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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I went and recreated your search - it wasn't the Washington Post, it was what I believe is a satirical news site called Washingtpost.com.co, and they linked to the story from "National Report" which is also satire. So, alas. No CPS investigation.

This is the one I found http://washingtonpost.com.co/child-prot ... ar-family/

I still don't know the credibility of the site, so I apologize if it is a satire site.

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Arkansas doesn't have Child Protective Services, they have the Dept of Human Services, or DHS. And there's no way anyone from DHS would comment on a pending investigation, other than to say they can't comment on a pending investigation, IF THAT.

I do hope DHS gets involved. Just because the SOL on the situation with Josh has passed doesn't mean other disturbing things don't go on in that house. I think psych and educational evaluations need to be done on all the minors and DHS can take all the kids if JB&M refuse.

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The "About" link at the bottom states that it's not affiliated with washingtonpost.com.

I clicked on several of the other articles. It's snark and snark on the sick side.

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Statements from JB and Michelle, statements from Josh and Anna, statements (or postings) from both Seewald parents.

Not one word from anyone in the Dillard family, not one word. Interesting.........

Not one word from Dillards or Kirk Cameron or others.

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I clicked on several of the other articles. It's snark and snark on the sick side.

Yeah, I clicked around more after posting this (all I did was scroll to the bottom of the article and click About) and :pink-shock:

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I thought about this too. But I think the number of people really supporting the Duggars and willing to boycott former sponsors is very small. Yes, there are a few leghumpers, but general public pressure for the companies to drop the show is much bigger than the influence of these die-hard fans.

I agree, the die-hard fans aren't a huge number. I've said this before on FJ, but there are/were different factions in the Duggar fanbase.

Hardcore fundie/fundie lite faction

-These are the viewers that have been fully aware of the Duggars' beliefs and some of the viewers have ATI or VF ties. Many of these viewers homeschool and are QF. s ome of these of the viewers aren't cable subscribers and watch the show via other methods, Amazon Instant Video, iTunes, or DVD releases

-Mainstream Christian type faction

-These viewers vary from conservative Christian types to liberal Christian types. These types have viewed the Duggars as "happy Christian family". I have observed that many of the people in this faction are in the dark about the dark side of fundamentalism/QF lifestyles and some probably aren't deeply aware of Bill Gothard and ATI. Now that Josh scandal has broke, I think many people in this faction are done with the Duggars

-Non Christians, atheists, faction

People in this category have praised the Duggars in the past, even though they aren't Christian or are non-religious. I knew a lapsed Jewish woman who was a huge fan, I think she fell for the cuteness factor and the "always happy" vibe. I have come across others who aren't Christian or non-religous who like the Duggars for other reasons. Some people in this category ditched the Duggars in the past after Josh took the job at FRC and Michelle's robocall. Now, with the Josh revelations, the people in this faction are also done with the Duggars.

While the Duggars have made a lot of money for TLC, they still aren't the most profitable reality show family. Reality show families on other networks have had them beat when it comes to profits. The Kardashians, Duck Dynasty family, Real Housewives and their families etc.

The Duggars before this scandal broke were somewhat difficult to market. Due to their beliefs, we were never going to see a Duggar on DWTS or any other celeb type competition show. The Duggars only did fluff pieces/appearances for GMA, Today, Dr. Oz, Anderson's canned daytime show, and Dr. Drew. They never were never on Ellen or late night shows. The adult Duggar kids were also limited in making additional money outside of the show. Even though the homeschooling conference and Alive conference are saying the Duggars are still going to appear at those events, those events might be the last paid speaking events the Duggars ever do(if they do make to those events).

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The festival confirmed that the Duggars are still going to be speaking there, though they didn't confirm which Duggars specifically.

The family is still scheduled on June 19 at the Rocky Mountain Super Conference, hosted by Christian Home Educators of Colorado.


Now on the Rocky Mountain Facebook event, the organizers are replying to the negative comments:

We invite you to share your thoughts directly with us by emailing office@chec.org.
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I'm Australian, maybe we do satire differently to you, but that washingtonpost site is the worst 'satire' I've ever seen. It's not funny or insightful ... just incorrect. :?

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I'm Australian, maybe we do satire differently to you, but that washingtonpost site is the worst 'satire' I've ever seen. It's not funny or insightful ... just incorrect. :?

I'm American and wrote for my college's satirical newspaper. I think that site is crap.

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There are a lot of sites that make up fake stories to get clicks and get away with it because they call it satire, even though there's no real attempt at humor.

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Not one word from Dillards or Kirk Cameron or others.

I wouldn't compare Dillards to Seewalds. Seewalds maintain a blowhardy blog so you knew Michael would weigh in sooner or later. Cathy doesn't comment on anything that Im aware. Seawalds posted wedding pictures, defended Jessa when she compare abortion to holocaust etc. When the Duggars do something that he can comment on, I'n sure he's quite happy at all the hits he will get. He loves stirring stuff up. I could be wrong, but Cathy hasn't shown evidence that she likes mixing it up online.

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The Seewalds (including Jessa) seem to enjoy courting controversy, whereas the Dillards (including Jill) seem to avoid political or hot-button issues and stick to praising God and talking about how neat their family is. It's a different dynamic.

It will be sort of interesting to see who breaks the social media silence first.

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Cathy has been fighting for her life and does not need to get riled up over this any more than is absolutely necessary. As was mentioned elsewhere she did attend Oklahoma State with her husband, Derek's dad, and seems to have a lot of perspective. She said that she didn't talk to her kids about courtships, but about not wasting time and money dating lots of girls. Which I thought was amusing and probably helpful.

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It seems like there are a few more dissenting voices on Seewald's blog. Still lots of leghumpers but a few more that call out the truth. I am not sure if that is because Michael just couldn't keep up with the volume anymore, or if he is allowing a few more since he was accused of not letting the dissenting opinions post, or what.

My Opinion of Michael Seewald isn't very high. He seems like the type who would want to be sure he gets his 15 minutes of fame in. His blog was mentioned on The Today Show and you should have seen the picture they had of him. Perfectly groomed, on trend "scruff", hair styled, just enough ruggedness, and flattering angles. He is loving having all this attention to him. I am sure 2 years ago, he never imagined he would get a mention, much less quoted with a professional portfolio style photo on the Today Show. And now, there he is.

I am disappointed in Guinn, though who knows what kind of household she lives in. Michael Seewald seems very controlling to me and perhaps Guinn is held to a very tight rope with him and can't dare to speak out.

The thing is though, Michael is really missing the boat. He could actually capitalize on this for his and his son's benefit. He has chosen the shortsighted action of standing with the Duggars, when in fact, he could have subtly played it differently. He could have helped Ben and Jessa become the "anti-Duggars". Standing with the Duggars will only get him play for a short time. Supporting the Victims, helping ben and jessa move out from a house where her violator lived, would get Michael Seewald a lot more positive press and for a longer period of time.

I realize I am sounding very cynical, but why can't some of these Duggar hanger's ons, and/or the older kids realize the $$ that could be made by breaking away. I don't want the Duggars back on TV as 19K and Counting, but I do think I would watch a show featuring Jessa, Jill, Jana, JD, Joseph, Josiah, Jinger, Joy etc moving out and striking out on their own, while they still look in on their younger siblings to be sure Lester the Molester is far away from them.

These kids could really exert a lot of power over their own lives if they made a break. Financially, they would get a big boost, and they would have instant followers.

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If my kid were married to a Duggar (heaven forbid!!I think I'd stay completely off social media for the foreseeable future. The Seewalds certainly love to flap their gums - no mystery where their son gets it from. Kudoes to the Dillards for just staying out of this mess.

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Didn't VF leader have a scandal?

I hope these girls get the help they need. In private. I hope at least a few will start to make their own choices. I'm sure they'll find a way to make money. A Duggar tell all is probably worth $$$.

Someone needs to watch Josh. He hasn't had this much pressure ever in his life. He has poor coping skills. I hope Anna is smart enough to do something if he harms her or the m kids.

JimChelle needs a shrink asap. I would actually watch the show if JimChelle can have therapy sessions with a real therapist who will call them out on their bs. These two are so damn delusional. Any shrink can make more than enough income with only these two as clients.

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Don't know if anyone posted yet but cps is investigating the Duggars. dammit cant post a thee ink but if anyone else can please do.

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Don't know if anyone posted yet but cps is investigating the Duggars. dammit cant post a thee ink but if anyone else can please do.

Darnit, meant to quote not thank and can't see how to un-thank from Tapa.

Anyway, on another post the link was from a satire site. I couldn't find it for myself with a quick google, so I don't think it's true.

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Thanks Thanks for posting the link. I don't know if its true or not. Usually cps won't make such a big media statement.

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Yeah, that's a "satire" site.

Poorly done, at that. As someone else said, it's mainly just false reporting that's just coherent enough to seem real.

Sites like that drive me nuts.

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National Report is a satire site.

THANK YOU! If People can be considered reputable, they are reporting that CPS has had involvement with the Center, not the Duggers.

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could some go to Michael Seewald's site and ask him where he landed on the Doug Phillips deal and VF? If he came in full support for Dougie, then I wonder what it must be like for him to land on the wrong side of history twice. I have tried to post there, but my posts were deleted. And I even tried to be very respectful of his opinions.

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