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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Since this whole scandal broke out, I think the different reactions of the leghumpers VS the one of the members of Freejinger is so telling.

I assume the leghumpers for the most part identify as Christians themselves. They go on and on all over the internet, trying to defend Josh's behavior. They are basically excusing him while not mentioning the victims. Do they even realize what they are saying? It's like they are telling a victim: ''Sure he molested you but... salvation, blabla, God's mercy. blabla''. No buts. There seems to be no considerations (or very little) for the 5 girls, whoever they may be.

Here we are a snark forum, that has been snarking, mocking and trying to discredit the Duggars for years now. Often we had to deal with leghumpers who called us haters, yet it's on this forum that I have seen the most consideration and attention to the victims. People on here seem all so devastated by this (look at the depression thread!), some of us are anxious, can't sleep, etc. We worry about this family, about the 4 older girls, the M kids, even Anna! Yet we are supposed to be the ''trolls'' and the ''haters''. I find more kindness for these poor girls on a website full of heathens, ebil feminists and atheists than in the Duggars' so called-christian fan-base.

You guys are all awesome, and it gives me hope that their are still decent people in this world.

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Some things are either right or wrong. It doesn't matter who does them. When Hollywood hero Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl and then fled the country instead of facing the consequences of his own guilty plea, there should be no defense of him from anyone. What he did was evil and reprehensible. The fact that he is a great director doesn't obscure the fact that he robbed a child of far more than Bernie Madoff stole from his victims.

What has our culture become when people can commit despicable criminal acts and yet get defended and excused because they are celebrities. If David Letterman takes advantage of subordinates who work for him, then it's not funny, it's pathetic and immoral. The audience shouldn't laugh and applaud; they ought to walk out in disgust. And instead of actors and even governments seeking the release of Roman Polanski, they should be screaming for justice.

Our country was brilliantly designed by our Founders and nurtured in the Providence of God to withstand many points of view, but it cannot stand having different rules of propriety based on a person's celebrity status.

I copied that from Huckabee. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2009/10/05 ... dards.html

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I just think that there is no way really to defend a teen who put his hands on a 4-5 year old's vagina. Bottom line.

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Sorry if this has been discussed (cant keep up), but this new article makes a very interesting point about one of the interviews the older girls did a while back:

http://jezebel.com/the-duggar-girls-lea ... 1706786807

I was looking around for the interview, but can't place it yet... Some of you probably remember. Someone asked the girls, 'So you've really never kissed a guy???' to which one of the daughters jumped in and said, 'I have - I've kissed my brothers!' or something like that. She said it with a smile on her face, like she was kidding... It was definitely Jessa or Jinger... I think Jessa said it. I always remember it stood out as a really strange statement and made me raise my eyebrows.

I think the daughters are taught to never ever lie, but to carefully dodge media questions, like how politicians are taught to give these meaningless non-answers. Sort of like that radio interview recently, where someone straight up asked Jessa 'So are you pregnant?' to which Jessa replied 'hahaha... we have no news to share right now... but we're really looking forward to adopting!' and then changed the subject to go on about adoption, so as to move the conversation off that topic.

Does anyone else recognise the interview footage I'm talking about? I'd love to find it so I can watch it again.

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I just think that there is no way really to defend a teen who put his hands on a 4-5 year old's vagina. Bottom line.

But Jesus...

:angry-banghead: The Duggars justifying a terrible crime with Salvation makes me so sick.

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Personally I prefer Tit but I have been knkwn to use the c word to men because it stuns them into silence hearing it from a woman.

My personal favorite is twatwaffle. Just sayin.

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I really wonder how Michelle could justify continuing to have babies knowing that Josh had committed this serious crime. She already neglected to protect her daughters and failed parenting Josh properly yet she felt called to have more children? She couldn't even take care of the ones she had. Then JB & Michelle thrust these kids into the spotlight right after such a family tragedy? How could any of these kids have healed properly? Yet Jim Bob and Michelle proclaimed to have parenting down to a T and all the advice... How could they go on to all of these speaking engagements, smiling and dishing out the parenting and family advice full well knowing that they failed their children? That is such twisted, disgusting fraud...

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How about that post Ben Seewald wrote on twitter shortly after beginning a courtship with Jessa, which states "When someone who means everything to you has a heavy burden to bear, and you wish with all your heart you could step in and bear it for them".

I suspect this was Jessa telling Ben about the molestations...

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How about that post Ben Seewald wrote on twitter shortly after beginning a courtship with Jessa, which states "When someone who means everything to you has a heavy burden to bear, and you wish with all your heart you could step in and bear it for them".

I suspect this was Jessa telling Ben about the molestations...

If so there is hope that Ben is actually telling Jessa that this is NOT her fault and that what Smug did was WRONG. *Fingers Crossed*

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Sorry if this has been discussed (cant keep up), but this new article makes a very interesting point about one of the interviews the older girls did a while back:

http://jezebel.com/the-duggar-girls-lea ... 1706786807

I was looking around for the interview, but can't place it yet... Some of you probably remember. Someone asked the girls, 'So you've really never kissed a guy???' to which one of the daughters jumped in and said, 'I have - I've kissed my brothers!' or something like that. She said it with a smile on her face, like she was kidding... It was definitely Jessa or Jinger... I think Jessa said it. I always remember it stood out as a really strange statement and made me raise my eyebrows.

I think the daughters are taught to never ever lie, but to carefully dodge media questions, like how politicians are taught to give these meaningless non-answers. Sort of like that radio interview recently, where someone straight up asked Jessa 'So are you pregnant?' to which Jessa replied 'hahaha... we have no news to share right now... but we're really looking forward to adopting!' and then changed the subject to go on about adoption, so as to move the conversation off that topic.

Does anyone else recognise the interview footage I'm talking about? I'd love to find it so I can watch it again.

I vaguely remember that. I really think it was just a dumb joke, a bit of misdirection. Say something that sounds like a racy, worldly confession about kissing an age-peer is coming, and then the punchline is that the male you kissed was a brother. And don't forget, she has a lot of brothers. Given that the older girls were/are tasked with raising their siblings, she could very well have been thinking of kissing a brother's scraped knee or tucking a child in at night.

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If so there is hope that Ben is actually telling Jessa that this is NOT her fault and that what Smug did was WRONG. *Fingers Crossed*

I'm thinking a Go Fund Me account for Ben's bail. I'd pitch in if he needed it after giving Josh a beat down. I'd post it all over social media if he too Jim Bob out too.

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I am just so pissed about what the girls have endured.

1. they were molested by a brother that they were told to look up to and probably obey in all thing.

2. they were forced to forgive him and I believe apologize to him for defrauding him,because it is always the female's fault even if one is only 4-5.

3. they had to live with their molester and see his face across the dining room table for meals, school and bible time.

4.they had to cook his meals, do his laundry, skid marks and all, clean up his pee in the bathroom and pack his luggage for trips.

5.they had to babysit his children.

6.they had to travel with him.

7.they had to do all this while keeping sweet and practicing instant obedience..

All because that is the Gothard way.

I just can't imagine the guilt that these girls are forced to carry around.

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How about that post Ben Seewald wrote on twitter shortly after beginning a courtship with Jessa, which states "When someone who means everything to you has a heavy burden to bear, and you wish with all your heart you could step in and bear it for them".

I suspect this was Jessa telling Ben about the molestations...

I think Ben lied when he said that his red eyes are due to allergies.

He must be so upset by what Jessa told him that he can not get over it. He cries all the time.

But he obviously he can't admit that this is the truth so he lies about having allergies.

Sorry, I thought we were having a ridiculous theory competition.

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It's difficult to think about and makes me nauseous. That last interview "Digging in with the Duggars", Josh was a complete douche taunting his younger sisters. It would be sweet victory if Derrick grew a pair and fronted Josh. I doubt he was absent due to surgery. I also think Josh knew they knew this was coming, hence the house purchase in Arkansas.

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I vaguely remember that. I really think it was just a dumb joke, a bit of misdirection. Say something that sounds like a racy, worldly confession about kissing an age-peer is coming, and then the punchline is that the male you kissed was a brother. And don't forget, she has a lot of brothers. Given that the older girls were/are tasked with raising their siblings, she could very well have been thinking of kissing a brother's scraped knee or tucking a child in at night.

UGH that really creeps me out...come on Jezebel! Why go back and look at everything they ever said "hey, does that hint at something inappropriate?" no. It doesn't and it never did, and it is so unfair to the victims to question that. Especially that angle, trying to shame her for having a "weird" relationship with her siblings. Gross Jezebel.

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It's hard to keep up with this thread so not sure if this has been discussed? Also, I want to be respectful of the moderators request and not add to speculation so feel free to let me know if this crosses a line.

Has the internet commenter britbrit from evil beet gossip from 2009 been discussed?


I had been googling about the rumors (specifically in connection to raising ruth) after the in touch article first discussed the police report but prior to it being made public. In that time I had stumbled on a couple interesting comments but I'm having trouble finding them since I think I used safe search. And the search terms I used now literally term up pages and pages of results related Josh Duggar and molestation. I just know that there were at least a few other interesting comments in light of recent revelations that I'm trying to find.

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I think Ben lied when he said that his red eyes are due to allergies.

He must be so upset by what Jessa told him that he can not get over it. He cries all the time.

But he obviously he can't admit that this is the truth so he lies about having allergies.

Sorry, I thought we were having a ridiculous theory competition.

I've never hated on Ben as much as some people. My brother was a self-righteous dick at his age and he's grown into a decent human being.

I hope that no matter what his family's opinions are about this situation he is doing what Jessa needs.

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Hmm... wonder what they were doing? Chicago is IBLP headquarters, right?

You're right. Hinsdale, IL (one of the suburbs of Chicago) is IBLP headquarters. I've seen their big, creepy, colonial style buildings. :cray-cray:

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Hmm... wonder what they were doing? Chicago is IBLP headquarters, right?

Yeah. Probably a routine visit, they do go often. I wonder if Boob was there too.

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Ice been looking at the Duggars since they came on the scene, and a lifelong atheist since well before I could really articulate it

In any case, my father was a private investigator, and I have a hypothesis about the destruction of the police records.

There were almost certainly interview tapes in there that yes, they did not want the media to have, but more importantly, they do not want a motivated prosecutor to have. Because with the stuff in there, and once they inform the judge and jury about blanket training, treating the children as chattel, and the rest of the stuff that doesn't make TV, they would likely lose the children. This is a particular danger if they request and are granted a venue change to a non Bible Belt state, or at least out of Arkansas where they literally ruin people's lives who offend them and have the politicians in their back pocket. This is far more about protecting Mommy and Daddy than the boy, and of course everyone else is an afterthought.

This weekend has given me a glimmer of hope something may finally be done, but of course, breath holding not happening.

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This is kind of stalkerish, but a Pickles and Hairspray commenter has noticed that its possible to look up the Duggars debt history. Despite their 'buy used, save the difference' policy, it seems there are quite a number of debts recorded. I can't make much sense of the website as I am not from the states, but it's all listed there plain as day... I can't believe how much public information is available in the USA.

If you're interested:

http://esearch.co.washington.ar.us/exte ... enter.aspx

1. Click Sign in as a Guest (top left hand corner)

2. Click 'Circuit Clerk Records and Index

3. Look up Duggar.

Looks like JB's sister Deanna has had a lot of large medical expenses from a particular medical clinic around 2013. I wonder what her ailment was? It seems Josh and Anna paid off their 14k debts on May 12th, just before the scandal broke.

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