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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Just curious, will the recent events trigger a CPS visit for Josh's family and/or the Duggar home ?Possibly an intervention?

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I can't copy it, there is that little hand, no cursor..... I have to wait for Cuteneurad, who lives and works in the UK as a locum. He was here last week and next week is going to Barcelona for a short vacation, he has to teach me the trick. Pity, because I have tons of evidence..... ;)

Miserable life he has......

Could you guys maybe take this private chat off-line? This thread is moving very quickly and unnecessary derailment is the last thing it needs.


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Excellent article:


This is really interesting

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Just curious, will the recent events trigger a CPS visit for Josh's family and/or the Duggar home ?Possibly an intervention?

There is no incident. The file was shredded. the SOL on the 2002-2003 incidents has passed. According to the state of AR, nothing occurred.

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There is no incident. The file was shredded. the SOL on the 2002-2003 incidents has passed. According to the state of AR, nothing occurred.

I agree. There are probably people out here who can confirm, but I don't think CPS has any reasonable cause to investigate. If someone reports something directly about what's going on in the household, that's a different story, but Josh doesn't have a criminal history.

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UGH! JimBob drives me nuts. Of course he should pay into the public school system. He is a tax payer. Everyone else pays. . . the eldery. The young. Once again JimBob sees himself as special. Just like Josh is special and therefore shouldnt have had the consequences the rest of society lives under. :x

I wrote to him at the time saying how that was fantastic as I had no children to send to school at all so shouldn't have to pay taxes either.

The idiot actually responded with some nonsense about how us childless couples need to support all those homeschoolers with twenty kids as it wss our christian duty.

I wish I had kept the response but he lost, the bill was shot down, and moved out of state.

But I laughed so hard that my obvious sarcasm was either lost on him or he thought an equally sarcastic response would not be shared with everyone I knew and wouldn't win him votes.

That man just makes me want to....

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No one has to share anything they don't want to. But people also don't have to remain silent just to appease random strangers online or irl.

MY story and my feelings have no bearing on how anyone else feels, and thankfully, I have never claimed they did. It's just one small experience in a world full of experiences of every kind. But if you have evidence to the contrary, by all means, link it. I'll wait.

I have no idea whether you were one of the posters here saying "here is my story and so I know how those girls feel and they would never have [fill in the blank]."

If you weren't and you were simply sharing your story then I don't know what your problem is with my post since it had nothing at all to do with you sharing and everything with people puting their own feelings on others.

If you were one of.those then I don't know what your problem is with my post if your only concern is you want to share because my post said.nothing about sharing your story.

Hell you even bolded my statement that didn't say that and then just now responded to me again saying "your story has no bearing on how others feel."

So what is your problem besides the obvious? Because you seem to be arguing exactly what I said but which you complained about initially. And in have not read anyone on here telling anyone not to share. Like I said I certainky never did so I don't know what your misunderstanding here.

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This is why I always argued against the idea that Jim Bob is a conniving puppet-master, expertly orchestrating all of his children's courtships, marriages, and announcements down to the most minute detail in order to extract maximum profit and positive press. It's not because I like Jim Bob Duggar. It's not because I think he's an angel of light, or a swell guy. It's because I firmly believe that the man is a moron.

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This is why I always argued against the idea that Jim Bob is a conniving puppet-master, expertly orchestrating all of his children's courtships, marriages, and announcements down to the most minute detail in order to extract maximum profit and positive press. It's not because I like Jim Bob Duggar. It's not because I think he's an angel of light, or a swell guy. It's because I firmly believe that the man is a moron.

He is the worst sort of moron because not only is he beyond stupid he is also a clinical narcissist who is literally breeding his own worshippers.

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This is why I always argued against the idea that Jim Bob is a conniving puppet-master, expertly orchestrating all of his children's courtships, marriages, and announcements down to the most minute detail in order to extract maximum profit and positive press. It's not because I like Jim Bob Duggar. It's not because I think he's an angel of light, or a swell guy. It's because I firmly believe that the man is a moron.

Thank you for coming back!

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He is the worst sort of moron because not only is he beyond stupid he is also a clinical narcissist who is literally breeding his own worshippers.

I have a feeling he was really attracted to how easily persuaded MIchelle could be within days of meeting her I can imagine him thinking to himself "this one is a keeper she is going to go along with everything!".

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He is the worst sort of moron because not only is he beyond stupid he is also a clinical narcissist who is literally breeding his own worshippers.

Yes to both of these posts. Jim Bob is a silly and stupid little man who hides his failings behind the fact that he has bred a cadre of people who literally believe that God has appointed him the ultimate authority over their lives. If he hadn't gotten the show - which gave him notoriety and money and some level of influence in the small pond in which he lives - the only people who would ever give his opinion the time of day are the woman he manipulated into marrying him and the kids (many of whom are liKelly better and smarter than he will ever be) he indoctrinated to think that (a) he is infallible and (b) they will burn in eternal hellfire if they ever suggest otherwise. But, even the non-family hangers-on are only as loyal to him as their interests direct them to be. For 99.9% of the people who know him that are backing him, he's a means to an end. The other .01% really have no choice.

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I have a feeling he was really attracted to how easily persuaded MIchelle could be within days of meeting her I can imagine him thinking to himself "this one is a keeper she is going to go along with everything!".

My husband is always asking me what the hell Michelle saw in that dufus.

My only explanation is she didn't have self esteem and he represented this christianly man who could save her from herself.

You are completely right I think about why he chose her. She was easily manipulated and malleable.

And she has proven over the years to be just that.

It is very sad.

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Yes to both of these posts. Jim Bob is a silly and stupid little man who hides his failings behind the fact that he has bred a cadre of people who literally believe that God has appointed him the ultimate authority over their lives. If he hadn't gotten the show - which gave him notoriety and money and some level of influence in the small pond in which he lives - the only people who would ever give his opinion the time of day are the woman he manipulated into marrying him and the kids (many of whom are liKelly better and smarter than he will ever be) he indoctrinated to think that (a) he is infallible and (b) they will burn in eternal hellfire if they ever suggest otherwise. But, even the non-family hangers-on are only as loyal to him as their interests direct them to be. For 99.9% of the people who know him that are backing him, he's a means to an end. The other .01% really have no choice.

Don't they say kids get their intelligence from their mother? So those kids probably are smarter because at the end of the day no matter how screwed up Michelle is she isn't unintellegent. She is just brainwashed and brainwashing her kids and others.

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I agree. There are probably people out here who can confirm, but I don't think CPS has any reasonable cause to investigate. If someone reports something directly about what's going on in the household, that's a different story, but Josh doesn't have a criminal history.

Ok, that makes sense.Thank you for explaining.

Anyone else visit "Bring Back America's Favorite Family' Facebook page?facebook.com/pages/Bring-Back-Americas-Favorite-Family/822444241180733?fref=ts&__nodl

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This is why I always argued against the idea that Jim Bob is a conniving puppet-master, expertly orchestrating all of his children's courtships, marriages, and announcements down to the most minute detail in order to extract maximum profit and positive press. It's not because I like Jim Bob Duggar. It's not because I think he's an angel of light, or a swell guy. It's because I firmly believe that the man is a moron.

I think he THINKS he's Frank Underwood, but really he's Cersei Lannister: has tons of power, but is utterly incompetent, and is flailing around trying to hold onto what little power and influence he actually has while his yes-men work overtime on damage control while making him believe that he's in charge. Plus the whole incest being his downfall thing.

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Don't they say kids get their intelligence from their mother? So those kids probably are smarter because at the end of the day no matter how screwed up Michelle is she isn't unintellegent. She is just brainwashed and brainwashing her kids and others.

Honestly, saying they get their intelligence from their mom doesn't mean she's not unintelligent. It just means she's more intelligent than JB. And, I really don't think she's that intelligent. I have seen very little evidence to prove intelligence. She's not a complete idiot, but not being a complete idiot doesn't mean she's intelligent.

Synonyms of unintelligent that I feel are related to Michelle: ignorant, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, irrational

Using those synonyms, I think it's fair to call Michelle unintelligent.

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Are there any reporters on Homeschoolers anonymous? They already lived it.

And Jessica Seewald is an attention seeking twat. She has a public page and should know that PA post was going to get her shit. Put your IG on private and stfu.

Really? twat?? Could you think of a more derogatory term for a female?

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Really? twat?? Could you think of a more derogatory term for a female?

I could think of a few. But I'm not entirely sure I wouldn't get put in the prayer closet for saying them..... Lol

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Don't they say kids get their intelligence from their mother? So those kids probably are smarter because at the end of the day no matter how screwed up Michelle is she isn't unintellegent. She is just brainwashed and brainwashing her kids and others.

Some scientists believe intelligence is linked to the X chromosome. If so, males would tend to inherit their intelligence from their mother's side. Females have two X chromosomes, one from each parent.

But it seems to me the lot of them are all around average intelligence, Michelle and Jim Bob included. The quiet howler boy who plays chess and Josiah always seemed a little brighter than the rest though.

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Have you all already discussed Ben's parents blog post? I read about it on TheAshleys website. I'm too afraid to go and actually read the blog post...but pretty disappointing. I was hoping for them to either stay silent, or come out saying out they are saddened and are praying for the family etc. Instead they have totally glossed over the fact that 5 girls are probably devestated this is public knowledge. And the fact that the girls, not Josh are the victims.

I've read it a couple of times now. It's fairly balanced really. There's some things I disagree with, like praising Michelle and Jim Bob for how they dealt with it but over all it's not horrible. I'll quote some of the better parts.

I am not going to talk much about the criminal aspect of Josh’s actions or if the authorities acted appropriately with the knowledge of what happened. That ball rests in their court.

The victims of Josh’s actions should not be lost in all of this. Sadly, this type of thing is all too common. Victims of sexual abuse of any kind often suffer greatly for many years as a result of these sins. We should not downplay the seriousness of these offenses particularly, nor gloss over the pain and confusion they often bring, sometimes for a lifetime.

Are Jim Bob and Michelle to be scolded for raising their children with high moral standards and this moral failing evidence that they are legalistic hypocrites? No. Although individual Christian family’s interpretation of God’s moral standards may vary somewhat in practical ways they are right in holding high moral standards. It is always our duty to live a godly life, and even when we fail, God’s moral standards found in the Bible don’t change. It is by our inability to live up to them that we understand our need of a Savior. Are the Duggars perfect in their interpretation of God’s moral standards? No. But neither is anyone else. They may be stricter than some which comes with certain difficulties but there are also many difficulties on the other end of the spectrum in being lenient. Is it helpful to tweak our parenting practices if the results are less than desirable.

I want to say that the Seewald family stands with the Duggar family in solidarity. We stand with the unnamed victims of these incidents. Our thoughts and prayers are for you. I want to say to Josh, hang in there, the shame you feel is legitimate, yet Jesus took your shame as he was punished in your place. Rest in his forgiveness and grace. Remember that he gives you his righteousness as a covering for your shame. Let this trial in your life build humility and grace. Don’t be angry at the world for their hatred of you. Show them through your love for them that it is Jesus Christ that made all the difference in your life. I’m rooting for you.

And the best part of the blog post

Finally, a word to the millions of muted victims of sexual abuse all over the world. It is not your fault. No matter what the abuser may have said, you are not the one to blame. Do not keep silent if you are being abused, tell someone you trust, a parent, a teacher, a friend, anyone is better than silence. You are likely not the only one who has been abused. Tell someone so that they will be stopped. If the person you tell doesn’t contact the right people to help, tell someone else. Stay away from the abuser if at all possible, or avoid being alone with them. If the abuser is in your family, you may feel conflicted. You may love this person and can’t understand why they are hurting you. No matter how much you love the abuser you must tell someone. Remember, it is never okay for someone to treat you that way even if they are a parent, a sibling, or a friend. There are many people who will help you if you just break the silence.
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Honestly, saying they get their intelligence from their mom doesn't mean she's not unintelligent. It just means she's more intelligent than JB. And, I really don't think she's that intelligent. I have seen very little evidence to prove intelligence. She's not a complete idiot, but not being a complete idiot doesn't mean she's intelligent.

Synonyms of unintelligent that I feel are related to Michelle: ignorant, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, irrational

Using those synonyms, I think it's fair to call Michelle unintelligent.

I think listening to the way she speaks, her sentence structure and vocabulary lends itself to someone who is capable of learning.

I.think she probably has an.average IQ where as Jim Bob it is generous to say has a below average IQ.

Now.don't get me wrong, I can't stand Michelle. She has allowed herself to be charmed by an idiot and she I haven't seen evidence of a fresh thought come out of her head on any interview or talking head. She parrots what her idiot husband says and if she bothers to think about it she gives no evidence.

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