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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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These speculations are all very interesting. One thing to remember is that most of the kids do not have Internet or tv, (except, supposedly, Razorback games and pure tv, LOL) and probably not the newspaper either, so the kids really have noooooo idea what is going down right now, unless someone goes and burns a cross on their lawn or something.

Also, the crew was not at their house 24/7, only once in a while in spurts. (Few times a year maybe?). So the kids all do have lives without cameras in some way already. But if they go out to the store or something, they will be getting questioned by people about different things than they previously were (did josh really do that? Did you get counseling? As opposed to, How do you make tater tot casserole again?). They still live in the middle of nowhere, so they will not be mobbed (unless the press sets up camp...and I doubt that will happen) so they may have fewer requests for selfies together, BUT more stealthy photo-takers. So the kids, even the older ones, will probably be on lockdown for a while.

J'chelle and Dimbob will be around more...no more non-Gothard speaker engagements or book signings for a while, and no stumping for political candidates...no PR person in their right mind would allow a Duggar around their candidate for a at least a while because the focus would all be on them...the press would go crazy with scandal questions. Not sure if jchelle and Dimbob being around more is better or worse for the kids...Jana, jinger, and the other older kids will have less freedom since they will be more supervised.

Their house is paid for. They have a cell phone tower on their property generating income. Dimbob and gma have many properties, rentals and flips. So plenty of money will still be coming in at the TTH. I am sure there are MANY investments. But leg humper gifts will slow down (remember Jon gosselin complaining about having to recycle so many cardboard boxes from shipments of gifts? Multiply that by: more kids to gift to plus Christian TM charity). It seems there are MANY online commenters who we formerly supporters who are not, anymore.

I'm sure Josiah's courtship is still on...the scandal has almost nothing to do with him, her family is in their inner circle so they probably knew about it already. The wedding probably won't be filmed. TLC can always create some "wedding album" BS special with talking heads and home video footage down the road if they go the way of Special Episode check-ins. And the wedding won't be anywhere near the size of Jill's and Jessa's.

It's just so interesting to think that ALL THIS TALK is going on, and half that family has no idea the enormity of it.

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I think this person was outside of the family.

The report was redacted poorly intentionally IMO. I think anyone close to the family would have protected the identity of the girls. Even if one of the sisters wanted the world to know they were a victim, I have a hard time believing they would expose their sisters in that way (I cant see Jill doing that to Joy, or Jessa doing that to Jinger)

Because the report was redacted to be especially damning to the family. I think it was political or Jim Bob pissed someone off.

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After thinking and thinking leaving a letter in a book makes sense. Cults are desperate to recruit people and one way they do it is sharing literature with others. Someone could have definitely stuck in a book that they knew the duggars loaned out often.

As for the current whistle blower I would say that it could be one of the in laws family. Those in laws have no allegiance to Josh whatsoever and grew up outside on the Ati cult. For starters the seewalds barely tolerate the duggars. Cathy due to illness was not really around much to see what they were like and Dan said they took some getting used to. I wonder does Dan feel differently now that he knows there's something more to that initial feeling of weirdness he had.

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I don't think they will shun Josh. I think they will spin this into an "evil lurks everywhere, even the good can be tempted." Sort of b.s. They will try to blame it on the girls that were molested I'm sure. After all, showing an ankle is arousing in a male!---Yet Michelle mowed lawn in her bikini how many times and was never molested? Interesting.

Does anyone know which sister Joshie Boy molested?

They will just focus on their hate-mongering speeches and rallies for their bread and butter. Maybe become more active in their religion, assuming a role that has a paycheck. Just my humble opinion.

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My theory is that is one of these three:

1) Political rival not so much of Josh, but of an uber-conservative highly visible family and ties to their politicians. It happens ALL of the time.

2) The fifth outside-the-family victim.

3) When the older girls went to "Journey of the Heart" one of them started opening up to a fellow attendee who has walked away from the Gothard cult and wants the Duggar show and the money flow to Gothard to end.

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These speculations are all very interesting. One thing to remember is that most of the kids do not have Internet or tv, (except, supposedly, Razorback games and pure tv, LOL) and probably not the newspaper either, so the kids really have noooooo idea what is going down right now, unless someone goes and burns a cross on their lawn or something.

Also, the crew was not at their house 24/7, only once in a while in spurts. (Few times a year maybe?). So the kids all do have lives without cameras in some way already. But if they go out to the store or something, they will be getting questioned by people about different things than they previously were (did josh really do that? Did you get counseling? As opposed to, How do you make tater tot casserole again?). They still live in the middle of nowhere, so they will not be mobbed (unless the press sets up camp...and I doubt that will happen) so they may have fewer requests for selfies together, BUT more stealthy photo-takers. So the kids, even the older ones, will probably be on lockdown for a while.

J'chelle and Dimbob will be around more...no more non-Gothard speaker engagements or book signings for a while, and no stumping for political candidates...no PR person in their right mind would allow a Duggar around their candidate for a at least a while because the focus would all be on them...the press would go crazy with scandal questions. Not sure if jchelle and Dimbob being around more is better or worse for the kids...Jana, jinger, and the other older kids will have less freedom since they will be more supervised.

Their house is paid for. They have a cell phone tower on their property generating income. Dimbob and gma have many properties, rentals and flips. So plenty of money will still be coming in at the TTH. I am sure there are MANY investments. But leg humper gifts will slow down (remember Jon gosselin complaining about having to recycle so many cardboard boxes from shipments of gifts? Multiply that by: more kids to gift to plus Christian TM charity). It seems there are MANY online commenters who we formerly supporters who are not, anymore.

I'm sure Josiah's courtship is still on...the scandal has almost nothing to do with him, her family is in their inner circle so they probably knew about it already. The wedding probably won't be filmed. TLC can always create some "wedding album" BS special with talking heads and home video footage down the road if they go the way of Special Episode check-ins. And the wedding won't be anywhere near the size of Jill's and Jessa's.

It's just so interesting to think that ALL THIS TALK is going on, and half that family has no idea the enormity of it.

No way. JimBob has probably given them a weekend course on how to deal with all this. I am sure not EVERY thing has been said to the other children (Jackson and up), but I am sure they have been coached and required to pray for Josh (probably not the girls). I think he rather save face to us the public than save face to the other children. Boob would and should be worried that local and national media would seek them out and ask Boob and Michelle in front of the children about the situation.

I will say I am sure this has all be spun to the family that we are Satan's helpers and we are trying to take them down.

My thought is that Michelle, Boob and Grandma are on the phone with reps/executives and people that were around during the time locals got word of this day and night trying to keep together as much of it they can. The next step would be talking to their church followers one by one making sure they stick around and then coach them on what to do. It will be interesting to think what tomorrow (Sunday morning) is going to be like at the Duggar Compound. Are their followers going to show up for home church? What will the sermon be about? Witnessing? Repenting of sins and forgiving all over? The Duggar family praying that God kills FJ and the infidel media? I wonder how the children are coming together? What the whispers are when the lights are turned off at night?

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I think Jim Bob and Michelle will continue to be sanctimonious tools and find a way to come out self-righteous by spouting some sort of bullshit rhetoric. Josh and Anna, if they're smart, will stay quiet for a while, but they aren't, so Josh will go on making speeches declaring how wrong he was for his "sin in the camp," How it shaped his life, etc.

The other 2 married couples I hope, will go more their own way and make a lot more of their decisions for themselves. I hope those 2 headships, Ben and Derick, will realize how truly unhealthy the Duggar atmosphere is. But, living on Duggar property makes that difficult. I just hope they start thinking for themselves.

I wonder if this will break off 'Siah's courtship now? Lots of luck finding spouses for all those kiddos now.

The adult children at home should demand their money and run, hopefully taking a younger one with them.

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Josh will just be quietly lurking in the Gothard circle and not very visible.

The reason I believe why Michelle's family is shunned is because they see through the brainwashing and cult that is Gothard that has embroiled their daughterr/sister for decades.

Michelle looked like a beautiful, vibrant girl with a normal and nice future ahead of her before JB and the cult came calling. They probably began trying to show JB and Michelle the red flags of the insanity JB and Michelle kept sinking further and further.

Josh is seriously screwed up.

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The letter thing completely throws me. I have no idea who would write it, put it in a book, and lend it twice before it gets published.

As for the leaked police report. To me it has to be political. I definitely don't think anyone in the Duggar household. No offense, but would they even know how to go about such things? Getting a hold of the report, sending it to a tabloid, etc? I'm not even sure Ben and Derick knew about this ahead of time, so I can't say it's their families either.

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For the 2006 Whistleblower I think it was one of Michelle's siblings.

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I think you're giving Bin and Derick too much credit. They're both huge koolaid drinkers. I don't see anything with the Duggars changing. They'll act the same, they won't stay quiet even though they said. They'll try to talk about how Godly they are and try to sweep this under the rug. (which will be impossible)

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For the 2006 Whistleblower I think it was one of Michelle's siblings.

A convincing idea!

In General I think there is no way one of the duggars were involved in the latest events. They are too brainwashed to realize that something was and still is wrong. From their point of view it´all fine. Josh made a mistkae and their job is to forgive. Full stop. It would not surprise me if Ben and Derrek had no knowledge whatsoever about the abuse.

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I don't think it was one of the Duggar girls. This story hit the tabloid media first. Why would they go that route? Too painful and too sleazy. Ditto for the families that the Duggar siblings have married into.

The Willis family? Possible, but would they have access to that kind of inside information?

I'm wondering if Jim Bob has some local enemies, perhaps former Gothardites who have moved away from the cult? Or maybe some ex-Gothard kid who grew up to be gay decided to tell what he knew to the press because of Josh's political activities?

To answer why they would go that route: why wouldn't they? What options would they have? They could release it anonymously to the tabloids and have no "proof" they did it; or they could release it in some kind of scheduled interview and be at the mercy of TLC lawyers for some kind of breech of contract.

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I'm not sure it was anyone outside of the magazine.

Counting the Seewalds out since Guinn has reposted Huckabee's statement.

Perhaps a jilted crew member? I'd be curious to know if any have recently left the show. Or one saw something or heard a youngster say something suspicious. I highly doubt this is the case though.

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I'm so curious about what the Duggar household must look like right now. I just wonder if this is something they're all dealing with together or if some of them just want to get away from the whole thing. I saw reports that there's a ton of media lined up outside and security at the entrances, but what's going on inside? I wonder if the married couples and other kids not living at home have come back to be with their family or if that's the last place they want to be right now.

They are most likely losing their collective shit.

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A convincing idea!

In General I think there is no way one of the duggars were involved in the latest events. They are too brainwashed to realize that something was and still is wrong. From their point of view it´all fine. Josh made a mistkae and their job is to forgive. Full stop. It would not surprise me if Ben and Derrek had no knowledge whatsoever about the abuse.

I did some sleuthing and found Grandpa Ruark's obit. Him and Mullet's mother were married in 1943. The 2006 Whistleblower was 61 at the time which means they were born in 1944 or 1945. I searched Pamela Peters Mullet's oldest sister and her age comes up as 70 so she had to have born 44-45.

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I imagine there is lots of praying. Lots of bible time in the living room, quoting relevant bible verses about persecution ( I'm not religious in any way so can't give any examples!). I imagine that the eldest daughters have been made too afraid to face the public and are going to be stuck at home looking after the littlies for a very long time. I really hope they can escape to Jessa or Jill's house for a break.

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I too believe wholeheartedly neither Derick nor Ben knew. The family wanted this quiet as possible and followed the Gothard techniques to deal with it (Anna was told presumably so were her parents)...are her parents dumb or stupid or obsessed with the Duggars and they just didn't care?)

Another reason Derick nor Ben were never told is that it would tarnish the wholesome purity (first kiss at the altar) mantra they want to present about their kids and tout it loud and proud.

Actually, Ben and Derick's marriages - this is going to be a difficult course for them to go down and they are going to need to make sure their wives get real professional help. I think Ben's background is more similar to Duggarland than Derick's, but I think he CAN'T possibly think he'll need to call JB to find out what to do next.

I think Derick will get help from the outside for Jill and Ben will be following Derick's path on this.

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Considering that Bin and Mr. Dullard married these women in the first place makes me believe that they will support the Duggars; regardless of the fact their wives are the victims.

A part of me wishes that Bin would turn around and tell his mother she's a flipping idiot; but we know that will never happen.

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:angry-banghead: Say goodbey to any hope for the Seewalds. Bens mom just made her opinion very clear on Facebook. No support for Jessa from the inlaws. Makes me so sad.

Please Dillards, please, show some consideration for the real victims! :pray:

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No, they won't. Derick has fully consumed the Duggar koolaid and lets face it, Jill probably wasn't one of the ones abused. I really think she's the one in the police report that says she wasn't touched. That person said some party lines in the interview itself, so it leads me to believe it's her.

I do think Jill is a narcissist and thinks herself above others, so I don't believe she'll pull away. She'll try to make her younger siblings follow her "Godly" example. As much as I'd like them to break free, they love the fundie world too much.

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Val Young.

She was mad the Duggars stopped talking to her and her family after the allegations against her husband molesting her oldest daughter came to light. Which would make sense, she stood my her husband just like they stood by Josh. How dare they stop talking to Val and her family?

I can't decide if she would have been sitting on this a while, or if one of her daughters knew and made an off hand comment about it, or what. But my theory is she did it.

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:angry-banghead: Say goodbey to any hope for the Seewalds. Bens mom just made her opinion very clear on Facebook. No support for Jessa from the inlaws. Makes me so sad.

Please Dillards, please, show some consideration for the real victims! :pray:

Yep...Ben's mom - I'm very disappointed. Still hope for Derick.

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I felt like the girls' selfie was a way to show that everything's ok. I really don't see anyone breaking away or anything. I feel like they are all so far gone in this family's way of thinking that they just can't possibly bring themselves to think another way. I hope I am wrong though!

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I felt like the girls' selfie was a way to show that everything's ok. I really don't see anyone breaking away or anything. I feel like they are all so far gone in this family's way of thinking that they just can't possibly bring themselves to think another way. I hope I am wrong though!

Wasn't that selfie before the leak though?

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