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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Since the record is shredded, there is nothing for the authorities to investigate. In the eyes of the law, nothing happened.

Isn't it asinine? Josh has admitted to a crime, that legally does not exist.

The record is shredded, yet the world knows about and is judging (many are) an event that legally never happened.

And this will be the basis for TLC's eventual return of Duggardom -- late in 2015, just in time for baby Benessa to be born :roll:

People want to compare this situation to the Honey Boo Boo cancellation...but as Sassy has pointed out, "legally," nothing has happened. Morally, it is still reprehensible. In the HBB situation, the boyfriend was convicted, incarcerated for a period of time, registered, and a verifiable creepy mccreepster. IMHO, the REAL reason Honey Boo Boo was canned was because it was not the ratings/sponsor/marketing pull the other shows (19KAC) are. Did any one see Mama June and Sugar Bear touring the country giving parenting lessons at veneered church and conservative political conferences? Nope. They were, very ironically, like most of the content of their shows: farts in the wind.

The real god for TLC is money. Money is going away right now, because money follows the ebbs and flows of PR. Unfortunately, unless someone at TLC has a serious attack of moral conscious, the Duggars will return, MAYBE w/o Josh (but who doesn't LOVE Anna and the adorable MKid TH's??? We HAVE to see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

What also makes me concerned this may not be the end of the Duggars is the fact we literally just sat through a, what, two-hour special made by the crew on just how UH-MAZING this family is?? Whether scripted for TV, or this crew really has sipped the proverbial Kool-Aid in some capacity, they're not going to give up this show/family very easily. After all guys, "nothing" happened. :angry-banghead:

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I think the MOST telling thing about this whole case are the paragraphs on the last pages. Everyone is looking at the molestation paragraphs but no one is looking at the last part. It's really interesting.

Hmm, really? I'll have to go back and look. I think I was too out of it by the end to continue to absorb everything.

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Did anyone see Sheilas post? I love what she said about what happened. Some of her fans are upset that she's calling out the Duggars and their bullshit.

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Does anyone else think the timeline is weird. I mean suddenly this broke out when the interview was the finale. And the show is suppose to be back on next week. Hmmmm

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Wow. Everyone should read that. Like right now.

I didn't know Arkansas had half the intelligence and moral sense this article has. Bravo!

Not only do we need to out the Good Ol Boys but let's shine some light on the connection between the Duggars and their connection and promotion to so many sexual predators.

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Thank you for clearing that up a bit. What I don't get tho is, if a police officer is being told by the victim him/herself they recieve spankings with a rod, there is no obligation to investigate into that further?

I'm in the same region as the Duggars - different state, but similar mindsets. A friend of mine was actually told fairly recently by a police officer that she should spank her son more (my friend doesn't spank at all, although her abusive husband used to spank the children) because she had to call the police due to him threatening her.

American police officers often share the mainstream American view that spanking children is necessary or at least beneficial. So, no, there wouldn't be any investigation at all, in my experience, unless the child had reported bruises or if it had seemed to be an "excessive" amount of "spanks."

(don't ask me what "excessive" means because even once hitting a child with an implement should be considered excessive and I hate the word "spank" because it's just another word for "hit")

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Whether apple was being cheeky or snarky, it doesn't seem to me to be worth piling on.

That statement "in god's greatest county on earth" was from latraviata, not from me. Just fyi.

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I didn't know Arkansas had half the intelligence and moral sense this article has. Bravo!

Not only do we need to out the Good Ol Boys but let's shine some light on the connection between the Duggars and their connection and promotion to so many sexual predators.

And if all else fails, the real "good" old boys need to take the good ol boys down by the river and teach them a lesson.

I grew up in the backwoods in Michigan surrounded by small town cops and very conservative Christian men, and let me tell you, they would have pummled the Duggars in to the dirt with their bibles for this.

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And this will be the basis for TLC's eventual return of Duggardom -- late in 2015, just in time for baby Benessa to be born :roll:

People want to compare this situation to the Honey Boo Boo cancellation...but as Sassy has pointed out, "legally," nothing has happened. Morally, it is still reprehensible. In the HBB situation, the boyfriend was convicted, incarcerated for a period of time, registered, and a verifiable creepy mccreepster. IMHO, the REAL reason Honey Boo Boo was canned was because it was not the ratings/sponsor/marketing pull the other shows (19KAC) are. Did any one see Mama June and Sugar Bear touring the country giving parenting lessons at veneered church and conservative political conferences? Nope. They were, very ironically, like most of the content of their shows: farts in the wind.

The real god for TLC is money. Money is going away right now, because money follows the ebbs and flows of PR. Unfortunately, unless someone at TLC has a serious attack of moral conscious, the Duggars will return, MAYBE w/o Josh (but who doesn't LOVE Anna and the adorable MKid TH's??? We HAVE to see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

What also makes me concerned this may not be the end of the Duggars is the fact we literally just sat through a, what, two-hour special made by the crew on just how UH-MAZING this family is?? Whether scripted for TV, or this crew really has sipped the proverbial Kool-Aid in some capacity, they're not going to give up this show/family very easily. After all guys, "nothing" happened. :angry-banghead:

No matter what TLC 'wants' to do, it is a business. The TV station is a business. If it seems that they cancelled HBB over the child molestation and not the Duggars than it will read bad. My word, HBB mom June was dating one. A far different situation all together.

As someone said earlier, people should write to the advertisers and sponsors. and urge others to do the same. In public, on Facebook and Twitter and IG. That is what keeps a cash cow tv program on the air advertisers and sponsors.

That's the way to make change here. Kick'em where it hurts@! :o

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Like I said this needs to be read.

"What happened in that other secret court hearing in which Josh Duggar was involved in 2007. Did it pertain to a listing on the confidential registry that identifies people who've been named in credible allegations of child mistreatment? If it did, did young Duggar get preferential treatment? What judge handled that case? Did Zimmerman seek input from Springdale police or other legal authorities before summarily destroying a record of a police investigation?"

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From the moment Joshgate started I tried to sooth the the overwrought reactions from some of the FJers here.

That is all I did.

After a few days of trying to explain something about molesting/abuse/ pedophilia in a strict religious environment and trying to get some facts into perspective, based on experience, information and perhaps age.

Now I am done, done with the Duggars, done with the pedophile bawlers.

I am having a good glass of wine and a skype with my son (Cuteneurorad) who is in England right now and is in absolute stitches about the entire conversation with the pedophile bawlers here on this very forum.

Please continue with the constructive speculations, fabulations, exaggerations and the like whatever you fancy.

Have fun!!!!

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I am surprised that there hasn't been a new petition to cancel the show given this Josh scandal. There was one made after Michelle made the calls that made headlines back in November. I bet even more people would sign a new petition over this.

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From the moment Joshgate started I tried to sooth the the overwrought reactions from some of the FJers here.

That is all I did.

After a few days of trying to explain something about molesting/abuse/ pedophilia in a strict religious environment and trying to get some facts into perspective, based on experience, information and perhaps age.

Now I am done, done with the Duggars, done with the pedophile bawlers.

I am having a good glass of wine and a skype with my son (Cuteneurorad) who is in England right now and is in absolute stitches about the entire conversation with the pedophile bawlers here on this very forum.

Please continue with the constructive speculations, fabulations, exaggerations and the like whatever you fancy.

Have fun!!!!

latraviata, I understand what you're trying to do, and I've actually agreed with most of your responses. But I think the latest issue was that someone was (pretty politely, in my opinion) asking you to provide a source for your information, and you refused, and acted like you were being attacked. You can't expect people to just take you at your word for everything. As someone with two PhDs, you should know that. If someone comes on here and says, "William Lyon Mackenzie was the first prime minister of Canada," and I say, "I am Canadian and I have a degree in History and I know you're wrong," they're not being rude or silly by asking me for a source to back up what I'm saying, and I'd be only too happy to provide them with one (or several).

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I am surprised that there hasn't been a new petition to cancel the show given this Josh scandal. There was one made after Michelle made the calls that made headlines back in November. I bet even more people would sign a new petition over this.

I really think that most people think the show is completely cancelled and not just removed from the lineup.

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latraviata, I understand what you're trying to do, and I've actually agreed with most of your responses. But I think the latest issue was that someone was (pretty politely, in my opinion) asking you to provide a source for your information, and you refused, and acted like you were being attacked. You can't expect people to just take you at your word for everything. As someone with two PhDs, you should know that. If someone comes on here and says, "William Lyon Mackenzie was the first prime minister of Canada," and I say, "I am Canadian and I have a degree in History and I know you're wrong," they're not being rude or silly by asking me for a source to back up what I'm saying, and I'd be only too happy to provide them with one (or several).

This is the last thing I say about it, nobody asked me for a source untill a few posts ago and they were not exactly polite.

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Instead of reporters and magazines reporting second hand information about all of this, I'd love to see a junior reporter go undercover and join the whole Gothard/IBLP movement and do an expose. Totally live, breathe Gothardism and go to all the conferences, just digger deeper and deeper in and then blow them up and show everyone what they are.

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This is the last thing I say about it, nobody asked me for a source untill a few posts ago and they were not exactly polite.

Seems like a misunderstanding. *Group hug*

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Instead of reporters and magazines reporting second hand information about all of this, I'd love to see a junior reporter go undercover and join the whole Gothard/IBLP movement and do an expose. Totally live, breathe Gothardism and go to all the conferences, just digger deeper and deeper in and then blow them up and show everyone what they are.

I don't know if that's possible due to the totalitarian nature of Gothardism. I remember reading that you have to be approved to join ATI and you have to sign forms that say that you'll homeschool and not listen to certain types of music and the like. Due to the whole "umbrella of protection" idea, I also don't think that single people could join. The only way we can really know what's going on in Gothardism is through disaffected members who leave.

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I noted your location "Staring out of the abyss." I surmise that is how you must have felt when you learned about your son. While it is trite to say, "Thank you for sharing." I truly mean it.

Yes, definitely, thank you for sharing. Since this began I've been thinking about what I would have done if this were my son. I do think that like Jimboob I would fight to keep him from being thrown to the wolves. I did conclude that I would do what you did, long term, professional treatment program. I hope your son has found his way in this.

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I don't know if that's possible due to the totalitarian nature of Gothardism. I remember reading that you have to be approved to join ATI and you have to sign forms that say that you'll homeschool and not listen to certain types of music and the like. Due to the whole "umbrella of protection" idea, I also don't think that single people could join. The only way we can really know what's going on in Gothardism is through disaffected members who leave.

I had no idea that it was that hard to get in. There seems to be a branch here in Aus, but it's in a different state.


There has been a huge number of people west of where I live that are seeming to dress like the Duggars and act like them. My partner works for a flooring centre, and he came home a few months ago and asked me if the Duggars religion was popular here, I said "No, I didnt think so", but he said that he has had a few quiverfull families recently come in, because they were building houses and wanted the cheapest prices for flooring. He has never seen families with that amount of children except for the occasional Mormon family. Without delving into it too deeply or seeming racist, large Mormon families are typically Islander (Pacific). He said these families were Australian with the long curly hair and the older girls were definitely acting like sister mothers.

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