following list "TEN DANGERS

That Cause Government Leaders to Fail"

Number 5 seems very relevant to this discussion; "Failure to Act "The Day You Hear It"

Hoping that problems will go away and therefore not investigating and dealing with a matter on the day that is comes to light."

- Also some adorable pictures of them from when they were very small (baby Josiah, baby Joy, then baby boy twins).

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Just had to unfriendly someone on FB. Within minutes of me making a post about it, she signed a petition to bring their show back and shared it on her "wall". Not going to be friends with someone who condones sexual abuse.

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From a website created likely a year or less before this all happened, is the following list "TEN DANGERS

That Cause Government Leaders to Fail"

Number 5 seems very relevant to this discussion; "Failure to Act "The Day You Hear It"

Hoping that problems will go away and therefore not investigating and dealing with a matter on the day that is comes to light."

- Also some adorable pictures of them from when they were very small (baby Josiah, baby Joy, then baby boy twins).

Maybe JB could have had a successful political career... he's great at spouting total bullshit and orchestrating coverups.

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Seeing all the comments on TLC's Facebook makes me want to cry of frustration. Do these people not realise how serious this is? How is everything okay because "it was twelve years ago", "he is sorry", etc? And most of these people are parents. :pink-shock: Leghumpers have reached a whole new level of absurd.

JB and Mullet have probably been using similar lines: He gave it to God; he repented; the girls said they forgave him [under duress]. It's horrible that people who should have better vision and clearer thoughts fail to see or think.

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Has Jim Bobs old website from 2002 been found before?

http://web.archive.org/web/200210040532 ... ssues.html

The pop ups are beautiful! :?

*any reporters who use this need to credit freejinger.org :)

"Rep. Jim Bob Duggar, a Republican from Springdale, introduced House Bill 1003 which would require public schools and libraries to install filtering software to protect minors from harmful online material." However, while safe at home, first born male children are permitted to freely grope, fondle, or otherwise assault younger female children without fear of serious repercussions.

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I posted on the girl's instagrams, Jill and Jessa but I also posted on their husband's as well. This is what I posted on Derick's and Ben's was the same just names changed where needed.

Derick please let Jill and the rest of her sisters know that they are in no way responsible for what happened. It wouldn't have mattered if they dressed differently, prayed more, or sinned less they aren't to blame. Please tell Jinger she is worthy of everything her heart desires.

On Ben's I posted on the picture of Jessa. The comments there were either telling him to go kick Josh's ass or to move his wife and unborn child far away from the Duggars. For all of Ben's faults at least the people who follow him on Instagram are placing the blame right where it needs to be. Do I think Ben should go kick Josh's ass? No, it would solve anything. Would I blame Ben if he went to kick Josh's ass? Absolutely not.

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I bet Jessa is glad she won't have to give birth on camera. She didn't seem into cameras at the wedding.

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It dawned on me this afternoon that there is a real possibility that the younger (ones without access to social media and the internet) do not know what is going on. Only the courting/married Duggars and Jana (I believe holds the internet passwords) have access to the internet. It's very possible that JB&M have shut down any discussion with the younger children. They live such a sheltered life that is very well possible that they will stay at home secluded from others without being subjected to the media and social media discussion and speculation.

Also... (I really don't want to go back and watch) How did the older girls react to Josh (during the talking heads) when he got married and started having children. Were there any indications they were distant or did the tow the party line?

But the middle and younger kids have grown up entirely on camera, and know of no other lifestyle. The show is their reality If nothing else, they will notice that the camera crews aren't coming around anymore and they aren't being interviewed anymore. While the little girls may be content to be oblivious about the details surrounding their new normal, most of the howlers are teenagers now and will ask questions about why the show has ended. No amount of media blackout can change the fact that the Duggars' lives have fundamentally changed with the ending of their show/"ministry."

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I bet Jessa is glad she won't have to give birth on camera. She didn't seem into cameras at the wedding.

I was curious to see what she is like during labor but if she truly wants privacy so be it

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It's really quiet on the Duggar front today (no instas or anything...) I really want to see what they put out there next...

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I am so curious if these events were disclosed to Figure8 or TLC and if not, if it allows them to break the contracts with cause. I'm sure there is a morality clause, but a non-disclosure of major information is litigation-worthy. I'm sure they were made aware in 2006, but without charges, and because it was just the specials at that point, I wonder if there was much they could do.

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