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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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I don't think anyone ignored the environment, but environment or not he's still a predator. There's a difference between curiosity and abuse. There's a difference between exploring the bodies of people your age and fondling the body of a 4 year old. There's a difference between exploring someone's body and fondling your sister's body. There's a difference between getting consent and not getting consent. There's a difference between "rebelling sexually" and sexual abuse.

Says who? Dr Phil??

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I truly believe that when it comes to sexual predators, for every victim you hear about there are bound to be many more that you never hear about.

I know Josh had a relatively sheltered life and wasn't exposed to a huge amount of outsiders but presumable he knew girls from church, or daughters of his parent's friends, or cousins, or whatever. What has come out so far is the tip of the iceberg, you can count on that.

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Top story on People is Huckabee's support of Josh. I get that People Mag has a deal in place w Duggars. However, their one sided pro Josh coverage is disturbing for a mag who's big audience is women. The unwitting victims were the girls. If they didn't have this Duggar deal, I'm guessing the mag's coverage would be a bit different.

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Do you think Josh would've tried any of this with the Bates girls? Do you think they would come forward now if he had?

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I honestly have a hard time believing Josh just stopped doing this. He got no treatment, he mostly got away with it, and he was able to dismiss it by saying a half-hearted I'm sorry. People that do this stuff, including teens, don't just stop.

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Ok so I've read most of the comments except the last couple pages of this third thread.

I'm too busy at the moment to follow everything so apologies if that has been mentioned.

I did a quick instagram check, and looks like all the duggars/seewalds/dillards are still following each other. I guess this doesn't really prove anything, since I doubt that instagram on their priority list right now.

It could be an indication though that the leak did not come from inside of the family, or if it did, that the frustration of "*insert potential victim that decided enough was enough* is not towards Josh/Anna but JimBob and Michelle.

I'm aware that I am speculating heavily here. To be honest I kind of hope that it came from one of the married couples, because that would be a huge sign of rebellion and hopefully would bring some actual changes.

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It sounds like an Oprah interview was in the works, someone who knew about Josh tipped off Harpo Productions, and a representative from that company (let's not even pretend it was Oprah herself) did the only responsible thing and went to authorities. It sounds like there isn't some taped interview where this information came out.

SO, assuming all that is true, there's a big thing that bothers me. Why was the interview with Oprah the thing that caused the tipster to finally do something? To me, that rings of jealousy (of the budding Duggar fame) rather than concern for the victims. The tipster could have told anyone else. Bring it to a news source if they were too concerned to go to the police. But they only took action when the Duggars were going to be interviewed? Ugh.

Because Oprah Winfrey is an outspoken advocate for women and abuse survivors.

She is a survivor of both incest and rape..

That's why Oprah was an excellent person to send the truth to.

I have a brand new admiration and respect for Oprah that I had lost after her syndicated talk show moved to OWN network. Now, I will try to watch OWN at times and I will support Oprah because she helped the Duggar girls.

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I think it was a political rival who wanted to hurt the FRC who leaked this. However, sadly, I can also see a Duggar releasing this. If they happened to see something inappropriate happening in either the house or in DC. What if a Duggar girl saw it happening to the younger generation, or Mac said something and the Duggar girl did not want the others to go through what they went through and had no choice but to spill the beans to stop any more molestation from happening? I do fear for the youngers right now.

I also put the blame on Ma and Pa Duggar. Their attitude toward sexuality and females is awful, I believe it contributed to this.

Right now I am going to be googling how to talk to my young children about this and try to ensure that they know when they are being groomed or being touched inappropriately the first time. Then I will let them know they can come to me and I will ensure the perpetrator faces immediate consequences. No statute of limitations expiring here.

Lets all spend 5 more minutes talking about this with our children and if this story prevents one more child from experiencing molestation, something good had happened out of this mess of a family.

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I'm aware that I am speculating heavily here. To be honest I kind of hope that it came from one of the married couples, because that would be a huge sign of rebellion and hopefully would bring some actual changes.

It would also indicate that the victims are having something of a voice (one of them chose to make this public) or that someone was looking out for at least one of them.

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(I wish there was a post at the beginning of this thread where bullet points of all the facts we know can be edited in as they come to light so people reading this thread don't ask the same questions over and over like I am about to do HA! :) )

Have we decided who the fifth victim is? Are we sure it isn't a Holt girl, or even the gal Josh was supposed to be courting?

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I am so shocked by this. I always thought they were just rumors.

Here are my thoughts on the situation.

1) According to the Bible, there is forgiveness for any sin from God. However, this does not mean that there will not be consequences for what you did. There are numerous examples of this. The fact that Josh did not seem to feel bad about the victims tells me that he does not feel guilty about it and has not truly repented. He is only looking out for himself.

2) I could see a victim choosing to forgive because he or she does not want to hold onto the pain and anger any more. This should not mean that the person has to be a part of his or her life anymore. Forcing these girls to have so much contact and continue to live with their brother is unacceptable.

3) The way the parents handled this situation is unacceptable. The first priority should have been to help their daughters and instead they blamed them.

4) As an oldest child, I could totally see Jana feeling guilty about not protecting her younger sisters.

5) Why wouldn't Dumb Bob stop filming and involvement in politics after this? How could he not realize it will come out someday?

6) We need to pass more laws about protecting minor children involved in reality television.

7) I really hope that there are no additional victims and I know I am being an optimist.

8) I asked my husband about what he thought of women covering up in order to prevent stirring up unrighteous desires in men. He said the more a woman is covered up, the more a man will wonder about what is under it.

9) I really hope the girls are not blamed or feel responsible for the show most likely being cancelled.

10) I agree that Jill could be dealing with this by trying to be prefect. Recent events may have forced her to start dealing with this.

I really feel terrible for all of those children. Free all of the Duggar kids!

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I've been watching TLC for an hour and a half or so and there's been no mention of the duggars. No ads or anything which is very odd for them. Damage control is definitely going down at the TLC headquarters.

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Edited to remove erroneous thanks to a person who doesn't deserve any thanks for anything.

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Because Oprah Winfrey is an outspoken advocate for women and abuse survivors.

She is a survivor of both incest and rape..

That's why Oprah was an excellent person to send the truth to.

I have a brand new admiration and respect for Oprah that I had lost after her syndicated talk show moved to OWN network. Now, I will try to watch OWN at times and I will support Oprah because she helped the Duggar girls.

Is it too much for me to hope she posts something?

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The trooper was originally a Fayetteville patrolman. Maybe Jim Bob had known him in earlier days.

But it bothers me too.

Coincidence? Maybe. But the fact that Jim Bob decided to go to directly a State Police officer who not only failed to report the incident but was also deeply into child pornography is very odd. Odd to the point of being troubling.

"I reported it to the police!. Sure, I reported it late and only to a friend of mine who just happened to enjoy the thought of sex with children, but I reported it to the police!"

The kiddie-porn cop was the one who was in charge of licensing used car lots, or something like that, which is how JB knew him.

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I told my husband i am sure the show has to end now. I don't see how their wholesome name can recover from this. My husband says he thinks the show will continue since people love drama. And then he added "I told you they're creeps. Imagine the skeletons in Jim Bob's closet."

And then I shuddered. I am afraid of what other horrors might be dug up about this family now.

I truly hope that people are able to respect the victims and let them recover peacefully instead of continuing the show and portraying all of this on it.

The show needs to end and the affected parties, all of them, get the appropriate help. The kids also need to be given every dime THEY earned. And the public needs to know nothing more.

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I know someone posted this video (I thought in this thread but I guess in part two so I'm posting it again). You're gonna want to start around 1:18:30. If looks could kill, Josh would be a goner.


It looks to me like they're smirking because Jessa's already pregnant but hasn't publicly announced.

I think a lot of people are over analyzing a lot of looks and comments on the show.

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I told my husband i am sure the show has to end now. I don't see how their wholesome name can recover from this. My husband says he thinks the show will continue since people love drama. And then he added "I told you they're creeps. Imagine the skeletons in Jim Bob's closet."

And then I shuddered. I am afraid of what other horrors might be dug up about this family now.

I truly hope that people are able to respect the victims and let them recover peacefully instead of continuing the show and portraying all of this on it.

19KAC was never about "drama" or even about showing the reality of having a large family. They couldn't get "real" even if they wanted so. Being honest would also require TLC to admit that they marketed the Duggars as a wholesome family while knowing about this huge secret.

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OMG... I just read this comment on Amy's boyfriends instagram. The Fundie thought process is clearly delusional and reeks of brain-washing. Here is the comment:


So what Josh did was wrong but he's a knowledged that apologised, changed his ways and been punished. He is now still being punished because he has to live with the guilt of his actions he was a curious teen and young, foolish and naive. I'm sure we've all done stuff we are not proud of like when I pushed my sister in a pond. I was very sorry after"

Does SunnySammy think it was okay for Josh to molest his sisters because he felt sorry about it later and then to compare it to the time she pushed her sister into a pond. What part of he tortured and victimized his own siblings for his own instant and sick gratification don't these people understand?

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There is a big difference between consenting teens exploring sexuality and making 'mistakes' and a teen who assaults his victims while they sleep. Why can't Lori and the many leg humpers saying the same thing see the difference?

Umm Lori a 14yo can go to adult prison. Or go to juvie then adult prison. There are 14yos being charged as adults.

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It sounds like an Oprah interview was in the works, someone who knew about Josh tipped off Harpo Productions, and a representative from that company (let's not even pretend it was Oprah herself) did the only responsible thing and went to authorities. It sounds like there isn't some taped interview where this information came out.

SO, assuming all that is true, there's a big thing that bothers me. Why was the interview with Oprah the thing that caused the tipster to finally do something? To me, that rings of jealousy (of the budding Duggar fame) rather than concern for the victims. The tipster could have told anyone else. Bring it to a news source if they were too concerned to go to the police. But they only took action when the Duggars were going to be interviewed? Ugh.

Could it also have been that Oprah was the easiest platform for the person to reach out to? Clearly the church and authorities were no longer an option.

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