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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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This is UNBELIEVEABLE. What an irony... Now I am :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: along with the others.

Someone help me pick my mouth off of the floor! :o :wtf:


JB is advocating death around the same time his son is molesting JB's daughters. No wonder Josh is so screwed up.

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This is my first posting here, so hopefully this is a good place for it.

I never cared to learn about the Duggars or watch their show, but since the police report about Josh was released, I have been fascinated/captivated by this family. After reading quite a few threads (and going back a few years), I only feel pity for them. For the little ones, the older girls and Anna and her kids of course; but even for Josh and Jim Bob and Michelle.

Re Josh – I don’t really care why he did it. The fact is, he admitted it in a public statement, and confessed it to the authorities after confessing it to his parents. That his parents or law enforcement didn’t follow the law is not on him. Whether he meant it or not, he did say in that statement that he would do anything to go back and change things. Which is a good sign.

Re Jim Bob and Michelle – I have less pity for them. They were supposed to be the adults, but they let their own pride blind them. Even if they did not want to make this a police matter, true therapy and counseling for Josh and the girls should have been required. As a father, it was Jim Bob’s duty to protect his children. All of them. And he failed miserably.


A little about me, I was brought up in, and am still active in the pretty conservative Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (there are congregations which still have the men sit on one side of the chapel and women on the other) and I know families like the Duggars. I may not agree with the Duggar’s process of reasoning about the molestation, but I can see why they think the way they do in that and most everything else that most people consider odd.

And particularly for Jana’s sake, I hope that Jim Bob will allow her to court/date with a purpose an actual decent guy, who just happens to live out of state.

That's called good PR. It doesn't mean he actually means it or cares at all. He isn't sorry that it happened; he's sorry he got caught. I doubt he even wrote that statement himself anyway.

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You missed the clip then earlier in this thread. It's right there in a 19K &C episode. That's why they said that JD and Janna had to chaperone the date between Josh and Anna, because they were of age, so I don't think that I was wrong here. I believe it is part of the same episode where Josh said the "Arkansas" joke because people thought JD and Janna were double-dating with them and a couple.

Anyone have that clip?

You missed the last sentence in my post. The movie they saw was absolutely not rated R or NC-17, it was probably unrated because it was a pre-screening. The Duggars do not allow their children (even adult children) to be exposed to that sort of media. And the vast majority of theaters do not show NC-17 rated movies.

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Today show piece covering the various calls to cancel the show. They say pressure is "mounting."

I think so long as this stays in the mainstream media, reporting on calls to cancel, its done. They even include the incest joke...

And one of NBC's production companies is who did "Digging with the Duggars". Interesting that the Today show is covering this now.

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fakejoshduggar has a response to Pa Seewald:

https://fakejoshduggar.wordpress.com/20 ... ld-family/

Link not broken because he's a member here. FakeJosh, I'm glad you're not making the tasteless jokes you made last week, but I know you're a member here and I expected you to know better than this quote right here:

Michelle Duggar admits in the police report that Josh Duggar did not receive any counseling and was sent away for several months to help a family friend with remodeling a home.

It was a Gothard construction training program. If you still read here you would know that. I would've commented on your blog or twitter, but your blog doesn't allow comments and I'm not on twitter.

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That's called good PR. It doesn't mean he actually means it or cares at all. He isn't sorry that it happened; he's sorry he got caught. I doubt he even wrote that statement himself anyway.

His statement was terrible from a PR perspective and I think he wrote it all by himself. Or with the worst advisors known to man.

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In Touch published a new story which just reveals what we already know - that the youngest victim was 5. It's basically just their way of bringing the police report back into focus, because all 33 pages of it are underneath the story. Not posting the link because we have the police report already posted on FJ, and it's not new information.

I guess while waiting for news of the show's fate, there's nothing left to do but report on things that have already been reported about. Still, it's good to see it pop up (even if you are tired of seeing/hearing about the Duggars) because it keeps it all relevant. It's a reminder that these people fucked up and that something needs to be done.

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His statement was terrible from a PR perspective and I think he wrote it all by himself. Or with the worst advisors known to man.

He probably took a PR course at an ATI convention once. It seems like the kind of statement they'd teach people to make.

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And one of NBC's production companies is who did "Digging with the Duggars". Interesting that the Today show is covering this now.

Erica Hill presented the piece in Buzzard's quote. I'm somewhat interested in her thoughts on all of this, but they're probably not helpful and it would certainly be unprofessional. I think? I generally hate it when reporters insert their own biased commentary (I can't watch most television news anymore for this reason) but maybe it's not ethically wrong. Journalism standards have changed a lot in the last generation.

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I totally agree. It's been bothering me. It was a meaningless throwaway line. A joke. The media is also going for the easiest, laziest commentary. How about doing some real investigating, and get to the fundamental beliefs within this lifestyle that created this environment in the first place.

Respectfully, no, it wasn't meaningless. It is common for people who have done evil things to joke about it. Psychologically it's a way of distancing yourself from what you've done. It's a form of denial - it's "funny", so it can't be that bad.

Recently in the UK we had the case of Rolf Harris (don't know if people elsewhere on the globe know who he is - an Australian painter and general entertainer who was on British TV for decades). He had interfered with young girls including his daughter's friends. A favourite joke of his was "I never touched her, your honour" (your honour = a judge, sorry if I'm stating the obvious).

As Freud told us a long time ago, there's no such thing as a joke.

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That's called good PR. It doesn't mean he actually means it or cares at all. He isn't sorry that it happened; he's sorry he got caught. I doubt he even wrote that statement himself anyway.

Those are the best News in regard of the molestation scandel ever!! This should be Headlines everywhere.

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He probably took a PR course at an ATI convention once. It seems like the kind of statement they'd teach people to make.

Sadly, it does seem like the kind of statement ATI would teach people to make :cry:

And I'm not saying his statement wasn't terrible. I'm just saying that making the "if I could go back and change things I would" statement, is purely him trying to make good PR. It doesn't mean he's really sorry or that he feels any remorse at all, which he clearly doesn't. Of course he's going to say he would change things if he could. And those "things" would be leaving the letter in the book for someone to find and talking to a cop in the first place.

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Respectfully, no, it wasn't meaningless. It is common for people who have done evil things to joke about it. Psychologically it's a way of distancing yourself from what you've done. It's a form of denial - it's "funny", so it can't be that bad.

Recently in the UK we had the case of Rolf Harris (don't know if people elsewhere on the globe know who he is - an Australian painter and general entertainer who was on British TV for decades). He had interfered with young girls including his daughter's friends. A favourite joke of his was "I never touched her, your honour" (your honour = a judge, sorry if I'm stating the obvious).

As Freud told us a long time ago, there's no such thing as a joke.

He wasn't even talking about himself, he was talking about JD and Jana.

This was 5/6 years after the incident. Why would he be deliberately joking about it on camera, but in relation to JD?

Not everybody reacts to these incidents the same way. We can't really know if the joke was related to what happened in his mind.

IMO, the media is running out of click bait for this scandal, hence they turn to reporting this incest joke. But maybe it's good that the scandal is remaining in focus on mainstream media sites.

Edited for clarity.

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I keep wondering what the Duggars think of this anti-Duggar/Josh hailstorm. Did they have any clue there would be this much of a reaction? Did they think their apologies and explanations would end it? I kind of think they had no idea this would become such a huge story. I bet they are all just reeling from this.

I think their view was/is that Josh sinned, repented, and has been forgiven, both by God and his victims. End of story. The prevailing opinion from many Christians seems to be that Josh sinned because he, like all of us, is a sinful being. Not that Josh may have a sexual issue, just a sin issue. If they think Josh simply prayed and repented away the urge to molest then they may not really get all the uproar over what happened.

I think the show is going to end up being cancelled, but if TLC is willing to continue filming without Josh, would Jim Bob and Michelle agree? Will the girls agree to continue? And will anyone in the family address the situation on camera?

I hope the one thing that comes out of this is actual counseling for anyone who wants it. There seem to be conflicting stories about whether the girls received counseling or if the family had to submit regular reports to CPS. Perhaps now this could truly happen?

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I would like to add two thinks to the discussion (even if they are a Little of Topic)

1. Maybe I overlooked the post (sorry if it has already been postet) but Ben had something to say:

Accoring to pickles, Ben postes the following on his instagram shorty after he began courting Jessa: "When someone who means everything to you has a heavy burden to bear and you wish with all your heart you could step in and beat it for her."

I thinks that´s interesting

2. On how TLC will finally react:

Since the Duggars are the major income for TLC I think all they have been doing in the last days was trying desperatly to find a way HOW the show can continue. I was trying to find such a solution, but couln´t come up with any:

First: They have to adress the molestation somehow and the Duggars have to agree to the way TLC wants this handels (Maybe including apologies from Michell and Jim Bob - never gonna happen). Secondly: TMZ reported that TLC thinks about countinuing withour Josh. But I think thats not possible; What about Anna and the M Kids for example? Also I believe that the Duggars would not be available for a Show without Josh (as much as they want the money).

But I really believe they will try everything to keep the Show, but if they don´t find a way, we will probably end up with Specials but no official statement that they cancle the show. If they did not do it until now....

They might try a Special with the Duggar reactions on the molestation and depending on how the Viewers take this (Rates will be veeeeeery high) they will continue in a probably changed format if the People reactions is, that they now understand everything better and since the Girls are so brave and have forgiven their brother, we should do the same bla bla bullshit.

Hence, an all decisive soon to come Special is an option....

3. In reagard of my former poster: I really think the Duggars new this would come out a Little bit (liek a few days) before InTouch released it. Maybe even when the "Diggin in" Episode has been filmed?

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What did she say instead?

underclothes. At least that is what she would say in the early specials

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Goes to show how extreme the Duggars really are. At least, other lunatics like PP are honest about it. Boob and J'Chelle just hide their real personality behind fake smiles and "keeping sweet".

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He wasn't even talking about himself, he was talking about JD and Jana.

This was 5/6 years after the incident. Why would he be deliberately joking about it on camera, but in relation to JD?

Not everybody reacts to these incidents the same way. We can't really know if the joke was related to what happened in his mind.

IMO, the media is running out of click bait for this scandal, hence they turn to reporting this incest joke. But maybe it's good that the scandal is remaining in focus on mainstream media sites.

Edited for clarity.

Ummmm... Yeah, he was talking about JD and Jana, saying that people thought that they (JD & Jana) were on a double date with Josh and Anna and that 'it is Arkansas'.

I don't see why people feel bad that this clip has become popular.

First, the mainstream news has been reporting almost since last wednesday that he assaulted "5 underage girls". The press wasn't really acknowledging that they were in fact some of his sisters. So now they are putting 2 + 2 together for whatever reason and it's coming out about the most of the victims being his sisters. Is this bad? It's the truth, right.

Now In Touch is posting that one of the victims may have been only 5 years old. Is this bad? It's the truth right.

So, poor Joshy is getting a comment that he made in jest or because of whatever reason played on media.... Cry me a river.... He was 18 yo making that joke. Getting paid probably to do it to boot.

Who really thinks anyone close to this situation really cares about the Arkansas joke? No one, they have much bigger fish to fry.

How do you think JD and Jana felt? I would think that it is more of an embarrasment to them? The state of Arkansas?

I don't understand why anyone thinks that this is a big deal in any means about Josh and this clip. As the story unfolds, this stuff is bound to come out. :popcorn2:

That's the price of being on TV. Every politician has been through this. At least in Josh's case their is a reason and it is substantiated behind some facts and a real story. This happens all the time in trivial gosspip and the story is not even true.

Yes, this kindof pissed me off. It's like "I hope the story comes out", "I hope the show get's canceled", then .... "that was a little unfair to Josh, doncha think?", "I don't think it's right laughing at him about that clip, he never intended...".

It's a little odd to me. I'm happy the right story is finally coming out. I think as more people see it was his sisters and the ages, this will shed a different light on the situation. No it's not always fair. But life is not fair when your in the limelight and put yourself there.

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He wasn't even talking about himself, he was talking about JD and Jana.

This was 5/6 years after the incident. Why would he be deliberately joking about it on camera, but in relation to JD?

Not everybody reacts to these incidents the same way. We can't really know if the joke was related to what happened in his mind.

IMO, the media is running out of click bait for this scandal, hence they turn to reporting this incest joke. But maybe it's good that the scandal is remaining in focus on mainstream media sites.

Edited for clarity.

The "joke" was a mere 2 years or so AFTER the police investigation.

If Josh was "reformed", that's a pretty sick joke. A joke like that, to me, means you didn't learn a darn thing, nor are you sensitive to your sister's feelings.

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Goes to show how extreme the Duggars really are. At least, other lunatics like PP are honest about it. Boob and J'Chelle just hide their real personality behind fake smiles and "keeping sweet".

I think this was especially true as the show went on. They started to dress more maintream and eased up on the fire and brimstone stuff, although I guarantee they still preached it to their kids. I think they saw the show as a chance to hook more people into Gothard's cult. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I found out he advised them to tone it down on tv so as to draw in more converts and not alert those who "wouldn't understand" just like he used to tell them at seminars not to lend out the material he handed out to others "who wouldn't understand". This was their marketing/advertising for the cult and I will bet they have converted more followers who are charmed by the "old fashioned values of family and faith" that the Duggars put forth.

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Ummmm... Yeah, he was talking about JD and Jana, saying that people thought that they (JD & Jana) were on a double date with Josh and Anna and that 'it is Arkansas'.

I don't see why people feel bad that this clip has become popular.

First, the mainstream news has been reporting almost since last wednesday that he assaulted "5 underage girls". The press wasn't really acknowledging that they were in fact some of his sisters. So now they are putting 2 + 2 together for whatever reason and it's coming out about the most of the victims being his sisters. Is this bad? It's the truth, right.

Now In Touch is posting that one of the victims may have been only 5 years old. Is this bad? It's the truth right.

So, poor Joshy is getting a comment that he made in jest or because of whatever reason played on media.... Cry me a river.... He was 18 yo making that joke. Getting paid probably to do it to boot.

Who really thinks anyone close to this situation really cares about the Arkansas joke? No one, they have much bigger fish to fry.

How do you think JD and Jana felt? I would think that it is more of an embarrasment to them? The state of Arkansas?

I don't understand why anyone thinks that this is a big deal in any means about Josh and this clip. As the story unfolds, this stuff is bound to come out. [emoji14]opcorn2:

That's the price of being on TV. Every politician has been through this. At least in Josh's case their is a reason and it is substantiated behind some facts and a real story. This happens all the time in trivial gosspip and the story is not even true.

Yes, this kindof pissed me off. It's like "I hope the story comes out", "I hope the show get's canceled", then .... "that was a little unfair to Josh, doncha think?", "I don't think it's right laughing at him about that clip, he never intended...".

It's a little odd to me. I'm happy the right story is finally coming out. I think as more people see it was his sisters and the ages, this will shed a different light on the situation. No it's not always fair. But life is not fair when your in the limelight and put yourself there.

My point wasn't that we shouldn't laugh at 'poor Joshy'

It was that it's annoying when everything is re analysed in the context of the abuse. It's disrespectful to the sisters, and unnecessarily re-victimises them.

Also, the poster I quoted seemed to very confidently state that psychologically, Josh was making that joke to make the abuse funny. She also gave an unrelated example (where the abuse was of a different form and in a different time period). I was simply pointing out that Internet psychoanalysis is stupid, as everyone reacts differently to different situations.

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