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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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could some go to Michael Seewald's site and ask him where he landed on the Doug Phillips deal and VF? If he came in full support for Dougie, then I wonder what it must be like for him to land on the wrong side of history twice. I have tried to post there, but my posts were deleted. And I even tried to be very respectful of his opinions.

I'd offer to do it, but he deletes all my comments and I have been blocked on his Instagram. All because I dared to question ATI/IBLP. I mentioned Gothard and he seems to get his knickers in a bunch and has a childish fit.

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I'm so confused about what Michael Seewald is hoping to achieve by writing his article? Why does People keep speculating on 'who' Josh's 'anonymous' victims are? Is it possible that Seewald genuinely doesn't know that Josh molested his sisters, potentially Jessa?

How could anyone write an article supporting someone who potentially molested their daughter in law? (potentially because I don't want to speculate on which sisters it actually was, it's enough that we know it was some of them.)

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I don't know if this article has been posted but it was actually refreshing the read an article about this situation that didn't couch the argument. The author straight up says we shouldn't be turning a blind eye to people like Josh. That's letting them get away with it twice.

Think we cross posted. I posted it in other threads. I kind of laughed loudly at some of the narrative.

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Think we cross posted. I posted it in other threads. I kind of laughed loudly at some of the narrative.

So did I. I'm so used to the careful rhetoric surrounding the Duggars in the media that I forget that other news outlets in other countries (even my own! I'm in GB) aren't afraid to let rip!

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Now I know why Jim Bob couldn't get any man from Fundie Royalty to marry his girls. I always thought that was strange that he went outside his group for husbands for his girls.

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So, the show (and/or the whole TLC channel) has now lost Four National Advertisers: General Mills (3rd largest consumer foods company in the US), Walgreen's (largest drug retail chain in the US), Choice Hotels (5th biggest hotel chain in the World), and Payless Shoes (largest shoe store chain).

http://www.thewrap.com/payless-choice-h ... r-scandal/

I just can't come up with a scenario that would economically justify TLC retaining 19KAC as a regular series.

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I posted this over on the Bates thread, but I think it might fit here too. At least one site has connected the Duggars and the Bates. Points out Gil's job on the board and Gothard at Erin's wedding. Also references FJ. It will be interesting to see what fans of the Bateses say on sites or if this gets picked up anywhere else.

http://defamer.gawker.com/the-bates-fam ... 1706997724

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I'd offer to do it, but he deletes all my comments and I have been blocked on his Instagram. All because I dared to question ATI/IBLP. I mentioned Gothard and he seems to get his knickers in a bunch and has a childish fit.

Yesterday I posted on their instagram something about ATI/IBLP and it's still there. Either they haven't checked instagram since or they just really don't like you. :P

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So, the show (and/or the whole TLC channel) has now lost Four National Advertisers: General Mills (3rd largest consumer foods company in the US), Walgreen's (largest drug retail chain in the US), Choice Hotels (5th biggest hotel chain in the World), and Payless Shoes (largest shoe store chain).

http://www.thewrap.com/payless-choice-h ... r-scandal/

I just can't come up with a scenario that would economically justify TLC retaining 19KAC as a regular series.

And yet Variety says that TLC is mulling keeping 19KAC, albeit in a revised format. I just don't get it, especially with the advertisers pulling out.

https://variety.com/2015/tv/news/19-kid ... 201506363/

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And yet Variety says that TLC is mulling keeping 19KAC, albeit in a revised format. I just don't get it, especially with the advertisers pulling out.

https://variety.com/2015/tv/news/19-kid ... 201506363/

I really wonder if 19KaC is the only thing really keeping TLC alive at this point??? That's the only way I can fathom TLC still wanting to keep the show, despite all the advertisers that have already pulled out and probably a few (if not many) more to follow suit. :evil-eye:

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Can I move that we officially change Josh Duggar's name to "Uncle Badtouch"?

"All of this is something that should frighten someone whose future grandchildren will likely be calling Josh Duggar “Uncle Badtouch,†but apparently the power of Jesus is strong enough to fix everything after the abuse occurs."

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/05/26 ... sequences/

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Can I move that we officially change Josh Duggar's name to "Uncle Badtouch"?

"All of this is something that should frighten someone whose future grandchildren will likely be calling Josh Duggar “Uncle Badtouch,†but apparently the power of Jesus is strong enough to fix everything after the abuse occurs."

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/05/26 ... sequences/

I think that is too lighthearted for the situation, but I don't want to speak for the rest of FJ.

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And yet Variety says that TLC is mulling keeping 19KAC, albeit in a revised format. I just don't get it, especially with the advertisers pulling out.

https://variety.com/2015/tv/news/19-kid ... 201506363/

I'm trying to imagine the show without the frequent, requisite, family gatherings for various events. Even if the focus shifts to the girls, ignoring the greater family dynamic would feel disingenuous and frankly, they're hurting for content as it is.

They can't go on with Josh nor do I see how JB's presence on TV would ever be tolerated again, but stranger things have happened.

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I still think that TLC knew the entire time and that's why they haven't cancelled--Jim Bob will tell the media that he was upfront with the network from the start if TLC cancels them. Yes, it's business, but child sexual abuse is usually a very big line for even the most mercenary of executives. I'm guessing that TLC is waiting for enough sponsors to pull out, that way they can tell JB that they have no choice but to cancel. But if they keep most of their sponsors or get new ones, 19KAC stays on the air.

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I think that is too lighthearted for the situation, but I don't want to speak for the rest of FJ.

Also, he's their brother and not their uncle.

I'd rather use his name so that nobody can forget that JOSH is a pedophile who molested several of his siblings and another person (that we know of so far!)

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Am I the only one who's surprised that Hobby Lobby isn't on the list of sponsors? Though I can totally see them throwing in sponsorship now to help compensate for all the advertisers jumping ship.

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Am I the only one who's surprised that Hobby Lobby isn't on the list of sponsors? Though I can totally see them throwing in sponsorship now to help compensate for all the advertisers jumping ship.

I think even Hobby Lobby will be careful. The allegations against Josh and his parents are truly a PR nightmare, most companies, even conservative ones, want to stay away as far as possible from such controversy.

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Perhaps I'm not remembering things correctly but didn't Jill's name on Instagram use to be Jill (Duggar) Dillard?

Her description still says that but I thought her name did as well.

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For those who discovered that the Duggars hired a crisis manager turns out the story was false.


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I just want to hear that TLC has cancelled this train wreck of a "family" show. AND I want to tell Jim the sound guy, that kept telling us "the Duggars are the real deal"....what he can do with his phony, fake, cult, incest-infected family.

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I'm so confused about what Michael Seewald is hoping to achieve by writing his article? Why does People keep speculating on 'who' Josh's 'anonymous' victims are? Is it possible that Seewald genuinely doesn't know that Josh molested his sisters, potentially Jessa?

How could anyone write an article supporting someone who potentially molested their daughter in law? (potentially because I don't want to speculate on which sisters it actually was, it's enough that we know it was some of them.)

You know I was wondering this myself. Maybe Ben and Jessa haven't told the Seewalds who the victims were. I'm hoping that he just honestly didn't know when he wrote this because I just can't believe he would support Josh. Forgiving someone is one thing, and I know it's what Duggars, Seewalds etc want to do. Great. Forgiving someone however does NOT mean you have to keep that person in your life at all. I hope they all realize this.

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I just want to hear that TLC has cancelled this train wreck of a "family" show. AND I want to tell Jim the sound guy, that kept telling us "the Duggars are the real deal"....what he can do with his phony, fake, cult, incest-infected family.

I keep on wanting to give Jim the benefit of the doubt, but there's always been something about him that makes me think he'd approve of some of what the Duggars do. Not the sexual abuse, but stuff like "physical correction". But who knows; maybe Michelle was able to hold back on hitting her kids with a rod whenever the camera crew was there.

He did bring his kid to their house, so I wonder if that means he approves of the Duggar lifestyle or whether his daughter is a fan of the show... though I doubt anyone who really disapproved would be able to keep a straight face for so many years.

Didn't the person who spilled the story about Michelle getting a gay crewmember kicked off the show also say that the crew started to become more conservative as time went on? If I recall correctly, Jim has been there for quite some time. That either means he's the best bullshitter and should be acting in front of the camera, or he has either been pro-fundie since the beginning or turned that way after being exposed to the Duggars "values"

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First time poster here, so I don't know if I should post this here or if this came up somewhere but you should take a look at Dan Dillard's Facebook, quite obvious they are on Josh's side

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