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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Unlike many posters on here, latraviata has not done an in depth diagnosis by looking up data on the internet, but rather tried to point out a few salient facts she has learned from decades of being a practicing child psychologist with actual experience in similar situations - such as the fact that Josh is not necessarily a pedophile. Every time she has tried to be reasonable, she has been attacked. I don't blame her for having her back up. She may have overreacted here, but I too have gotten frustrated when people look something up on the internet from my field to prove me wrong when I actually have the knowledge and the experience.

NellieBelle thank you for frowarding this with your statement.

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My boyfriend said the same thing! You think 20/20 would have gotten around to it a decade ago!

Exactly. They have no problem with going undercover with other religious cults, especially when the whole Warren Jeffs thing went down...Reporters and special investigation shows should be really digging in right now. It's prime for it, they could totally expose this cult to a larger audience. Show them that this Josh thing is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Who told you to STFU?


I don't care if tell your story from the roof tops but your story has no bearing on how the Victims feel about what happened to them.

You also have no idea about any story I might have or how I was raised or anything I feel about it.

That is the thing about feelings- they are individual.

I agree with this statement. I am a victim of abuse (all forms). I've also been raped. I have never needed professional help or felt like a "victim." Yea, I've had times when it's been hard (like after my last break up, I had a couple weeks where I felt like shit; but anyone can feel like shit after a breakup), but I've never allowed myself to be victimized.

But anyone who hears about what I've been through treats me like a victim, and worries about me. It forever pisses me off. If I don't treat myself as a victim, don't tear me as one.

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TLC pulled my 19KAC on demand. Or maybe Comcast did. On-demand should definitely be available for the recent episodes.

Looks like they're still on TLC.com, but the Willis family is front page now. There's a helpful quiz about which Willis you are!

TLC must be $$$ from the streaming on the website in some way to have them up. Have you watched online is there ads??? :worship: $$$

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I don't care if tell your story from the roof tops but your story has no bearing on how the Victims feel about what happened to them.

You also have no idea about any story I might have or how I was raised or anything I feel about it.

That is the thing about feelings- they are individual.

No one has to share anything they don't want to. But people also don't have to remain silent just to appease random strangers online or irl.

MY story and my feelings have no bearing on how anyone else feels, and thankfully, I have never claimed they did. It's just one small experience in a world full of experiences of every kind. But if you have evidence to the contrary, by all means, link it. I'll wait.

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Fwiw, both Josh and Jim Bob donated to Bart Hester, the senator who is now calling for the Springdale police chief to be fired. It really burns me that he has the nerve to claim that this investigation has been a revictimization for those girls. I'm sure the media attention is not doing them any favors, but the worst revictimization is surely being forced to live with their assailant for years and help cover up what he did to them.

http://www.followthemoney.org/show-me?f ... =10886643#[{1|gro=d-eid

I'm not sure if the link will work, but follow the money is a decent place to start for those wondering about who the Duggars have donated to.

Good find!

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How on earth do I make screenshots from pages?? I followed the instructions and failed.

I can't reproduce studies from my registered virtual professional library.

I am afraid you have to take my word for it....

I will trust you. :D

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Unfortunately it appears Mullet, Boob and Smug cannot be charged / arrested for anything, which is a shame; jail may of actually helped Josh become accountable. He committed a heinous offence and is very lucky that he's not in jail.

Also they are not members of a Religion; it is a cult. A cult where sexual abuse is covered up.

These people need Therapy for a long time to say the very least.

No one is going to be charged criminally for this, but there is one final thing that could happen sometime in the next three plus years. The minor victim could sue civilly. There are probably multiple parties she could sue for damages here, the statute of limitations isn't up.

I know the odds of this happening are slim to none, but its worth noting. She has more power than she realizes, even if she really was the one who requested that the police file be destroyed. (And I tend to doubt the notion occurred to her on her own).

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I just read on a message board, the poster said that since JB had been a state representative that he now has free health care for life? Can anyone verify? I just thought it was interesting since I always wondered how they could afford health insurance for 19 kids. Also the person said that JB has his home registered as a Church so he doesn't have to pay taxes. I know it is purely speculation, but I was wondering if anyone can produce official documentation to verify those things. If is true he registered his home as a Church, I'll just roll over and die, because that is nothing but deceiving and deceitful and insulting for those of us who do pay taxes.

No, he didn't get any health care after he left except maybe 6 months cobra. That is a rumor that just won't die. Arkansas doesn't work that way with gov politicians.

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I agree with this statement. I am a victim of abuse (all forms). I've also been raped. I have never needed professional help or felt like a "victim." Yea, I've had times when it's been hard (like after my last break up, I had a couple weeks where I felt like shit; but anyone can feel like shit after a breakup), but I've never allowed myself to be victimized.

But anyone who hears about what I've been through treats me like a victim, and worries about me. It forever pisses me off. If I don't treat myself as a victim, don't tear me as one.

Oh good lord, I didn't do anything of the sort. I haven't told anyone how to feel or how they should feel or what they should call themselves or what they shouldn't call themselves or what they should share or anything else.

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I just read on a message board, the poster said that since JB had been a state representative that he now has free health care for life? Can anyone verify? I just thought it was interesting since I always wondered how they could afford health insurance for 19 kids. Also the person said that JB has his home registered as a Church so he doesn't have to pay taxes. I know it is purely speculation, but I was wondering if anyone can produce official documentation to verify those things. If is true he registered his home as a Church, I'll just roll over and die, because that is nothing but deceiving and deceitful and insulting for those of us who do pay taxes.

No, he wasn't able to register his home tax free. He does however have trusts and registered businesses etc... which allow him different tax benefits. Nothing terribly different than thousands of others in Arkansas.

He did however campaign in 2006 on passing a bill that home school parents get a rebate because they shouldn't have to pay school property taxes. He lost the campaign and the bill hasn't passed by the time I left arkansas a few years later.

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No, he wasn't able to register his home tax free. He does however have trusts and registered businesses etc... which allow him different tax benefits. Nothing terribly different than thousands of others in Arkansas.

He did however campaign in 2006 on passing a bill that home school parents get a rebate because they shouldn't have to pay school property taxes. He lost the campaign and the bill hasn't passed by the time I left arkansas a few years later.

UGH! JimBob drives me nuts. Of course he should pay into the public school system. He is a tax payer. Everyone else pays. . . the eldery. The young. Once again JimBob sees himself as special. Just like Josh is special and therefore shouldnt have had the consequences the rest of society lives under. :x

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Considering the word VICTIM originally applied to a religious sacrifice it could be seen as more fitting in this instance than most.

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No one is going to be charged criminally for this, but there is one final thing that could happen sometime in the next three plus years. The minor victim could sue civilly. There are probably multiple parties she could sue for damages here, the statute of limitations isn't up.

I know the odds of this happening are slim to none, but its worth noting. She has more power than she realizes, even if she really was the one who requested that the police file be destroyed. (And I tend to doubt the notion occurred to her on her own).

There's another family involved and another girl.

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Thank you!

Did you try pasting into word? That was the bit that used to get to me!

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There's another family involved and another girl.

Apparently she is not currently a minor. Only the victim who was 4/5 at the time still has the right to sue. As she's a Duggar, unless things change for her drastically over the next few years, it isn't likely to happen. But not impossible.

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Did you try pasting into word? That was the bit that used to get to me!

I can't copy it, there is that little hand, no cursor..... I have to wait for Cuteneurad, who lives and works in the UK as a locum. He was here last week and next week is going to Barcelona for a short vacation, he has to teach me the trick. Pity, because I have tons of evidence..... ;)

Miserable life he has......

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For all the leghumpers out there who keep saying this is a private family matter, I wonder if they remember that there is another girl who was not part of the family. This squarely brings this matter into the public domain. (Yes, it already should have been, but you know what I mean)

Does this still make it a family affair? No, this is no longer a family affair. This is and has been from the outset a crime.

Josh should have been processed through the Justice system. The victims should have known that their parents would protect them while the slept, played, read books and did chores. And the friends of the Duggars, who let their daughters visit, should have felt comfortable that the Duggars would protect their daughter from harm while she visited.

I posted some of this on another blog, full of leghumpers. I tried to frame it in language they might relate to, but even so, it will probably be deleted by the moderators.

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First time poster here!

I've read a lot of threads 3 and 4 and most of 5, but I just desperately want to know who "Alice" is.

She sounds more like a disgruntled family member, however distant or estranged or removed, than an former church-goer or anybody affiliated with the Duggars religiously.

She knew too much, and seemingly more than she was willing to share, to just be a close outsider.

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The Arkansas Times is the anti-Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the main paper in the state. AT is more liberal, more likely to question what goes on in the state, from religious hypocrites to government officials. The Arkansas Blog, I should clarify.

And most of us are smart, cultured people. We aren't all hillbillies.

The Arkansas Dem Gazette recently had an article about Walmart not supporting the Reilgious Freedom Act they were trying to pass and saying how The demographics of NWA has changed over the last decade to be more liberal, less christian.

Times are achangin' in Duggerville.

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For all the leghumpers out there who keep saying this is a private family matter, I wonder if they remember that there is another girl who was not part of the family. This squarely brings this matter into the public domain. (Yes, it already should have been, but you know what I mean)

Does this still make it a family affair? No, this is no longer a family affair. This is and has been from the outset a crime.

Josh should have been processed through the Justice system. The victims should have known that their parents would protect them while the slept, played, read books and did chores. And the friends of the Duggars, who let their daughters visit, should have felt comfortable that the Duggars would protect their daughter from harm while she visited.

I posted some of this on another blog, full of leghumpers. I tried to frame it in language they might relate to, but even so, it will probably be deleted by the moderators.

I wondered how JB strong-armed that family?

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We don't know if Josh is a pedophile or just an opportunistic offender. What we do know is that he was brought up in a home/ideology where he had no acceptable sexual outlet, (premarital sex was bad - heck, premarital anything was seen as bad - even though the parents' focus seemed to be entirely on having sex/reproducing) and where victims could be blamed/shamed simply for stirring up "desires" (how could they even continue preaching this while the older girls certainly remembered what Josh had done?) Neither of those two things create sex offenders but they sure don't do anything to encourage real treatment for offenders or healing for the abused.

I am feeling for the girls affected by this and also for Anna - they may say her father knew but you can bet they minimized the hell out of it (i.e. "Josh used to get a little grabby with the girls, but we got him over that").

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We don't know if Josh is a pedophile or just an opportunistic offender. What we do know is that he was brought up in a home/ideology where he had no acceptable sexual outlet, (premarital sex was bad - heck, premarital anything was seen as bad - even though the parents' focus seemed to be entirely on having sex/reproducing) and where victims could be blamed/shamed simply for stirring up "desires" (how could they even continue preaching this while the older girls certainly remembered what Josh had done?) Neither of those two things create sex offenders but they sure don't do anything to encourage real treatment for offenders or healing for the abused.

I am feeling for the girls affected by this and also for Anna - they may say her father knew but you can bet they minimized the hell out of it (i.e. "Josh used to get a little grabby with the girls, but we got him over that").

I agree. I very much doubt that JB told Mr Keller and Anna that Josh had molested 5 girls, 4 of his sisters and a 4yo in the mix. Seriously, seriously, doubt it.

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I can't copy it, there is that little hand, no cursor..... I have to wait for Cuteneurad, who lives and works in the UK as a locum. He was here last week and next week is going to Barcelona for a short vacation, he has to teach me the trick. Pity, because I have tons of evidence..... ;)

Miserable life he has......

You might not want to post screenshots of a professional library--I don't know what the publishing laws are where you are, but that could get you in trouble here. Unlikely to be found out, but I'm paranoid like that.

I for one am interested in what you have to say. I'm in a different science field and always like hearing from the perspective of someone who knows their field. If people who don't know your background get cranky about citing your sources, you could just put the journal/year and they can google it themselves. :D

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