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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I hope we see Josh and Anna going to counseling and that the girls get REAL counseling in private. I've long worried that Gothard might have wanted one of them, but thought perhaps JB wouldn't allow them out of his sight. But hearing that Josh did more than just some teenage making out with the daughter of a politically minded local family [no names] who used to appear on their specials then I have to wonder again if the girls got treated to a personal visit with Bill at their house or at HQ before JTTH. Ick...

Elsewhere someone hoped there was no link to the Cop's kiddie porn conviction--ie no use of children from the family in that. I really would be shocked at that.

It IS important though to remember that this DOES occur in all kinds of homes and that no parent is eager to have it made public. I hurt for the girls.

The future?

I think the Duggars will revive their image--possibly by disowning Gothard. I wondered if this was part of their motivation for doing the series, but then they never stopped going to Big Sandy and all the rest. They could blame it all on cult teachings.

They will likely come up with a few super positive announcements: huge donation to anti child abuse charity, and another courtship or undisclosed courtship becomes fast marriage, etc. to get the fan base back.

I hope, too, that they will loosen up and let the kids have a more real life now, but I doubt it. If they don't disown ATI/IBLP they will sadly go on as before as though its no big deal.

I must say I never thought of Josh hurting his sisters. Never. But this makes sickeningly real WHY they sleep in street clothes, why the little girls ALWAYS wear leggins, why the big kids are with the little ones in one bedroom. Sad. So very, very sad. Maybe NOW, years after the fact, they can have a LOCK on the girls bedroom door????

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JOSH is still listed as a speaker at the Alive Christian Music Festival later this month, as of today: http://www.alive.org/speakers/

(along with Anna, and the other 2 youg Duggar couples)

If any of you feel like doing something proactive--and don't feel that it is appropriate for Josh to have paid speaking gigs at this time--consider contacting Alive: alivefest@alive.org or through https://twitter.com/alivefestival or their Facebook page.

I'm looking at the FB page and someone(obvious Duggar leghumper) asked if they are still coming Alive responded that they are coming and that they will inform people if there are changes

Yesterday at 10:04am ·

Are the Duggars still coming to the event? (I hope so-

Alive Festival Yes they are and if anything changes we will let everyone know. Thanks!

There are anti Josh comments there so far.

If josh duggar shows up on stage he will most likely get booed off stage or people will throw stuff at him... hope he doesn't show up

Hope you will cancel Josh Duggars appearance in light of his admission that he molested 5 young girls including his sisters!
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The festival confirmed that the Duggars are still going to be speaking there, though they didn't confirm which Duggars specifically.

The family is still scheduled on June 19 at the Rocky Mountain Super Conference, hosted by Christian Home Educators of Colorado.


Bill Cosby was scheduled to appear at a show in my city earlier this year. Until about 48 hours before the performance was supposed to begin.

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The festival confirmed that the Duggars are still going to be speaking there, though they didn't confirm which Duggars specifically.

The family is still scheduled on June 19 at the Rocky Mountain Super Conference, hosted by Christian Home Educators of Colorado.


I'm looking at the FB page for that site. Not a lot of activity, one person is anti-Duggar

Comment that was posted before the scandal broke

May 8 at 9:16pm ·

My little girls 3 & 7 can't wait to see the Duggars. There such an inspiration to

our family.

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Re-think that.

May 22 at 12:38pm ·

I am praying they are still coming.

6 hrs

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You might want to rethink hosting this family.

1. The parents KNEW and he has admitted to it.

2. The parents waited to report it until a year later. (My guess is that it continued, or they wouldn't have bothered reporting it a year later.)

It went on for 3 years until he was 17. That is a serial molester and 17 is old enough to know better.

3. When they did report it, it was to Jim Bob's cop buddy Jim Hutchens- who is now serving 50+ years for child pornography and never investigated it. They sent him to build houses.

3. In all Josh's statements about forgiveness and prayer, he never once talks about the lifelong impact on these girls.

4. THIS guy thought he was qualified to judge other people about their lifestyles?!

5. The Duggars have used their prestige and fame to condemn the LGBT community, often calling consenting ADULTS child molesters-

Knowing their son admitted to molesting his sisters and one other he was babysitting, one who was 5 years old.

I have emailed CHEC and asked them to withdraw their invitation to the Duggars. I encourage people to do the same.

The below comment is from the same person who in above comment mentioned her little girls wanting to see the Duggars. She is an idiot

I don't agree that they should withdraw from the conference. Shame on those calling Josh And his family names. He sought counseling and so did the family and they all forgave him and seek God. So as Christians it's not our part to condemn them for past actions and they also have a right to keep this private since it was handled and it's not been a problem after that. If they are withdrawn My family will not be attending the conference and will ask for a refund of my tickets. Also will be not renewing homeschooling with this organization. I'm ashamed for those Christians that know nothing of redemption. He was 14 a child at the time and he received help and had been open and honest to everyone about it. He's not a threat to anyone and he has shown redemption. Shame on those using judgement and condemning him for past mistakes. The family never ignored it and he informed authorities twice and they have corporate with them. What Josh is today is not the same boy he was then. We all have made past mistakes that all of us deeply regret and he did apologize to girls who he hurt in his statement. And you don't know what's in his heart either. And they also forgave him and moved on. They don't owe the public or anyone else not affected by the matter anything. They had every right to keep this private so not to ruin Josh's life in the future because people can't seem to let go of past mistakes just those commenting there. But if this how CHEC operates then we will find another Christian organization for our homeschooling needs. As Christians we need to show compassion and kindness not hate. And that's what I'm hearing and would you stand before God and tell him what you state about the duggars. If you have a past that people would look down to would you like someone to hold you responsible for that today when you already changed and took responsibility in the past for those mistakes. Don't you think they have a right to privacy also. Especially when so many youth today make mistakes because there brain hasn't developed judgment yet. Shame on anyone that has so much hate inside them to demonized a family that took care of this privately and with the authorities and Josh has changed.

Responses to the idiot leghumper

This went on repeatedly, many times, from age 14 to age 17, involved 4 sisters (one of whom was only 5 years old) and another child he was babysitting, and the help he received was helping build houses, not professional counseling.

Forgiving is fine, but what he did was a crime, and they didn't go to the police (other than the family friend who is now in jail for 60 years for child porn).

I hope you stand up as staunchly for same sex consenting adults who wish to marry.

Mr. Duggar's actions were against children as young as 5, and the report says it was forcible.

How do you really know beyond a doubt that he is not a threat to anyone?

Michelle Duggar admitted to police that Josh did not receive counseling, there was no certified counselor, and instead had been sent during that time to a family friend who was in the home remodeling business.

They took Josh to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens (who is now in prison for 56 years for child porn).

Jim Bob knew Hutchens personally. Hutchens did not take any official action and instead gave Josh a “very stern talk.”

Hutchens took no action on the Duggar case.

How do you all know that everything is fine now, when it was done repeatedly over a span of years and he got no formal counseling?

Molesting your sisters is not natural nor is it within the confines of our civil laws. Shame on anyone who thinks it is okay to molest their siblings or any other person for that matter

There are comments between the leghumper and a couple of other people. The above leghumper and others on that FB event page who are defending the Duggars are stupid as fuck.

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They might try a Special with the Duggar reactions on the molestation and depending on how the Viewers take this (Rates will be veeeeeery high) they will continue in a probably changed format if the People reactions is, that they now understand everything better and since the Girls are so brave and have forgiven their brother, we should do the same bla bla bullshit.

Hence, an all decisive soon to come Special is an option....

That would be pretty disgusting. Yes, the voyeurs would tune in in droves if the victims were willing to expose themselves to the world this way. But the blow black would destroy TLC.

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"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much."

Jackie Kennedy

I cannot see any kind of TLC show continuing with Josh and his parents. In their statement, they said, "We tried to teach him right from wrong." They seem to believe that this covers their rear ends, with the public and with God. They threw their daughters and their troubled (to put it mildly) 14-year-old son under the fundie bus, but take zero responsibility. Yep, just wash your hands of anything that occurred under your roof with your minor children, Jim Bob and Michelle. They want the world to know, hey, don't look at us, we did our part. Not gonna work. Inroads have been made to make pedophilia and incest acceptable in society but right now it's a deal-breaker.

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I predict an upcoming special show much like the one that dealt with the Gosselin break-up. Huge ratings and then a plunge into oblivion. People will want to associate with the Duggars about as much as they want to hang out with Kate Gosselin. Which is to say, not at all.

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Statements from JB and Michelle, statements from Josh and Anna, statements (or postings) from both Seewald parents.

Not one word from anyone in the Dillard family, not one word. Interesting.........

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I think the Willis children are more musically talented than the Duggar and Bates' offspring. The Willis daughters are also quite pretty, and the boys fairly attractive. (Although, their father was nice-looking as a young man, but he has not matured well. His wife on the other hand, IMO, has gotten better looking (and blonder) with age.) I found their music boring and repetitive, and I don't think they have truly strong voices. However, I could see the appeal to a conservative audience who wants "good Christian music." It's clear that mom and dad are hoping this show will lead to huge widespread success. I don't see that happening.

I don't like it when the children are the main source of income for the family. What does the dad do? Does he have a job? I think the mom is the manager of the family musical act, but when it comes down to it -- the kids are the ones working the hardest.

Did anyone else notice the oldest son, "Jair," talking about how stressful life can be, and so he works out in order to relieve some of that stress? Why is he so stressed out? Are the other kids also stressed out? It doesn't sound healthy to me. I've got a 17-year old son, and he does get stressed with school work, balancing that with his sports and his social life, so I know a certain level of stress is normal and unavoidable.

All I know is that I'm tired of large fundie families getting television shows.

I don't know if you're familiar with the tragic history of the Willis family, but Toby Willis (who is the father of the 12 children on "The Willis Family" show on TLC) was one of 9 children. In 1994 Toby's 6 youngest siblings were killed in a huge car accident/fire near Chicago and Milwaukee. Toby's parents escaped the van, but they couldn't save the lives of their 6 youngest children in the van and all of those kids died. Toby was older and was not traveling with the family.

It's a very long story that exposed a huge amount of government and big business corruption (the Governor of Illinois at the time accepted bribes in exchange for granting truck driver's licenses to people who were not qualified to be licensed, among other things), but it also resulted in the Willis family successfully suing multiple companies and being awarded $100 million in an out-of-court settlement. It is still one of the largest settlements in US history for this type of accident, but it was considered an especially horrible tragedy because 6 young children basically burned to death.

I assume that since Toby was one of the 3 surviving children, that his parents probably divided up the $100 million settlement among themselves and their 3 surviving children. So the current Willis Family (Toby's family on TLC) is living off Toby's portion of the settlement, which is a huge amount of money.

Here's an article about the settlement: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1999 ... settlement

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"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much."

Jackie Kennedy

I cannot see any kind of TLC show continuing with Josh and his parents. In their statement, they said, "We tried to teach him right from wrong." They seem to believe that this covers their rear ends, with the public and with God. They threw their daughters and their troubled (to put it mildly) 14-year-old son under the fundie bus, but take zero responsibility. Yep, just wash your hands of anything that occurred under your roof with your minor children, Jim Bob and Michelle. They want the world to know, hey, don't look at us, we did our part. Not gonna work. Inroads have been made to make pedophilia and incest acceptable in society but right now it's a deal-breaker.

I don't understand what you mean by the bolded bit. Are you suggesting that pedophilia/incest are something that is becoming more acceptable or is this just a typo?

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Statements from JB and Michelle, statements from Josh and Anna, statements (or postings) from both Seewald parents.

Not one word from anyone in the Dillard family, not one word. Interesting.........

I hope it's because they are being smart and discreet. That's not to say they can support their DIL's family during a tough time but they certainly can keep it private, really I don't see any reason for them to make a public statement if they don't want to.

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"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much."

Jackie Kennedy

I cannot see any kind of TLC show continuing with Josh and his parents. In their statement, they said, "We tried to teach him right from wrong." They seem to believe that this covers their rear ends, with the public and with God. They threw their daughters and their troubled (to put it mildly) 14-year-old son under the fundie bus, but take zero responsibility. Yep, just wash your hands of anything that occurred under your roof with your minor children, Jim Bob and Michelle. They want the world to know, hey, don't look at us, we did our part. Not gonna work. Inroads have been made to make pedophilia and incest acceptable in society but right now it's a deal-breaker.

Well, when you don't know right from wrong yourself, it's just about impossible to teach the concept to your offspring. So there's that.

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There's a new article going viral on facebook (#1 story on my news feed sidebar): defamer.gawker.com/duggar-dads-political-platform-incest-should-be-punish-1706929035?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_facebook&utm_source=gawker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

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I predict an upcoming special show much like the one that dealt with the Gosselin break-up. Huge ratings and then a plunge into oblivion. People will want to associate with the Duggars about as much as they want to hang out with Kate Gosselin. Which is to say, not at all

Wasn't Kate on Dancing with the Stars? A Duggar on DWTS, yes I would watch. Actually I'm sure JD would love nothing more for the family show to end so he can have his full privacy back. He would never want to parade his family in front of cameras.

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I too have wondered if Jill and Derick might be distancing themselves somewhat, but it may or may not have anything to do with Josh's abusive behavior. It could be that they just want to get out from under JimBoob's thumb and the cameras and have more autonomy over their own lives. Frankly, given the recent scandal, I wouldn't be that surprised if Jill made her social media accounts private as soon as the show is cancelled and tried to return to a more anonymous life.

With Jessa and Ben, I think things are a little more complicated because they're so financially dependent on Boob. Also, I think these two want a career in the spotlight--they want to be the next evangelical power couple. So, IMO, it's highly likely that in the next few weeks, we'll see more of their fire and brimstone verses directed at "haters," and then it will be business as usual. They have a lot of fans, and I think recent events will only make them more eager to show their support for Jessa as soon as she and Bin have a book or DVD out for Christian teens or newlyweds or whatever. The show will end, but these two will go on.

Overall, though, I don't see much changing. I don't think either couple will cut ties with the Duggars because neither Jill or Jessa will want to be cut off from their siblings. Also, I think we have to remember that even though what Josh did is news to us, it's not news to the girls, and chances are it's not news to Derick or Ben, either. So there's no real reason to assume anything will be different within the family just because the whole world knows now, as well.

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I hope it's because they are being smart and discreet. That's not to say they can support their DIL's family during a tough time but they certainly can keep it private, really I don't see any reason for them to make a public statement if they don't want to.

I agree, the Dillards are not in any way "public" figures, nor have suggested they want to be. The Seewalds have a blog and may have felt "obliged" to address the issue.

How about the Bates, though? Have they made any statement?

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I'm not sure if anyone already posted this, if so I'm sorry for the repeat. I thought it was interesting that this story came out about David Zaslav, CEO of Discovery (includes TLC) is the highest paid CEO in corporate America.


Made $156 million last year alone...there are no words.

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I am wondering if derickdillard actually went to work today or if he was given some type of short-term emergency leave by his employers. I can't imagine being in a workplace while my spouse's family was in nationally broadcast meltdown, not to mention the fact that every media outlet on the planet has most likely been calling his desk phone for comments since Friday. Jilly Muffin is still not my fave, but I hope they are a comfort to each other and to their siblings.

I agree with the person that stated any effort by TLC to put the 19KAC victims and their molester on camera for some BS "closure" program will end with the channel imploding under the weight of fury and disapproval from the 1 in 4 adults that were evidently molested at some point in their childhoods. If TLC really wanted to make a statement (and we know they will not; they're all about whatever they can put on the air that will get them the most money and who gives a damn about the collateral damage) they would bring in NOT Oprah, NOT Montel, NOT Dr. Phil, but a group of therapists who have years of experience working with children who've been molested and getting them meaningful help, and a moderator that does not appear on entertainment television to discuss the warning signs of predators, how to protect children from them and what to do/who to call if you suspect someone in your household is engaging in this activity. Let them use an hour of their profits to produce something that might actually help. If TLC really wants to make a statement, they can simulcast the program across all Discovery channels and ask if the free networks would be interested as well.

In the meantime, we're not going to stop reality TV. Thankfully, it seems to be dying on its own; I saw three different articles last week stating that viewers have had enough of the trainwrecks and are looking for different entertainment options. If any of us want change, the best way to begin is to (and I know some will think this is crazy) contact our elected representatives. Ask that the Coogan Law be made nationwide legislation. (Governs how monies earned by minors can be spent, schooling requirements, etcetera). Another great piece of legislation: Television networks (and TV crews working with minors) should be made mandatory reporters and should be held criminally and financially liable for suppressing or ignoring evidence of criminal activity or neglect of minors working on any TV production.

IMHO, of course.

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I don't know if you're familiar with the tragic history of the Willis family, but Toby Willis (who is the father of the 12 children on "The Willis Family" show on TLC) was one of 9 children. In 1994 Toby's 6 youngest siblings were killed in a huge car accident/fire near Chicago and Milwaukee. Toby's parents escaped the van, but they couldn't save the lives of their 6 youngest children in the van and all of those kids died. Toby was older and was not traveling with the family.

It's a very long story that exposed a huge amount of government and big business corruption (the Governor of Illinois at the time accepted bribes in exchange for granting truck driver's licenses to people who were not qualified to be licensed, among other things), but it also resulted in the Willis family successfully suing multiple companies and being awarded $100 million in an out-of-court settlement. It is still one of the largest settlements in US history for this type of accident, but it was considered an especially horrible tragedy because 6 young children basically burned to death.

I assume that since Toby was one of the 3 surviving children, that his parents probably divided up the $100 million settlement among themselves and their 3 surviving children. So the current Willis Family (Toby's family on TLC) is living off Toby's portion of the settlement, which is a huge amount of money.

Here's an article about the settlement: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1999 ... settlement

Thanks for this. Admittedly, I'm not really following this family, but I was completely unfamiliar with their background. Given how well-off they are, I wonder why they feel the need to do a reality show. It's not like they need the money, and with that kind of cash behind them, they really don't need TLC to get their music out there.

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I am wondering if derickdillard actually went to work today or if he was given some type of short-term emergency leave by his employers. I can't imagine being in a workplace while my spouse's family was in nationally broadcast meltdown, not to mention the fact that every media outlet on the planet has most likely been calling his desk phone for comments since Friday. Jilly Muffin is still not my fave, but I hope they are a comfort to each other and to their siblings.

I agree with the person that stated any effort by TLC to put the 19KAC victims and their molester on camera for some BS "closure" program will end with the channel imploding under the weight of fury and disapproval from the 1 in 4 adults that were evidently molested at some point in their childhoods. If TLC really wanted to make a statement (and we know they will not; they're all about whatever they can put on the air that will get them the most money and who gives a damn about the collateral damage) they would bring in NOT Oprah, NOT Montel, NOT Dr. Phil, but a group of therapists who have years of experience working with children who've been molested and getting them meaningful help, and a moderator that does not appear on entertainment television to discuss the warning signs of predators, how to protect children from them and what to do/who to call if you suspect someone in your household is engaging in this activity. Let them use an hour of their profits to produce something that might actually help. If TLC really wants to make a statement, they can simulcast the program across all Discovery channels and ask if the free networks would be interested as well.

In the meantime, we're not going to stop reality TV. Thankfully, it seems to be dying on its own; I saw three different articles last week stating that viewers have had enough of the trainwrecks and are looking for different entertainment options. If any of us want change, the best way to begin is to (and I know some will think this is crazy) contact our elected representatives. Ask that the Coogan Law be made nationwide legislation. (Governs how monies earned by minors can be spent, schooling requirements, etcetera). Another great piece of legislation: Television networks (and TV crews working with minors) should be made mandatory reporters and should be held criminally and financially liable for suppressing or ignoring evidence of criminal activity or neglect of minors working on any TV production.

IMHO, of course.

You know, Derick has been at WM for just over a year. In that time, he's had a vacation for a wedding, a paternity leave, and who knows how many other "leave" days for things like MD or DDS/Ortho appts. This is not even including Duggar days-

He is not a long time, vested employee. Is AK an at will employment state? I worry about his job security.

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I too have wondered if Jill and Derick might be distancing themselves somewhat, but it may or may not have anything to do with Josh's abusive behavior. It could be that they just want to get out from under JimBoob's thumb and the cameras and have more autonomy over their own lives. Frankly, given the recent scandal, I wouldn't be that surprised if Jill made her social media accounts private as soon as the show is cancelled and tried to return to a more anonymous life.

With Jessa and Ben, I think things are a little more complicated because they're so financially dependent on Boob. Also, I think these two want a career in the spotlight--they want to be the next evangelical power couple. So, IMO, it's highly likely that in the next few weeks, we'll see more of their fire and brimstone verses directed at "haters," and then it will be business as usual. They have a lot of fans, and I think recent events will only make them more eager to show their support for Jessa as soon as she and Bin have a book or DVD out for Christian teens or newlyweds or whatever. The show will end, but these two will go on.

Overall, though, I don't see much changing. I don't think either couple will cut ties with the Duggars because neither Jill or Jessa will want to be cut off from their siblings. Also, I think we have to remember that even though what Josh did is news to us, it's not news to the girls, and chances are it's not news to Derick or Ben, either. So there's no real reason to assume anything will be different within the family just because the whole world knows now, as well.

Well, they do have a newborn which tends to keep people busy. However, I do also see the newborn as a reason to distance themselves from this entire mess...most parents are protective of their own kids. Also, just because Jill knew, it does not mean that Derick knew everything that occurred between 2002-2015. It's likely the girls didn't even know all that JB and others did.

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I think if the "least" of the Duggars' issues was trying to find a way to deal with Josh on the show, they'd have a shot at keeping the show on TLC a bit longer. But unfortunately that's just the tip of the iceberg. The whole puzzle, when it comes together, does not form a pretty picture...you can't just keep airing reruns of Michelle and Jim Bob spouting off about women being responsible for men's mistakes after something like this happens. And people might be able to forgive Josh for something he did at 14, but I'm not sure people will be able to forgive his parents for the NEXT ten years after the abuse occurred, when they still neglected to put either their molester son OR the sisters he molested into proper counseling or therapy.

This is the beginning of a HUGE shit storm, IMO. Give it a year and I bet all of the kids will be in drastically different places than we'd ever have expected. Give it two years and I bet they'll be DATING and wearing pants and the girls will start having suspiciously long gaps between pregnancies.

I would kill to know what's going on at TLC right now. They are scrambling to find a way to salvage the footage they've already got for new episodes and to keep SOME form of this mess going. Maybe the girls will get lucky and they'll be able to do a daughters spinoff...but I'm not so sure they could pull it off. But I would much rather watch a show with just the girls, personally.

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Nothing brings the far right Evangelical community together more than something like this that they can say is all about them being persecuted. If they were Scientologists they'd be hiring attorneys and donating their brains out to fight the enemy, but this bunch wears it like a badge of honor and sees it as a way of deepening their faith.

I had a woman come after me on FB last night saying that I wouldn't be so critical of the Duggars if their last name were Kardashian. Seriously. In essence, saying that I would condone sexual abuse and a resulting cover-up for anyone BUT a Christian family. If that's the way they perceive this then Josh is heading toward martyr status. The Franklin Mint should be alerted and plates painted in time for the holidays. Sign me up for the sack cloth and ashes series.

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I think if the "least" of the Duggars' issues was trying to find a way to deal with Josh on the show, they'd have a shot at keeping the show on TLC a bit longer. But unfortunately that's just the tip of the iceberg. The whole puzzle, when it comes together, does not form a pretty picture...you can't just keep airing reruns of Michelle and Jim Bob spouting off about women being responsible for men's mistakes after something like this happens. And people might be able to forgive Josh for something he did at 14, but I'm not sure people will be able to forgive his parents for the NEXT ten years after the abuse occurred, when they still neglected to put either their molester son OR the sisters he molested into proper counseling or therapy.

This is the beginning of a HUGE shit storm, IMO. Give it a year and I bet all of the kids will be in drastically different places than we'd ever have expected. Give it two years and I bet they'll be DATING and wearing pants and the girls will start having suspiciously long gaps between pregnancies.

I would kill to know what's going on at TLC right now. They are scrambling to find a way to salvage the footage they've already got for new episodes and to keep SOME form of this mess going. Maybe the girls will get lucky and they'll be able to do a daughters spinoff...but I'm not so sure they could pull it off. But I would much rather watch a show with just the girls, personally.

I think the girls deserve some privacy right now.

But I actually think a daughters spinoff would do really well. I mean, isn't that wht most people tune in anyways? It's not to see what JD and Joseph are up to, they never really have anything going on (that TLC deems worthy enough to have an episode dedicated to them anyways).

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Privacy would probably be the best thing for them, but it might be too optimistic to think that is what they will get. They are probably terrified of losing their cash cow so suddenly and will cling on for dear life if TLC gives them the chance, privacy be damned.

I tend to think the entire show will be canceled. Maybe they could do a spinoff later. I just don't know if they could swing it right now...the Duggars might have managed to gloss over a lot of horrible things in the past 10 years with a big smile and a healthy dose of J'chelle whisper voice, but you can't gloss over molestation. There is no way you can just dance around it, and there is, IMO, no way the Duggars could actually confront it with any grace or tact. Even if they tried to do a tell-all interview we all know it'd be more of the same. Vague BS about bringing everyone closer to God and each other.

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