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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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If somewhat posted this I apologize.

TLC was doing a 19 Kids marathon. I just checked and they are showing The Little Couple!

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Free Jinger is dedicated to the fact that the fundie lifestyle is destructive to children. Then, when a kid acts out in a terrible way, people ignore that environment and say he is a predator.

But I would put my money on his environment. I blame his parents.

This could explain why Jana isn't courting or married. Maybe she feels she not pure and this is all her fault for defrauding her brother. We all know in DuggarVille it is the female job not to stir up sexual desires in the male. Maybe this is what she thought she did to Josh. Who knows really all of this is just sad and sick :(

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While in one sense, I am FURIOUS that news sources aren't saying the victims are his SISTERS, I do understand. It's for their sake, not his.

Thank you mainstream media for showing some dignity here.

The ignorant little shits who have made comments defending him should read the police report. IMO no one has the right to say anything until they've read it. Unless it is triggering or upsetting for you, then obviously stay away. But the people who think Josh is a good person really oughtta give that shit a read.

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TLC usually shows 19KAC around noon-2pm. The Little Couple is on right now and it is noon. My info says it's supposed to be 19 Kids. This is so crazy. I can't even begin to process the info. I've read all the police reports and it's just so deep and fucked up.

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Reading the comments on the 19 kids facebook page, it does seem that once people cannot deny it was his sisters that he molested, they are much less likely to defend him. In fundieland the Duggar girls are more likely to be seen as blameless because they do dress modestly, avoid any kind of behavior that is seen as sexual until they are married, and have a wholesome image carefully maintained by their family and TLC. While I'm sure we all agree that children are always blameless in these situations, for a lot of these patriarchal fundamentalists any sense of impropriety would make these girls suspect. But there isn't any. This makes it harder for even the most hardcore fundamentalist to dismiss. Of course some people are still doing it but it seems like far fewer than would be the case if they could point to something in these girls' lives to dismiss it. It's sick but it seems to be working in their favor.

I do hope that the forum commenter Alice was right that CPS was involved and these girls received counseling from qualified professionals. At the same time, I find it very hard to believe that CPS would have been okay with the family being on a reality show where everything was whitewashed.

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If somewhat posted this I apologize.

TLC was doing a 19 Kids marathon. I just checked and they are showing The Little Couple!

Tick, tock

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If somewhat posted this I apologize.

TLC was doing a 19 Kids marathon. I just checked and they are showing The Little Couple!


I'm still a bit rattled (over people I've never met...) but that makes me feel much, much better.

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I just had a thought that made my stomach drop (I've read all but a few of the middle pages of thread 2, so forgive me if this has been said.)

But, I hope and pray that both Jill and Jessa had already told their husbands about the situation. I cannot imagine how horrible it would be to find out this way.

And, for all that is good and right in this world, if Derick and Ben didn't know, please, please, please let them not be so enmeshed in this horrible, patriarchal culture that they think any less of their wives.

Seriously, you guys. I was sexually abused by my kindergarten bus driver. It's had little impact on my life and I never told my husband. If this was made public news, I would have hated to tell him before I was ready (he's deceased now) or have him read it from a third party, and we were not part of this patriarchal culture. I'm sick for those girls right now. Just sick.

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I think someone has been trying to get this out for a very, very long time. Oprah's team knew (and reacted appropriately). The letter left in a book for someone to find. The message board posts here and there. I think someone, or multiple people, have been trying to tell the world about this for a very long time.

I don't know enough about how one gets a copy of a report like that to pass to the press to even guess how they finally had the proof that this happened and were able to get it published. But I suspect the recent wave of big publicity helped to cement that this time it would stick.

It just breaks my heart to think of someone shouting and not being heard all this time.

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While in one sense, I am FURIOUS that news sources aren't saying the victims are his SISTERS, I do understand. It's for their sake, not his.

Thank you mainstream media for showing some dignity here.

The ignorant little shits who have made comments defending him should read the police report. IMO no one has the right to say anything until they've read it. Unless it is triggering or upsetting for you, then obviously stay away. But the people who think Josh is a good person really oughtta give that shit a read.

I read the entire report and I cried when they asked one of the victims if she knew why she was there and she immediately began to cry. So sad.

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I used to work at the Department of Education in my state, and one of my jobs was processing FOIA requests. As a lowly intern, I was the one who did all of the redacting. Since these records were always about minors, this was a very time consuming process. The documents I sent out could in no way contain any information that could result in a third party being able to identify the identity of the minor. This not only meant their name and age, but their parents names, address, previous addresses, family members, family members ages, school, etc.

After I was done redacting, my boss and one other lawyer would reread the documents to ensure that I hadn't missed any potentially identifying information. It was a very careful process that we took a lot of time ensuring was done correctly. There was also a fee- a per page fee and an hourly fee for time spent redacting. (Sometimes people would request documents that were thousands of pages long and literally took a week to redact. When I would call them to let them know that the bill for their request would be $700, most of them would amend what they wanted.)

So whoever processed and released these documents and that person's boss, need to get their asses handed to them. I hope in touch gave them a shitload of money for basically selling their souls.

Edited for riffles

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This Fox News article is so spot on!

http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... p=features

TLC will have to cancel the show. If Oprah was tipped off, you know TLC was too. It's becoming apparent that TLC is at fault for promoting this family and other bad types and they're going to want to distance themselves from it, just as they have with the other problem shows. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of reality television! Bye bye Duggars and TLC!

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I think Amy did need to clarify, otherwise she would have gotten the "are you the 5th victim" questions on her social media forever. Might as well set the record straight.

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TLC usually shows 19KAC around noon-2pm. The Little Couple is on right now and it is noon. My info says it's supposed to be 19 Kids. This is so crazy. I can't even begin to process the info. I've read all the police reports and it's just so deep and fucked up.

TLC is in real trouble. This is the second time one of their reality shows has been caught up in molestation scandals. Unlike Honey Boo Boo which was a relatively new show, the Duggars have been on TLC for more than a decade and it appears that the network was involved in suppressing the molestation investigation (at the very least, they must have known that an investigation occurred but were still presenting the Duggars as this wholesome family). With Honey Boo Boo, TLC could legitimately claim that they were blind sided bu June taking up with a sex offender. With the Duggars, they had to have known from the start.

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I used to work at the Department of Education in my state, and one of my jobs was processing FOIA requests. As a lowly intern, I was the one who did all of the redacting. Since these records were always about minors, this was a very time consuming process. The documents I sent out could in no way contain any information that could result in a third party being able to identify the identity of the minor. This not only meant their name and age, but their parents names, address, previous addresses, family members, family members ages, school, etc. After I was done redacting, my boss and one other lawyer would reread the documents to ensure that I hadn't missed any potentially identifying information. It was a very careful process that we took a lot of time ensuring was done correctly. There was also a fee- a per page fee and an hourly fee for time spent redacting. (Sometimes people would request documents that were thousands of pages long and literally took a week to redact. (When I would call them to let them know that the bill for their request would be $700, most of them would amend what they wanted.)

So whoever released these documents and that persons boss need to get their asses handed to them. I hope in touch have them a shitload of money for basically selling their souls.

Sorry if this is a really stupid or offensive question. But what is the point of requesting a report if all the identifying information is blacked out? What are the reports used for?

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I barfed a little reading this: lorialexander.blogspot.com/

Now that is some of the most disgusting shit I've ever read. There's a comment in there that says "Elizabeth Smart never received counseling and she's fine!" Yeah well, Elizabeth Smart wasn't brainwashed to think everything is a woman's fault.

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I know theres a lot of thoughts that the show can continue so the cameras can hold the family accountable. The problem with that is - the cameras didnt stop Josh, the coverup, or the "rod" spankings.

Josh is a criminal. He is a child molester. He is a hypocrite.

Michelle and Jim Bob enabled all of this, and are just as bad.

Fuck them.

THIS, 1000 times this! TLC is run by sickos. Duggar Marathon Weekend has probably been pushed up for the holiday weekend. I wouldn't doubt it at all. ( I'm not going to look).

Josh is a criminal. Totally agree with Buzzard's assessment of the family dynamics.

He never even got counseling nor did his sisters, and he LIED in his statements during the past 2 days and said they all got counseling. I call utter BS on that!

NO one has had healing in any way- he's in their faces all the time, and last night, I watched the You Tube episode with the last interview show of the season and I saw how Jessa and Ben could hardly stand to look at him several times.

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There are fragments of this story all over the place, wouldn't it be great if one of FJ's talented writers did a timeline and summary? Like from the time this happened to the time they got their show, then it was reported , then Oprah was informed of it and reported it to CPS ( no idea if this is the actual sequence of events) and any relative major events that might fall on that timeline such as the Political campaign and the Duggars creating a home church. Oh Hell, there is probably a book in all of that. Or maybe someone has done that already and I missed it?

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Speculating. There was a comment posted on another site that someone brought up - this commenter claimed that Jana wasn't assaulted and that Jill was the one that tattled on Josh. While it is somewhat believable, we have no definitive proof.

Got it, thanks. Even if Jana was not assaulted, I can definitely see her thinking she failed her little sisters.

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Now that is some of the most disgusting shit I've ever read. There's a comment in there that says "Elizabeth Smart never received counseling and she's fine!" Yeah well, Elizabeth Smart wasn't brainwashed to think everything is a woman's fault.

I don't think Elizabeth Smart is fine. She's spoken out about the harm caused by purity culture and the guilt she felt after her ordeal, thinking she wasn't good and pure anymore.

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Count me in with the group who believes this is 100% politically motivated.

Yes, clearly someone had been trying to get this out back during the hidden letter/Oprah debacle. I suspect THAT was someone close to the family--someone who possibly felt very beaten down by the fact that it really produced ZERO actual results, and then abandoned any further efforts.

But this coming out now? I don't think anyone in or close to the family was involved. I agree that the Arkansas home purchase smacks of Josh running for office. Between that and his hate-mongering with FRC...he has painted a big target on himself. My guess is that a plan to run for office motivated a political rival or enemy to start digging, and this is where we have ended up. I work in government/politics, and this kind of stuff goes on all the time. There is a baseline of political wannabes that basically get ignored, but as soon as one of them makes any progress toward actually having a remote chance at winning an election, the dirt digging commences. Someone found old references to police reports being filed, made a FOIA request on the off chance the references were true, and hit pay dirt.

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Now that is some of the most disgusting shit I've ever read. There's a comment in there that says "Elizabeth Smart never received counseling and she's fine!" Yeah well, Elizabeth Smart wasn't brainwashed to think everything is a woman's fault.

I remember Elizabeth Smart saying that she did get therapy. I also remember her saying that the "purity teachings" she'd received also made her feel like she didn't deserve to be rescued. I think Smart would have more than a few words to say to Lori about the "encouragement " she's offering on her site.

Eta Mike Huckabee stands by Josh : http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2015/05/22/jo ... n-arkansas

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I wonder what must be going through the minds of the crew. Especially the ones who knew, there had to have been some who knew. Some have been with the duggars since the beginning. I couldn't live with myself. I would be sick to my stomach all the time. Anything for a buck, I guess.

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Jessa gender reveal, She's 16 weeks pregnant now!

The problem is, she might not play ball.

I bet they're wishing they held off the Josiah courtship announcement. He's too young to marry, so they can't do that. They're also probably wishing Izzy could have waited a few months.

Anna's baby is out, as that will draw more attention to the issue.

If Jinger/Jana/Joy announce a courtship - people will notice the timing and the backlash will be worse.

JD or Joe could announce courtship which may help

But their best bet is Jessa's baby or Joy going to college (she's the right age). Both of which may be tricky for different reasons. Getting Jessa to cooperate or agreeing to violate their principles by sending Joy to college.

I have to ask- WHY would anyone want this show with a child molester and his sister victims to continue?

Those of you who seem to be pushing for it- why are you? I don't understand. When a tree is rotten, you cut it down and plant a new one. You don't try to bring the old rotten thing that's a hazard to your house and property back to life.

( Ask Auburn University about trying to save dead or dying trees).

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