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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I never thought the show was that good for the Duggar kids and that it probably kept them in the fundie lifestyle longer than if they had never been on television. Jim Bob isn't poor anymore, I don't think he will let any of his kids really struggle financially. Keeping the show on makes it seem like what Josh did and how Jim Bob and Michelle handled it isn't that big of a deal.

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I think it will reinforce their views of the "outside world" being bad. In their minds, they dealt with the problem. The horrible outside world doesn't understand or know all the facts or what happened but they are jumping to conclusions and judging what they do not know. They will seclude and double down on the modesty and God talk.

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I bet Josh won't be able to get another job .Him and his kids will probably end up on the system or depending on Jimbob if Jimbob can afford to help them my guess is the Duggar's days of providing for themselves are over .Probably even the girls will be getting jobs to support the house to keep them floating along .

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I bet Josh won't be able to get another job .Him and his kids will probably end up on the system or depending on Jimbob if Jimbob can afford to help them my guess is the Duggar's days of providing for themselves are over .Probably even the girls will be getting jobs to support the house to keep them floating along .

Jim Bob has enough money and property to support his family, and probably Prince Josh's, provided the idiot and his wife stop procreating now.

Ben will need to find real employment.

Josiah's intended will probably head for the hills now that there is no show for her to star in.

Jackson will probably be the loneliest of the children. He came to my mind first. But it had to end sooner or later and these kids need privacy, now more than ever.

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I have a feeling that tell-all book will be happening sooner rather than later. I really think this explosive news will be the thing that breaks up the family. We know JB&M will try and circle the wagons to "protect" their children from the ebil outsiders, but I think the damage has been done. Literally and figuratively.

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Josh, Anna, JIm Bob and Michelle will have to disappear from TLC. They all knew and mainstream people don't believe in "repent and never do it again". They see that the situation wasn't handled well (enough).

Jim bob and Michelle will still be doing the fundie circuit, but their mainstream followers are gone- leaving a large gap between what the TLC ratings were and will be. The parents will hit the speaking circuit and will talk about the safeguards they put in place and how they handled it. But mainstream folks will see people who crammed purity down our throats and had a massive scandal regarding impurity behind the scenes.

TLC will put this show on Hiatus, wait until a big event happens and air a special. They will wait to see how the special is received with ratings and social media comments and then make a decision on whether to add some Duggars back to the line up. Jim Bob, Michelle, Josh and Anna will pretty much be banned from the show.

Nothing much else will change behind the scenes. But man, I'd read that tell all book.

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I want to say that I would be thrilled if their show ended because they have become too greedy and selfish over the years but if it gets canceled, the poor girls will feel mostly to blame. Josh will feel guilty but not as much as the girls. I have a feeling that this will make the parents more controlling and isolate the kids more. It's a crappy situation. I'm tired of them making a fortune for being selfish and irresponsible with their breeding but it's going to be a huge negative impact on the whole family. The show kept them afloat but I think j.boob stock piled most of his earnings, so they may not be too worried until the money runs out and no more extravagant trips! But I have this feeling that they will turn this around to make it a dramatic plot in the new season, once they will see the ratings fizzle out, they will be dumped eventually. People are outraged, but they still have some delusional supporters.

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I bet Josh won't be able to get another job .Him and his kids will probably end up on the system or depending on Jimbob if Jimbob can afford to help them my guess is the Duggar's days of providing for themselves are over .Probably even the girls will be getting jobs to support the house to keep them floating along .

I wonder if people would even trust him enough to buy used cars.

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The Duggars arent hypocrites progressives are


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I can't even begin to take this article seriously. I stopped reading it, actually, because I can't even begin to understand why people think the outrage over this is wrong. YES, they are a public Christian family. If they were Joe Schmoe down the street, it would make the local news, maybe the state news, but not national. That is just a small portion of why there is so much outrage; it barely scratches the surface, actually.

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This is being talked about in the other thread and I need to say it here too: LENA DUNHAM DID NOT SEXUALLY ASSAULT HER SISTER.

Lena Dunham is a shitty writer who tries to make her own life seem more dramatic by describing herself as a molester for her normal, age appropriate curiosity about her sister's body. Lena was 7 years old. What she did was not sexually motivated, it was motivated out of developmental curiosity. If I have to spend the time explaining why a pre-pubescent 7 year old's actions are different than a post-pubescent 14 year old's than I will scream, so I am just going to leave this quote from a professor of sexual development

Dunham's story is not one of sexual exploration and she doesn't describe any sexual acts. The story she tells is one of bodily exploration; sex is not a part of it. Her story also includes her sister's own exploration in that it turns out her sister had been putting pebbles inside her own vagina (some small girls put things in their vaginas—toys, pebbles, Legos, etc—there is a case study of a 4 year old girl who put a Bratz doll in her vagina).

People who are attaching sex to these stories seem to equate the genitals with sex, but that's not how young children see their genitals. Dunham's story is not an uncommon one. The research (and any preschool or home with young children) is full of stories of childhood 'play' not so different than this one.

the rest is here http://jezebel.com/the-right-to-a-sexua ... 1654187731

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This is being talked about in the other thread and I need to say it here too: LENA DUNHAM DID NOT SEXUALLY ASSAULT HER SISTER.

Lena Dunham is a shitty writer who tries to make her own life seem more dramatic by describing herself as a molester for her normal, age appropriate curiosity about her sister's body. Lena was 7 years old. What she did was not sexually motivated, it was motivated out of developmental curiosity. If I have to spend the time explaining why a pre-pubescent 7 year old's actions are different than a post-pubescent 14 year old's than I will scream, so I am just going to leave this quote from a professor of sexual development

the rest is here http://jezebel.com/the-right-to-a-sexua ... 1654187731

Totally agree. Kids play doctor and ask about private parts, but parents never feel the need to call the police about it because it's so common at a certain age. A 14-year-old getting gratification from his little sisters is a totally different story, and if they notified the police, then it had DEFINITELY escalated beyond curiosity or a "mistake" as Josh likes to call it. Ugh!

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Josh seriously needs to go on self-harm watch. TLC has pulled the plug, his life is toast and the gravy train that has been supporting a couple dozen people has stopped.

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The Duggars arent hypocrites progressives are


I didn't read the whole thing. I couldn't.

Each of these defenders of Josh and JB and J'M makes me want to spit. I have started to read these comments and articles with this question in my mind: "What if this was about a Catholic priest?" I would bet dollars to donuts that none of these leghumpers defended the pedophile priests (nor should they be defended) but these jackasses are defending this jackal !!! It was wrong (criminal) for the priests to do it just the same for Josh or Joe Q. Public. :pull-hair:

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Josh seriously needs to go on self-harm watch. TLC has pulled the plug, his life is toast and the gravy train that has been supporting a couple dozen people has stopped.

Josh can jump off a bridge for all I care. He might even be doing his own children a favour.

Yes I went there.

Seriously, this person deserves nothing but pain and suffering for the rest of his life.

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I have a feeling some sort of the fundie-approved rehab is going to emerge that he's going to check into before M4.

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Anyone else think the main show could be cancelled but there might be a spin off? Jill and Derrick, perhaps?

No. The Duggar name is toxic now. Just ask General Mills.

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No. The Duggar name is toxic now. Just ask General Mills.

Every article about the Duggars from here on will mention this scandal. I doubt there will be any more shows featuring them. Hopefully they will just fade into obscurity.

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* Josh enters a religious inpatient treatment program for sex addicts.

* Anna goes to Florida to be with her parents and have M4

*Cathy starts sending notes through Jill to Jana, Jinger and Joy letting them know that there are people and organizations out there that will help them escape TTH.

* Michelle goes into a deep dark depression, no longer the TLC queen and unable to have any more children, she heads to the bedroom to grieve where she locks JB out and he has to sleep on the couch.

* The Bates announce that they are okay with frontal hugs, kissing and hand holding but still hope their children will wait until marriage for intimate relations.

* Marjorie's parents convince her to put her relationship with Josiah on hold and she heads to college this fall.

* John-David, Joseph and Josiah change their last name from Duggar to Smith.

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Every article about the Duggars from here on will mention this scandal. I doubt there will be any more shows featuring them. Hopefully they will just fade into obscurity.

I don't know, I can see there being a spin off show without Josh/Anna and JB/Michelle. I think those are the ones deemed toxic in the eyes of the sponsors. I think the girls are pretty safe as long as they kind of back off the extreme fundie views and become a little more mainstream they could be a real money maker for TLC. Everyone sympathizes with the girls and want to see the girls happy and going on with their lives in a positive way, away from the Duggar Dungeon of Doom.. it could make for good TV. They are beautiful, bright, humble and likable girls and that right there are big selling points. But they would have to do it on their own away from their parents and Josh and I don't know if they would agree to that.

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I hope that the oldest girls are okay. I hope they don't feel guilty about what happened, and blame themselves for getting the show taken off the air. I hope that they get the best possible outcome for themselves, and I hope that the three still living in the home are able to leave and have their own lives. I hope that Jill and Jessa's husbands are supportive of them. I hope that all of them have someone to talk to about this, who will help them heal, and I hope they have access to therapy that is not fundie.

I feel sad for them, that they are likely upset that it has all come out, and afraid about what will happen next. I feel sad that they likely don't feel that they can talk to anyone about it, and feel alone because everyone is focussing on Josh. I hope that their feelings are not being ignored, or that they are not under pressure to pretend that everything is okay between them and Josh and that they forgive him. I am worried for them in this toxic environment, how much pressure they must be under from everyone. I wish I could protect them.

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I would love to see Josiah and Marjorie put their courtship "on hold" and both head to college this fall (not necessarily together, but if their parents would let them go someplace conservative together, like PCC or Crown, go for it. It isn't like they'd be allowed to share a dorm room!). They can still be "good friends" or perhaps even "dating with a purpose" as the Bates would say. If they want to resume their courtship when they are a bit older, then good for them.

And I want Joseph to return to Crown College in the fall

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I hope this situation provokes the older kids to examine their lives and make decisions based on their personal wants and needs. Move out, go to college, dump QF life..I truly wish the very best for all of the kids, a life on their terms.

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