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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Well, her little "mission" journal her dad posted on his site awhile back was enough to make me never have any type of respect for her. And the fact of the matter is this: How hard is it to put your IG on private? If you don't in some way want attention, she already would've done this. So yes, while she has a right to get a bit pissy, there's a very easy solution she is ignoring because she apparently craves attention.

So I guess you do not think it was a knee-jerk reaction after reading the comments?

I'm not sticking up for her because I was the one to say that I don't understand the situation myself. But knowing how 18 yo think and how they react more than are proactive, I guess I thought it was more of a defense mechanism type of post, but I'll go back and read it again.

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as an add-on to my previous comment which I pressed submit to soon, do 18 yo's really put their social media accounts on private? My own kids are so out there with social media. They think they are invincible at that age and they should be able and do what they want.

Maybe I just think it's the age. I dunno

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Someone asked who Sheila was


And someone asked for the Seewald offspring info

From People mag last Nov, so add a year and that is their age or almost age (maths)

Ben, a Christian, is the eldest of seven children to his parents Michael and Guinn Seewald. His siblings, Jessica, 17; Danielle, 14; Michelle, 12; Ethan, 10; Faith, 8, and Thomas, 5

that was an excellent blog post!

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Her name being Jessica, unfortunately, does not help.

Hope she makes her site private.

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I had a nightmare yesterday that the reason Jennifer was always so sad was because she was being molested. My brain is all messed up with the Duggars

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Holy Crap. I was at O'Hare on that day.

You are totally falling down on your FJ stalker duties! To the prayer closet with you!

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I don't think having an open account on any social media is a real justification for those that choose to cyber-bully. Since she has no connection to this situation other than that her brother married into the family, attacks based on Duggar actions (or even her father's posts) imho count as bullying, people attacking her for things that are 100% beyond her control. Whether her profile is public or not IS in her control, but I don't think she should be blamed for being upset at the attacks just because it's public. It's a valid choice to have a public account and it doesn't make the abuse of strangers on the internet okay.

Back to the Duggars, though... I am still curious about the recent dissolution of their homechurch. Are there many details about that? I know they were going to open up that property for rental, but do we know why they decided to stop using it for their church stuff? Do we think that there were there conflicts in the community there that may have led to this information being "leaked" to InTouch, or did they know this was coming and choose to shut it down before the shit hit the fan in order to protect other members of the church from being discovered and targeted by reporters or the public? Or is there an innocent explanation as to why they aren't doing the homechurch anymore?

Also, I don't think the Duggars are anywhere near done trying to get positive media attention. My prediction is that TLC will officially cancel the show when they realize there is enough passionate opposition over such a sensitive issue, but I think they'll move their attention then to the Bates, the "real" Christian family who people have warmed up to a lot, and who outwardly seem to have more freedoms with sending some of their kids away to college (unaccredited, but still, education away from family in a city far away) and who have children involved in music. They're as aware of image as the Duggars are and the parents seem just as invested in getting money for Godliness, they just didn't sink their nails into a TV deal until after the Duggars had already become successful, and the world had no need of two Duggars. Now the opportunity exists for them to step into the Duggars' place without a second thought. (And if that happens, I fully expect to see the Duggars try to get back in on that TV action by visiting the Bates a lot and probably trying to get a kid married into the family.)

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Here's a thought that just hit me.

How in the world is Derick Dillard going to work with all of this going on? His office and co workers must be abuzz with all of this going on. Same goes for Dan Dillard and Cathy's husband (not sure if he still works or is retired).

I know Dad Seewald has some sort of business, but, he has already come out with his thoughts on the subject, as has his wife, so, F them :roll: :roll:

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If their co-workers are adults and have any decency it shouldn't be an issue.

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If their co-workers are adults and have any decency it shouldn't be an issue.

I work with decent, mature adults, but I would still dread work today, especially if I were standing by the family, as they all appear to be.

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I have been wondering about something for several days now and maybe some of you can share a little insight.

I have been thinking about the spouses for the three married Duggars and the fact that Jim Bob to a certain degree chose these mates for his children doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, this is why.

JB was in politics and with their known connections to politicians and furthering their dominionist type of agenda, why were Ben, Derrick and Anna chosen? It seems there is really nothing about them that could or would really move the family forward in any way. I may be very off with my rationalisation here so that 's why I'm asking. The girls are very attractive and have good personalities, I would think that JB & M would have had the pick of the litter so to say on courters/courting.

It just seems odd who they did choose. Didn't Ben come from like another state or something? He seems like a nice enough guy who loves Jessa, but it just doesn't make sense to me somehow.


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If their co-workers are adults and have any decency it shouldn't be an issue.

That made me LOL. Many corporate office environments can be huge gossip mills. Work should be the primary focus of course, but this is pretty huge and people are curious and opinionated. I think Derrick will definitely be in an embarrassing situation.

I'm sure Jessica Seewald never saw this coming and had no idea she'd bear the brunt of her brother's BIL actions. This also shows what a major deal this is. It was all love, marriage and babies and BOOM it's incest and allegations and anger.

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The police report did say the touching was over clothes, just for the facts. Maybe that's also the reason the little girls always wear leggings under their dresses.

This whole thing is so distressing. This family had no right to put themselves out there all these years as role models for perfect parenting and amazing sexual purity expertise. As if doing as they do is the key to perfection. That's what really gets me, the absolute lack of humility in putting the family on tv when they KNEW they had major problems.

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Just saw this article: mic.com/articles/119040/the-problem-with-the-duggar-sexual-assault-cover-up-nobody-s-talking-about?utm_source=policymicTBLR&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social

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I have been wondering about something for several days now and maybe some of you can share a little insight.

I have been thinking about the spouses for the three married Duggars and the fact that Jim Bob to a certain degree chose these mates for his children doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, this is why.

JB was in politics and with their known connections to politicians and furthering their dominionist type of agenda, why were Ben, Derrick and Anna chosen? It seems there is really nothing about them that could or would really move the family forward in any way. I may be very off with my rationalisation here so that 's why I'm asking. The girls are very attractive and have good personalities, I would think that JB & M would have had the pick of the litter so to say on courters/courting.

It just seems odd who they did choose. Didn't Ben come from like another state or something? He seems like a nice enough guy who loves Jessa, but it just doesn't make sense to me somehow.


I think they were all chosen because they're leghumpers who will accept the Duggar party line hook, line, and sinker. The Keller were leghumpers back when the Duggars were only famous in ATI circles and Marjorie ' s family seem like local Duggar groupies as well. Ben and Derrick were fans who got lucky, literally and foguritively. All these people are so glad to be blessed by the Duggars presence that they won't question anything, lest they be tossed out.

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The police report did say the touching was over clothes, just for the facts. Maybe that's also the reason the little girls always wear leggings under their dresses.

This whole thing is so distressing. This family had no right to put themselves out there all these years as role models for perfect parenting and amazing sexual purity expertise. As if doing as they do is the key to perfection. That's what really gets me, the absolute lack of humility in putting the family on tv when they KNEW they had major problems.

It seems they were already wearing leggings under the dresses at least during some of the molestations. One of the victims in the report stated that the offender had pulled down the pants she was wearing under her dress. It's possible though that the family tried to combat Josh's "temptations" in the home between offenses... if they felt that part of the problem was the littlest girls being "immodest" (which seems likely considering the counseling materials they would've had access to through Gothard), maybe they started wearing leggings while the assaults were still going on in hopes that they would prevent Josh from touching his sisters.

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I have been wondering about something for several days now and maybe some of you can share a little insight.

I have been thinking about the spouses for the three married Duggars and the fact that Jim Bob to a certain degree chose these mates for his children doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, this is why.

JB was in politics and with their known connections to politicians and furthering their dominionist type of agenda, why were Ben, Derrick and Anna chosen? It seems there is really nothing about them that could or would really move the family forward in any way. I may be very off with my rationalisation here so that 's why I'm asking. The girls are very attractive and have good personalities, I would think that JB & M would have had the pick of the litter so to say on courters/courting.

It just seems odd who they did choose. Didn't Ben come from like another state or something? He seems like a nice enough guy who loves Jessa, but it just doesn't make sense to me somehow.


Well, after all this it seems pretty clear why Anna was chosen. She comes from an ATI family who believes in forgiveness and 2nd chances, so of course she'd be understanding and forgiving towards Josh for his molestation.

Ben was a teenage super fan, so Boob probably thought he would be easy to manipulate because of his age and eagerness (he was right)

Derick actively sought out Boob knowing what his family was like, so he was probably good enough based on that.

Just my thoughts.

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I posted this earlier, but wanted to post it again because of the discussion about how devious and manipulative the Duggars are. In addition to the entire Gothard system.

Long time lurker here. Like most of you, I have been disturbed by Michelle's robocall about transgenders in the bathroom. As I sat here reading this morning, it came to me. I don't think she means that all transgender people are in fact pedophiles. I think she was against the law because of the possibility of pedophiles using the access to women's bathroom as an opportunity. They aren't transgender in any way, but they will be for the chance to have access to young girls. It's a convoluted idea, but it shows how much experience she has with lies, manipulation, devious plans, gaslighting, you name it. Most of us would never dream up a plan so complex as to dress up as a woman just for the opportunity to be around young girls. It seems as though Michelle is used to such manipulations, twisted thoughts and perverse ideas. If this is actually her thought process, how disturbing.

The evangelical community has moved from gay panic, which is becoming increasingly thorny, to transgender panic. In their minds, anything to do with sex that isn't married and missionary indicates dangerous perverts and predators. Given how stupid and ignorant Michelle is, convincing her that men are becoming women for the so,e purpose of stalking bathrooms isn't that hard.

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I have been wondering about something for several days now and maybe some of you can share a little insight.

I have been thinking about the spouses for the three married Duggars and the fact that Jim Bob to a certain degree chose these mates for his children doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, this is why.

JB was in politics and with their known connections to politicians and furthering their dominionist type of agenda, why were Ben, Derrick and Anna chosen? It seems there is really nothing about them that could or would really move the family forward in any way. I may be very off with my rationalisation here so that 's why I'm asking. The girls are very attractive and have good personalities, I would think that JB & M would have had the pick of the litter so to say on courters/courting.

It just seems odd who they did choose. Didn't Ben come from like another state or something? He seems like a nice enough guy who loves Jessa, but it just doesn't make sense to me somehow.


My personal theory, is that the people JimBob wanted his kids to really marry, didn't want to marry his kids.

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I agree that he wanted his kids to have real marriages to mates they wanted to be with, but I also don't think it's coincidence that Anna moved up to be with Josh from Florida and both of the men that married into the family are from Arkansas (and when the distance between Ben and Jessa started to put a strain on their courtship, he had Ben move down to a building on his own property). He probably allows his boys more freedom to develop interests in people at conventions and homeschool events, knowing that the girl will move to be near them if they get married. With the girls, I'm guessing he's more controlling about those he'll allow them to correspond with because I think he's genuinely terrified at the idea that his daughters could end up moving away from the family. I think he genuinely loves them and wants them to be happy, but not necessarily at his personal expense. He's not going to allow a situation in which he personally feels sad or lonely with his daughter moving away, even if she's doing it for love/marriage/babies/God.

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I have been wondering about something for several days now and maybe some of you can share a little insight.

I have been thinking about the spouses for the three married Duggars and the fact that Jim Bob to a certain degree chose these mates for his children doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, this is why.

JB was in politics and with their known connections to politicians and furthering their dominionist type of agenda, why were Ben, Derrick and Anna chosen? It seems there is really nothing about them that could or would really move the family forward in any way. I may be very off with my rationalisation here so that 's why I'm asking. The girls are very attractive and have good personalities, I would think that JB & M would have had the pick of the litter so to say on courters/courting.

It just seems odd who they did choose. Didn't Ben come from like another state or something? He seems like a nice enough guy who loves Jessa, but it just doesn't make sense to me somehow.


I think he didn't pick the sons and daughters of politicians because they have more power than him. Sure JB is pictured with them but I feel like he's that guy when whenever he comes around, people stop their conversations and put on a fake smile. He knows the most control he'll ever have is over his family. So he marries his children to dimwits and easily manipulated people to help build his ego and family unit.

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What I've been wondering about: there have been rumours over this whole molestation case on the internet for almost a decade. It seems, that at least some people in the Duggars circle knew about it too. I wonder why the Duggars weren't more careful? Like having the police record destroyed earlier. Or maybe retrain from bashing gay/trans people all the time. Or why Josh thought it was a good idea to get such a public job like he had at FRC with such skeletons in the closet?

Also, I'm pretty sure that TLC monitors to some extent what is written about their shows on the internet, so why didn't they act earlier? They should have known that it was bound to come out one day.

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You are totally falling down on your FJ stalker duties! To the prayer closet with you!

And I was there all day- from like 0800- 2030.

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I suspect that they didn't think anyone out there had any access to the actual police reports. Without knowing the exact information about when the police reports were filed and the names of people involved, it would be hard for any publication to gain access to that information - especially since the offender and all the victims were minors at the time. And since Josh wasn't actually convicted of anything, TLC and the Duggar parents may have thought that the rumors would never stick. I don't think they ever imagined that the actual report would be leaked and that - even with names redacted - it would be so clear who the involved parties were. You'd expect people who put themselves out there in such a way would know better, and you'd expect the channel to know it was possible this would be leaked. But they first started up with the Duggars in like 2005, and at the time the internet gossip chain wasn't nearly as evolved as it is now, and even if the information had been uncovered, the Duggars were nowhere near the same level of notoriety and it wouldn't have become such an enormous scandal because they were relatively unknown. Once they put them on the air, they probably figured all possible bad press would have been exhausted already and there was no real risk to continuing making money off the family. And until the Honey Boo Boo thing, TLC probably hasn't had much experience with navigating this particular kind of 'scandal', and likely still thought that since the involved were all minors it wouldn't be accessible. Now they know better, I guess.

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