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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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I knew I liked you a lot.

:lol: Thanks! Love your avatar by the way! South Park is amazing!

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Remember when Jessa and Ben went to TLC headquarters?

Wouldn't it be great if they demanded their own show or they were going to spill the beans to the media.

TLC is losing $$$ on this too.

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Just a general comment to everyone (No, I'm not a Helpmeet but I do enjoy posting here and want to see the community flourish):

- Just want to remind everyone to keep being cautious about the speculation. The situation is terrible enough as it is, but we don't want to make it worse by having the media pick something up as fact when we have no evidence to back it up. That doesn't mean we can't discuss the possibilities that something more happened, it just means think carefully before posting.

- Also, please keep in mind that we really don't know how these young women may be reacting to all this at the moment. Based off what we know about their culture, they may have honestly been able to put this behind them years ago. Its also possible that they don't view their parents' actions the way that we do - to them, their parents may have acted reasonably and responsibly. So please just keep that in mind if you comment about this story on other sites - keep your comments focused on the victims and supportive. Don't bash the parents or Josh too much. It's counterproductive.

- To those survivors of sexual assaults who have shared their stories, you have my utmost sympathy and respect. It takes a great deal of strength and courage to make it through something like that and be able to share it (even anonymously online). Please remember that all survivors will react to their assaults in different ways; just because you reacted a certain way doesn't mean that Josh's victims will as well.

- Jessica Seewald is a minor and has no role in all this. Yes, she should have used better judgement when posting and should have made her accounts private. . . but she is a teenager and as we all know they aren't always as careful about social media as we would hope. Please don't use vulgar terms to refer to her. Her parents are fair game because they allowed their family to enter into the spotlight.

- Please remember to be respectful of the victim's in all of this. They did not ask for any of this to happen and did not ask for the media to find out about it. Their privacy has been seriously compromised, mostly because the person who redacted the reports screwed up majorly by not blacking out identifying information. We know most of the victims, but I feel its not really fair to speculate about how the abuse must have affected them or caused them to act certain ways.

- I want to remind people to be somewhat respectful of Josh as well. If the reports are accurate then he went and asked his parents for help - they had a responsibility to get him help and maybe he was offered real counseling at the time the reports were taken. We can't know for sure. What we can know is that his parents failed him just as much as they failed his victims by not immediately removing him from the situation. It doesn't excuse what he did, but it does add an additional layer of complexity and sympathy.

- Be polite and listen to other posters. There are many posters on here who have been assaulted themselves or who have worked with survivors/offenders of this sort of crime. They deserve to share about personal or professional experiences they have had with this sort of situation without being overlooked, ignored, or told to go away. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean their points are invalid.

Finally, if you want to do something to help then please consider one of the following options:

- Donate money or time to a charity that helps abused women and children.

- Sign a petition to get the show cancelled.

- Send messages to the show's sponsors asking them to stop advertising during episodes of the show.

- Boycott TLC or the advertisers.

LOVE this. :) Thank you! However, Jessica Seewald is now 18, as of March. ;) But everything you said is very true, and thank you for putting it eloquently.

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About the girls/women who were victims getting therapy. What could they expect to gain from it, if they did go? Ben's father gave them the message that this wasn't their fault. Would therapy undo Michelle's years of implications that on some level, it is their fault? Would they even want their faith in forgiveness challenged?

They were taught to forgive, and they said they did. Maybe they really want to move on? Maybe Joy really wanted the records destroyed so that this can stop being a "thing" that annoys their lives all the time?

How do we know that the sisters want revenge, imprisonment or a big deal made at this time?

Josh is already out of the house, and some of the victims are too. They no longer have to see him or service him on a daily basis. Maybe they don't mind seeing him and babysitting occasionally, so that they can move on as a normal family, years after a crisis?

Explain how this has to be wrong. Is it because they have no choice in how it gets dealt with?

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With all this support flowing in for the Josh and the Duggars, I have to wonder if he'd have that same support if his (known)victims had been boys. Their culture values women so little, I really believe that it's because they were girls (that we know of) that he's being protected.

I think much of the 'support' that we see is from people who do not know the details of the situation as far as the non-Patriarchy type of people. Many people comment all the time (not here, but elsewhere) having little or no real knowledge of things.

I also feel that there was a bit of damage control within the Patriarchy movement itself. Many people I noticed used a few bible verses regularly like "he who is without sin let him cast the first stone" and "he has repented to God and been given forgiveness". Most people (average Christians) do not incorporate bible verses into their response and there were just too many people saying the same thing almost word for word.

Also, I've been following the FIL blog and they are moderating comments big time and only the supportive type ones are making it through, so I think it's a little inflated what seems like their support.

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If so there is hope that Ben is actually telling Jessa that this is NOT her fault and that what Smug did was WRONG. *Fingers Crossed*

Even if that tweet had nothing to do with the molestation, I think, based on the last part of Michael Seewald's post about this, she's being told that anyway. I also wonder how much of his post is how he legitimately feels or if he sees his options as stand with the Duggars and accept Josh's repentance or Ben having no way to support Jessa and baby-to-be if he doesn't stand with the Duggars. Anyway, this paragraph has been posted before but I'm posting it again:

Finally, a word to the millions of muted victims of sexual abuse all over the world. It is not your fault. No matter what the abuser may have said, you are not the one to blame. Do not keep silent if you are being abused, tell someone you trust, a parent, a teacher, a friend, anyone is better than silence. You are likely not the only one who has been abused. Tell someone so that they will be stopped. If the person you tell doesn’t contact the right people to help, tell someone else. Stay away from the abuser if at all possible, or avoid being alone with them. If the abuser is in your family, you may feel conflicted. You may love this person and can’t understand why they are hurting you. No matter how much you love the abuser you must tell someone. Remember, it is never okay for someone to treat you that way even if they are a parent, a sibling, or a friend. There are many people who will help you if you just break the silence.
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LOVE this. :) Thank you! However, Jessica Seewald is now 18, as of March. ;) But everything you said is very true, and thank you for putting it eloquently.

Thanks for correcting me! I always think that Danielle is the older girl, but that's just because she looks more mature for her age.

She may be an adult now, but I think the general sentiment should still stand. She correctly stated that she didn't ask to be put into the national spotlight in that way and she didn't ask for this situation to become such a huge media storm. People posting comments on her social media accounts were out of line and, to be honest, kind of idiots. I don't blame her for getting upset and I do think we should avoid using strong language towards her.

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Thanks for correcting me! I always think that Danielle is the older girl, but that's just because she looks more mature for her age.

She may be an adult now, but I think the general sentiment should still stand. She correctly stated that she didn't ask to be put into the national spotlight in that way and she didn't ask for this situation to become such a huge media storm. People posting comments on her social media accounts were out of line and, to be honest, kind of idiots. I don't blame her for getting upset and I do think we should avoid using strong language towards her.

What does she expect vagueblogging about forgiveness?

The Dillards, all of Anna's family, the Bateses, The Willards, even mostly Famy have managed to shut their mouths. She could do the same if she didn't ask for fame and it's oh so hard on her.

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Again, don't know if this has been discussed before? Comments from Britbrit in what is dated as 2009 on http://www.evilbeetgossip.com/2009/10/0 ... has-begun/

britbrit says:

October 9, 2009 at 2:27 pm

Now let me play devils advocate. I live in Springdale, AR about twenty minuses from the Duggars, and drive by their house often as it is on the way to my grandparents house. I have never had an issue with the amount of kids they have. I did have issue with him running for election pushing his crazy strict biblical morals on me by use of flyers and phone calls. But things are not as they seem. Word around town is and has been for a very long time that Josh Duggar molested at least one of his younger brothers. Because Jim Bob has some clout in Washington County, it was all very hush hush and handled in family court. However, the boys all continued to sleep in one room and no counseling was given to the victims. This I do take issue with. I have never brought this up before because most posts about the Duggars refer to the family as a whole and not Josh himself.

britbrit says:

October 9, 2009 at 7:05 pm

wow that is offensive in so many ways. the molestation occurred when josh was twelve and to say that he did it because he was kept under lock and key is just sickening to me. i was raised mormon and had many friends raised under ‘lock and key’ and none of them molested their siblings. so are you saying that the molestation was justified because he couldn’t have a sexual experience at age twelve? if so then you are one sick, ignorant bastard.

britbrit says:

October 11, 2009 at 11:17 am

I heard about it a long time ago from a friend i have in law enforcement who works for the Washington County court. I just heard that it happened and there was a huge cover up because of Jim Bobs political status. (He was on city council or something like that when the incident happened). I believe Josh was 12-14 when it happened so it’s now long covered up and I would not be surprised if all court documents pertaining to the case have been destroyed. I just asked my lil sister (shes 23) and she said she has heard a similar story but from the cousin of the Duggars who is often on the TLC show, she was a classmate and friend of my sister.

So those are the comments. I want to keep in mind I don't know if they are true and it could be confusion about the rumor but I know that I read at least one other commenter before the story broke stating that one of the victims (survivors of abuse?) was male. I'm still searching for the other comment since I can't remember what site but I distinctly remember them stating there were both male and female victims but being much more horrified about the idea of one of them being a BOY as if that made it much worse than the abuse that occurred to girls (which granted in fundie land probably is considered way worse...).

No, this isn't direct evidence of me knowing something but I point this out because I do recall several other "insider" comments that perhaps could have been rumor mongering but on the other hand could have been telling the truth. I was hoping that someone else may have remembered these or could help in internet sleuthing? I say this not to out more victims but in case there is reason to believe the abuse was more extensive based on past comments of the rumors since we've seen commenters claiming inside info can very much be spot on.

Wow. If it were a boy, I'd love to see what these idiot leg humpers have to say about it. If that's true, there's no way it comes out though. I can't see any of the boys admitting that. (Except maybe Josiah who I still think is going to drop a tell all once he's out of that house)

btw, there's a shitleghumperssay.tumblr.com if anyone is interested in seeing a bunch of stupidity in one place.

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What does she expect vagueblogging about forgiveness?

The Dillards, all of Anna's family, the Bateses, The Willards, even mostly Famy have managed to shut their mouths. She could do the same if she didn't ask for fame and it's oh so hard on her.

Eff off.

She's being mistaken for Jessa. People are commenting on her photos about something completely unrelated to her life.

We don't know how things are between Ben and her, or between her and Jessa.

She is not a Duggar, she isn't part of the show or family. There's no reason she should be on lockdown for this. There is also a high chance something may be going on in her life that affects her more than this.

Maybe, unlike many posters here, she actually knows how badly (or not) this has affected her SIL, and doesn't feel the need to project her feelings into a long winded rant?

Maybe it's not a significant incident in her life!

Also, since she in no way chose her fame, or for her brother to marry C-Lister, why the hell should she shut up on her social media? You're not making sense.

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This thread is moving so fast. I wish I could find quoted posts easier.

Anyways, no. I love the word "twat" and I think it's appropriate for Jessica Seewald.

To stay on topic.That Twitter post from Ben. If Jessa did tell him in a conversation that was monitored by her parents, that just makes me sick to my stomach. When I told my husband what happened to me for example, It was years after we dated and were alone. I couldn't imagine Boob and Mullet staring at Jessa when she was telling Ben this, and probably nodding to her when she said the coached lines. :wtf:

Can someone explain to me why all the hate for Jessica Seawald IG post?

I mean, she is 18 yo and trying to live her life. Her brother marries a Duggar and now all of this *stuff comes out and people are asking her about it, posting negative comments on her IG account and probably tying her to the belief system.

I don't think what she said is so out of line. She probably just wants to be left alone and removed from the situation. What's the big deal that so many people are calling her names and such? What am I not getting?

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Eff off.

She's being mistaken for Jessa. People are commenting on her photos about something completely unrelated to her life.

We don't know how things are between Ben and her, or between her and Jessa.

She is not a Duggar, she isn't part of the show or family. There's no reason she should be on lockdown for this. There is also a high chance something may be going on in her life that affects her more than this.

Maybe, unlike many posters here, she actually knows how badly (or not) this has affected her SIL, and doesn't feel the need to project her feelings into a long winded rant?

Maybe it's not a significant incident in her life!

Also, since she in no way chose her fame, or for her brother to marry C-Lister, why the hell should she shut up on her social media? You're not making sense.

You don't have to be on "lockdown" to say NO COMMENT about child molesting. Go read what she posted about us all making mistakes. Then defend her.

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What does she expect vagueblogging about forgiveness?

The Dillards, all of Anna's family, the Bateses, The Willards, even mostly Famy have managed to shut their mouths. She could do the same if she didn't ask for fame and it's oh so hard on her.

And what exactly did she do to merit such a reaction? What did she do that was so wrong that she deserves the language people here are directing towards her? She simply posted a picture with a simple quote. That's all.

Should she have made her social media private? Yes. I said that already. Should she have used better judgement? Yes, as I already said. She is a teenager though and, as I said before, they can be less than careful on social media at times. She made a bad choice, but she didn't deserve the comments she received nor did she deserve the language directed at her here. She is not the one who abused those girls, she is not the one who covered it up, and she is not the one who decided to shove her entire family into the spotlight.

She already explained that the post had nothing to do with this situation. Maybe she was honest. Maybe she lied. Either way, there is no evidence to show she was referring to this situation and she shouldn't be subjected to the reaction she has been.

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And what exactly did she do to merit such a reaction? What did she do that was so wrong that she deserves the language people here are directing towards her? She simply posted a picture with a simple quote. That's all.

Should she have made her social media private? Yes. I said that already. Should she have used better judgement? Yes, as I already said. She is a teenager though and, as I said before, they can be less than careful on social media at times. She made a bad choice, but she didn't deserve the comments she received nor did she deserve the language directed at her here. She is not the one who abused those girls, she is not the one who covered it up, and she is not the one who decided to shove her entire family into the spotlight.

She already explained that the post had nothing to do with this situation. Maybe she was honest. Maybe she lied. Either way, there is no evidence to show she was referring to this situation and she shouldn't be subjected to the reaction she has been.

Go read what she posted, then come back and defend her. No, we don't all make "mistakes" like molesting little girls.

If you put stuff like that out there, what do you expect? I didn't call her names, but that was dumb, as was the entire Seewald leghumping response. They should have said no comment.

ETA: It's still up. If it were such a problem, maybe she should take it down.

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Can someone explain to me why all the hate for Jessica Seawald IG post?

I mean, she is 18 yo and trying to live her life. Her brother marries a Duggar and now all of this *stuff comes out and people are asking her about it, posting negative comments on her IG account and probably tying her to the belief system.

I don't think what she said is so out of line. She probably just wants to be left alone and removed from the situation. What's the big deal that so many people are calling her names and such? What am I not getting?

Well, her little "mission" journal her dad posted on his site awhile back was enough to make me never have any type of respect for her. And the fact of the matter is this: How hard is it to put your IG on private? If you don't in some way want attention, she already would've done this. So yes, while she has a right to get a bit pissy, there's a very easy solution she is ignoring because she apparently craves attention.

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You don't have to be on "lockdown" to say NO COMMENT about child molesting. Go read what she posted about us all making mistakes. Then defend her.

Did she not specifically say that her 'everyone makes mistakes' post had nothing to do with this situation? Maybe her life doesn't revolve around her brother's in laws? She's done literally nothing to deserve the level of hate and vitriol being levelled at her, and frankly I thought her response was pretty mature given her age and the fact that people are viciously attacking her for something she has nothing to do with. That's bullshit. Yeah she could make her Instagram private, but she doesn't have to, and it's not HER fault that her brother's wife's brother is a child molester and her dad chose to defend him. She's not a Duggar, most of her Instagram posts have nothing to do with the Duggars, and she doesn't deserve to get dragged through the mud because of this.

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Did she not specifically say that her 'everyone makes mistakes' post had nothing to do with this situation? Maybe her life doesn't revolve around her brother's in laws? She's done literally nothing to deserve the level of hate and vitriol being levelled at her, and frankly I thought her response was pretty mature given her age and the fact that people are viciously attacking her for something she has nothing to do with. That's bullshit. Yeah she could make her Instagram private, but she doesn't have to, and it's not HER fault that her brother's wife's brother is a child molester and her dad chose to defend him. She's not a Duggar, most of her Instagram posts have nothing to do with the Duggars, and she doesn't deserve to get dragged through the mud because of this.

She has now allowed 10K followers and posted a selfie about forgiveness with her forgiveness ring. She just wants to be left alone, you guys!!!

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You don't have to be on "lockdown" to say NO COMMENT about child molesting. Go read what she posted about us all making mistakes. Then defend her.

I have no words, except think before you press that submit button. And maybe read the post you're quoting. And also the Instagram comment you're so vehemently against. She didn't say what you're claiming. So either you read a different Jessica Seewald comment, or you didn't understand it.

Not everybody is as obsessed with the Duggars as you, not even their own SIL.

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I don't know if anyone follows Janet Zellner Stuesse on Facebook. She is friends with the Duggars and was even seen on the wedding specials (never interviewed). She has been hurt by how people are throwing everything out of proportion with Josh since he asked for forgiveness and HE TOUCHED THE GIRLS OVER THEIR CLOTHES. Really. She said it wasn't molesting because of that. Was she there? Seriously! It is in one of the comments if you want to see it. She always says the Duggars are he sweet and dear friends. grrrr

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Go read what she posted, then come back and defend her. No, we don't all make "mistakes" like molesting little girls.

If you put stuff like that out there, what do you expect? I didn't call her names, but that was dumb, as was the entire Seewald leghumping response. They should have said no comment.

ETA: It's still up. If it were such a problem, maybe she should take it down.

I did read what she wrote. She made it quite clear in her follow-up comment that the post had nothing to do with what Josh did and pertained to something in her personal life. Is it possible she lied? Of course it is. But the level of hate she has been getting on her Instagram and from some posters here is out of proportion.

She didn't choose to marry into the Duggar family. Her brother did. She didn't choose to have her family become known nationally. Her parents and brother did. She wasn't the one who wrote something that flat out stated they were defending Josh Duggar. Her father did. She didn't repost the statement from Huckabee supporting Josh. Her mother did. Had she done what her parents did I would understand the anger. Posting a simple picture and caption, followed by a clarification? I don't see the reason for the outrage.

Did you see a different comment than I did? Or a different post? (Serious questions here)

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Well, her little "mission" journal her dad posted on his site awhile back was enough to make me never have any type of respect for her. And the fact of the matter is this: How hard is it to put your IG on private? If you don't in some way want attention, she already would've done this. So yes, while she has a right to get a bit pissy, there's a very easy solution she is ignoring because she apparently craves attention.

a) Her dad's opinions aren't her own. She hasn't said anything about the molestation scandal.

I thought we were against the headship thing on FJ?

b) She's attention seeking when she basically tells people to GTFO her Instagram?

Are you sure you're not thinking of Famy?

Read singsingsing's post, she explains it with a lot more patience for your bullshit.

Edited for typo.

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She has now allowed 10K followers and posted a selfie about forgiveness with her forgiveness ring. She just wants to be left alone, you guys!!!

She's 18. She's not a Duggar. She's not married to one. The only thing she's said to specifically address this situation is that she's not involved, her post had nothing to do with it, and she's not excusing or condemning anyone. You don't 'allow' followers on Instagram, whenever people choose to follow you they show up as your follower, unless you've gone in and specifically changed a setting. Pointing out that it's silly for her to ask to be left alone while leaving her Instagram public is one thing, but the hate and disdain being directed at her is just totally unwarranted, immature and ridiculous.

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I don't know if anyone follows Janet Zellner Stuesse on Facebook. She is friends with the Duggars and was even seen on the wedding specials (never interviewed). She has been hurt by how people are throwing everything out of proportion with Josh since he asked for forgiveness and HE TOUCHED THE GIRLS OVER THEIR CLOTHES. Really. She said it wasn't molesting because of that. Was she there? Seriously! It is in one of the comments if you want to see it. She always says the Duggars are he sweet and dear friends. grrrr

The more these people say, the more bizarre their worldview appears. Half the time, I cannot decide if they really mean this nonsense or they're just saying it to defend the Duggars. Either way, I never would have thought so many people would fall all over themselves to excuse child molestation and its cover up because: Jesus. "Forgive the sinner and, eh, the sin was that bad." Gross.

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She's 18. She's not a Duggar. She's not married to one. The only thing she's said to specifically address this situation is that she's not involved, her post had nothing to do with it, and she's not excusing or condemning anyone. You don't 'allow' followers on Instagram, whenever people choose to follow you they show up as your follower, unless you've gone in and specifically changed a setting. Pointing out that it's silly for her to ask to be left alone while leaving her Instagram public is one thing, but the hate and disdain being directed at her is just totally unwarranted, immature and ridiculous.

Exactly! Its fine to criticize her for complaining when theres an easy fix, but its another thing to level such hatred at her when she didn't do anything illegal or wrong.

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