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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Michael K at dlisted.com hasn't let me down yet when it comes to appropriate snark on the Duggars. Here he is on Josh's story.

http://dlisted.com/2015/05/25/today-in- ... oke-on-tv/

If this belongs elsewhere I won't be offended by a move. Looked for a likely existing thread and didn't find.

From the dlisted comments:


Don't we need this as a FJ smiley?

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if Boob and Michelle hadnt gone to such lengths to cover this up it would never have been discovered or reportable. Had the case gone to court in 2004 the entire thing would have been sealed. He would have been adjudicated delinquent and received punishment and treatment, as would the victim. Since its unlikely that TLC knew nothing, the series would have gone on just as it did. Only we would have never known the truth and those that did would have been unable to prove it.

Ironic! In trying to protect him they simply ended up allowing all this to come to light now.

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Did anyone see Sheilas post? I love what she said about what happened. Some of her fans are upset that she's calling out the Duggars and their bullshit.

Who is Sheila?

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Ironic! In trying to protect him they simply ended up allowing all this to come to light now.


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I haven't been able to get the girls out of my mind. Such behaviour from those who are supposed to protect and love you. :(

thinking about who might have let In Touch know about the police report etc, maybe it was someone from inside the cult? Maybe another family is jealous of all the fundie fanaticism that the Duggars get and wanted to get revenge. They would know about the report and exactly what happened, they were there when it was discussed in church groups.

Either way, my heart hurts for the victims. And feels a burning hatred for Josh and his so called parents.

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I didn't know Arkansas had half the intelligence and moral sense this article has. Bravo!

Not only do we need to out the Good Ol Boys but let's shine some light on the connection between the Duggars and their connection and promotion to so many sexual predators.

The Arkansas Times is the anti-Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the main paper in the state. AT is more liberal, more likely to question what goes on in the state, from religious hypocrites to government officials. The Arkansas Blog, I should clarify.

And most of us are smart, cultured people. We aren't all hillbillies.

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Have you all already discussed Ben's parents blog post? I read about it on TheAshleys website. I'm too afraid to go and actually read the blog post...but pretty disappointing. I was hoping for them to either stay silent, or come out saying out they are saddened and are praying for the family etc. Instead they have totally glossed over the fact that 5 girls are probably devestated this is public knowledge. And the fact that the girls, not Josh are the victims.

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She could also lay off the vague quotes about forgiveness she just posted. That might help. No, we don't all make "mistakes" like that.

I get the feeling that Miss Jessica Seewald is branching out a bit from the family doctrine. Her response is pretty much age appropriate sassy, even though obviously she could change her social media to private. Still, I like that she has some sass and clearly she is not all that impressed by the Duggar TW.

She also recent dyed her hair dark brown/or black and seems to be rocking a bit of 'tude in her piccies. I wonder if she is giving Guinn and Michael a run for their money right now, as 18 year olds are apt to do.

BTW, can someone post the order of the Seewald kids?


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I get the feeling that Miss Jessica Seewald is branching out a bit from the family doctrine. Her response is pretty much age appropriate sassy, even though obviously she could change her social media to private. Still, I like that she has some sass and clearly she is not all that impressed by the Duggar TW.

She also recent dyed her hair dark brown/or black and seems to be rocking a bit of 'tude in her piccies. I wonder if she is giving Guinn and Michael a run for their money right now, as 18 year olds are apt to do.

BTW, can someone post the order of the Seewald kids?


Wait, she's 18? I could have sworn she was 14 or 15.

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Think those guy friends Josh has in DC, like the ones he goes to bb games with have deleted him from their lives too?

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I get the feeling that Miss Jessica Seewald is branching out a bit from the family doctrine. Her response is pretty much age appropriate sassy, even though obviously she could change her social media to private. Still, I like that she has some sass and clearly she is not all that impressed by the Duggar TW.

She also recent dyed her hair dark brown/or black and seems to be rocking a bit of 'tude in her piccies. I wonder if she is giving Guinn and Michael a run for their money right now, as 18 year olds are apt to do.

BTW, can someone post the order of the Seewald kids?


I like her 'tude myself. At least she has access to the internet :o I'm pleased to see that she is not being put in a box and on lockdown.

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Instead of reporters and magazines reporting second hand information about all of this, I'd love to see a junior reporter go undercover and join the whole Gothard/IBLP movement and do an expose. Totally live, breathe Gothardism and go to all the conferences, just digger deeper and deeper in and then blow them up and show everyone what they are.

Are there any reporters on Homeschoolers anonymous? They already lived it.

And Jessica Seewald is an attention seeking twat. She has a public page and should know that PA post was going to get her shit. Put your IG on private and stfu.

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The problem with this entire mess is:

1. Jim-Bob & Michele NEVER received any professional guidance on what to do when the first bomb went off. "Normal" families (if there are any) typically turn to a medical professional for help The entire family needed therapy to figure out what options were available and what they needed to do to stop the cycle of abuse, provide the necessary support to all parties and heal the family.

2. The adult/teenage victims need help/love/support from their family, friends and most a therapist who specializes in these matters, holds a degree from an accredited educational institution and a licensed from a state governmental body to provide therapy (not clown college with a degree in who knows what, licensed by Gothard).

3. Josh needs help on every level. He scares me. I could see him either act out again or take his life. I hope to God there is someone in his inner circle with a voice of reason. He was raised by two lunatics who never took care of him and his wife does not have the mental capacity to understand the implications to her or her children if he does not receive help.

4. Finally, the Duggars need to get real. Side hugs are not teaching your children self control nor is modest dress or screaming NIKE. Some people love to run around half naked while others dress like the amish. Every action is born in thought. Learn to control your thoughts because you can't control the world.

Time to get off my soap box and heat up some tatar tots!!! :lol:

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Thanks to all who responded to my question about the "beating with a rod-part". I didn't know this, over here it is absolutely forbidden to spank your kid, no matter what and I couldn't quite believe that a police officer would be told about such behavior and doesn't do jackshit.

Also, I really enjoyed hopping on this forum every now and then and reading all the posts on various topics about the duggars, the snark was enjoyable and harmless most of the times. But following and reading some of the posts on this topic are a tad sickening. People speculate about anything and everything, some seem to have already made up their mind about Josh being a serial childmolester who keeps continuing with his behavior up to the point where they even assume he does it with his own children as well, or boys for that matter, why not just throw goats in there as well? There are posts which seem to state as a fact how the girls feel right now or how they exactly feel towards their brother or the incidents or their parents. While i agree that this is a fundamentalist cult and the show shows us a shiny sparkly pink fluffy rainbow filled version of how it really goes down, I think it is despicable to claim you know how they feel about any of this or even wish for them to go down. If I would be one of the kids, I would be devastated if a nation-wide audience all of a sudden knows better about what happened and how I feel than I probably even do in this situation. I think this situation and how it was "resolved" is sad and sickening enough and because of this, people need to slow down on their accusations or assumptions and the know-it-all-behavior in respect for the only true victims of all of this and all of what ever happened (also aside of the Molestation, growing up in a fundamentalist home, being brainwashed in every direction possible etc.) - all of these 19 kids.

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According to this news link, the police chief who released the doc was a) female and b) about to retire:

http://5newsonline.com/2015/05/23/senat ... me-report/

Which makes me wonder if this is another / THE reason this was released now (she's known about it for years, and now that her job won't be on the line anymore due to retirement, she leaked it).

That very well could be it, but why release to intouch mag and not say CNN?

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Which means that Josh may have been on the registry during the initial filming. At the very least he was under some form of observation. This indicates the fraud sold the the public (ie the duggars being "perfect Christians") was present and likely known to tlc at the outset.

Awesome knowledge thank you for sharing!

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The problem with this entire mess is:

1. Jim-Bob & Michele NEVER received any professional guidance on what to do when the first bomb went off. "Normal" families (if there are any) typically turn to a medical professional for help The entire family needed therapy to figure out what options were available and what they needed to do to stop the cycle of abuse, provide the necessary support to all parties and heal the family.

2. The adult/teenage victims need help/love/support from their family, friends and most a therapist who specializes in these matters, holds a degree from an accredited educational institution and a licensed from a state governmental body to provide therapy (not clown college with a degree in who knows what, licensed by Gothard).

3. Josh needs help on every level. He scares me. I could see him either act out again or take his life. I hope to God there is someone in his inner circle with a voice of reason. He was raised by two lunatics who never took care of him and his wife does not have the mental capacity to understand the implications to her or her children if he does not receive help.

4. Finally, the Duggars need to get real. Side hugs are not teaching your children self control nor is modest dress or screaming NIKE. Some people love to run around half naked while others dress like the amish. Every action is born in thought. Learn to control your thoughts because you can't control the world.

Time to get off my soap box and heat up some tatar tots!!! :lol:

THIS :worship:

Trained medical professionals are needed ASAP; not IBLP or ATI approved Quacks; REAL Doctors.

Unfortunately it appears Mullet, Boob and Smug cannot be charged / arrested for anything, which is a shame; jail may of actually helped Josh become accountable. He committed a heinous offence and is very lucky that he's not in jail.

Also they are not members of a Religion; it is a cult. A cult where sexual abuse is covered up.

These people need Therapy for a long time to say the very least.

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THIS :worship:

Trained medical professionals are needed ASAP; not IBLP or ATI approved Quacks; REAL Doctors.

Unfortunately it appears Mullet, Boob and Smug cannot be charged / arrested for anything, which is a shame; jail may of actually helped Josh become accountable. He committed a heinous offence and is very lucky that he's not in jail.

Also they are not members of a Religion; it is a cult. A cult where sexual abuse is covered up.

These people need Therapy for a long time to say the very least.

This situation is so awful I almost think Michelle could make an argument of personal insanity!!!!!! She has been brainwashed by JimBob!!!!!

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Had a thoughtful article pop up on my FB feed that speaks to (for me) why TLC's airing of the show in any way would be problematic for many.

http://religiondispatches.org/josh-dugg ... urity-lie/

I watched the show, even though I had problems with a lot of the fundamentalist philosophies, because I was at least in part buying ioto the idea that they were living a sweet, old fashioned life at least to a degree. Now if I watched I'd be hearing alarm bells pretty constantly, I'm certain.

I'm new, and I hope this post isn't problematic in any way. Still trying to learn...

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Are there any reporters on Homeschoolers anonymous? They already lived it.

And Jessica Seewald is an attention seeking twat. She has a public page and should know that PA post was going to get her shit. Put your IG on private and stfu.

My boyfriend said the same thing! You think 20/20 would have gotten around to it a decade ago!

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I completely agree that it's not okay to assume anything about the victims, including their emotional state. But it bothers me to see anyone basically telling other survivors to STFU about their own stories. This has been triggering for me, which is why I shared mine, and I suspect, it's why other survivors chose to share theirs. It had nothing to do with ascribing my own emotions to anyone who was hurt by Josh and everything to do with saying, "Look, this is a part of that world, the fundy world. It happens and it happens every day. It happened to me."

I honestly DON'T talk about it often for several reasons. But I will not be told to STFU about it, either, just because someone comes along and assumes I am doing something I'm not.

(Also, I DO know more about fundamentalist Christianity than the average person on the street because I was born and raised in it, educated in it and steeped in it from my earliest memories until well after I managed to get out.)

Who told you to STFU?


I don't care if tell your story from the roof tops but your story has no bearing on how the Victims feel about what happened to them.

You also have no idea about any story I might have or how I was raised or anything I feel about it.

That is the thing about feelings- they are individual.

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I am surprised that there hasn't been a new petition to cancel the show given this Josh scandal. There was one made after Michelle made the calls that made headlines back in November. I bet even more people would sign a new petition over this.

I signed three last night on CHANGE.ORG.

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How on earth do I make screenshots from pages?? I followed the instructions and failed.

I can't reproduce studies from my registered virtual professional library.

I am afraid you have to take my word for it....

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Someone asked who Sheila was


And someone asked for the Seewald offspring info

From People mag last Nov, so add a year and that is their age or almost age (maths)

Ben, a Christian, is the eldest of seven children to his parents Michael and Guinn Seewald. His siblings, Jessica, 17; Danielle, 14; Michelle, 12; Ethan, 10; Faith, 8, and Thomas, 5

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