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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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Jessica Seewald replied to all the comments on her Instagram. She writes that her picture had nothing to do with Josh and to lay off. (Also, a lot of people are mistaking her for Jessa, which is clearly annoying.) Interesting to see a Seewald directly address the Duggar media circus for once. Full text copied below:

Oh hey people, my name is Jess. My brother married a celebrity and then my life turned upside down. All of the sudden people think that what I post on my personal IG is always related to the Duggars. News flash people. It's freaking not. This post actually pertained to something personal in MY LIFE. Oh and guess what? It's MY INSTA. Not Josh Duggars. Lay off the hate. I'm freaking tired of getting attacked because I was sucked into the public eye. I'm just a normal chick trying to live a normal life. I'm not a Duggar. I'm not a celebrity. I'm not defending anyone. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm just me. And I'm unashamed of who I am. #just #so #we #are #clear


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The speculation about the non-white dresses is really gross, people. Almost no one wears a white dress these days. Most are ivory, champagne, blush, cream, etc. Stop interpreting every sneeze and frown as evidence of their traumatic past. It's pure speculation, and it's creepy and unwarranted.

On the other hand, they do make maternity wedding dresses in white. Now that most brides are no longer virgins -and some women have been married at least once before - the traditional white wedding dress is more a symbol of the celebration rather than the virginity of the bride.

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Jessica Seewald replied to all the comments on her Instagram. She writes that her picture had nothing to do with Josh and to lay off. (Also, a lot of people are mistaking her for Jessa, which is clearly annoying.) Interesting to see a Seewald directly address the Duggar media circus for once. Full text copied below:


ETA link

Oh man! is she ever going to HELL for that language!


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Jessica Seewald replied to all the comments on her Instagram. She writes that her picture had nothing to do with Josh and to lay off. (Also, a lot of people are mistaking her for Jessa, which is clearly annoying.) Interesting to see a Seewald directly address the Duggar media circus for once. Full text copied below:


ETA link

Poor Jess, people should just leave her out of it, she is only the barest amount of connected to the family. It kinda sucks that her name is so close to Jessa's, especially now as she is probably getting all sorts of invasive questions. Good for her for telling them all go to fuck themselves though.

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I guess this is a scandal fallout question. If not, I'm sorry! I was just curious if and how those of you with kids at home are discussing this. I'm a nurse, and have always been very open, as is appropriate, with matters regarding sex and the body, etc. My daughters are 13 and 14, and they watch the show, partly as entertainment, partly to snark. they are the ones who brought up to me how creepy JB is, and how odd it is that the women are always slaving (their term) for Daddy. My oldest often screams at the screen, begging the girls to run away and get on birth control and discover the real world. This scandal has been a catalyst for many deep discussions ranging from sexual abuse to religion to cult like behavior. My youngest child is a 6 year old boy. When the girls learned of the age at which the youngest victim was abused, it brought tears to their eyes, as all they could think of was their brother having to endure something like that. What has been the reaction amongst your kids, if you allow them to follow the family. Mostly shock, anger and sadness here. And obviously, my son is not aware of any of this. He sees the Duggars and begs us to let him watch Ghostbusters.

I knew I'd been reading too much of these threads when I woke up this morning from a nightmare of my daughter having been molested. I don't really remember the details of the dream, except ringing around in my head was what one poster said (on which thread, I have no clue) about her mom telling her to tell about any violations, even if it's Daddy. I wanted to vomit.

I plan on doing about what you're doing, talking early, often, and openly about all things sexual. I think Dan Savage has made some recommendations of good resources to educate your kids about sex, and I plan on looking them up a little way down the road (my LO's not yet two, and while she comprehends just about everything, she's not very verbal, preferring still to sign for most of her needs).

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Completely agree, and I think my post wasn't clear enough that I think it's a pretty horrifying thing to say. Not only was it inaccurate (Jill wore white), but it would just be the worst if Jessa had been TOLD she couldn't wear white but her purity police parents. I think it was just what she said in interviews at the time, she wanted to be different, and not look anything like Jill who had just gotten married so recently. Plus she looked amazing in that dress...I don't think any white dress could have looked so fantastic.

My following comment has absolutely nothing to do with the purity discussion, but just to clear things up, Jill's dress WAS off-white/cream. Compare how white the layers under her dress are to the rest of her wedding dress.


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I just tweeted Oprah a thank you cause you know at least she tried or someone did at her show and it's more than TLC did

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What F'N furiates me is that whole "promoting desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled" and then you see Dim Bulb dry humping his wife in FRONT OF HIS CHILDREN. To me, the Duggars are complete and udder hypocrites of the worst degree.

Also, they always have those jokes or hidden references to sex, such as the "hey, hey, hey" thing they had on the last episode. It was sickening to me to see JB make that joke, Josh follow and even Jessa follow up, all of it in front of the kids. Disgusting.

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Jim Bob & Michelle, including Josh, are all scheduled to speak this week at the Nashville conference. Do you think they are still going to be showing up?

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Never before have I been so tempted to check that conference out.

Even if they don't show up... I'm curious if anyone will even say anything. Will there be protesters? Or supporters?

Edit to add:

The official site for the conference says the Duggars are gonna be presenting via Video. But, the Bates and Wallers will both be there live.


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Jim Bob & Michelle, including Josh, are all scheduled to speak this week at the Nashville conference. Do you think they are still going to be showing up?

My guess is they will but are holing up at the Bates.

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I guess this is a scandal fallout question. If not, I'm sorry! I was just curious if and how those of you with kids at home are discussing this. I'm a nurse, and have always been very open, as is appropriate, with matters regarding sex and the body, etc. My daughters are 13 and 14, and they watch the show, partly as entertainment, partly to snark. they are the ones who brought up to me how creepy JB is, and how odd it is that the women are always slaving (their term) for Daddy. My oldest often screams at the screen, begging the girls to run away and get on birth control and discover the real world. This scandal has been a catalyst for many deep discussions ranging from sexual abuse to religion to cult like behavior. My youngest child is a 6 year old boy. When the girls learned of the age at which the youngest victim was abused, it brought tears to their eyes, as all they could think of was their brother having to endure something like that. What has been the reaction amongst your kids, if you allow them to follow the family. Mostly shock, anger and sadness here. And obviously, my son is not aware of any of this. He sees the Duggars and begs us to let him watch Ghostbusters.

We are Christian homeschoolers, and I am a former RN. Our children also watch the show (well, half paying attention, anyway.) We have talked very candidly with our oldest (15) about this. For us, it perfectly illustrates Romans 3:23 ("For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.") We have often talked with our children about not putting anyone on a pedastool, because people are human and humans fail. Don't misunderstand me (FJs) to be saying that "poor Josh is only human, so cut him a break." That isn't what I'm saying at all. Rather, we want our kids to learn what it means to stand on their own convictions and foundation, and to not blindly follow others. Our dd previously loved Justin Beiber because he professed to be a Christian and she youthfully idealized what that meant (translated, cute performer who is a Christian = perfect.) We told her again and again, "He's not perfect. He's human. Let's see what happens to him as he gets a little older and more and more temptations come his way." She was able to see how easy it is to choose or to be swayed to a different (ie. harmful, self destructive) path.

We talked with our other children, today, (again), about the importance of personal boundaries as they relate to body parts and touch, and went over the many different kinds of people that could try to violate those boundaries, including close family members. I think a lot of families who were fans or viewers of the show are probably having conversations with their children in this aftermath.

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I guess this is a scandal fallout question. If not, I'm sorry! I was just curious if and how those of you with kids at home are discussing this. I'm a nurse, and have always been very open, as is appropriate, with matters regarding sex and the body, etc. My daughters are 13 and 14, and they watch the show, partly as entertainment, partly to snark. they are the ones who brought up to me how creepy JB is, and how odd it is that the women are always slaving (their term) for Daddy. My oldest often screams at the screen, begging the girls to run away and get on birth control and discover the real world. This scandal has been a catalyst for many deep discussions ranging from sexual abuse to religion to cult like behavior. My youngest child is a 6 year old boy. When the girls learned of the age at which the youngest victim was abused, it brought tears to their eyes, as all they could think of was their brother having to endure something like that. What has been the reaction amongst your kids, if you allow them to follow the family. Mostly shock, anger and sadness here. And obviously, my son is not aware of any of this. He sees the Duggars and begs us to let him watch Ghostbusters.

I have an open relationship with my kids. Even my 7 yo knows about bad touch, good surprises, bad surprises and how she should come to me or another trusted adult right away if she feels uncomfortable or if someone tells her a bad secret.

I talk to my teens about sex and how it's normal to think about it. All my kids know about masturbation and how it's healthy to do in private and only with themselves. If they feel the need to talk I listen and try to be non judgemental.

I wrote in another post about my 16yo son watching gma. The duggar scandal came on. He said he couldn't imagine doing what Josh did. He knows what sexual abuse can do to a person because some of his siblings and foster kids I take in were abused. He said there's no excuses for Josh's behavior. He thinks about sex. But can't imagine doing that to his sisters. If anyone did do that he would beat their ass. His words not mine.

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I imagine them to be locked up in the house praying all of the time...don't know what they are doing in reality, but I really don't think they would be out in public doing speaking events, even for ATI. It will be interesting to know whether they attend.

I kinda hope they do, for the kids sake, as its a sense of normality for them. Even if ATI is an evil cult, there will be other kids there to talk to and play with, things that a fundie kid would find fun, and it will help take their minds off things.

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We are Christian homeschoolers, and I am a former RN. Our children also watch the show (well, half paying attention, anyway.) We have talked very candidly with our oldest (15) about this. For us, it perfectly illustrates Romans 3:23 ("For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.") We have often talked with our children about not putting anyone on a pedastool, because people are human and humans fail. Don't misunderstand me (FJs) to be saying that "poor Josh is only human, so cut him a break." That isn't what I'm saying at all. Rather, we want our kids to learn what it means to stand on their own convictions and foundation, and to not blindly follow others. Our dd previously loved Justin Beiber because he professed to be a Christian and she youthfully idealized what that meant (translated, cute performer who is a Christian = perfect.) We told her again and again, "He's not perfect. He's human. Let's see what happens to him as he gets a little older and more and more temptations come his way." She was able to see how easy it is to choose or to be swayed to a different path.

We talked with our other children, today, (again), about the importance of personal boundaries as they relate to body parts and touch, and went over the many different kinds of people that could try to violate those boundaries, including close family members. I think a lot of families who were fans or viewers of the show are probably having conversations with their children in this aftermath.

Which... I guess I'm glad that it's bringing a very serious issue to light in a community that traditionally does not discuss sexual abuse in a healthy way. I hope a lot of families are able to have this conversation with their kids and give them the tools they need to protect themselves.

I do wish that more coverage of this story included resources for people who needed to make a report... or what to do if you think something is happening to a child you know.

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Never before have I been so tempted to check that conference out.

Even if they don't show up... I'm curious if anyone will even say anything. Will there be protesters? Or supporters?

Edit to add:

The official site for the conference says the Duggars are gonna be presenting via Video. But, the Bates and Wallers will both be there live.


They are probably still on lock down at the compound. I think most of the conference goers will support them and they'll have prayer via Skype.

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To clarify. According to the ATI site, the Duggars are presenting via video. Does not say if it is live or pretaped.

Their topic is horribly ironic.

As parents of 19 kids, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar teach invaluable lessons about equipping and releasing their children to follow what God has called them to do.

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To clarify. According to the ATI site, the Duggars are presenting via video. Does not say if it is live or pretaped.

Their topic is horribly ironic.

Ironic and nauseating.

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To clarify. According to the ATI site, the Duggars are presenting via video. Does not say if it is live or pretaped.

Their topic is horribly ironic.

You're right! The Duggars were originally scheduled to be live in Nashville and just now the website has switched them to video.

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Jim Bob & Michelle, including Josh, are all scheduled to speak this week at the Nashville conference. Do you think they are still going to be showing up?

I'll watch the news to see if anything happens

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Given how many leghumpers are coming out of the woodwork to support them, I think the Duggars will always have a place at ATI. And why not, since the group was founded by a sex predator? Josh fits right in. Maybe Josh can become the new head of ATI. :ew: :disgust:

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As parents of 19 kids, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar teach invaluable lessons about equipping and releasing their children to follow what God has called them to do.

When have they ever equipped or released any child?

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I find it hard to believe the children could be anywhere in person for quite a long time. If, as other people say, they are sheltered from media, would it not be a big risk to take them out? There could be people at their appearances holding up signs, shouting questions etc.

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