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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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He is now out of a job at FRC and his name is all over the media. He is a headline on every single news outlet. I don't think he will ever recover from this.

According to a poster at another message board, he most likely had a severance agreement negotiated as part of his initial employment contract, so it's safe to imagine he's covered financially until probably the end of the year. After that, he will probably be working behind the scenes (and remotely) for a DC think tank.

Think I'm nuts? Note that none of the GOP's shining lights have blasted him or his behavior in the media yet. They take care of their own.

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According to a poster at another message board, he most likely had a severance agreement negotiated as part of his initial employment contract, so it's safe to imagine he's covered financially until probably the end of the year. After that, he will probably be working behind the scenes (and remotely) for a DC think tank.

Think I'm nuts? Note that none of the GOP's shining lights have blasted him or his behavior in the media yet. They take care of their own.

The reason I don't think Josh will be employed by anyone in politics again is because look at all the digging someone did to bring this all up? The GOPers aren't saying anything because they are scared it will affect them. I honestly think people will be too scared to employ him remotely behind the scenes because they'll be too worried someone will find out about later on like this huge scandal. I honestly can't see people in politics trying to associate with not only Josh but any of the Duggars anymore... look at how Huckabee is getting ripped to shreds for showing support.

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Possible Whistleblowers: Derrick's brother or Ben's outspoken sister.

I think Jill and Jessa might be sending a we're united message with that last Instagram pic.

I would love to see a follow up book by the Duggar girls about this whole deal and their decision to finally speak up - which I hope they did / will do.

Josh and Jim Bob were extra sexually creepy in that Erica (can't remember her last name) interview.

Jana and Jinger looked very unhappy after Michelle's discussion about how dressing immodestly stirring up desires in men that cannot be righteously fulfilled is basically the victim's fault.

I think Michelle sided with Josh in the inappropriate touching incidents and I'll betcha she blamed the girls - something like - what Josh did was wrong but you girls are not blameless - now forgive him and plaster smiles on your face.

Plus do you remember how young the girls were during the first Duggar special - and now smug Josh was - and all that was AFTER the abuse.

I was a child victim of a family member's sexual abuse - and that hurt never completely goes away - and neither does the desire for the abuser to be punished.

I hope that the victims had something to do with that report getting out.

Also Michelle and Jim Bob need to stop giving advice on parenting.

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According to a poster at another message board, he most likely had a severance agreement negotiated as part of his initial employment contract, so it's safe to imagine he's covered financially until probably the end of the year. After that, he will probably be working behind the scenes (and remotely) for a DC think tank.

To me that's highly unlikely. He's not able to do anything for a think tank. What would he do remotely? What contribution could he give, that could be considered so highly valuable to still have him in the staff under cover?

He was not hired by FRC for his lobbying skills, he was hired as the poster child of the perfect-mega-conservative family.

That has fallen into pieces, there's nothing left for him to do on the political scene in my opinion.

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I know everyone wants to believe that one of the girls leaked this, or they're getting ready to run, or whatever - but I can almost guarantee you that they're all sitting around crying right now about how unfair this all is to poor Josh.

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I know everyone wants to believe that one of the girls leaked this, or they're getting ready to run, or whatever - but I can almost guarantee you that they're all sitting around crying right now about how unfair this all is to poor Josh.

I don't think one of the girls leaked this, but I do think one of them did write that letter that led to the Oprah intervention.

You are probably right, they are now crying about how unfair this is the whole family the same way the Warren Jeff's wives were crying about how it was so unfair to take their kids away from them, because they were completely happy, so happy...

Yet I do keep some hope, on Jana mostly. For some reason I have the feeling she was the one who suffered the most and she is smart. She is also older and more mature.

Jill and Jessa - who knows. On the one hand they look like the perfectly brainwashed daughters, on the other hand they have husbands and other in-laws now who may hopefully help them to see things from a different perspective.

I so hope Jana will step up.

The ones who deserve to be put under investigation are JB and Michelle.

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Not sure where to post this, but I had a random thought.

We can all agree the Duggars are pretty dumb. Who's to say this isn't all somewhat intentional? Perhaps things were getting sketchy with Joshies job in DC and he longed to be back in AR? Since they feel that doing this show is purely their "ministry", who's to say JB & J'Chelle didn't cook this up in order to get Josh back and then stupidly think they could use it as a storyline for the show and ministry? Showing how Josh is forgiven by his sister's, etc...

The couldn't be that dumb could they?

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Ok so Smuggar confessed.

All he is saying is that he made some bad choices.

We don't know what he confessed to with Anna and her parents. For all we know he could have said, "Gee, Anna, Mr &Mrs Keller, I did a couple things I'm not proud of and I've asked for forgiveness."

We don't know if he said, "Just so you know, I was molesting my sisters while they were asleep. I'm a perv but I've asked for forgiveness and all is good with me and Jesus- so now can I marry your daughter? "

We don't know if the girls he molested were told that to forgive is the way Jesus would want them to go and by forgiving those who trespass against us (or who feel us up while we're asleep) is the way God wants things.

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I believe it was one of the girls.

The letter was written with the aim of being let out of the home as a cry for help, certainly not simply "forgotten" in a book.

I am thinking Jinger maybe...there was a time when she was kind of rebellious (in a positive way), then it all disappeared...Do you remember the recent video with Ben where she talks about having sinned greatly and how she repented and seeked the Lord? Could it be that this huge sin was not having kept sweet about this story?

Jinger says she was 14 when she realized she was a sinner. Jinger turned 14 at the end of 2006, which was the year the letter was found by someone in a book. It is possible she was repenting for outing Josh and causing the family turmoil.

Obviously this is speculation, but I've found myself very alarmed by Jinger's recent darkness. However, I do want to reiterate that it is quite possible that Jinger has other problems we are not privy to. She is more than just a victim.

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Not sure where to post this, but I had a random thought.

We can all agree the Duggars are pretty dumb. Who's to say this isn't all somewhat intentional? Perhaps things were getting sketchy with Joshies job in DC and he longed to be back in AR? Since they feel that doing this show is purely their "ministry", who's to say JB & J'Chelle didn't cook this up in order to get Josh back and then stupidly think they could use it as a storyline for the show and ministry? Showing how Josh is forgiven by his sister's, etc...

The couldn't be that dumb could they?

Given the quick action of expunging the report, I highly doubt the Duggars were anything but on the defensive on this one. If they had wanted this to be their narrative, I think they would have put it in the show (which gets them ad money) rather than leak it to a tabloid.

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Does anyone know if Mike Huckabee is officially ATI or just a fellow traveler/useful idiot? He said he wasn't going to try to run for president again, which I guess explains why he felt compelled to make that stupid statement in support of Josh, rather than stay silent like all the other gop hopefuls. I'm now wondering if Huckabee played a hand in suppressing this when he was governor. I always thought he was just a celebrity leghumper but now I'm wondering how far the Duggar tentacles go in the Arkansas political establishment.

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Ok so Smuggar confessed.

All he is saying is that he made some bad choices.

We don't know what he confessed to with Anna and her parents. For all we know he could have said, "Gee, Anna, Mr &Mrs Keller, I did a couple things I'm not proud of and I've asked for forgiveness."

We don't know if he said, "Just so you know, I was molesting my sisters while they were asleep. I'm a perv but I've asked for forgiveness and all is good with me and Jesus- so now can I marry your daughter? "

We don't know if the girls he molested were told that to forgive is the way Jesus would want them to go and by forgiving those who trespass against us (or who feel us up while we're asleep) is the way God wants things.

You do kinda wonder how forthcoming Josh was when he had this supposed confession when they were first meeting getting to know each other. If Anna's telling the truth, what was up with her parents? I can understand the Kellers having mercy and forgiving him, and even thinking wow he's turned into such a godly guy. Fabulous for Josh, but we have to go now. This was what 3 years after the incident? Why gamble with their daughter and future grandkids on this kid's word that he's not going to do it again? Such a dicey proposition. Even if Josh believed it, he may not be able to control it, especially due to his lack of counseling.

Isn't one of the main reasons to have the parents vet guys is they have make better judgements than a teenager? Was there not enough fundie guys out there to find another one for Anna? Or is it the devil you know?

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Does anyone know if Mike Huckabee is officially ATI or just a fellow traveler/useful idiot? He said he wasn't going to try to run for president again, which I guess explains why he felt compelled to make that stupid statement in support of Josh, rather than stay silent like all the other gop hopefuls. I'm now wondering if Huckabee played a hand in suppressing this when he was governor. I always thought he was just a celebrity leghumper but now I'm wondering how far the Duggar tentacles go in the Arkansas political establishment.

Huckabee is running for president:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pos ... n-tuesday/

I dont think Huckabee is ATI, but he is an ordained Southern Baptist minister.

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It's legal because there wasn't a trial or conviction. I don't think TLC will keep them. I think people will stop watching ALL TLC shows if they do. June was kicked off for re-dating a guy who molested 1 of her daughter. JB & M protected someone who molested 5 kids under their roof. This is actually worse.

The Duggars WERE a cash cow. Now they're a disease for the station. If this was 1 kid, I think the show might eek by, but it's 5. That's what blows my mind. 5!!!

I stopped watching TLC after J'Chelle opened her mouth about transgenders being child molesters... I'm also considering no longer watching any Discovery run programming if they don't drop the Duggars. I watch a lot of Discovery programming (Science Channel, Deadliest Catch, Alaska the Last Frontier, Fast and Loud).

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Huckabee wrote that "good people do disgusting things." I'm just so shocked at that statement.

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I know everyone wants to believe that one of the girls leaked this, or they're getting ready to run, or whatever - but I can almost guarantee you that they're all sitting around crying right now about how unfair this all is to poor Josh.

You're probably right. I hope jessa and Jill read their comments from instagram or Facebook of support. I also hope JimChelle isn't blaming them for doing this to the family or Josh. These poor girls. They shouldn't have to feel like this was their fault. I gave so much hate for JimChelle.

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This is one of the biggest problems with conservative evangelical Christianity. Everyone is a sinner, and all sins are equal in God's eyes, so the only thing that counts is whether you've been saved. Child molestation is a sin, pre-marital sex is a sin, porn is a sin, masturbation is a sin, lustful thinking is a sin, teenagers making out are sinning, birth control is a sin, drinking alcohol is a sin, dancing is a sin, listening to the wrong kinds of music is a sin, being gay is a sin, voting Democrat is a sin, lying is a sin, stealing is a sin, taking God's name in vain is a sin, murdering someone is a sin, abortion is a sin, not wanting to get married is a sin -

Guess what? When everything is disgusting, nothing is.

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No he's just an ass hole whose a southern Baptist. He's fully supporting the Duggars because they endorsed him

Mike was gov of AR from 1996-2007 so yeah he had time to sweep Josh's shit under the rug. Don't forget that Boob was in the legislature during that time frame too 1999-2002.

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Huckabee wrote that "good people do disgusting things." I'm just so shocked at that statement.

The only positive thing to come out from this is that Huckabee has thrown his presidential campaign in the toilet by making these asinine remarks in support of a child molester.

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This is one of the biggest problems with conservative evangelical Christianity. Everyone is a sinner, and all sins are equal in God's eyes, so the only thing that counts is whether you've been saved. Child molestation is a sin, pre-marital sex is a sin, porn is a sin, masturbation is a sin, lustful thinking is a sin, teenagers making out are sinning, birth control is a sin, drinking alcohol is a sin, dancing is a sin, listening to the wrong kinds of music is a sin, being gay is a sin, voting Democrat is a sin, lying is a sin, stealing is a sin, taking God's name in vain is a sin, murdering someone is a sin, abortion is a sin, not wanting to get married is a sin -

Guess what? When everything is disgusting, nothing is.

Re the bolded:

Does anyone else recall that video of Ben interviewing that crazy creationist guy? The guy who said that atheists thinking that murder is wrong and disliking anchovies are equal? Haha. Because not sharing a toy and violating your baby sisters are equal according to Christians....

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Huckabee wrote that "good people do disgusting things." I'm just so shocked at that statement.

UHHHHH. Excuse me Huckabee? Good people aren't child molesters. Period. And he is actually running for office.


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Just imagine having to explain to the younger kids why they aren't filming and what is happening. That'll be fun ...not! I cannot imagine how those kids will feel about Josh and their sisters and all that's happened, especially having grown up thinking they are more "Godly" than most families and all about purity and innocence. I imagine for some of the older kids, it'll be very difficult to deal with and of course, JB/M will be no help to them except to tell them to pray more.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jana was staying in an attempt to protect the younger kids. Who knows what really happened. We have some details that were given in a police report but this went on for a looong time and who knows what Josh did or said to some of them! It's horrible and I think jana might've been abused the most, being the oldest of the girls and probably more "developed" ...my heart breaks for her. She seems to be very sensitive and broken inside. I don't think JB and M or Josh have any idea the damage this has done to the victims. Not really. I hope the girls don't blame themselves over the family losing money and the show because of this! In that twisted family, it seems like the girls gets blamed for way more than they should just because they are girls.

Your sisters wore too revealing nightgowns in their beds under their covers and your poor brother just couldn't help himself. This is why we wear modest clothes. You have to be careful not to make your brother want to put his fingers in your girl parts!

(I'm not sure how that goes as my first post here, but I feel a kindred snarky spirit with all y'all.)

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Huckabee wrote that "good people do disgusting things." I'm just so shocked at that statement.

I think I posted this on Gawker when I read that quote, but IMO, some things that "good" people do, disqualify them from being good people.

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