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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I am astounded TlC hasn't cancelled yet. The Honey Boo Boo Scandal broke and a day later was cancelled with all upcoming footage never to be shown. However, you have one of the feature kids being the molester and 4 being the victims of assault and yet they sit on their thumbs?

I think TlC will stop airing episodes and see if this story is still talked about. It is horrific that these things happen and then a week later the public is on to the next story.

If they do decide to begin filming in the beginning it will be centered around how Jill, Derrick and Baby are doing and then Jessa's delivery. Those are happy occasions and I bet Ma and Pa are going idiot with TLC bargaining this idea with the girls putting on the prettiest smiles and only talking about their new lives. I don't think the girls will talk. Both of my sisters who were both raped have never told their children.

I thik TlC will tread water and see what the ratings and the sponsors do and if at all possible will re-introduce the Duggars back in starting with they youngesters, then the parents. If ratings drop the show will too and a new ''Non reality, Reality Show" will begin.

I cannot see Smuggar staying in AR. I see him probably going into some kind of seclusion with his family. They will not put the kids in public school because that would be a source of information about what their father did. I see them being holed up in their home for some years with Josh somehow earning money from home. ( A trailer down by the river). If Anna knew all that he did then shame on her. If she did not then I would hope she would remove herself and her children and live with her parents until she could come up with a way to make money.

I see a tell all book but it won't be soon. I don't think these girls have grasped what happened to them. I think having children will trigger emotions that were not there and then when they hit their 30's (which is a time of resolve) they will either escape the family, except the siblings or they will not and succumb to the fundie way of life.

I could see one of the boys going into law school. I see Jana becoming a missionary and I see Jinger becoming a photographer for weddings and Joy leaving TTH.

The Howlers and The Lost Girls are who I am worried about. They will be next in line to take up cooking, doing laundry, and schooling anyone 6 months younger. I hope they all make a break for it and realize that you can still love Jesus and not live in a heartbreaking bubble.

Just a question but I am having a really hard time watching any episodes at all. All I think of is these poor girls who were hurt and not protected and are constantly told that their body's are of sinful nature. A knee cap was blurred. (Just let that sink in) a kneecap but baby Josie taking a mega dump on TV, fine, good quality tv. Also, the howlers are being raised to believe they cannot even look at a woman who may be showing an ankle because they cannot be trusted with their desires. WTF.

I wonder what happened when they met Dolly?

"Now little one's this woman is a heathen so just look at her shoes"

"Older ones, we can't say Nike, but we will re-watch the episode and you will get the rod if I catch you not looking at the floor."

:oops: :snooty: :music-tool:

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I think if someone hits their kid with an object, then it has crossed the line. I do kinda judge parents who spank their kids with their hand, but I wouldn't consider it being a CPS issue, but beating with a stick/rod/paddle/plumbing line, that's always wrong.

I'm a mandated reporter in a different state. The requirements for physical abuse state "significant" physical injury, which a general guideline would be the action leaving a mark, whether it is by hand or an object. Obviously, objects are more likely to leave marks, but, "spanking" with the hand can do so, as well.

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The Duggars arent hypocrites progressives are


A very fundie lite family member of mine shared this on their FB. Quite ridiculous. No wonder she hasn't liked my poking fun at the Duggars :lol:

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Ya know, one can kinda hope that maybe the feds will come along and ban minors participating in 'reality' television.

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Let me see if I can get this straight. Mike Huckabee came out in defence of Josh Duggar, who systematically molested his sisters for over a year at least and got away with it. The judge who just ordered Josh Duggar's record destroyed was appointed by Mike Huckabee. Mike Huckabee is a personal friend of the Duggars.

When Jim Bob Duggar discovered that Josh was molesting his sisters, he waited a year until his church elders pressured him, and then sent Josh to a "program" run by Bill Gothard, who has been accused by dozens of underage girls of sexually harassing and molesting them over a period of decades. Bill Gothard's own brother Steve was also accused of having inappropriate sexual relationships with women working for the institute. After Josh returned from his "treatment", Jim Bob and Michelle sent their daughters, who had been victimized by Josh, to IBLP and 'Journey to the Heart', both run by Bill Gothard, over and over again.

When Josh returned from his "treatment", Jim Bob brought him to a state trooper he personally knew for a "stern talking to". This state trooper then claimed there was nothing else to be done. Said state trooper is now serving over 50 years in prison for child pornography.

When the investigation was opened in 2006, Jim Bob was evasive, possibly outright dishonest, and refused to allow Josh to be interviewed. Interestingly enough, Josh was an adult at this point, not a minor child. The report then mysteriously ended with no conclusion.


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This wont make any kind of news, but it is part of the scandal fallout.

Yesterday, a dear friend confided that her 5 year old had been sexually assaulted by a teenage cousin. They had talked about it as a family and decided that it would be too traumatic for the little girl to press charges. The mother of the teen said this had never happened before and she'd watch him. My friend said she had decided it was better to let her family member deal with their teenage son.

I said no. I told her that she could report it or I would report it. But if I reported it her failure to address it would be a huge problem for her. She called the police yesterday afternoon. I know this lady. I am 100 % sure that she told me so that I would make her report. These stories will be part of the fallout too. Watching in-family abuse is going to cause a lot of people to consider how they would handle it and handle it better. This, in way validates or changes what happened. But in being appalled that Boob and Michelle did nothing, perhaps we get better at doing something.

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Will the show be canceled?

I think they will just revamp the show, maybe just focus more on the married girls.

Where will Josh live and work?

I think Josh will be forced to move back to Arkansas and start his own " repentance camp" for boys who also "lost the way to Jesus" probably something unproductive though lime a work camp not anything therapy related.

Will any of the J'kids come out and give their own accounts, or will they all have strict allegiance to mom and dad and keep their mouths shut?

They will eventually say something the PR team from TLC wrote for them that's vage and doesn't actually say anything but it sounds good. I think if any do come out with the truth jessa will write a tell all maybe 5 or 10 years from now after they are out of TLC cash flow

Oh god, putting a child molester in charge of a camp full of child abusers!? Talk about a recipe for total disaster.

I just hope that TLC completely washes their hands of all the Duggars. They all need privacy rightt now. And the youngest kids are still young enough to have a childhood off camera. I also hope that this scandal opens JB&M's eyes and they become parents/better parents to those little kids. Not that I have any faith that will actually happen.

With all of this, I think it's important to remember that it is only big new shocking news to us. They have all known about it since it happened so why would anything change now? Just because people know about it? Social pressure? Their circle seems to be supporting this bullshit, so I doubt they'll feel any social pressure to change.

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JB and Josh also have a lot of connections with politics. Many politicians are standing with the Duggars. However to expunge a record is to SEAL IT, not destroy the record trail. To destroy a legitimate court record is to tamper with evidence. Perhaps the U.S. Justice Department needs to investigate what else judges in Arkansas have destroyed instead sealed with regard to legal proceedings. Mike Huckabee is an ass hole for getting a judge to destroy the evidence. It's like they're saying let's pretend nothing happened. Dirty dirty dirty :pull-hair:

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He is now out of a job at FRC and his name is all over the media. He is a headline on every single news outlet. I don't think he will ever recover from this. Do you think FRC fired him and forced him to to resign or did he resign willingly? Honestly, when I saw his resignation I was shocked since I truly thought FRC would back him up but I guess not. His life's goal was to work in politics and now I don't think he ever will be able to. This was the kiss of death for his career and IMO the whole Duggar brand. What kind of job could he possibly get now? Do you think Huckabee will hire him?

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Ya know, one can kinda hope that maybe the feds will come along and ban minors participating in 'reality' television.

Or at least create laws that create a cap on hours and periods of time (for example they can only be filmed for a maximum of three months out of the year) they are allowed to be filmed.

From what it seems, theses kids are either always being filmed or going to speaking engagements. They are not being properly educated. There was a predator living in their home and reports that they were beaten with a rod. CPS should be investigating on that alone.

...There is no way TLC won't get sued by one of these kids (or the Gosselin kids) in the next ten years.

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I really don't give a shit.

Probably he will end up working for Jimbob. Cant think of anyone else who will hire him.

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I'm not saying I care either I am just honestly curious as to how he could be employable ever again.

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If that's the case, then why didn't they do anything about it when they found out? Or did they not know until he had already married Anna? Even then, with a female daughter being in the house, and with him visiting the compound where 1. there are younger females and 2. the people who he abused live TLC SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING AGES AGO.

I really don't think TLC leaked it. That would make no sense at all: the show ratings were higher and higher, with Jill's and Jessa's weddings, Jill's birth story, Jessa pregnant, and the brand new Josiah-Marjorie courtship. I think this probably had become lately the most prominent show on TLC, they will lose a lot of money with the show being cancelled.

I also don't think TLC knew all the way along. They definitely must have known something was wrong but if on one end what we see on TV is edited, it is also true that what TLC came into contact with in that house was highly staged itself.

When all of this happened there is no way JB could have said to TLC "I am sending Josh away since he has been molesting his younger sisters in the past couple of years". They probably found an excuse and put up their best face to cover it all up. And TLC had no interest in digging deeper: they just need the picture-perfect family that attracts viewers.

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JB and Josh also have a lot of connections with politics. Many politicians are standing with the Duggars. However to expunge a record is to SEAL IT, not destroy the record trail. To destroy a legitimate court record is to tamper with evidence. Perhaps the U.S. Justice Department needs to investigate what else judges in Arkansas have destroyed instead sealed with regard to legal proceedings. Mike Huckabee is an ass hole for getting a judge to destroy the evidence. It's like they're saying let's pretend nothing happened. Dirty dirty dirty :pull-hair:

If destroying the record where tampering and illegal, would they be admitting and reporting it??

I am mostly okay with the record being destroyed because the legal repercussions for Josh expired long ago and it being destroyed does not make us forget what he did. All it does, in my view, is keep the names of the victims from being released some day. While we can figure out who is who easily, they deserve whatever privacy they can get. No one will put this cat back in the bag for Josh.

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Or at least create laws that create a cap on hours and periods of time (for example they can only be filmed for a maximum of three months out of the year) they are allowed to be filmed.

From what it seems, theses kids are either always being filmed or going to speaking engagements. They are not being properly educated. There was a predator living in their home and reports that they were beaten with a rod. CPS should be investigating on that alone.

...There is no way TLC won't get sued by one of these kids (or the Gosselin kids) in the next ten years.

I'm sure their lawyers have been ALL over every bit of this since day 1. Are tv producers and workers mandated reporters? Was the abuse going on during the show or before? It, sadly, WAS reported to the authorities and technically I guess handled back then. And the parents are the ones that make the decisions for the minors being on tv, in the Gosselins case I don't know what they could sue for or about.

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Who cares ?

His children! The more desperate Josh will be, the higher the change he will abuse his children. I hope somebody is going to watch the M-kids like a hawk.

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I'm sure their lawyers have been ALL over every bit of this since day 1. Are tv producers and workers mandated reporters? Was the abuse going on during the show or before? It, sadly, WAS reported to the authorities and technically I guess handled back then. And the parents are the ones that make the decisions for the minors being on tv, in the Gosselins case I don't know what they could sue for or about.

They can sue about working hours and not being properly compensated. There are laws in certain states, like California, that state children can only be filmed for a maximum number of hours and only under certain conditions. I don't think Arkansas would have laws like this. Up until recently, Pennsylvania didn't either, but put a law in place after the Gosselin debacle.

There's a good LA Times article about child labor laws and film: http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jun/26 ... s-20100627

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YES!! I'm been wondering who the letter writer was? A non-family member? They likely didn't have any friends outside their fundie community!

I believe it was one of the girls.

The letter was written with the aim of being let out of the home as a cry for help, certainly not simply "forgotten" in a book.

I am thinking Jinger maybe...there was a time when she was kind of rebellious (in a positive way), then it all disappeared...Do you remember the recent video with Ben where she talks about having sinned greatly and how she repented and seeked the Lord? Could it be that this huge sin was not having kept sweet about this story?

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Cleaning toilets for Jim Bob. With Bin as his boss.


I hope Ben isn't his boss. I hope Ben takes Jessa and gets the hell out of Duggar World.

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I wonder if people would even trust him enough to buy used cars.

I know I'd he was at the car auction I frequent I would consider not selling my vehicles to him. I'd probably end up losing my job but I'd come up with a reason.

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I believe it was one of the girls.

The letter was written with the aim of being let out of the home as a cry for help, certainly not simply "forgotten" in a book.

I am thinking Jinger maybe...there was a time when she was kind of rebellious (in a positive way), then it all disappeared...Do you remember the recent video with Ben where she talks about having sinned greatly and how she repented and seeked the Lord? Could it be that this huge sin was not having kept sweet about this story?

That seems possible. I knew someone who did this when they were a child-their dad was hitting their mom, and they were too afraid to tell in person, so they wrote a note and hid it in one of their school books so their teacher found it.

I think it is very likely that one of the girls would try and cry out for help in this way. They probably thought that their parents wouldn't be as mad at them for telling if the person found out by accident, and it is a lot easier than going to someone, face to face, and saying "Please help me, my brother touches me"

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