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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Another thought popped into my little brain.

I always wondered why Josh never seemed close or buddy buddy with his close in age brothers. Now, I am thinking it is due to this. that JD and Joseph knew about this and were so disgusted by it all, yet, also told to forgive Josh, etc, etc.. But, on their own, chose not to be friendly nor hang with him much.

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I'm going through the Instagram threads and came across this one


Laws they dont enforce, Joshie? Kind of like CHILD MOLESTATION?

This was from the time period when Josh and a friend were proudly setting off illegal firework. PRAISE JESUS!

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This is my first posting here, so hopefully this is a good place for it.

I never cared to learn about the Duggars or watch their show, but since the police report about Josh was released, I have been fascinated/captivated by this family. After reading quite a few threads (and going back a few years), I only feel pity for them. For the little ones, the older girls and Anna and her kids of course; but even for Josh and Jim Bob and Michelle.

Re Josh – I don’t really care why he did it. The fact is, he admitted it in a public statement, and confessed it to the authorities after confessing it to his parents. That his parents or law enforcement didn’t follow the law is not on him. Whether he meant it or not, he did say in that statement that he would do anything to go back and change things. Which is a good sign.

Re Jim Bob and Michelle – I have less pity for them. They were supposed to be the adults, but they let their own pride blind them. Even if they did not want to make this a police matter, true therapy and counseling for Josh and the girls should have been required. As a father, it was Jim Bob’s duty to protect his children. All of them. And he failed miserably.


A little about me, I was brought up in, and am still active in the pretty conservative Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (there are congregations which still have the men sit on one side of the chapel and women on the other) and I know families like the Duggars. I may not agree with the Duggar’s process of reasoning about the molestation, but I can see why they think the way they do in that and most everything else that most people consider odd.

And particularly for Jana’s sake, I hope that Jim Bob will allow her to court/date with a purpose an actual decent guy, who just happens to live out of state.

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It seems they were already wearing leggings under the dresses at least during some of the molestations. One of the victims in the report stated that the offender had pulled down the pants she was wearing under her dress. It's possible though that the family tried to combat Josh's "temptations" in the home between offenses... if they felt that part of the problem was the littlest girls being "immodest" (which seems likely considering the counseling materials they would've had access to through Gothard), maybe they started wearing leggings while the assaults were still going on in hopes that they would prevent Josh from touching his sisters.

Pants could have been underwear, too.

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What I've been wondering about: there have been rumours over this whole molestation case on the internet for almost a decade. It seems, that at least some people in the Duggars circle knew about it too. I wonder why the Duggars weren't more careful? Like having the police record destroyed earlier. Or maybe retrain from bashing gay/trans people all the time. Or why Josh thought it was a good idea to get such a public job like he had at FRC with such skeletons in the closet?

Also, I'm pretty sure that TLC monitors to some extent what is written about their shows on the internet, so why didn't they act earlier? They should have known that it was bound to come out one day.

Because the rumors existed for years and nothing ever happened. Because they didn't think people could access the records. Because they thought they were untouchable. Because they thought it had been handled and was in the past. The possibilities are endless.

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Pants could have been underwear, too.

I seem to remember Michelle mentioning that the little girls wore a leggings+dress combination because they ran around a lot, and were just more active. Skirts would have probably been more immodest in that situation.

Personally, I don't think it had anything to do with the molestations.

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I just posted this in the Ads thread:

Payless Shoes and Choice Hotels are cutting ties with TLC and 19 Kids and Counting:

http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/26/19-kids-a ... ation-tlc/

Walgreens, on the other hand, is monitoring the situation.

Well I just sent a tweet out to @walgreens asking them why they have not dropped their sponsorship/advertiser connection with 19 Kids and Counting. I also posted the TMZ post on my FB about Payless and Choice Hotels dropping their advertising.

I feel that I have to start being vocal. If others see it on Twitter I hope they will Retweet, I put a "RT" after the tweet hoping others catch on.

#LetsSlamThemDuggars #DontLetThisStoryDie #GetPissed :cracking-up:

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Today show piece covering the various calls to cancel the show. They say pressure is "mounting."

I think so long as this stays in the mainstream media, reporting on calls to cancel, its done. They even include the incest joke...

It's unfortunate that the incest joke went "viral," imo. I feel like those scenes (he said it more recently, too) are being used by the public as evidence of hypocrisy or the public's own confirmation bias or something; I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts. There are more relevant points to discuss, but they're less snazzy and not so easy to convert into a meme. To me the "we ARE from Arkansas" jokes are just more evidence of how the Duggars go for the easiest, laziest commentary in their THs, et cetera.

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It's unfortunate that the incest joke went "viral," imo. I feel like those scenes (he said it more recently, too) are being used by the public as evidence of hypocrisy or the public's own confirmation bias or something; I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts. There are more relevant points to discuss, but they're less snazzy and not so easy to convert into a meme. To me the "we ARE from Arkansas" jokes are just more evidence of how the Duggars go for the easiest, laziest commentary in their THs, et cetera.

I totally agree. It's been bothering me. It was a meaningless throwaway line. A joke. The media is also going for the easiest, laziest commentary. How about doing some real investigating, and get to the fundamental beliefs within this lifestyle that created this environment in the first place.

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I think everyone needs to understand that Jim Bob Duggar is a fraud.

A manipulative, opportunistic, power, fame and money hungry fraud.

And definetly a lying liar who lies.

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It's unfortunate that the incest joke went "viral," imo. I feel like those scenes (he said it more recently, too) are being used by the public as evidence of hypocrisy or the public's own confirmation bias or something; I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts. There are more relevant points to discuss, but they're less snazzy and not so easy to convert into a meme. To me the "we ARE from Arkansas" jokes are just more evidence of how the Duggars go for the easiest, laziest commentary in their THs, et cetera.

I agree. I don't believe that Josh said that as any kind of private mockery of the things he did. I think it was just an easy joke and he wanted to seem lighthearted and charming. People are latching onto it because of the irony of the joke, but I don't think it proves anything on his part other than bad taste. That it's circulating now is a weird thing where people want to laugh at someone who disgusts them, but I think it detracts from the seriousness of what he did (and while I don't think that was his intention in making the joke in the first place, I think that people are trying to lessen their discomfort over what he did as a young man by portraying him as a wholly unrepentant monster who laughs over his sexual assaults. It's easier to deal with emotionally than accepting that a seemingly normal boy could end up committing these kinds of crimes.)

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It's unfortunate that the incest joke went "viral," imo. I feel like those scenes (he said it more recently, too) are being used by the public as evidence of hypocrisy or the public's own confirmation bias or something; I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts. There are more relevant points to discuss, but they're less snazzy and not so easy to convert into a meme. To me the "we ARE from Arkansas" jokes are just more evidence of how the Duggars go for the easiest, laziest commentary in their THs, et cetera.

I don't feel that way at all. If someone is on a Tv show that is taped and that person knows the situation, then they know the situation and Josh was over 18 yo (He was going to an R rated or NC 17 movie) so he knew the situation.

Cry me a river..... Cry me a river ....

Now if it was one of the littler ones, they would have my sympathy. But this big JerkOff, Hellz to the Noes.

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I seem to remember Michelle mentioning that the little girls wore a leggings+dress combination because they ran around a lot, and were just more active. Skirts would have probably been more immodest in that situation.

Personally, I don't think it had anything to do with the molestations.

So I looked up pictures of them. This was in 2001, supposedly before the molestations started. You can clearly see the girls have leggings.


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Lmao no Duggar would go to an NC-17 rated movie. Ever. I could conceivably see them going to an R rated movie but I think it's unlikely, none of the movies they see contain violence or sexuality of almost any degree. I actually think it was later confirmed that they were seeing Fireproof (or one of Kirk Cameron's movies, anyway). It was a pre-screening which is why it may have required people to be over 18, it may not have been officially rated yet.

ETA: I mean, these are people who defend their fear of mainstream music by pointing to the way the soundtrack of Bambi can produce emotional reactions in their children. They wouldn't allow even their oldest kids to be exposed to movies that might have anything racy in them. (And Fireproof ended up with a PG rating, so.)

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I wonder if we will learn anything new today? Do you all think more details will come out ? I wonder how long tlc will hold out about making a decision to cancel the show?

ETA typo

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Lmao no Duggar would go to an NC-17 rated movie. Ever. I could conceivably see them going to an R rated movie but I think it's unlikely, none of the movies they see contain violence or sexuality of almost any degree. I actually think it was later confirmed that they were seeing Fireproof (or one of Kirk Cameron's movies, anyway). It was a pre-screening which is why it may have required people to be over 18, it may not have been officially rated yet.

You missed the clip then earlier in this thread. It's right there in a 19K &C episode. That's why they said that JD and Janna had to chaperone the date between Josh and Anna, because they were of age, so I don't think that I was wrong here. I believe it is part of the same episode where Josh said the "Arkansas" joke because people thought JD and Janna were double-dating with them and a couple.

Anyone have that clip?

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