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Scandal Fallout - MEGA MERGE


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I doubt JB&M will shun him. They don't seem to think what he did was that bad. I mean, he's so Godly and was cured. I hope his siblings shun though. I would.

That won't happen. JB and M have drilled into those girls that they have to forgive their brother. (There's a quote from Jana that talks about being hurt by someone and how it's their responsibility to forgive). I guarantee that's what her parents have been telling her and her sisters. JB and M don't care about the immense pain and damage done by the abuse...all they care about it looking like the perfect family and not tarnishing their brand. The souls of their daughters and the pain and hurt and rage, because I'm sure deep inside they feel huge anger along with the anguish of such a betrayal...all of that doesn't really matter. I can see them pretending to care by telling the girls to give their pain to God and he'll heal them, which is really no actual help at all.

I also wonder about John David and some of the other older boys...what did they see or hear? Were they themselves abused? Would they even admit it if they were? Did Jana confide in her twin? It's hard to imagine that with so many living together so closely, that they wouldn't have known.

And JB and Michelle married Josh off to Anna and encouraged grandchildren, of course. Have they once even contemplated the possibility that Josh might molest again? That their grandchildren might be at risk?! Or are they in such denial that they only see what they want to see. Something tells me it's that.

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That won't happen. JB and M have drilled into those girls that they have to forgive their brother. (There's a quote from Jana that talks about being hurt by someone and how it's their responsibility to forgive). I guarantee that's what her parents have been telling her and her sisters. JB and M don't care about the immense pain and damage done by the abuse...all they care about it looking like the perfect family and not tarnishing their brand. The souls of their daughters and the pain and hurt and rage, because I'm sure deep inside they feel huge anger along with the anguish of such a betrayal...all of that doesn't really matter. I can see them pretending to care by telling the girls to give their pain to God and he'll heal them, which is really no actual help at all.

I also wonder about John David and some of the other older boys...what did they see or hear? Were they themselves abused? Would they even admit it if they were? Did Jana confide in her twin? It's hard to imagine that with so many living together so closely, that they wouldn't have known.

And JB and Michelle married Josh off to Anna and encouraged grandchildren, of course. Have they once even contemplated the possibility that Josh might molest again? That their grandchildren might be at risk?! Or are they in such denial that they only see what they want to see. Something tells me it's that.

I think they thought that once Josh had someone who had to be available for him 24/7 to fulfill his sexual desires, he would leave other people alone. That was probably the reason they tried to marry him off as soon as possible. Because I think that even the Duggars were aware that if Josh would have been caught molesting girls again, it could have had much bigger consequences, like him ending up in jail.

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They won't shun him because he's an abuser. If that was the case, they would have done it long ago.

They'll shun him because he crashed the gravy train. Hard. At the peak of their "career." Courtships, babies, smiles all around, everything going great, then Josh, who is already so unlikable, ruins it.

If anything makes the tell alls come out, if anything makes the shit really hit the fan, it'll be the lost paychecks. The Duggars were willing to do ANYTHING to preserve their image to keep the money rolling in.

I still can't get over his parents in good conscience trying to marry him off to some naive girl, and then, on top of that, to encourage them to start having kids IMMEDIATELY, when he clearly never received ANY type of real counsel. His parents probably forced them to explicitly said they'd have kids one after another without any protection in their VOWS, knowing that their son has a past of molesting children. I'm not implying he's necessarily molested anyone as an adult, much less his own children. Thank goodness there is no evidence of that, though of course that doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen. But they clearly did not care about Josh getting better, much less how the victims were doing. They just wanted him to be someone else's problem, and ASAP.

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I think they're going to isolate themselves more with like-minded families. They won't have to temper their viewpoints to keep it accessible or palatable for the masses anymore. They can be as extreme as they want. They have plenty of money. The die-hards will still love them. I think they'll just be even more isolated once the cameras leave.

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Honestly, at this point I have no idea how this will affect the kids, since this scandal has revealed just how much we don't know about what happens behind closed doors at the TTH. I'm having to re-evaluate everything I thought I sort of knew about the J'slaves, now that I know that 4 out of five were molested. I also don't know what to think about JD and Joseph, who probably witnessed some of the abuse. I used to think that they were just a couple of blue collar guys who just didn't want to appear on camera, but maybe that was they're way of distancing themselves from JB, Michelle, and Josh. And what about Josiah? For some reason, I liked to think he was different somehow, but if he's like Josh, then what does that mean?

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The other point I wanted to make is on the married girls, I watched Duggars Dig In last night and on two occasions when Josh tries to engage Ben or joke with him (in a weird sleazy used car salesman way) Ben is very, very cold.

My issue with Ben is he's just turned 20. He is a baby himself. A married baby with a baby on the way and no experience in the real world. My hope is he and Jessa will align themselves more with his family, because I do get the feeling he will not think any of this is okay. Whether he is an adult enough to move away from the Duggar fold? I'm not sure. He's very young and has seemed very taken in by the whole thing.

Jill I think married much better. Derrick is strange, but fundamentally I think he's an okay guy and more than that, he's from a good family- I like Dan and Cathy. My hope is this is enough to drive him back towards mainstream and take Jill and Israel with him. He has a qualification and a job and can break away from the train crash much more easily than Bin and Jessa.

I hope Marjerie's family calls off the courtship and takes their child away from there, educates her and lets her be normal ... not that likely though as they are Duggar family friends. Josiah should go away to Crown College and grow up.

I wish Anna would go back to her ridiculous parents with the M'kids but I expect she will 'stand by her man' at least for a while.

Jim Bob and Michelle have money. I expect they will carry on as normal, hopefully Jinger,Joy and Jana, and John David can get the hell away from them and get married (so ridiculous and sad in 2015 to get away they have to get MARRIED?) I guess the kids will keep growing up. It will be impossible to shield them from all this, and I don't think Jim Bob and Michelle are good enough parents to be concealing the situation at the TTH even at this moment. They will be aware of the crisis talks and the PR team even if they don't know exactly why it's happening.

Josh I expect will be shielded by his parents best they can, will go back to the car lot or even more behind the scenes in Jim Bob's business. Either he's going to live a sad life as a used car salesman, or I do worry he might harm himself, and I hope they are watching him closely as this continues to unfold. Public shaming has very nasty effects and this is a spectacular fall from grace.

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The author is a... what's the best way to put it? hipster fundie-lite blogger who got picked up by Glen Beck's Blaze to write a column. [unfortunately] I've read a lot of his stuff, and like always, he's just capitalizing on the Duggars being in the news right now and knows his base readers love to flip the script on those damn liberal Hollywood types.

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I noticed Ben looked out of sorts during that interview as well. In retrospect, I sort of wonder if in some way they new this was coming. Is it possible that they had been warned, or asked to comment prior to the article coming out?

When Josh made his last comment about Jana or Jinger having any courtship announcements, they both looked unhappy and they were not at all amused by his comment.

I do wonder about poor Jana, Hasn't she been sent out to help Anna with the kids in Washington? I imagine that was not pleasant for her to have to be so close to the molester

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I have a bad feeling nothing will change at all. The family will present a united front, Josh and Anna will move back closer to home. They'll stay quiet, no speaking engagements etc, only People articles about the ones the public want to see like Jill, Jessa etc.

I think this upcoming season will be their last and TLC won't renew and this family will fade into the background. Occasionally we might get an updated Duggar special on how Jessa and Jill are, but that will be it.

I have a feeling these girls are being reaffirmed how big and bad the "outside" world is, how this private family matter should have never come out, and that evil is everywhere. Big Daddy Jim Douche would be all over this as a life lesson, teaching the girls that the mainstream world really is out to get them. Unfortunately I would say these girls are probably believing everything he tells them. Why wouldn't they? They don't know anything else. They are probably horrified it has come out, and they wouldn't even realise that if Josh hadn't done it in the first place there'd be nothing to tell, their mindset would be all about how dare the media put this out there!

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I noticed Ben looked out of sorts during that interview as well. In retrospect, I sort of wonder if in some way they new this was coming. Is it possible that they had been warned, or asked to comment prior to the article coming out?

When Josh made his last comment about Jana or Jinger having any courtship announcements, they both looked unhappy and they were not at all amused by his comment.

I do wonder about poor Jana, Hasn't she been sent out to help Anna with the kids in Washington? I imagine that was not pleasant for her to have to be so close to the molester

I absolutely think they knew what was headed their way. I think this was the reason for Josh purchasing the home in AR. I suspect that InTouch went to them with the article and evidence before making it public. I think this gave them time to circle the wagons and get a statement to People together.

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TLC has already pulled 19KAC from their lineup. I hope they go on to cancel the show altogether like they did with Honey Boo Boo.

I wholeheartedly believe that the M kinds are in danger, especially MacKynzie and her unborn sister. Sadly, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out poor MacKynzie is already being abused. I wish CPS would take them away, or that Anna would divorce Josh and get full custody, but I'm not holding my breath. :angry-banghead:

I don't think much will change for the Duggars in the short term, besides the show being cancelled and the Smuggars moving back to Arkansas. Daddy JimBob will make sure Josh and his family are taken care of. :( :pull-hair:

Over time, though, as the TLC money and fame dries up, I think we'll see the Duggar kids start to question things. Someone will finally break free, and when they do, the other siblings will follow.

The end is coming, Duggars.

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My only problem with the theory that they knew it was coming is why would they broadcast Duggars Dig In and the episode all about courtship and dating? Surely they would have seen it as the worst possible most cringeworthy PR move imaginable, because I watched it on youtube last night (I'm in Australia) and good lord it seemed so horrible and hypocritical with Josh front and centre with his horrible comments, and Jim Bob's disgusting jokes about sex and 'hey hey hey' I think if they'd know this was coming in advance, that's not the episode they would have gone ahead with.

I don't think Bin likes Josh, whether that's because he knew or because Josh was sitting there making greasy cracks about sex in front of his sisters and parents and in general just seemed so sleazy, even if you didn't know the horrible truth.

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There is a very good chance that the kids from the boy twins on down had no knowledge of the assaults. I wonder how their parents will explain the sudden ending of all the things they've known all their lives? The show and crew, the singing gigs, book signings, the political rallies.

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Sadly, no, Josh will never be shunned. After all, it's not his fault that the young girls defrauded him. And Jesus and BG healed him, so why shun?

I think JB and Michelle should be shunned by all involved...including Josh and Anna...for failing to seek out appropriate counseling help for all involved. But, never going to happen.

It's all just sad.

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This is probably not true but what if one of the girls had enough and contacted in touch or had someone else they new do it?

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These people actually got looney supporters who claim that since he was forgiven (or so he says), that all is well. What a joke. He's still a child molester but these people don't get it. Let's hope their numbers are few enough not to have any influence.

My predictions:

The show will go off the air for a period of time. It won't be renewed, but they'll show an occasional rerun. Let's face it, people in this culture forget very quickly. Give it a decade or so, they may be fooling new fans, yet again.

Anna will stand by her man as best as she can, but will slowly sink into a deep depression (who wouldn't?). I think she won't want to be suspended out there in mid-air, and will try to go back to Florida. She has to have enough of a brain to know the kids are in danger. Hopefully she can rely on her family for help. :pray:

I think Jill and Jessa will do great. They are out of the house and will do what they have to do to keep their lives going. I'd love updates on them because I'd really like to see them happy and succeeding.

Jana, Jinger and Joy....I don't know what to think. I don't think they'll leave or be in any mad rush to marry. They know Josh will still come around and they will want to protect the little ones. I've begun to think that's precisely why Jana has stayed so long, in addition to being a full time babysitter. Perhaps Jana will tell Jinger and Joy it's ok for them to go marry and she'll protect the younger sibs, but I really don't see any of them going off to college. Again, I'd love updates on their lives. Jana could make a FREAKING FORTUNE on an (honest) book, sharing her story. Never mind that her education and skills are minimal.

For all five older girls, I do think there's an outside chance a book will be written at some point, way down the line, that discusses what it was really like to grow up as a Duggar. But, I don't see any of them ever turning on Josh or the family.

Marjorie should run, but I somehow think her family won't pull her from Josiah.

JD is apparently already out of the house. He seems like a great guy and I'd really like to see him do well. If he gets fully independent, maybe he can even help the others.

Joseph will graduate college and not return home.

Jim Bob and Michelle will continue to try to fool everyone. It won't work. They will be forced into having to go back to living the way they were before the show.

Josh....I think there's an outside chance he might try to hurt himself.....not seriously, but just enough to get attention and try to act like he's so upset over what he did that he tried to commit suicide or something. Other than that, he'll try to hold his family together. He'll have to work for his father. I wouldn't hire him or want him attending a college I was running.

From Jed and Jer on down.....well, they are going to have to adjust to just becoming more like ordinary people, no more cameras in the house or lots of travel. They have to be protected though. I think the older boys can certainly understand that and maybe they will have to take on a protective role over their younger siblings.

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The family won't shun him, but society overall will. They seem to stick together no matter what, but outside the family is different.

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The family won't shun him, but society overall will. They seem to stick together no matter what, but outside the family is different.

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These people actually got looney supporters who claim that since he was forgiven (or so he says), that all is well. What a joke. He's still a child molester but these people don't get it. Let's hope their numbers are few enough not to have any influence.

My predictions:

The show will go off the air for a period of time. It won't be renewed, but they'll show an occasional rerun. Let's face it, people in this culture forget very quickly. Give it a decade or so, they may be fooling new fans, yet again.

I don't think they can make a mainstream comeback, simply because reality TV stardom is very fleeting. The only reason the Duggars could make it for ten years is because they were relatively cheap to film since the family received a lump sum, were scandal-free (until yesterday), and could add new members on a fairly regular basis. A new fundy family can easily be found to replace them. For all we know, this scandal could end the fundy family TV show trend altogether.

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I don't know about a betting pool, but at the wishing well of SnowShine:

--CPS investigates, hardcore, both the TTH and DC Duggars.

--Anna is forced to make a choice: she can have her kids or Josh in her home, but not both. Anna decided to be a real Mom and kicks Josh out.

--After some intensive investigating, all minor children at the TTH are found to be unharmed (in one possible case, unharmed since Josh). Jim Bob and Michelle are allowed to keep their children in their house, but the children are required to speak with court appointed personnel at least once every two months. JB and M are not allowed to be present. They are strongly advised to enroll all children younger than Joy in mainstream schools. Josh is not allowed in the house when minor children are present.

--Joy declares herself an emancipated minor through the courts. (She seems a little too old to benefit from staying home and going To K12) TLC approaches all sibs Joy and older (except Sleezebag) and tells them "Tell us how we can help you." The kids make reasonable demands as far as housing, education, and work/training. If one or two kids seem particularly capable of pulling off a spin off, TLC follows them adjusting to their new life.

...I can dream, right?

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They won't shun him. I think they'll turn this into an opportunity for the family to be the representation of Christian forgiveness and an example of how Christian families should handle molestation within the family. They could certainly eke out a living for a little while giving speeches about that on the fundie circuit and rebuild some of their fan base.

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I doubt JB&M will shun him. They don't seem to think what he did was that bad. I mean, he's so Godly and was cured. I hope his siblings shun though. I would.

Of course what he did wasn't that bad! Those tiny little hussies got what they deserved for wearing defrauding pajamas when they have vaginas! /sarcasm

Sadly, that's the fundy mindset. But MONEY is a whole 'nother matter. They publicly defend him and are obviously accepting of what he did, but the money's drying up! And naturally they'll blame him and not admit what they did wrong. Jim Bob and Michelle have spent all this time building up a brand on lies, and years of work has crashed down. As far as they'll probably think, he wronged them.

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Publicly? if they ever want a future in anything.

Privately? I suspect not. There will just be more indoctrination.

The only way I see them shunning him is if they will lose their kids otherwise.

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This is my prediction and my HOPE for the children:

1). Anna will divorce Josh and move back to Florida with Mx4 and help with her father's ministry. They will put a double wide on their land for her.

2). TLC will put 19KAC on hiatus until next year when they come back with 2 spin off shows "The Seewalds and Dillards", they will feature Ben and Jessa and Derick and Jill and their growing families but they will not focus as much on their religion. The second spin off will feature Jana, Jinger and Joy and will be called "Jana, Jinger and Joy: Life on Our Own Terms". TLC will move the 3 girls to NYC, where Jana will enroll in nursing school, Jinger will pursue a career in photography and Joy will study theater at NYU. TLC will pay for the girls to get professional counseling behind the scenes and the show will be an instant hit and bring in more money than 19KAC ever has.

3). JD will marry a nice conservative Christian girl (not Fundie) and they will settle down in obscurity and limit their family size to 3 kids. I really don't believe JD buys into all the Quiverfull stuff.

4). Joseph graduates Crown College, marries Tori Bates and sets up house in TN.

5). Josiah and Marge end their courtship and Josiah decides to go to Crown College.

6). Jeremiah and Jed go to the community college that Ben went to and become Paramedics in Little Rock.

7). With all the older girls gone and the conservative christian convention circuit dried up Michelle and JB end up finally raising their younger ones.

8). Grandma Duggar moves in with her daughter.

I honestly doubt there will be a Duggar/Bates union after this. The Bates have their own reputation to uphold. IF there is one, it MIGHT be a girl Duggar. But I think even that is stretching it. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear or see any evidence of communication between the families. At least for a little while. Maybe a little clip of Joy hanging out at the Bates house in a year or two. But probably not before then.

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