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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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Ive been lurker around here and finally I got myself account. HOLY CRAP the whole situation is fucked up and its worst in the way they are handling it.

Also I wanted to share this link that I found and its really unsettling now. Its an anonymous post on tumblr that I saw weeks ago and I think its an eye opener.


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Everyone is quick to condemn Anna, but I can't say I really blame her. Unless she's witnessed her daughter being molested, why would she assume that Josh was going to molest her daughter? Anna has lived her whole life in a culture that believes sins are because you allowed the devil to tempt you, and that the devil is in the women who lead men astray. This same culture taught her that someone should have all their past sins forgiven if they've sought the lord and "been saved." They don't teach things like how child molesters are likely to have been victims themselves. Or how child molesters need REAL help and to limit their exposure to children. Hell, the leader of her religion is a known pedophile, and no one in her culture really seems to care. Not to mention, she's taught that forgiveness must be given to all who seek it.

If Anna had been brought up in a different culture, I would have no problem holding this against her. But she wasn't. She has no way of knowing the reality of the situation. Especially with a father like hers who believes every criminal can be saved.

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I don't think Elizabeth Smart is fine. She's spoken out about the harm caused by purity culture and the guilt she felt after her ordeal, thinking she wasn't good and pure anymore.

Elizabeth Smart has spoken out about this before. She said that she felt ashamed because she was like a used piece of gum. That's how the mormons described being "de-flowered". She has candidly spoken out against this kind of teaching and what it did to her emotionally and psychologically after her experience.

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This Fox News article is so spot on!

http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... p=features

TLC will have to cancel the show. If Oprah was tipped off, you know TLC was too. It's becoming apparent that TLC is at fault for promoting this family and other bad types and they're going to want to distance themselves from it, just as they have with the other problem shows. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of reality television! Bye bye Duggars and TLC!

Public Relations Specialist Ryan McCormick cautioned that the situation could worsen for the network if it turns out someone at TLC was aware of the Duggar allegations before the show was put on the air.

“If it does come out that TLC was aware of this, they are going to have a major issue on their hands.â€

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So are we blasting advertisers and TlC with emails? Someone mentioned a template but sure if it's been posted.

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Finally caught up.

I know it's been said already but I just can't get over the modesty and isolation thing. This was Duggars at the height of their frumpers and collars. They wore bloomers under dresses. They were still assaulted. How dare JB&M continue to preach their version of modesty at their daughters and at the world! It didn't save their girls who followed all the rules. This event should have triggered the parents to reassess: Why didn't modesty protect our daughters? Why didn't keeping our children at home and away from bad influences save them? I am angry at them for ten years of preaching something that had ready failed in their family.

Also, somebody a couple of back commented about 14 not being young. I completely agree. That's year 9 at school. Year 9! Third year of high school. I'm a teacher - year 8, 9 & 10 students overall are pretty horrible. They know everything and aren't afraid to tell you. They may be immature and do stupid things but they aren't sweet, innocent children making 'mistakes'. Children go through a developmental change around 11-12-13 where they develop the ability to see things from another persons point of view. Josh was past this point. Josh understood what he was doing would hurt his sisters but did it anyway.

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Everyone is quick to condemn Anna, but I can't say I really blame her. Unless she's witnessed her daughter being molested, why would she assume that Josh was going to molest her daughter? Anna has lived her whole life in a culture that believes sins are because you allowed the devil to tempt you, and that the devil is in the women who lead men astray. This same culture taught her that someone should have all their past sins forgiven if they've sought the lord and "been saved." They don't teach things like how child molesters are likely to have been victims themselves. Or how child molesters need REAL help and to limit their exposure to children. Hell, the leader of her religion is a known pedophile, and no one in her culture really seems to care. Not to mention, she's taught that forgiveness must be given to all who seek it.

If Anna had been brought up in a different culture, I would have no problem holding this against her. But she wasn't. She has no way of knowing the reality of the situation. Especially with a father like hers who believes every criminal can be saved.

Anna might not even know the whole story if she was told the same thing that the Public is being told.

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On a lighter note (because we need it for this grim topic) Have we all issued a joint apology to the FJ user that first talked about the Oprah thing from her "friend that used to work for Harpo?" :lol:

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If any good can come out of this I wish it would be that people would start looking at the dangers of the fundie belief system. The Duggars raised their children in an physically, emotionally, and spiritually abusive home. The way Jim Bob and Michelle treated Josh and the victims was directly influenced by their beliefs. This situation really needs to shed some light on the dark side of believing like the Duggars. People didn't want to see before, but maybe now they will.

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Just checking in on this thread.

My thoughts right now:

If this is the death knell for the show, I am all for it. If this finally drives it home to people that bought that the "wholesome Christian family" is really just a facade, I am all for it. Too many folks have overlooked the obvious negatives in the family (lack of decent education, sheltering, control) and the connection with Gothard for all too long. I long thought there was some serious shit going on in the family but at the same think didn't think too much of the "sin in the camp" allegations. Seems that it was all too true. Josh is lucky, undeservedly so, that he is not in jail.

That Anna knew before their marriage: If she made the free choice to take him on with that baggage without parental involvement, understanding fully what he did, then that would be OK. Not a choice I would make but that would be hers. But as sheltered as she was, she had no idea of what this all really meant. It was up to her father to determine that this was unacceptable in a husband and he failed miserably.

This is totally FUBAR.

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Sorry if this is a really stupid or offensive question. But what is the point of requesting a report if all the identifying information is blacked out? What are the reports used for?

I worked in the legal division for special Ed, which mostly concerned dispute resolution. Parents would request previous decisions handed down as a way to show/determine previous interpretations of the law.

So if a parent with a special needs child is trying to get their child into a special private school and they want their local county to pay for that, they have to show why their child can't receive the appropriate education at the public school. In other words, the county isn't going to pay for a $50,000/yr tuition just because the parent thinks it's a better fit; they have to be able to prove their child needs a special service that can't be provided at the local school division. So many times they make FOIA requests of other cases where the county did pay for a special school to show that there is a legal precedent for that issue which the county previously acknowledged they can't provide.

This is only one example, but the main reason for the requests usually involve wanting to establish a legal precedent for whatever issue is at hand. The school divison presents their case and the parents/attorney present their case, and then a panel of Due Process attorneys are assembled to make the decision. It can be very expensive, which is why a parent and their attorney want to make sure they have a good case before going forward.

Does this make any sense? It is a very complicated and convoluted process!

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The Daily Beast has an article: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... amily.html

I think this quote sums up how we probably all feel:

Those behind the petition to get the Duggars off the air may finally get their wish, but it will be for reasons that even their biggest critics could not have—and would not have—wanted to imagine.
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THIS, 1000 times this! TLC is run by sickos. Duggar Marathon Weekend has probably been pushed up for the holiday weekend. I wouldn't doubt it at all. ( I'm not going to look).

Josh is a criminal. Totally agree with Buzzard's assessment of the family dynamics.

He never even got counseling nor did his sisters, and he LIED in his statements during the past 2 days and said they all got counseling. I call utter BS on that!

NO one has had healing in any way- he's in their faces all the time, and last night, I watched the You Tube episode with the last interview show of the season and I saw how Jessa and Ben could hardly stand to look at him several times.

I don't think hes lying, I think Alice from Yuku (who's been spot on with everything else), said that all of the girls hurt and Josh had to go to counseling mandated by the Department of Health Services, and had check ins every six months IIRC (please correct me if im wrong).

I will say both he and his parents are bullshit for acting like it was something they sought out and not something enforced by *gasp* outside authorities.

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The Legghumpers are like Warren Jeff followers. I swear they say he is still a awesome loving Father etc. They even have a hashtag #westandforjosh.

This makes me so sick.

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When things like this happen, other victims come forward. I was just thinking this morning about how I don't believe for a second that he compulsively abused 5 girls and then just stopped. maybe he stopped at home, but I wouldn't be surprised if it continued elsewhere and other people start to come forward in the upcoming weeks.

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On a lighter note (because we need it for this grim topic) Have we all issued a joint apology to the FJ user that first talked about the Oprah thing from her "friend that used to work for Harpo?" :lol:

Jhawksgirl is the Twop user that posted the Oprah info. I could swear I recall jhawksgirl being a name of RR's insanity.. Hopefully I'm just blending internet dramaz together

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On a lighter note (because we need it for this grim topic) Have we all issued a joint apology to the FJ user that first talked about the Oprah thing from her "friend that used to work for Harpo?" :lol:

I confess I always believed there was a basis in truth to the Oprah story. It just didn't sound like something someone would randomly make up.

But we were missing so many critical details that it was hard to put it all together.

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There is a big difference between consenting teens exploring sexuality and making 'mistakes' and a teen who assaults his victims while they sleep. Why can't Lori and the many leg humpers saying the same thing see the difference?


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I have so much hatred for the cop who was in cahoots with JB to deal with this in a 'Christian' way. These people are a danger to society.

I've been wondering for 2 days how Jim Bob " knew" a pedophile State Trooper, and went straight to him.

Can anyone help shed light on how a Christian fundie husband and father who preaches at their church and all over the country knew this pedophile???

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I want to hug everyone who has shared stories of past sexual abuse. I'm sorry that happened to you.

Josh also laughed at his wife for being scared to death on a rickety old ferris wheel then fell asleep and looked bored during the birth of their second child. He really does not care about anyone but himself.

This thread is moving so fast--where did Anna make the north end/south end comment? Wtf does that even mean? Can someone PM me?

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Jhawksgirl is the Twop user that posted the Oprah info. I could swear I recall jhawksgirl being a name of RR's insanity.. Hopefully I'm just blending internet dramaz together

I think there was someone a lot more recent. At FJ. Just last year disclosed her friend had worked ar Oprah and told her that. She did come to my mind yesterday.

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I remember Elizabeth Smart saying that she did get therapy. I also remember her saying that the "purity teachings" she'd received also made her feel like she didn't deserve to be rescued. I think Smart would have more than a few words to say to Lori about the "encouragement " she's offering on her site.

Eta Mike Huckabee stands by Josh : http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2015/05/22/jo ... n-arkansas

The blurb under the picture says, in part:

"The former Arkansas Governor is famously tight with the whole Duggar family, and made it clear ... he's standing by them now that the molestation investigation has come to light. Huckabee says, "Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities.

Clearly Huckabee is tight with the politically-minded Josh and JB+M, with little regard for the girls. And the only ones who can forgive Josh are the victims. Huckabee doesn't just get to say the actions are forgivable. He has no right.

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Wow, I'm off FJ for two days, and this happens? I'm not sure how to feel. As a victim of abuse myself, I'm obviously triggered by it, and really hoping the girls are ok, and that they really did get counseling(doubtful). I know firsthand how damaging purity culture is for abuse victims,and my heart just breaks for them. However, it breaks for Josh, too. He was 14. What he did was terribly, terribly wrong, and I'm not excusing him in any way, but something inside him had to be seriously f-ed up for him to do it in the first place. Their upbringing with its extreme sexual repression, no sexual education whatsoever, no counseling, plenty of guilt, it's just awful. Purity culture is horribly damaging to boys, too. Boys are told they have no control over their sexual urges, basically that every man is a rapist if given the opportunity. Even at 14, he may have felt that what he did was wrong because it was impure, not that it was wrong because he harmed his sisters. Will he re offend? God, I hope not. I really hope someone is keeping a close eye on Mackynzie. The whole situation is so f-ed up, for everyone, including Josh. I absolutely blame the culture they were raised in. I wonder if,in a twisted way, Michelle and JB's covering it up wasn't their way of protecting the girls. Like, their purity was compromised, others might see them as damaged goods, so let's not let it get out. Seriously sick and twisted. I really hope this scandal helps other victims come forward, and forces fundies to admit how damaging purity culture can be.

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