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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I never believed Jim the sound guy. The entire documentary crew obviously began skirting the line that documentary film makers are supposed to follow after the second season. They stopped asking the family even mildly controversial questions. They used to ask Jana, Jill and (unfortunately) Josh a lot of questions in the first season about dating, long skirts, evolution, homeschooling, and how they felt taking care of their siblings instead of their parents.

I fee like the Duggar Compund is basically a brainwash factory. The kids aren't just acting like the sweet, perfect family for the cameras, they're also doing it to please Boob and Michelle so they don't get shipped off to JTTH or ALERT. I Imagine it's like invasion of the body snatchers. Everything is "neat" or "special." If you think otherwise and can't pretend the "sin in the camp" never happened because Josh told God he was sorry, then you need to go off to be reprogrammed by some patriarchal, misogynistic, bull shit program.

I would think the crew wouldn't want to lose their job with TLC or to say something that would get them sued. They have families too. I would think that Boob had an airtight contract with them. Whatever happens when the cameras aren't rolling never happened (as far as Boob is concerned).

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I never believed Jim the sound guy. The entire documentary crew obviously began skirting the line that documentary film makers are supposed to follow after the second season. They stopped asking the family even mildly controversial questions. They used to ask Jana, Jill and (unfortunately) Josh a lot of questions in the first season about dating, long skirts, evolution, homeschooling, and how they felt taking care of their siblings instead of their parents.

I fee like the Duggar Compund is basically a brainwash factory. The kids aren't just acting like the sweet, perfect family for the cameras, they're also doing it to please Boob and Michelle so they don't get shipped off to JTTH or ALERT. I Imagine it's like invasion of the body snatchers. Everything is "neat" or "special." If you think otherwise and can't pretend the "sin in the camp" never happened because Josh told God he was sorry, then you need to go off to be reprogrammed by some patriarchal, misogynistic, bull shit program.

I would think the crew wouldn't want to lose their job with TLC or to say something that would get them sued. They have families too. I would think that Boob had an airtight contract with them. Whatever happens when the cameras aren't rolling never happened (as far as Boob is concerned).

Was it Jim in one of the earlier seasons who noticed one of the younger boys moving to music while they were out shopping somewhere and asked if he was dancing? I'm just now remembering this, but if I remember correctly the boy was told to stop and JB or whoever said that he wasn't dancing. Uh, yes he was. Back then, the crew let that kind of hypocrisy (on the part of JB) be seen.

Sorry to be vague, but your post reminded me of that incident. It hadn't occurred to me till this was brought up just how much the show has evolved through the years. There was actually some reality in the beginning that wasn't a sanctioned Jim Bob Duggar production.

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For those who discovered that the Duggars hired a crisis manager turns out the story was false.

http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/05/27/e ... not-hired/

To me, if this story is true, this is the most telling bit of information we've seen on just where the Duggars stand right now.


"“I can’t go into specifics, but some examples of what we need from our clients are: a willingness to admit you messed up, being humble about the situation, transparency with us, meeting our retainer fee, willingness to take a proper and just punishment both in the law and or court of public opinion, etc.â€

“Due to an inability to garner all we needed from the family- without me providing specific examples- we will not be working with them,†Frederick wrapped with telling us."

My guess is that they didn't get any further than the 'being humble about the situation' part.

They really do nauseate me.

As for a spinoff show with the oldest girls...what will it be other than a Christian Kardashian show? Who cares?

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What is the legal situation for people who have secondhand information about child molestation when it's already been reported to the authorities?

For example, could Harpo have said anything publicly? Or TLC? What about the crew (NDA aside)

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Hobby Lobby won't touch this with a 20 foot pole. With all the fallout they're still dealing with, the last thing they need is an association with child molestation.

And ConAgra....that's a HUGE company, lots of brands under them too.

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What is the legal situation for people who have secondhand information about child molestation when it's already been reported to the authorities?

For example, could Harpo have said anything publicly? Or TLC? What about the crew (NDA aside)

I think it would depend on whether or not one was a mandated reporter. For example, if a student reported to a teacher that her sister had confessed that their dad had molested her, the teacher would be mandated to report that information.

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Something interesting I've noticed is that Josh Duggar's Instagram has gotten more followers since the scandal broke. Like at least several thousand I think. I could see a small increase of people interested in the scandal following but wouldn't you think he'd be losing followers?

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Also, he's their brother and not their uncle.

I'd rather use his name so that nobody can forget that JOSH is a pedophile who molested several of his siblings and another person (that we know of so far!)

I certainly don't want to be accused of being a Josh apologist. I think the events that happened were awful, the fact they continued after discovery and there were multiple victims are huge red flags --- And his statement that focused on the damage to him, instead of his victims said a lot about how he doesn't really get it, still. -- But it isn't diagnostically accurate to call him a pedophile.

He was too young when the molestation happened. I'm sure it's been brought up somewhere in these many, many pages - but the criteria for a pedophile in the DSM IV ( and V ) means the person must be at least 16.

Now if they had decided to handle this with actual therapists and treatment and protection for the children -- he would have been receiving counseling through his teens so appropriate action could have been taken if, as an older teen / young adult, he did meet the criteria for pedophilia.

But because he was so young when it happened, and received so, so, so many fucked up messages regarding sexuality and responsibility from his parents and cultural group - it's impossible for any of us to know if he's a pedophile or an opportunist.

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You would think he'd lose followers but they probably started just to see what he's going to put on it. Looks like most of them have gained followers since this started.

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You would think he'd lose followers but they probably started just to see what he's going to put on it. Looks like most of them have gained followers since this started.

Exactly! Haters are curious and want to see anything he posts. I'm sure most of the people here that are heavily interested in the story would want to see what he'll be posting in the near future.

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A few things are puzzling me and maybe someone here can help fill in the gaps. I've tried to keep up with the threads, but there's an awful lot to read.

If I remember correctly, someone wrote an account of the molestation and put it in a book at the Duggars' house, someone else later borrowed the book and found the account, and In Touch magazine was contacted.

My questions:

- Who, other than family, friends, or invited leghumpers would be at the house and be allowed to borrow a book?

- Does it make sense for the person who borrowed the book to read the incriminating information and directly contact the media vs. mailing back the document, doing something less "extreme", or doing nothing? Doesn't seem like something that a person friendly to the Duggars would do.

- Does it make sense that a book sat for approximately a dozen years without being opened (or the document would have been found and presumably removed) and that the person asking to borrow the book did so without wanting to open and glance through it first (which probably would have exposed the document)? I can see a book not being opened for a long time. I have a harder time imagining someone wanting to borrow someone else's book without opening the book first.

- Why In Touch? Could it be that other media were contacted and In Touch was the only one that bit?

Thanks in advance...

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Can someone start a thread for us to discuss the spin off stuff that's being talked about? I want to talk about how lame it sounds, but I'm too "new" to start threads I guess. :think:

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Just curious....are there not any paparazzi at the home? I haven't seen any photos which I thought was odd. It seems like when Jon and Kate were having their drama the paps would follow them around?

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I think it would depend on whether or not one was a mandated reporter. For example, if a student reported to a teacher that her sister had confessed that their dad had molested her, the teacher would be mandated to report that information.

Exactly, theres no duty to act unless the law requires you too. There are several cases around the country in the past decade or so where people SAW CHILDREN BEING MOLESTED and did nothing. They didnt even call the police, they just walked away. Unless the law says you MUST act, you can turn a blind eye. Harpo and TLC are not mandated reporters (but an individual employed by them, like an attorney, would be). Harpo did the right thing, TLC... we know their caliber of ethics...

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Exactly, theres no duty to act unless the law requires you too. There are several cases around the country in the past decade or so where people SAW CHILDREN BEING MOLESTED and did nothing. They didnt even call the police, they just walked away. Unless the law says you MUST act, you can turn a blind eye. Harpo and TLC are not mandated reporters (but an individual employed by them, like an attorney, would be). Harpo did the right thing, TLC... we know their caliber of ethics...

I would argue that Michelle is the kids' teachers and obligated to report by virtue of that.

Just another way homeschool allows people to get away with child abuse.

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I would argue that Michelle is the kids' teachers and obligated to report by virtue of that.

Just another way homeschool allows people to get away with child abuse.

A mandated reporter is generally someone who holds a license - dr, lawyer, psychiatrist, psychologist, teacher, sworn officer etc.

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A mandated reporter is generally someone who holds a license - dr, lawyer, psychiatrist, psychologist, teacher, sworn officer etc.

It would depend on the wording of that state's mandatory reporting statute.

However, as a parent she is obligated to protect her kids from known dangers. Some parents have their kids taken away for failing to protect them.

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A few things are puzzling me and maybe someone here can help fill in the gaps. I've tried to keep up with the threads, but there's an awful lot to read.

If I remember correctly, someone wrote an account of the molestation and put it in a book at the Duggars' house, someone else later borrowed the book and found the account, and In Touch magazine was contacted.

My questions:

- Who, other than family, friends, or invited leghumpers would be at the house and be allowed to borrow a book?

- Does it make sense for the person who borrowed the book to read the incriminating information and directly contact the media vs. mailing back the document, doing something less "extreme", or doing nothing? Doesn't seem like something that a person friendly to the Duggars would do.

- Does it make sense that a book sat for approximately a dozen years without being opened (or the document would have been found and presumably removed) and that the person asking to borrow the book did so without wanting to open and glance through it first (which probably would have exposed the document)? I can see a book not being opened for a long time. I have a harder time imagining someone wanting to borrow someone else's book without opening the book first.

- Why In Touch? Could it be that other media were contacted and In Touch was the only one that bit?

Thanks in advance...

I wondered about the book/letter thing, myself. If it's not a completely made-up story to cover for however the news really got out, it's possible one of the kids deliberately planted the letter so it would be found by a certain person.

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A few things are puzzling me and maybe someone here can help fill in the gaps. I've tried to keep up with the threads, but there's an awful lot to read.

If I remember correctly, someone wrote an account of the molestation and put it in a book at the Duggars' house, someone else later borrowed the book and found the account, and In Touch magazine was contacted.

My questions:

- Who, other than family, friends, or invited leghumpers would be at the house and be allowed to borrow a book?

- Does it make sense for the person who borrowed the book to read the incriminating information and directly contact the media vs. mailing back the document, doing something less "extreme", or doing nothing? Doesn't seem like something that a person friendly to the Duggars would do.

- Does it make sense that a book sat for approximately a dozen years without being opened (or the document would have been found and presumably removed) and that the person asking to borrow the book did so without wanting to open and glance through it first (which probably would have exposed the document)? I can see a book not being opened for a long time. I have a harder time imagining someone wanting to borrow someone else's book without opening the book first.

- Why In Touch? Could it be that other media were contacted and In Touch was the only one that bit?

Thanks in advance...

1 & 2. I don't understand why everyone assumes that the book with the letters in it was in the Duggar house. That was never claimed in the police report. I think a more plausible reading of the situation was that someone outside the family noted down the situation (maybe one of those church elders, maybe one of their wives, maybe a neighbor, could be any of a long list of people), used their books as a filing system, and then lent out the book. So the book did not have to be loaned to a Duggar friend. Clearly whoever found the letter was not friendly with the Duggars.

3. The book did not sit untouched for a dozen years. Four years max, since the first incidents were in 2002, and the letter triggered the investigation in late 2006.

4. InTouch may well have done the investigative reporting legwork to get the scoop. That is what reporters do, after all, even tabloid ones. The clues they needed were all on the Internet.

Edited for riffles.

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Just curious....are there not any paparazzi at the home? I haven't seen any photos which I thought was odd. It seems like when Jon and Kate were having their drama the paps would follow them around?

There was a video showing a cop car parked in their driveway late last week- presumably to discourage the paparazzi.

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This certainly is getting a lot of publicity. It was the featured story on CNN tonight.

Complete With Dr. Drew hinting at how maybe if they got real help, from a really super competent expert, maybe as an educational exercise for the broader public - some good could come of it :roll: :ew: He was realllyyyyy blatant in his pitch.

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Why In Touch magazine?

Read the last pages of Part 6 on here. They have screencaps of things, but the TL,DR version is a lesbian and her sister were offended by the robo-calls Michelle made, suggesting she was a molester for her lifestyle when she knew the Duggar family had secrets (as many in those circles know). Her family went to hs with and lives around the Duggars. They began protesting the Duggars. In Touch reached out via Instagram questioning their protest and.. they filled In Touch in. Absolutely not confirmed, but the other thread has some pretty compelling evidence.

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This statistic surprised me in a yahoo article posted today:

"While TLC “might be†20 percent of Discovery’s total U.S. revenue, he added, even if TLC lost half of “19 Kids†ratings, the dent in total company revenues would be about 0.5 percent"

Losing the Duggars is only .5% of revenue. I would have thought the Duggars were closer to 5-7% of TLC revenue. You can't tell me TLC can't find something else (maybe it would take a few pilots) that would get a decent following. I think bringing back Trading spaces would given them at least a few decent rated seasons.

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I think smugger and Jim Dim thought if they said they repented bring god into this things would pass over. They were dead wrong. Jim needs to stop thinking he's always right

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