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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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I think based on the Duggars patriarchal beliefs, JB is more culpable than M because his decisions override all. IMO, this is especially applicable to the handling of Josh. In terms of the girls, I think Michelle is equally to blame. I am sure that she could have convinced JB that actual family and particularly, individual counseling was in order....although would counseling mandate legal involvement, I'm not sure? Real legal involvement might have been a deal breaker for JB.

Where Michelle is really guilty, is in the area of additional pregnancies and children. JB has always said that Michelle is the one who decides if she would like additional children.

IMO, when you are failing at parenting, nurturing and protecting the children you already have, you should not, with clear conscience, add more.

I'm sure Michelle is wishing she was pregnant so she could take some of the heat off of Precious Josh

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I think Jim Bob is officially ultimately responsible, just based on the rules of his belief system, but there's a lot of nuance within these patriarchal marriages. I think when it comes to the more visible couples--the "power" couples, I guess--they say the right things in terms of their faith, and they put on the appropriate public face, but privately? They are a lot more equal than one would think. There's no doubt in my mind the Michelle is living the exact life she wants, and that if she had wanted to properly deal with Josh's abuse of his sisters--via real counseling and the police and family court--she could have easily convinced Jim Bob. The way this was handled was likely a mutual decision.

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Apologies if this was posted earlier, but this Guardian article from today is both completely on point and absolutely scathing.

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... t-of-doubt

That was just beautiful. I think my favorite part is:

One pastor’s wife who also subscribes to the Duggars’ “Quiverfull†movement (which, apparently, is where you pretend your nutsack is a quiver and your penis is a stout longbow and your wife is a pile of hay or rags that you shoot sperm arrows into), argued that Josh was just “playing doctor†and deserves to be “left alone to live a good lifeâ€.

Best description of Quiverfull I have ever seen!

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That was just beautiful. I think my favorite part is:

Best description of Quiverfull I have ever seen!

Lindy West is always on point. :D

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Apologies if this was posted earlier, but this Guardian article from today is both completely on point and absolutely scathing.

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... t-of-doubt

OMG I love this!

The premise is that patriarch Jim Bob Duggar incessantly impregnates his wife Michelle in order to expand the ranks of their sanctimonious Christian homeschooling cult – which, as far as I can tell, holds as its sacraments: boringness, purity, female subservience, shamelessly rubbing heterosex in strangers’ faces, the letter “Jâ€, hairdos of a peltlike nature and keeping LGBT people from doing stuff.

(Side note: Oddly enough, despite being a show about weird culty bigots who wear pioneer dresses and don’t fronthug before marriage, 19 Kids and Counting manages to be screamingly dull. Like, it would be actually more entertaining if it was literally just 19 kids sitting still and then next to them there was a guy counting.)

This could, quite possibly, be the BEST description of the Duggars EVER!

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Per "the Original Duggar Family Blog" NW Arkansas State Senator Bart Hester is now calling for the resignation of Springdale Police Chief Kathy O'Kelley, stating "concern[] that O'Kelley will release police reports containing the details of other similar cases with juvenile victims.."

Seems they found a table on which to lay the blame?


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That was just beautiful. I think my favorite part is:

Best description of Quiverfull I have ever seen!

Nutsack for a Quiver neeeeeeds to be the next user title, please Mods??!! :clap:

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Wow. :pink-shock: This reminds me of how the Duggars are staunchly pro-life, even if the mother's life is in danger, yet when Michelle was experiencing life-threatening pre-eclampsia, they allowed the doctor's to take Josie out of the womb at 25 weeks, unsure if she'd live or die. Basically an abortion to save the mother scenario. Then they parade Josie around at Pro-life events. Jimbob and Michelle are hypocrites.

Don't blame boob, he just left out the part where the person who committed incest talks to God then gets a pass. Then he can demand his relative not have an abortion and get custody. /major bitterness

On the premie thing though, that's acutally pretty standard that the baby is delivered once it is safer outside than inside and 25 weeks is pretty common with severe pre-eclampisia.

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Ray Comfort claims Joshy "wasn't a Christian at the time". According to his own website he "accepted Christ at age 7"

Though we can assume it was more like seven minutes than years.

Isn't it time to examine old Ray's green card? His fraud and lying is really getting out of control

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Jim Bob Duggar: "Incest represents a heinous crime and should be treated as a capital crime ..."


http://national.suntimes.com/national-p ... e-by-death

Holy shit, what a fucking hypocrite.

Soooooooo people who commit incest must die.....except our precious Josh, we don't even want him to go to jail, hard labour and a talking to by a pervert cop will do enough.

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Am I miss reading it or doesn't it say if both would die you should try to save the mother, that was the case with Josie and they did. . . Am I missing something?

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Am I miss reading it or doesn't it say if both would die you should try to save the mother, that was the case with Josie and they did. . . Am I missing something?

" Rape and Incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes"

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" Rape and Incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes"

Yes, I didn't miss that. I was actually responding to the comments on Josie. However that is not important to the current discussion. Sorry.

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Holy shit, what a fucking hypocrite.

Soooooooo people who commit incest must die.....except our precious Josh, we don't even want him to go to jail, hard labour and a talking to by a pervert cop will do enough.

Oh, but precious Josh did not commit incest, he just made a teenage mistake, don't you know?

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Are we sure there are two Courtney Enlow s ?

Because if she is just one person it might explain:

1. Why she only let her girl meet with the girls & that she waited 5 yearS to let them see the girl.

2. Why the writer of the horror article was so mad.


I'm rewatching the crew episode now - Scott Enlow has worked in the show since the first episode.


Plus regardless of whether the Courtney's are the same or not - if the crew did know then shame on them -- but if they didn't know then how must they feel now? How about the sound guy? Can you really see them going back to work on this show? I would hope they'd feel like enough is enough with filming minor victims.


Also I'm curious about when Derrick & Ben found out & how they feel now.


And still a little surprised there hasn't been more response from the Duggar camp - although I can sort of see them feeling like their Facebook statements were enough.

And I wonder how much they've paid for spin doctors.


So sad and disgusted.

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Well now we know why JB has been so obsessed with the sex lives of his kids.

I don't think so, honestly.

I think there's a lot more that we don't know yet.

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Just saw this article: mic.com/articles/119040/the-problem-with-the-duggar-sexual-assault-cover-up-nobody-s-talking-about?utm_source=policymicTBLR&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social

This is better but FFS JimBob never "reported his son". I do not see how anyone can even suggest that he did.

Granted, if my son did this I wouldn't run him down to the police but I would take him to a counselor knowing full well they would have to make a legal report and police would be involved. Likewise, if my daughter had been his victim she too would have gone to a counselor even though I am fully aware an official report would be made.

Jim Bob is only slightly better than someone who refuses to believe the victim and even then he loses that lead when he put the kids in the public eye right after all this happened.

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