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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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Free Jinger is dedicated to the fact that the fundie lifestyle is destructive to children. Then, when a kid acts out in a terrible way, people ignore that environment and say he is a predator.

But I would put my money on his environment. I blame his parents.

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Sorry, these threads are moving so quickly, I'm lost. Do we "know" it was Jill or just guessing because she is a tattletale?

Speculating. There was a comment posted on another site that someone brought up - this commenter claimed that Jana wasn't assaulted and that Jill was the one that tattled on Josh. While it is somewhat believable, we have no definitive proof.

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Are there any larger/high quality scans of the reports?

Here you go: http://imgur.com/a/zqPMi/all

(Thanks to Halcionne for posting this in an earlier thread. Also, good to have you back Sing!)

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I don't believe police reports are sealed the same way a juveniles other records would be. You can get any police report for insurance reasons.

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Of course Josh knew it was wrong to molest his sister's. If you read the police report, all of the victims and witnesses, acknowledge it is wrong to touch peoples private parts. Even the youngest witness/victim states it is not ok for people to touch certain private body parts!

Not only that, but the way he went about doing it. While the whole thing is just awful, how went about doing it, is what really gets to me. He made sure to do it, when they had no chance to fight him off (being asleep), or no way to escape (the laundry room incident), or a combination of both (the story time incident). He waited until they were in a vulnerable position, then just went for it. To me, it is obvious that he knew it was wrong, and really didn't care that it was wrong.

If he didn't know it was wrong before the first incident, then he should have known after it. He obviously didn't give a shit, because he went and did it again, a year later. Lord only knows how many girls he may have did this to. If he can molest his sisters in their own home, I don't think molesting someone at a conference or whatever, is that big of a stretch of the imagination.

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So...at the end of the 'getting to know the 19 kids crew' special that aired recently, they recounted the story of the two (married) crew members whose daughter was born early, while on a Duggar trip to China. After going on and on about how close the family and crew are, etc., I was blown away by the fact that, 2.5 years later, the couple 'suddenly realized' that none of the Duggars had seen the little girl since her birth. But they're supposedly 'like family'...?

Suddenly, I'm not so surprised. They knew, the same way TLC knew what a house of horrors the Gosselin home was/is, and yet continues to film those children.

Oh, and btw, to the father, who laughed about any potential future embarrassment to Josie over showing her crap her pants to the entire viewing audience...who asked, "Well, why wouldn't we show it...?" *You* are part of the problem. I hope you show more respect for your own daughter's privacy, but somehow I doubt it.

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I feel awful for the girls that this came out. Its painful enough that it happened but the fact the whole world knows and is now talking about it is unimaginable. I feel Josh deserves all the repercussions and more but not his family. If the show gets canceled it only punishes the girls for coming forward because the show is they're only means. They have no marketable skills. If Anna truly knew the extent of his transgressions and still married him she deserves whatever she gets too but not their children, they are also innocent victims that now have a tainted mark on them thanks to thier fathers legacy. In a perfect world people wouldn't be discussing every inch of this story for the sake of the girls dignity and self preservation. They would remove Josh from the show and he would be taken off payroll and Anna would be offered help to leave and get some marketable skills and the girls would be offered whatever they feel like they need to help them heal and they can be allowed to have whatever relationship with their family that they wish.

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Let's take a look at his FRC resignation letter:

I deeply regret that recent media reports about my long ago past has brought negative attention to FRC Action and its work to preserve and advance the interests of family, faith, and freedom in the political arena.

FRC Action's mission to fortify the traditional foundations of civil society is more important now than ever before, and I'm heartbroken that any attention has been diverted from these noble causes to my wrong actions as a young teenager. I am so thankful for God's grace, forgiveness and redemptive heart that allowed me to transform into a man of faith and testimony.

In good faith I cannot allow Family Research Council to be impacted by mistakes I made as a teenager, so I am resigning as Executive Director of FRC Action. I will continue to pray for the advancements of the causes we believe in and I hope that in the days ahead you will pray for me and Anna as we seek God to discover the next chapter of our lives in His service.

The "media reports" are first and foremost to blame for this.

He's not heartbroken about what he did to his victims, but that attention has been diverted from the hate group's noble causes.

They were just "mistakes", not crimes or even transgressions.

Thank God God is cool with everything.

Pray for him, not the victims.

The whole world is watching, TLC.

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Can someone update me on the whole Harbo thing? I can't read all the back threads and I am confused


Just to put this in perspective.

This is the Duggars in 2002


Did the abuse happen between 2002-2006?

Oh god look how tiny they were :cry: How could anyone hurt these babies, and how could the parent of these tiny little girls not protect them :cry: Josh looks so little too, its so sad that a kid of that age was doing these things :(

Also I do not think that the fifth victim will still be a minor. Wasn't the fifth victim old enough to help babysit?

I am guessing that she was at least 12, but probably younger than Josh or the same age? Joy is the only one who would still be a minor, being five when it happened.

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I don't believe police reports are sealed the same way a juveniles other records would be. You can get any police report for insurance reasons.

You can get any incident or crash report for insurance reasons. However, investigation reports are not subject to disclosure to the public.

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I agree with all of this!! As heinous as the situation already is, what purpose does it serve to put it all into a spotlight now? He can't be punished (legally)...so what's the hitch? To show that they are bad people? We already knew that. To scare the spouses? They are already too deep in. To ruin a would be political career? Possibly. None of this became an issue when he married, it wasn't an issue when he had his own business in Arkansas....this has only become an issue since he's been in Washington pushing the family's agenda and making a political name for himself. All this has succeeded in doing is bring up some painful memories for the girls and promote the twisted beliefs of their parents. Sadly, I can't say that any family's from my own youth wouldn't have acted in a similar fashion under the same circumstances.

There is a lot of reasons why it came out now. The Duggars seems to be the perfect family that seemed to have no problems ever. It just did not seem realistic and people began to dig. They came across this persistent rumor and the rhetoric of " sin in the camp" that sparked a lot of curiosity. I think people were curious about the validity because they did not want to speculate on him having done something awful without proof. The more popular the show became the more people began to learn about the "rumor" and it increased the amount of snoopers. On the other hand there are people who are offended by the Duggars and most likely hate them all indiscriminately. They are offended because they make hateful comments that would get any other public figure shunned but they have it all swept under the rug with sappy stories. I mean think of every group out there that has been offended by a Duggar comment, you all have there are long posts to prove it. It is in bad taste to compare abortion to the Holocaust or assume that all homosexuals are child predators. I do not know what if their intent was hurt the girls but we do know people who do hurt the girls. We know that their parents hurt them by shaming them into forgiveness and a narrow emotional range. We know that Jim Bob makes inappropriate comments and performs inappropriate displays of affection around someone that he knew was molested. We know that he expects the girls to go from 0-100 on their wedding nights because of their cultural standards. In my opinion the only reporters who are truly hurting the girls are the one who are agreeing Josh's apology and who do not call their parents out on their fuckery. Josh is only saying this because he was caught. But hey I know I am not always right.

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Free Jinger is dedicated to the fact that the fundie lifestyle is destructive to children. Then, when a kid acts out in a terrible way, people ignore that environment and say he is a predator.

But I would put my money on his environment. I blame his parents.

I do too Hisey! Fundie households, practice field for incest!

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From Amy's boyfriend's Instagram:

"I'm so thankful for this beautiful girl in my life, praying for the Duggar family in this hard time... Thank you Jesus Amy wasn't involved in this situation. Love you baby girl! Praying for your family and the love ones involved."

Adding screenshot:


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From Amy's boyfriend's Instagram:

"I'm so thankful for this beautiful girl in my life, praying for th Diggar family in this hard time... Thank you Jesus Amy wasn't involved in this situation. Love you baby girl! Praying for your family and the love ones involved."

I figured that Amy wasn't a part of what happened. Josh seemed to target girls who were younger than him - Amy is older. Its possible he only targeted those younger than him because he only really had access to his sisters, but still.

I am glad, for Amy's sake, that she was apparently not involved.

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From Amy's boyfriend's Instagram:

"I'm so thankful for this beautiful girl in my life, praying for th Diggar family in this hard time... Thank you Jesus Amy wasn't involved in this situation. Love you baby girl! Praying for your family and the love ones involved."

Is that his subtle way of telling us that Amy wasn't the 5th victim?! Asshat.

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The hypocrisy runs wide and deep. From JB's family/campaign website c. 2002 (thanks, Wayback Machine!):

Duggar’s public service began in 1998 with his election to the Arkansas House of Representatives where he has served two consecutive two year terms. He is a two-term member of the House Judiciary Committee and currently serves as Vice-Chair of Corrections and Criminal Law Sub-Committee and is a member of the Insurance and Commerce Committee.

While in the House, Jim Bob had a good working relationship with fellow legislators, yet, he was willing to stand alone when it was best for those he served. He was an outspoken critic of Electric Deregulation and one of two in the entire House and Senate that voted against it. Duggar fought for tax relief by authoring a bill to decrease used car sales tax and a bill to eliminate property taxes on your home. He was the author of the Internet Filter Bill that Governor Huckabee signed into law, protecting our public school students from pornography.

Duggar believes in strengthening families, eliminating government waste, and allowing tax payers to keep more of what they earn. He encourages small business development and growth. Jim Bob is a member of the National Rifle Association and supports the right to bear arms. He believes in a strong national defense, and in honoring our veterans. He will continue to be an advocate for senior citizens, the disabled and the unborn.

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Is that his subtle way of telling us that Amy wasn't the 5th victim?! Asshat.

As subtle as a pink shotgun

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Free Jinger is dedicated to the fact that the fundie lifestyle is destructive to children. Then, when a kid acts out in a terrible way, people ignore that environment and say he is a predator.

But I would put my money on his environment. I blame his parents.

I 100% believe his parents are just as, if not more, responsible. If not for his actions, for their failure to protect the girls, at the VERY least.

That said, Josh has royally fucked up with this half assed "apology" where he clearly still thinks we should care how HE feels about him molesting his four year old sister.

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Is that his subtle way of telling us that Amy wasn't the 5th victim?! Asshat.

I agree, this is incredibly scummy - and reeks of a "sucks to be you" attitude.

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Whew. Just caught up. A couple of thoughts, now --

I can understand, after reading all of this, why the older girls likely share their larger beds with the little girls and have a "sweet spirit" about it. The older girls most certainly see themselves as the protectors for the little ones and having them tucked in their beds may help them all feel much safer, regardless of the situation with the boys' room and security precautions in the home.

I agree with all of you who found the details in the report coached and too similar for coincidence. I don't think JB and M specifically told them "Say XYZ" for each and every point, but I do think they were encouraged to share some details, to hold back other details, etc. I do not think we have the full story -- I suspect there were more incidents, if not more victims.

I feel so sad for the girls and, indeed, for Josh. His actions were inexcusable but bred out of a culture of body shaming and an odd mix of hypersexuality and taboos surrounding sex, masturbation and experimentation. The biggest villains here are JB & M who conspired to hide this abuse and neglect the needs of all children involved. Disgusting and unforgivable.

Sidenote: As for the "pedophilia" issue -- a pedophile is a person who has a sexual preference/attraction toward prepubescent children. I think it is unfair to refer to Josh as a pedophile -- I agree with others that I think it's unlikely he would offend again based on the little info we have, however the true evaluation of that needs to be done in a clinical setting by a trained professional over a long period of time (i.e.: not a home remodel site after a good spankin').

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Let's take a look at his FRC resignation letter:

I deeply regret that recent media reports about my long ago past has brought negative attention to FRC Action and its work to preserve and advance the interests of family, faith, and freedom in the political arena.

FRC Action's mission to fortify the traditional foundations of civil society is more important now than ever before, and I'm heartbroken that any attention has been diverted from these noble causes to my wrong actions as a young teenager. I am so thankful for God's grace, forgiveness and redemptive heart that allowed me to transform into a man of faith and testimony.

In good faith I cannot allow Family Research Council to be impacted by mistakes I made as a teenager, so I am resigning as Executive Director of FRC Action. I will continue to pray for the advancements of the causes we believe in and I hope that in the days ahead you will pray for me and Anna as we seek God to discover the next chapter of our lives in His service.

The "media reports" are first and foremost to blame for this.

He's not heartbroken about what he did to his victims, but that attention has been diverted from the hate group's noble causes.

They were just "mistakes", not crimes or even transgressions.

Thank God God is cool with everything.

Pray for him, not the victims.

The whole world is watching, TLC.

It makes me think of this Cracked list:

6 Types of Apologies that Aren't Apologies at All

http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-types-apo ... es-at-all/

The resignation letter pings at least two of them.

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My cable guide says they are supposed to be showing 19 Kids and Counting right now but instead The Little Couple is on.

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I hope now the girls will get the counseling they should have received then. I also hope Josh will get some help so he won't become a repeat offender. It is imperative that Anna pushes the issue with Josh to seek help if she plans on staying with him for the sake of her children. But Anna being a submissive dimwit probably bought his half hearted apology hook, line and sinker.

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Maybe this explains why JB ensures the daughters get houses, vehicles, a ton of furniture, renovations and jobs for their husbands. It's not protecting them, maybe it's guilt?

Or trying to buy their continued silence?

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