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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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You're right about the wedding dresses! I had thought it was odd that they did not wear white ones. They were considered impure due to the abuse so they couldn't wear white!

But didn't Jill wear white? If that's true though, that they were told they weren't pure enough for a white wedding dress, that's just the saddest thing. Their culture puts so much emphasis on purity, it'd be so abusive.

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But didn't Jill wear white? If that's true though, that they were told they weren't pure enough for a white wedding dress, that's just the saddest thing. Their culture puts so much emphasis on purity, it'd be so abusive.

Don't get me wrong, they're pretty reprehensible, but I don't think JB and J'chelle are THAT low. Jessa and Jill both tried on dresses of different colors (white included). They've grown up seeing a ton of fundie weddings. I'm sure they just wanted to do something a bit different, and as they had the money to do so, they did. There are plenty of things that look suspicious about the Duggars, but not this.

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And an ironic part of the whole mess is that one of the main reasons they won't be able to continue the show is that their entire image and brand is built around being freakishly controlling and hyper vigilant and over protective of their kids , particularly about anything remotely sexual. Other than facination with how does a huge family get daily life done - it's all they have to offer as entertainment. And with the kids getting older - it's just not interesting to watch how they juggle grocery shopping when all but the very youngest could push the cart themselves.

So they are left with the freak / role model factor ( depending on the individuals view of them ) .

And how can they say, with a straight face--

* that they ensure that their young adult children never leave the house alone,

*have their web access screened and controlled,

* parents read all texts and mail,

*there is a chaperone present at all times if they are courting,

* that they are available to micro manage and " shelter" their kids because they built their lives around home- schooling and self- employment in order to be present


Their young teen son was able to sexually assault 4 of his younger sisters, on multiple occasions - while the parents were in the house ! :shock: :shock:

That is some HUGE congnitive disconnect they have going on there :doh:

And how can they possibly go from having an attitude that so much as a kiss between consenting, engaged adults is something that should be saved for marriage , so there are no " regrets" later on -- to acting like " yes, he sinned, everyone does" we dealt with it, everything's fine" ........and expect most people to buy it ?

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Is it at all likely that the Pecan Thief will comment on this, either on his blog or via Youtube? On the one hand, this may be too sensitive a subject for him, given his super-close ties to headquarters and being married to Anna's sister. But on the other hand, he's kind of a big-mouthed narcissist, so I would think the temptation for him to jump into the conversation would be strong.

Whose the Pecan Thief? Is it David Waller?

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And an ironic part of the whole mess is that one of the main reasons they won't be able to continue the show is that their entire image and brand is built around being freakishly controlling and hyper vigilant and over protective of their kids , particularly about anything remotely sexual. Other than facination with how does a huge family get daily life done - it's all they have to offer as entertainment. And with the kids getting older - it's just not interesting to watch how they juggle grocery shopping when all but the very youngest could push the cart themselves.

So they are left with the freak / role model factor ( depending on the individuals view of them ) .

And how can they say, with a straight face--

* that they ensure that their young adult children never leave the house alone,

*have their web access screened and controlled,

* parents read all texts and mail,

*there is a chaperone present at all times if they are courting,

* that they are available to micro manage and " shelter" their kids because they built their lives around home- schooling and self- employment in order to be present


Their young teen son was able to sexually assault 4 of his younger sisters, on multiple occasions - while the parents were in the house ! :shock: :shock:

That is some HUGE congnitive disconnect they have going on there :doh:

And how can they possibly go from having an attitude that so much as a kiss between consenting, engaged adults is something that should be saved for marriage , so there are no " regrets" later on -- to acting like " yes, he sinned, everyone does" we dealt with it, everything's fine" ........and expect most people to buy it ?

Not to mention at that time it was a very small house compared to the Ranch Mansion they live in now.

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I guess this is a scandal fallout question. If not, I'm sorry! I was just curious if and how those of you with kids at home are discussing this. I'm a nurse, and have always been very open, as is appropriate, with matters regarding sex and the body, etc. My daughters are 13 and 14, and they watch the show, partly as entertainment, partly to snark. they are the ones who brought up to me how creepy JB is, and how odd it is that the women are always slaving (their term) for Daddy. My oldest often screams at the screen, begging the girls to run away and get on birth control and discover the real world. This scandal has been a catalyst for many deep discussions ranging from sexual abuse to religion to cult like behavior. My youngest child is a 6 year old boy. When the girls learned of the age at which the youngest victim was abused, it brought tears to their eyes, as all they could think of was their brother having to endure something like that. What has been the reaction amongst your kids, if you allow them to follow the family. Mostly shock, anger and sadness here. And obviously, my son is not aware of any of this. He sees the Duggars and begs us to let him watch Ghostbusters.

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I'm not going to link because I want to encourage people to use the search function. Also, this one is in the archives somewhere, probably in Ask Me Anything. You have enough posts to access that subforum now but please do not copy stuff from there back here. Rules!

Clues for a search: The Informant's name was Knight In Shining Amore. Also known as KISA. (I only remember this because I mentally renamed him KissAss when I read the thread after the event.) While verified as a person on the outskirts of VF, he proved to be a nasty malicious gossip who made a lot of things up. As always on the internet, do not believe everything you read. Opinions are subjective.

I'll try search, but since it doesn't work the same on Tapatalk I can't be sure. But I'll be able to access it on the site later for sure. Thanks :)

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I had a post earlier, but I'm pretty sure it got eaten by the heavy traffic of a few days ago. At my own personal wishing well:

--A loophole is found that allows Josh Duggar to be investigated, at a minimum, for his crimes against his sisters and the other victim. Something to the effect of "The state statute of limitations is up, but look what federal law says. Oh, the record was destroyed? Well, sucks for you because you publically admitted to this shit. We're ordering a new investigation."

--CPS and the state of Arkansas do a thorough investigation of JB and Michelle's fitness as parents. They find that no further crimes have happened, and JB/Michelle are allowed to keep their children in their home, with the caveat that Josh is not allowed in the home when minor children are present. They are also told that Josh is not allowed near their minor children.

--Joy declares herself an emancipated minor. She and her older siblings are able to utilize their TLC connections to secure housing, employment and/or further education and training. They remain somewhat in the public eye, through occasional speaking engagements and the inevitable tell-all, but maintain a fairly low profile.

--Anna pulls her head out of her ass, leaves Josh and takes the kids, and becomes something of a former Gothard-ite dynamo. She spends the rest of her life railing against a system that influenced her to marry someone she knew was a child molester, limit her education, and breed like a rabbit.

--Evelyn Ruark makes a PSA about how even though she has a "nephew that has chosen to live that lifestyle", child molesters are the scourge of the Earth and should be dealt with most severely.

--Jill and Derick wait a full year for Jill to recover and then fully immerse themselves in international missionary work. The real deal, not voluntourism.

--Jessa and Ben start their ministry being very severe and legalistic, but after a few years, they mature and mellow out. They grow old together and part of their legacy is an open, welcoming, and loving Christian church with many parishioners.

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The speculation about the non-white dresses is really gross, people. Almost no one wears a white dress these days. Most are ivory, champagne, blush, cream, etc. Stop interpreting every sneeze and frown as evidence of their traumatic past. It's pure speculation, and it's creepy and unwarranted.

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In case this hasn't been mentioned Australian pay TV is still advertising jessa's wedding season to start next month. We are a season behind. No mention of Australia pulling the new (for us episodes). Is this the case anywhere else?

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The speculation about the non-white dresses is really gross, people. Almost no one wears a white dress these days. Most are ivory, champagne, blush, cream, etc. Stop interpreting every sneeze and frown as evidence of their traumatic past. It's pure speculation, and it's creepy and unwarranted.

Hey sing! Good to see you. I was actually missing you and sticking up for you a few weeks ago....Me...who used to cross swords with you :lol: I kind of see where you were coming from now...I had not noticed how pathetic those threads had become. Anyway..... :greetings-waveyellow:

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Apparently Erin Merryn of Erin's law visited the Duggars back in 2013. There is a pic of her with Mullet, Josie, Jenny, Johannah, the boy twins, Joe, John David, and Grandma on Pickles FB page but none of the victims. According to a commenter Erin hates Mullet and Boob now.

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I guess this is a scandal fallout question. If not, I'm sorry! I was just curious if and how those of you with kids at home are discussing this. I'm a nurse, and have always been very open, as is appropriate, with matters regarding sex and the body, etc. My daughters are 13 and 14, and they watch the show, partly as entertainment, partly to snark. they are the ones who brought up to me how creepy JB is, and how odd it is that the women are always slaving (their term) for Daddy. My oldest often screams at the screen, begging the girls to run away and get on birth control and discover the real world. This scandal has been a catalyst for many deep discussions ranging from sexual abuse to religion to cult like behavior. My youngest child is a 6 year old boy. When the girls learned of the age at which the youngest victim was abused, it brought tears to their eyes, as all they could think of was their brother having to endure something like that. What has been the reaction amongst your kids, if you allow them to follow the family. Mostly shock, anger and sadness here. And obviously, my son is not aware of any of this. He sees the Duggars and begs us to let him watch Ghostbusters.

My son who is almost 14 saw the look of horror as I read what had happened on Friday. I told him and then I asked him "what would make someone do that to their own sister" he said "I guess he was on a lot of drugs". I also have a daughter who is younger and she has always called Jim Boob a creep. Everytime the TH would come on she would say there's the creepy perv man.

One thing I wonder about the Duggars is if they told their boys that it was sinful to wake up in the morning with an erection.

My son and I were watching an old show, maybe the Wonder Years, and the kid is carrying a book around every where he goes so I say ''you know son, this might start happening to you and I just want you to know that it means everything is working as it should''.

Granted these things are awkward to talk about as a parent and of course a child hearing it but it needs to be addressed as a natural thing that happens, it doesn't mean anything but your normal.

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My 14 year old son knows nothing about this show but just knowing him and his mindset I am fairly certain that sneaking into younger girl's room and touching her would NEVER occur to him. I think it would just shock him. As I type this I think I need to bring this up in a roundabout way somehow steering the conversation down a road of the idea of "consensual vs. nonconsensual touching" esp. as he is about to start high school. I want him to realize that even kissing a girl without her consent is out of bounds.

I am also fairly certain that he and his friends have gotten hold of certain magazines and have seen a few things on the internet that we blocked in the past. This was around the age I became really curious and my friends and I started doing the same things he is doing. I think that's normal and I realize my husband has to have a more in depth talk with him about not crossing that bridge into activities (which I don't think he is up to that just yet as I know whose houses he goes to etc). The thing to realize is that you are not going to stop a 14 year old from obsessing about sex - and if you provide no outlet whatsoever for it it's going to manifest in all kinds of strange ways (ahem). This is why I believe that while Josh Duggar has some sort of culpability I'm not sure that some of the labels bandied about for him are fair. If you want to place the lion's share of the blame it's those two awful parents he has.

As I say this I realize that comparing my son to Josh Duggar is really apples and oranges. My kid has not been brought up in a sex-obsessed cult. (What was it about Adam and Eve being told not to touch that apple... you'd think with all of that bible reading they'd be able to apply some of it sensibly into their own lives...) He has not been emotionally and physically isolated. He can talk to us about things and we're not going to tell him things are "sins" or "taboo" or whatever. We have instilled a healthy dose of fear of the repercussions of sex.. pregnancy, disease, emotional complications -which I think both my kids have. But they don't see sex as a taboo, just the realities of it. He is also given more outlets to engage in other activities sports, etc activities he enjoys and we are pleased he has a group of peers who are like minded and who by and large were raised in the same atmosphere he was - normal limits and boundaries without all the shaming etc.

All of this again is why I'm not sure I hold the 14 year old Josh to the same level I would hold my son if he were found to have engaged in similar activities (God forbid!). I think my son has an emotional maturity well beyond Josh - maybe even to this day.

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The speculation about the non-white dresses is really gross, people. Almost no one wears a white dress these days. Most are ivory, champagne, blush, cream, etc. Stop interpreting every sneeze and frown as evidence of their traumatic past. It's pure speculation, and it's creepy and unwarranted.

Not to get OT but glad to see you back, singsingsing!

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The speculation about the non-white dresses is really gross, people. Almost no one wears a white dress these days. Most are ivory, champagne, blush, cream, etc. Stop interpreting every sneeze and frown as evidence of their traumatic past. It's pure speculation, and it's creepy and unwarranted.

Completely agree, and I think my post wasn't clear enough that I think it's a pretty horrifying thing to say. Not only was it inaccurate (Jill wore white), but it would just be the worst if Jessa had been TOLD she couldn't wear white but her purity police parents. I think it was just what she said in interviews at the time, she wanted to be different, and not look anything like Jill who had just gotten married so recently. Plus she looked amazing in that dress...I don't think any white dress could have looked so fantastic.

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What F'N furiates me is that whole "promoting desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled" and then you see Dim Bulb dry humping his wife in FRONT OF HIS CHILDREN. To me, the Duggars are complete and udder hypocrites of the worst degree.

I wonder what those rabbit breeding maniacs would have said and thought if they had seen 2 men doing that at the local Putt-Putt.

Again, this is what we are privy to, this is what they show, to me that is the grossest thing, what are we not seeing? :oops:

And, I think Jessa chose the most beautiful dress for her. She looked absolutely stunning.

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Completely agree, and I think my post wasn't clear enough that I think it's a pretty horrifying thing to say. Not only was it inaccurate (Jill wore white), but it would just be the worst if Jessa had been TOLD she couldn't wear white but her purity police parents. I think it was just what she said in interviews at the time, she wanted to be different, and not look anything like Jill who had just gotten married so recently. Plus she looked amazing in that dress...I don't think any white dress could have looked so fantastic.

White is not the most flattering color for a lot of people. I am one of them, opted for cream color myself. From strictly a fashion perspective, it's nice that there are color options instead of being stuck with wearing an unflattering color for such a big life event, an event most want to look their best for.

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I haven't been able to keep up with all the threads this weekend, so I apologize is this has already been posted... Also not exactly sure where this should go, but this seems like the best/right thread.

I'm at my mother's house for the weekend. She has cable, so I usually use these visits as an opportunity to catch up on episodes available through Xfinity OnDemand. I started the Digging in with the Duggars episode on Friday morning, but only watched half of it. I just went back to finish, and 19 Kids and Counting is gone from OnDemand. The most recent episodes should have been available at least through mid-June. Looks like TLC is thoroughly scrubbing at this point.

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White is not the most flattering color for a lot of people. I am one of them, opted for cream color myself. From strictly a fashion perspective, it's nice that there are color options instead of being stuck with wearing an unflattering color for such a big life event, an event most want to look their best for.

Agreed. I'm going with very, very pale blue (and blue and bronze wings as I'm doing a Harry Potter theme and I'm a Ravenclaw myself).

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The speculation about the non-white dresses is really gross, people. Almost no one wears a white dress these days. Most are ivory, champagne, blush, cream, etc. Stop interpreting every sneeze and frown as evidence of their traumatic past. It's pure speculation, and it's creepy and unwarranted.

Yes, it's disgusting.

Besides, it is universally agreed that pink dress is one of the most beautiful and flattering in all of reality TV, modest or not. It was stunning.

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I guess this is a scandal fallout question. If not, I'm sorry! I was just curious if and how those of you with kids at home are discussing this. I'm a nurse, and have always been very open, as is appropriate, with matters regarding sex and the body, etc. My daughters are 13 and 14, and they watch the show, partly as entertainment, partly to snark. they are the ones who brought up to me how creepy JB is, and how odd it is that the women are always slaving (their term) for Daddy. My oldest often screams at the screen, begging the girls to run away and get on birth control and discover the real world. This scandal has been a catalyst for many deep discussions ranging from sexual abuse to religion to cult like behavior. My youngest child is a 6 year old boy. When the girls learned of the age at which the youngest victim was abused, it brought tears to their eyes, as all they could think of was their brother having to endure something like that. What has been the reaction amongst your kids, if you allow them to follow the family. Mostly shock, anger and sadness here. And obviously, my son is not aware of any of this. He sees the Duggars and begs us to let him watch Ghostbusters.

What an awesome post! (Clearly, I don't think it is awesome that there is a need to have these discussions). But you are handling this in the best possible way. And I am so glad that you posted this. It will be helpful to some other parents on FJ, I'm sure. Personally - My children are long grown and my grandkids are too young (babies, really) -- but I'm sure there are FJers who are having to deal with these questions.

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What F'N furiates me is that whole "promoting desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled" and then you see Dim Bulb dry humping his wife in FRONT OF HIS CHILDREN. To me, the Duggars are complete and udder hypocrites of the worst degree.

I wonder what those rabbit breeding maniacs would have said and thought if they had seen 2 men doing that at the local Putt-Putt.

Again, this is what we are privy to, this is what they show, to me that is the grossest thing, what are we not seeing? :oops:

And, I think Jessa chose the most beautiful dress for her. She looked absolutely stunning.

I have also wondered how continually hearing the stuff the Duggar parents say about sex outside of marriage and personal satisfaction, and then being in a home where the parents are likely to be highly, overtly sexual to one another affects a mind going through puberty? In addition, how the patriarchal nature of their belief system affects the chain of command.

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