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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I feel like JB/M are worth millions. They aren't going to suffer financially. And they might even have a cancel clause in the contract that they get paid for future agreed upon episodes. Fuckers best let these kids have a normal life from here on out, and get educations and counseling. The kids Jackson and down don't know life without cameras and adventures. FUCK YOU JOSH, JB AND MICHELLE. YOU HAVE RUINED MORE LIVES THEN YOU KNOW!plus the crew, they lose their jobs too.

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The latest developments with Josh are snowballing. Quickly. TLC has already pulled them out of their line up and sponsors are going to be distancing themselves in rapid succession. Josh has helped to (along with his parents) completely derail the entire extended family income. The Duggars may very well shun Josh the way they cut off Michelle's family. Jim Bob and Michelle may still be able to book some speaking engagements for conservative groups but I don't see them drawing in large numbers at all anymore. It is going to be very difficult for Josh and his parents to suddenly be out of the spotlight when they are sociopaths that have been praised on a celebrity pedestal for years. There may be deep resentment toward Josh and his actions once this has time to sink in. Do you think there's any chance of the family remaining truly close and intact after this scandal coming to light?

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I doubt JB&M will shun him. They don't seem to think what he did was that bad. I mean, he's so Godly and was cured. I hope his siblings shun though. I would.

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Show will be canceled by the end of next week.

Current courtships will end. Ben and Derick are either wondering wtf they got into or are feeling like knights in shining armor right now.

Everyone will circle the wagons for the time being. I think eventually, when there's no more money, the older girls will write a book.

Whatever moral authority Jim Bob asserted over his family is GONE. Except for Josh, who is now entirely dependent on Jim Bob's willingness to support him and his family, the children, especially the older girls from Joy on up, have gained leverage over their idiot parents. Let's hope they use it.

Jim Bob is going to find out right quick how much loyalty Jessa has when she is forced to choose between more People cover$ as an incest victim and covering his worthless rear end.

Meanwhile, Michelle will be humming off-key to herself as she polishes all her Mother-of-the-Year trophies.

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I really think Michelle will suffer from depression over this. She will break down emotionally and not be there at all (if she ever was) for the younger children. Anna will eventually leave. I think it is instinct at first to "stand by your man", but Anna appears to be a good mother and she will not want her children harmed by this in any way. Jim-Bob, Josh and Grandma D are putting their heads together and trying to figure out a way to salvage this.. they can't... it's futile, but they will try. John David will become more quiet, he's reclusive from always having had to live in the shadow of Jim-Bob and Josh. He'll eventually move out of TTH and be a bachelor, he'll keep in contact with Jana but that is about it. The girls will be married off one by one as is their destiny. The boys will continue homeschooling, nothing will change and eventually grow up, marry and leave the nest one by one. The little girls depressed and tired of living in the metal house of death, will marry young to the first guy that comes along, some of those matches will be okay but some will be disasters. I hate to sound so dismal but I really see this as a kiss of death for this family that will tear them apart and destroy what they had. But instead of JB and Michelle rebuilding their family structure and providing a loving and stable environment for the younger children, they'll just give up.. they are burnt out on parenting. It's a hot mess.

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I am REALLY hoping this will be the catalyst to get those kids out and educated. Fuck their daddy's wishes -- those kids have the right to grow up and move out.

Josh was already known to his family as kind of a jerk -- remember Siah's brilliant idea to (pretend to) beat him up for one of their movies/dinner theatre events? We named him Smuggar for a reason.

I really hope they all splinter off and head out. I'm not sure what's best for the youngest of them, but I hope they get to start making some decisions.

If TLC is pulling out...well. Jessa and Ben are in a family home, but pregnancy hormones can turn even the nicest woman evil -- and Jessa had a pretty thick coat of evil defensive armor to begin with (not hating, and I think her FU attitude helped her, and probably Jinger, in that house of horrors). We might get our tell-all sooner than we'd imagined.

It's very hard to keep a large family close and together, with or without religion. I think there will be units of Duggars sticking together, but I think the "whole happy family" facade is on its way down. With a resounding crash.

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I don't think JB & M will shun him. I'm not even sure his siblings will shun him either. Which is sad, because he should be shunned.

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Derek has a decent job. If he and Jill are reasonable about having kids, they'll be fine.

Ben has an associates degree in something businessey. That's pretty employable. Or he could head off to a major university and get the full degree. Maybe Jessa will start taking a class or two in cosmetology. They'll be ok if they live within their means.

Older boys will be alright. JD seems pretty employed. Joe is in college. Siah I worry about a little because I don't know what he's gonna do, but he seems competent enough that he'll find something.

Jana has more childcare experience than anyone. If she doesn't want to go explore a passion (or settle down and have her own family), she could find a great career in childcare.

Jinger and Joy are at the right ages where they could head off to a college together - room together if they wanted.

Jed on down need to make sure they get the full educational opportunities they can. GEDs are a good place to start, but I'd love to see them in a real school with real friends.

I hope Josh gets the help he needs. He needs to deal with his mistakes and get treatment. I hope there is a way that he can have a manageable life and still be involved in his kids lives without them being put in harms way. I hope Anna does what she needs to do to protect her children. And I also hope that Kenzie still gets to play with her Aunties because she does seem really close with the other little girls.

Jim Bob and Michelle can fuck right off. Sign over the legal rights to Gma Mary and just fuck right off.

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Shun Prince Josh? Never!

Blame the girls for tempting him all those years ago leading to the ultimate Fall of the House of Duggar? That I can see.

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I assume they'll be very Khate Gossturd and make comments about the poor, devastated children

I predict lots of sanctimonious comments about how Jesus loves and forgives them even if the wretched sinners at TLC won't. I have to agree that Michelle will probably become depressed but then will write some inspirational book about overcoming depression in a year or two.

I'm wondering if this will be the impetus for TLC to reconsider how it picks families to feature on it show even now the two of its most popular shows were shut down due to child molestation.

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TLC isn't going to officially cancel the show until a) more advertisers pull out (read the wording of the statement they just released, and contrast that with the statement released when they cancelled Honey Boo Boo. They're hoping it will all blow over) or b) Defamer/Gawker succeeds in finding someone that will talk on the record re: TLC knew about the molestation as early as 2002.

It would be really nice of Oprah to contact the five eldest girls and ask if there is anything she or her organization could do for them. One can imagine how she must be feeling; she probably wishes she'd pushed harder to get help for them.

I'd love to think that Anna has the spine to get herself and her kids to her parents' and let her soon-to-be-ex husband try to get even supervised visitation. If Smuggar told her he molested his sisters before he and Anna were married (and she married him anyway) it doesn't make her look good. I don't believe she was ever told exactly what happened.

I don't think Josiah and Marjorie will break up. I think he will become part of her family instead.

derickdillard's family must be losing their minds right now, as are the Seewalds. I would bet a significant amount of money that they had no knowledge of any of this before they were married.

TLC will offer all-expenses-paid counseling and job training to the J-slaves that don't want to remain in their parents' home as a way of staving off litigation related to the story they may have known about the molestation as early as 2002. defamer.gawker.com/the-web-has-known-about-josh-duggar-for-years-when-did-1706258269

We will find out that something awful happened at JTTH.

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To quote rebelprofiler:

They also set up counseling for Anna (HBB's sister, not to be confused with Josh's wife). I'd like to see them offer this up to the older girls as well.

Thanks to Michelle's tennis ball machine uterus, it's a heck of a lot of kids to cover, though. The older girls will be approached about doing their own show.

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Josh won't be shunned, they believe the Lord has forgiven him and they think forgiveness is the Christian and righteous thing to do. That's not to say there won't be an undertone of resentment toward Josh. I imagine a lot of the older kids who are old enough to know what is going on will distance themselves from him. They blame him even though they try not too. But it is his fault as well as their parents. JB and Michelle will probably encourage Josh to take Anna back to her native Florida, for them once the problem is out of sight it is out of mind. They'll want him gone it will be too painful for them to look at Josh on a daily basis now that he has single-handedly destroyed the Duggar dynasty. But if you look at other religious sects the only reason they shun one of their own is if they leave the religion. It doesn't matter what they do while they are in the religion but once they leave and stop believing the way they think they should, they shun them.. ie Amish. He won't be shunned but he has fallen from his pedestal. I imagine the resentment from Ben and Derick will run deep. They may not want their children over at TTH if Josh is going to be there. It certainly will change Josh's standing in the family but he won't be shunned.

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I want to say that I would be thrilled if their show ended because they have become too greedy and selfish over the years but if it gets canceled, the poor girls will feel mostly to blame. Josh will feel guilty but not as much as the girls. I have a feeling that this will make the parents more controlling and isolate the kids more. It's a crappy situation. I'm tired of them making a fortune for being selfish and irresponsible with their breeding but it's going to be a huge negative impact on the whole family. The show kept them afloat but I think j.boob stock piled most of his earnings, so they may not be too worried until the money runs out and no more extravagant trips! But I have this feeling that they will turn this around to make it a dramatic plot in the new season, once they will see the ratings fizzle out, they will be dumped eventually. People are outraged, but they still have some delusional supporters.

I think they will sink further down the Gothard wormhole and isolate those younger kids even more.

My heart is aching for all the children. I hope Derek (and Bin) make sure to tell their wives are not to blame for this!!!

I hope they seek real therapy.

I can't imagine how difficult sex is for Jill and Jessa. And to be told to "always be available" by DQ (who had FULL KNOWLEDGE of the molestation) It makes my skin crawl even without the molestation!!!

I really hope the married girls stay far away from the boob and dq, and help the littles get the fuck out of TTH.

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The heartbreaking part for me is how close those kids got with the production crew. IF the show gets cancelled (and I haven't read any reports that it will be - just that it's been pulled for a bit while things settle down), I think the hard part is going to be the production crew having to say goodbye.

I would imagine that TLC will do something similar for the Duggars that they did for Honey Boo Boo when that show was cancelled, which is they set up a trust for the minor children. I definitely do not think the Josh Duggar spin off is happening though.

My fears are that the older children are going to be dragged back down the rabbit hole at the TTH and I am sad that the children are losing their main lifeline to the outside world. They probably won't leave the faith but it still would have been nice to have extended a lifeline in case one does want to leave. Just my two cents.

No way Josh is getting any spinoff show, but I could see the married girls get a spin off. People like Jill/Derick and Jessa/Ben and they are fresh and "interesting" compared to the Duggars same old same old. I almost hope they do get a show because it's going to be a big financial fall from grace for those kids and especially Josiah and his gf... who aren't going to get the perks the rest of them got.

I think people would like to see Jana out on her own or move out into an apartment with Jinger and go to college or something. The younger kids are going to experience a big change I think. With the camera off and no TLC money rolling in means no more free trips and excursions and no more reason for Mommy and Daddy to be nice on camera. Plus with less older daughters at home to do the parenting and cleaning/cooking, etc., Michelle might have to do some work and will probably end up having a breakdown from the stress of it!

All in all, I think people feel bad for the older girls. They always felt bad that the girls were stuck having to clean, cook and parent their younger siblings, but now, after knowing what they have been through? That JB and M continued to let Josh live there and expected the girls to serve him food and clean and do all the "girl stuff" they expect girls to do for Josh as well as all the others and knowing what he did to them? I couldn't even stand to be in the same room as my molester and when my aunt refused to believe that her husband had molested me, I never saw or spoke to her or my cousins again. She's still married to "the love of her life". People in denial and more worried about their own image than the reality of what was really going on. Sickening.

If TLC was smart they'd play up the girls and put them in the spotlight and focus on them and leave Josh and JB and M in the dust for a good long while.

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They'll never REALLY shun him. But they might as well. If he is the one who f*cks up the paychecks, he will NEVER be in Boob and Jchelle's good graces again. They will never really forgive him. They might not admit it, they might say they forgive him, but it's a load of BS. Jim Bob worships the paycheck above all else.

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TLC will never again go near any of the Duggars. They are in their own deep shit over the fact that they almost certainly knew the story years ago. Oprah's people must have tipped them off.

Besides, the victims and the younger kids need privacy and a chance to heal, not just from the sexual abuse, but from years of being treated like zoo animals.

The Duggars need to go away now. For their own sake.

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I hope the kids all have a lot of money in savings. I really, really hope TLC has protected them individually.

I would also assume that Jill and Derick will be fine since at least Derick has a "real job," even if it probably doesn't pay nearly as much as what TLC does. I do wonder what their "announcement" coming up was - if we'll ever find out..!

Ben should probably be concerned. Josiah should probably be VERY concerned (if he is still getting married) because for all we know he seems to have 0 real skills or education and he and his wife-to-be are just babies. If it was easy to support a wife and children at 18, 19 years old with nothing but a GED, well...things like food stamps wouldn't exist.

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I almost miss the days when it was just "A Makeover Story" "A Baby Story" "A Wedding Story." Almost.

I always miss the days when TLC was owned and run by NASA. Oh, what a bad, trashy road that poor channel took! :angry-fire:

My guess? They'll put them on eternal hiatus and likely cut them off. Since TLC owns the shows, they'll re-air some select episodes during odd hours (like they do with HBB) and still make some insomniac ad revenue dollars--No royalties to the Duggars.

I don't know enough about the Duggars to make any guess that no one else has made, but I can almost picture someone swooping in to try to cash in on them in their time of need. Someone mentioned a "reformed Christian men's" -type camp. I can see that happening, among a few other things.

Some popular Christian has "fallen," and a complete and total opportunist a religious leader with he intention of cleaning house and milking those cows healing and repairing comes in hoping to use them as a pawn in their scheme crusade.

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#duggarfamilyvalues is the one I'm seeing most in my feed, but #5kidsandcounting deserves more traction.

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The younger kids can maybe have some sense of a childhood since they will no longer be on display and responsible for padding daddy's bank account. The older kids might actually mature enough to have real relationships instead of being paired up with teenage boys with no skills for ratings.

Nothing but good can come of cancellation, for everyone involved. Of course they won't all see it that way, but there is a lot of reality they simply don't see so this wouldn't be any different.

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