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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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She was appointed to two committees, not a really big deal. She was elected on her own after serving as a prosecutor for years.

What I'd like to know is if boob gave to her campaign. Perhaps someone with better Google skillz than me can find her disclosures.

I found her disclosures, however it would take me forever to go through the contributions because a) they are handwritten b) some (most) of them are done through attorneys c) some are companies that I don't recognize.

If you were able to recognize companies or attorneys that have ties to the Duggars then you could probably nail it down. But the whole document is a mess and confusing. She raised a lot of money, almost triple than her opponent.

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I'm guessing that (becoming young preachers) has been the plan, and they were counting on the Duggar tv show and fame to jump-start that career.

and now that will NEVER EVER happen with the ways things are being dredged up

I am disgusted by Mr Seewald - and the fact that people magazine referenced it - they are going to give the Duggars a major screwing this Thursday - can't wait to see it

JB and Michelle should be hiding in some basement somewhere in my opinion

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Does anyone else remember the episode where Jackson was running around collecting laundry and he couldn’t get in the girls room because the door was locked? Michelle joked that it was because they knew the cameras were out there and they weren’t camera ready yet. As much as their parents failed them, at least those girls could lock the door at night.

As much as I’d love to believe nothing has happened in many years, I’m concerned about Jenny and Johanna. Maybe, possibly, you could chalk Jenny’s consistent depressive state on personality traits, but there has been a stark, visible, change in Hanny in the last 12 months. I was concerned about both before this came out, even more so now. Has anyone else picked up on that?

I also wonder if TLC won’t announce a spinoff with the older kids. Most fans won’t balk at watching the victims as long as Josh is gone. If Derrik and Jill head to Nepal it would be a distraction and fill more than a few episodes. Then Jessa’s baby, Josiah’s wedding. They can fill a season with the kids, easily. There’s a reason they haven’t fully axed the show yet.

Jackson and Hannie have been separated lately. And she's a preteen. Both of those would affect her personality.

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Jackson and Hannie have been separated lately. And she's a preteen. Both of those would affect her personality.

Is 9.5 now considered preteen?

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My use of the term victim was a deliberate choice. So often, in cases of sibling sexual abuse, people try to play it off as a game of doctor that got out of hand, or curiosity. We have seen that in responses to this story elsewhere on the internet. I used the term victim to underscore the fact that this was not a consensual event of exploration. This was young girls being assaulted while they slept.

I'm not remotely versed in the interpersonal violence field (didn't even know that was a name for it) and am not saying don't use one or the other. I was just clarifying what someone else said to someone that seemed to have read it wrong. I am 100% in agreement that the girls were assaulted and this is terribly wrong, whatever terminology you use to refer to them.

I would be interested to know more on the victim vs survivor thing though, since I had no idea there was a debate on that one. :think: (As I mentioned, my only experience is with emergency medicine, and I think it's pretty straightforward in that field why you would call someone a patient versus a victim.)

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Not sure if this has been posted yet, or even if it belongs here, but, Michael Seewald made a blog posting about all of this on their family blog, interesting:



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Thank you for clearing that up a bit. What I don't get tho is, if a police officer is being told by the victim him/herself they recieve spankings with a rod, there is no obligation to investigate into that further?

Without bruises or other incriminating statements/evidence, sadly, no. It is beyond messed up, I know. But a LOT of people view spanking as a strongly held personal, religious right. It's twisted; I don't get it either.

Other tales of amazing American government child defense: I have a divorced friend whose ex has remarried. The stepmom dislikes the daughter. The daughter's returned home from weekend visits with scratch marks on her arms. Reports were made to the police and CPS. Results: nothing. No punishment; no investigation; no change in custodial arrangements.

OT, but when I was divorcing my ex, he got involved with a single mother who used a wooden spoon to spank her daughter. She would put it in her purse and take it with them on outings. I was appalled, and consulted a local mommies online board and CPS. Basically, without bruises, there was nothing to do. My mommies board had a few ladies go to extremes to defend their style of parenting, which nearly always included the verse about "sparing the rod." We have a lot of religious voters in the US and they do not want people defending their children; they view their kids as their possessions/mini-me's and try to raise them as copies of themselves (in my opinion, obviously).

Further OT: When my daughter finally told me about this, it was at bedtime and threw me for a loop. I asked if she'd ever been spanked and explained why she should NEVER be spanked or threatened, how I'm always there if she needs to call me, etc. It was a lengthy discussion, and by the end, I felt like she was emotionally okay but up way past her bedtime. I mentioned bed to her, and her cheeky 5-year-old self responded, "Bedtime? What are you gonna do, spank me?"

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Fwiw, both Josh and Jim Bob donated to Bart Hester, the senator who is now calling for the Springdale police chief to be fired. It really burns me that he has the nerve to claim that this investigation has been a revictimization for those girls. I'm sure the media attention is not doing them any favors, but the worst revictimization is surely being forced to live with their assailant for years and help cover up what he did to them.

http://www.followthemoney.org/show-me?f ... =10886643#[{1|gro=d-eid

I'm not sure if the link will work, but follow the money is a decent place to start for those wondering about who the Duggars have donated to.

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I'm not remotely versed in the interpersonal violence field (didn't even know that was a name for it) and am not saying don't use one or the other. I was just clarifying what someone else said to someone that seemed to have read it wrong. I am 100% in agreement that the girls were assaulted and this is terribly wrong, whatever terminology you use to refer to them.

I would be interested to know more on the victim vs survivor thing though, since I had no idea there was a debate on that one. :think: (As I mentioned, my only experience is with emergency medicine, and I think it's pretty straightforward in that field why you would call someone a patient versus a victim.)

Generally, some people think that there are stages of healing and "survivor" refers to the last stage, after the person has healed from what happened. Then of course, others think that dealing with a sexual assault in any way (despite treatment or not) is in itself surviving. I can see both sides and tend to just use the two interchangeably.

Interestingly, in mental health a lot of people dislike the term "patient" and prefer "client."

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Exactly we don't know that, at all.

I really don't know what your source of information is, mine isn't the same. But hey I am not American and don't live in god's greatest country on earth.

Use your google machine.

And the bitchy sarcasm isn't necessary.

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Long time lurker here! Don't know if this has been shared, but Ben's sister has chimed in a bit on Instagram:


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Long time lurker here. Like most of you, I have been disturbed by Michelle's robocall about transgenders in the bathroom. As I sat here reading this morning, it came to me. I don't think she means that all transgender people are in fact pedophiles. I think she was against the law because of the possibility of pedophiles using the access to women's bathroom as an opportunity. They aren't transgender in any way, but they will be for the chance to have access to young girls. It's a convoluted idea, but it shows how much experience she has with lies, manipulation, devious plans, gaslighting, you name it. Most of us would never dream up a plan so complex as to dress up as a woman just for the opportunity to be around young girls. It seems as though Michelle is used to such manipulations, twisted thoughts and perverse ideas. If this is actually her thought process, how disturbing.

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Thank you for clearing that up a bit. What I don't get tho is, if a police officer is being told by the victim him/herself they recieve spankings with a rod, there is no obligation to investigate into that further?

It's really unfortunate but there a lot of people who think hitting their children is their right. If they hit their spouse for not taking out the trash, it would be assault. But if they hit their children for it, it's just "discipline", which isn't even the correct definition of the word. Discipline means "to teach", not "to hit", and you don't teach children by hitting them, unless you're trying to teach them to be afraid of you. It's disgusting, really. Thankfully more and more people are getting away from it, but in the bible belt, it's still rampant, as are many other types of abuse.

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Long time lurker here! Don't know if this has been shared, but Ben's sister has chimed in a bit on Instagram:


She might want to have a chat with her dad because he's not making it any easier for her.

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Long time lurker here! Don't know if this has been shared, but Ben's sister has chimed in a bit on Instagram:


Then make your instagram private and shut the fuck up. I don't care if your "we all make mistakes" post wasn't related to your sister in law's brother. The very fact that it was going on when you made that post shows how fucking stupid and immature you are. You should have thought before you did anything and just not posted. Of course, you're the same sister who went on a "mission trip" to a spanish speaking country and didn't bother to learn any spanish. (Or maybe that was your sister? Either way, it shows how fucking stupid and self absorbed you all are.)

And your brother didn't marry a celebrity. He saw a c-list celebrity on tv and decided to seek her out and then somehow managed to be charming enough that she fell in love with him and agreed to marry him. Your life only "got turned upside down" bc you chose to allow it to.

In closing, shut up and make your instagram private. I promise, you'll get over the lack of random strangers paying attention to you.

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She might want to have a chat with her dad because he's not making it any easier for her.

Yea, maybe she should tell her dad to sit down. Oh, wait. Vagina.

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Use your google machine.

And the bitchy sarcasm isn't necessary.

Yes it is and don't need a Google machine for this information, thank you

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I'm fuming mad right now. A former co-worker posted her opinion on FB about the Duggar situation. I replied with mine. We had a difference of opinion but it was all very respectful. Then, some "lady" I don't know replies with this. Is this cunt threatening me? I mean I think, but her sentence structures are so bad I cannot tell

I'm not religious, but I'm going to have to practice some forgiveness here, for my on sanity. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

I think you should contact the police.

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We were watching the episode the other night about the Duggars talk about their crew and how they have become family. One interesting thing Jimbob said was when they first started filming he would follow the crew around to protect his family, because he didn't know the people that he invited into his home. For some reason that statement stuck out to me, and then a few days later all this horribleness comes out. Maybe he should have followed his own son around!

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Yes it is and don't need a Google machine for this information, thank you

Maybe I'm thick, but I really don't understand what the dig at the U.S. was about. JenniferJuniper's original comment wasn't remotely jingoistic. Nor was it even rude or nasty.

So what exactly makes "the bitchy sarcasm necessary"?

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We were watching the episode the other night about the Duggars talk about their crew and how they have become family. One interesting thing Jimbob said was when they first started filming he would follow the crew around to protect his family, because he didn't know the people that he invited into his home. For some reason that statement stuck out to me, and then a few days later all this horribleness comes out. Maybe he should have followed his own son around!

so busy looking for the fox to invade the hen house but let the weasel rome freely.

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