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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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It's either pure chaos or deadly silent. One extreme or the other.

Wouldn't be surprised if JB has snuck off with a bottle of scotch.

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Rumors about Josh have been circulating around the Internet (and undoubtedly around the fundie community) for years. Then the other night... BOOM!!!! Every tabloid website had this story, complete with details that had not been previously known (such as dates, names of police officers, etc.) The next day... BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!!! Josh resigns from his position at the FRC. He releases a statement, as do his parents and Anna. The police report is made public, albeit with certain names blacked out.

How did we get from Point A to Point B to Point WTF in such a short time? Somebody close to the family had to have leaked this stuff to the media. But who?

There has been some speculation about this on another, very lengthy thread, but I think this topic needs its own thread.

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My guesses are one of Josh's political rivals, one of the Holts, Jessa, or Jana.

It was either someone who wanted the show to end or someone who wanted to ruin Josh's political career.

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My personal suspicion is that somehow, Jill or Jessa, or both were somehow made aware that what happened when they were young girls was not normal and also not their fault or responsibility. My money is on Jill, because Cathy and Dan Dillard may still have ties to the law enforcement community and even if they don't, they heard enough shop talk over the years to respond to Jill effectively. I think Jill and/or Jessa gathered in the other older girls, talked with them, and as a group, they decided to shut things down once and for all.

Why now? Jana has spent quite a lot of time in D.C. over the past year. Maybe she saw or suspected Josh was starting to groom Mack the way she and her sisters were. Anna is pregnant with a girl, which would add more fuel to the fire. "He didn't stop with us, OMG, what about the baby girls, Anna's baby girl . . . . :pink-shock: ." I think that group of girls somehow, probably with the influence of the Seawald and Dillard in laws, decided to shut the whole thing down now, before any more little girls get added to the mix.

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Maybe Jana has had enough of it, was being forced into a courtship based on the rumors in tabloids about her and she saw this as her way out.

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I have reason to believe they may be relocating soon for Derick's career advancement. This should give Jill an added layer of emotional peace and healing.

As for her " buddies", that job is done. She can love them and not see them every day or every week.

I agree with the statements made that there is already a separation taking place betwen Duggar parents and the little Dillard family. I'm all for it. GO, Pistol Pete!!

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The unrelated victim or someone in their family.

Someone in Ben's family. I thought it was weird the minute he graduates from college, this comes out? I could see Ben's family saying you have a degree, take your TLC/People money and buy a place near us and we will help you. I bet Ben's family as much as the seemed to seek out the church of Duggar knows they could make money off a tell all book or show to support Bin and his family.

Possible...the Willis family? I know this is far fetched but the recent blind gossip item about a TLC crossover show that refused to work with the Duggars because they knew about Josh makes me wonder?

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Two mystery people are bothering me.

1. Whistle blower - I still think it was someone on the inside. Somebody who knew what had happened and had something against the Duggars/show/Josh/JimBob or a very strong loyalty towards one of the victims.

2. Letter writer - who was compelled enough to write a letter and stick it in the book. Did they know it would eventually leave the house that way? Why were they unable to tell the authorities themselves? Was it really a "family friend" who wrote it, or did one of the kids write it?

I don't care to know specifically who they are, but I hope the universe rains happiness and joy on the person who alerted Harpo and the person at Harpo who made that call to make the report.

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I'm hoping that since whoever did it was bold enough to do it in the first place, said individual(s) will be bold enough to state publically that they did it and why. Unless it was a tabloid that read the internet rumors and just wanted to break a story, whoever did it must have been pissed off as hell to do it. Unless that person is now regretting the decision for some reason, I'd guess they'd be mad as hell enough to voice their opinions to the media.

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The unrelated victim or someone in their family.

Someone in Ben's family. I thought it was weird the minute he graduates from college, this comes out? I could see Ben's family saying you have a degree, take your TLC/People money and buy a place near us and we will help you. I bet Ben's family as much as the seemed to seek out the church of Duggar knows they could make money off a tell all book or show to support Bin and his family.

Possible...the Willis family? I know this is far fetched but the recent blind gossip item about a TLC crossover show that refused to work with the Duggars because they knew about Josh makes me wonder?

I was thinking that it was strange the way it happened right after Ben graduated. If it was him or his parents they deserve a medal.

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I don't think it was one of the Duggar girls. This story hit the tabloid media first. Why would they go that route? Too painful and too sleazy. Ditto for the families that the Duggar siblings have married into.

The Willis family? Possible, but would they have access to that kind of inside information?

I'm wondering if Jim Bob has some local enemies, perhaps former Gothardites who have moved away from the cult? Or maybe some ex-Gothard kid who grew up to be gay decided to tell what he knew to the press because of Josh's political activities?

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I'm hoping that since whoever did it was bold enough to do it in the first place, said individual(s) will be bold enough to state publically that they did it and why. Unless it was a tabloid that read the internet rumors and just wanted to break a story, whoever did it must have been pissed off as hell to do it. Unless that person is now regretting the decision for some reason, I'd guess they'd be mad as hell enough to voice their opinions to the media.

We should probably be looking at the whistle blower the way that informants are recruited. Most people are tempted by money, patriotism (lets call that family honor for this exercise), ego, or they're a "true believer."

I'm already on record saying I think Jill and/or Jessa started the ball rolling but I think I have to amend my previous comments. If one looks at these factors, it has to be someone related to the non Duggar victim (family honor), a reporter trying to get the scoop of a lifetime (money/ego), or a political enemy of Josh or JimBob ("true believer"). In which case, we will probably never know, unless the reporter's ego is really that big and that person just has to let the world know. :popcorn2:

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Could it be John David? As a constable he might have access to those reports and I think he still wants to protect his twin, Jana.

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I really want it to be Ben and Jessa so I can imagine them sitting at their house tonight cackling and counting the cash they got from this tip as they discuss the appropriate length of time before giving the first tell-all interview. Should have given them a nicer house, Jim Bob!

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I don't understand the letter situation either. Why would someone write a letter and stick it in a book in their house? And, JB and M seemed aware of this letter, because the report states it 'was forgotten about'.

It's all just so so weird. I still can't wrap my head around it, but my anger towards JB, M and Josh is growing. Their whole belief system and all those Gothard learning sheets about sexual assault are just UGH!! :ew: I am also so sad for the M kids!!! How will they deal with this when they're old enough to understand?!

My heart goes out to those girls. I hope they can break free.

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It would be interesting to know who in their circle was aware of this. If Boob really did talk to the church elders (whoever they are) about this, then you can expect that lots of people knew about it. Same goes for Joshs trips to Gothards camps. We don't know what really goes on behind to scenes, since they are always forced to "keep sweet" for the public, but there is probably lots of bad blood and conflict potential. It even could be something minor like Boob or Josh picked one politican over another to endorse for some local office. Or that someone who wanted to court a Duggar was refused.

I don't think Josh ever told anyone at FRC about this, but maybe someone who knew someone from Arkansas/IBLP got a tip and went investigating.

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While I would love it if one of Josh's victims or someone who cared about her had the courage to come forward, I'll eat my hat if we find out one of them actually leaked this. I think the Duggar girls are way too private about anything related to their own bodies or sexuality to want the abuse to become public knowledge.

I've noticed a few other FJers suggesting that Josh's PR machine went to work too quickly for this to have been an unexpected blow for him. In light of that and his recent purchase of a house in AR after a flurry of trips back home, I favor the theory that a political rival, eager to dig up dirt on Josh, discovered the incriminating info, and word got back to Josh that the rival had something on him. Suspecting it might be the sex abuse, he started preparing for the worst, including a potential move back to AR.

My guess is that during this time, he made the other Duggars aware of the impending scandal, stirring up a lot of unresolved pain and anger in the family. That, I think, is what we've seen in recent 19KAC episodes in which there's been obvious tension between Josh and other family members. It may also explain why Jill and Derick seem to have distanced themselves from JimBoob and J'Chelle. I can only imagine that Josh's physical absence these past several years was a relief to his victims and that they may have been quite distressed to learn that he could become a fixture in their lives again...and in the lives of their own children. I'm also guessing they would've realized that their abuse might become public knowledge and potentially lead to the cancellation of the show, which could well have made them feel re-victimized.

On one of the long threads about the molestations charges, someone said that the Memorial Day weekend timing might be relevant because public figures often choose to break unpleasant news before a holiday so that everyone will be distracted. This makes me think that if a political rival tipped off the media, he/she would have chosen a different time for maximum exposure. So that in turn makes me wonder if Josh didn't accept the inevitable and have his PR people leak the story themselves so they wouldn't be blindsided and could start their damage control rolling on their own terms. Just a thought and one I'm not sure of, but I am convinced that, whether he leaked it or someone else did, Josh knew the story was about to break.

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I think the letter writter was one of the girls, the duggars refused to tell who it was and who found it. And wasnt it left in a Book owned by the Duggars? I think the letter writter wrote the letter cuz OV she was unable to really talk about what happened.

Theory #2 a reporter for some reason decided to check FJ, and other blogs cuz he/she thought they were always super creepy and wanted to find out if that house was really a house of horrors. Or the Reporter could just had been pissed that their significant other made them watch their dam show. Either way that person wanted to see how the rumors got started and Boom..

Cuz how was the reporter able to obtain a report that had to do with Minors being sexualy abused?

Honestly I think its fucked up we now know who most of the Victims were, cuz I doubt this will change anything and/or receive any treatment . They will be know as Victims all their lives.

JOSH isnt going to Jail, he will be shunned by normal people, but fundies stand by him.. I mean I think most people assumed the Duggars are creepy, we just now how truly fucked up they are. Even if the show gets Canceled Fundies will stand by them. Like those 2 brothers whose House flipping show got canceled and went on to write a book and become celebrity in Fundie world. Cuz they refused to apologize for the remarks they made about gay/gay marriage. ..

I honestly think they must had read FJ, cuz who would ever think to look for this specific report? ?

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This may be far-fetched, but I have a feeling about John-David or possibly Joseph out of protectiveness, being tired of the bullshit, and maybe wanting to get their sisters some REAL help.

Victim number 5 or someone connected to her wanting the truth out there once and for all.

Jessa, possibly, for the same reasons as above.

Would the Bates have known anything, and would they have anything to gain by this getting out?

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This may be far-fetched, but I have a feeling about John-David or possibly Joseph out of protectiveness, being tired of the bullshit, and maybe wanting to get their sisters some REAL help.

Victim number 5 or someone connected to her wanting the truth out there once and for all.

Jessa, possibly, for the same reasons as above.

Would the Bates have known anything, and would they have anything to gain by this getting out?

Unless they have some secret super feud going on, I don't think the Bates would do this. Simply because they run in the same circles, and Gil is on the BoD of Gothards cult. Now, with the Duggar scandal public, people and the media hopefully will start to question the Duggars connection to Gothard, and that is not good news for the Bates. Also, the fact that Josh molested his own sisters, basically confirms the people who believe that such large families and rigid sex morals are prone to lead to such horrible outcomes. Again, not good news for the Bates.

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I don't understand the letter situation either. Why would someone write a letter and stick it in a book in their house? And, JB and M seemed aware of this letter, because the report states it 'was forgotten about'.

This really puzzles me, too. I wonder if this was a letter from JimBoob, J'Chelle, or one of the grandparents to someone they were hoping could help. We know they reached out to church elders, Hutchens, and a Christian camp, which I'm assuming was ALERT. Maybe it was a letter to someone of that ilk, something explaining the situation and asking for guidance or prayer, and maybe the letter was misplaced in the book. Then years later, they lent the book to someone, and that someone was shocked and horrified at what it contained. And even though I don't think the girls were responsible for leaking this story to the media now, I do think it's possible one of them might have lent out the book knowing what was inside it as a cry for help.

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