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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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I think Jim Bob is officially ultimately responsible, just based on the rules of his belief system, but there's a lot of nuance within these patriarchal marriages. I think when it comes to the more visible couples--the "power" couples, I guess--they say the right things in terms of their faith, and they put on the appropriate public face, but privately? They are a lot more equal than one would think. There's no doubt in my mind the Michelle is living the exact life she wants, and that if she had wanted to properly deal with Josh's abuse of his sisters--via real counseling and the police and family court--she could have easily convinced Jim Bob. The way this was handled was likely a mutual decision.

This. Watching the show, I see Michelle as the power behind the throne, so to speak. There's a theory that In every relationship there is the beloved (Michelle in this case) and the one who loves (Jim Bob). This gives her lots of power in their relationship, besides which she is no shrinking violet by any means. They both pay lip service to "Daddy runs the show" but oh yeah Michelle gets her say and probably gets her way, too, more often than Jim Bob would publicly admit.

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So after I have my comments deleted by the Seewalds on Instagram, I am either blocked or they've taken their Instagram down. Can someone tell me if they still have one, or can I just not see it?

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So after I have my comments deleted by the Seewalds on Instagram, I am either blocked or they've taken their Instagram down. Can someone tell me if they still have one, or can I just not see it?

The Seewald Family instagram? It's still up. They must've blocked you.

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The Seewald Family instagram? It's still up. They must've blocked you.

I just read some people's comments on FB. They are blocking and deleting comments on anyone that mentions ATI/IBLP.

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This is absolutely heartbreaking.

Prepare yourself before you read....

OK, I'm with Palimpsest - I usually am for giving new posters the benefit of the doubt (and the helpmeets have asked for it to be that way). And these threads are so large and have so many posts, I realize it is easy to miss things.

But this is kind of ridiculous. Brand new posters jumping on here and repeating stuff that was just posted a page ago, and debunked then. Or reposting the exact same thing for the gazillionth time as if they are first. I mean, really?

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I just read some people's comments on FB. They are blocking and deleting comments on anyone that mentions ATI/IBLP.

that's a big mistake protecting such a screwed up pseudo christian group. shows how deep they are into it too.

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that's a big mistake protecting such a screwed up pseudo christian group. shows how deep they are into it too

I just logged in under my daughters account and they have deleted everybody's comments who agreed with me.

They will not have a bad word said about ATI/ILBP. I mean I expect the, to defend their crazy shit, but they are putting it out there to the public. Expect some backlash. You can't put your screwed up theory on Instagram, and expect everyone to blindly go along with it, and only get supportive comments.

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The Duggars number 1 goal for their children is to raise them to serve the Lord. They really did/do everything to brainwash them with their Gothard-version of Christianity. And while of course no-one can look into another persons private thoughts, I highly doubt that Josh didn't consider himself to be a Christian at that time.

The Duggars identified as Baptist and once saved always saved is a definite Baptist doctrine.

As for wanting/hoping one's children serve the Lord - as a (mainstream) Christian, I would say that I raised my kids wanting them to serve the Lord. It's just that my own definition of serving the Lord (I'm quite sure) looks quite different that the Duggars' definition of serving the Lord.

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Buckle up, boys and girls... Let's see what "monkey business" he has in store!


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FYI, Walgreens, Choice Hotels, Payless Shoe Source, and General Mills have all pulled ads from 19kids. Please tweet at them or email them to thank them for doing so!

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OK, I'm with Palimpsest - I usually am for giving new posters the benefit of the doubt (and the helpmeets have asked for it to be that way). And these threads are so large and have so many posts, I realize it is easy to miss things.

But this is kind of ridiculous. Brand new posters jumping on here and repeating stuff that was just posted a page ago, and debunked then. Or reposting the exact same thing for the gazillionth time as if they are first. I mean, really?

I added a little official warning on that post to let everyone know that it's a fake twitter. Hopefully that will prevent some people from glomming onto it.

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Buckle up, boys and girls... Let's see what "monkey business" he has in store!


He is 26. I wonder how many media crises he has managed? He is also the company President?

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CPS is investigating!


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There's a picture of Lindsay Lohan on his site. If she's a client, then he's not very good at his job. She's a walking crisis machine.

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I don't have words to say how underqualified I suspect this guy is for this level of crisis.

I will say, however, that the header pic on his site kind of looks like Josh, and not like someone who can manage a crisis. Where the fuck did they find this guy.

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Lurker chiming in...

With how vocal everyone was about Jessica Seewald's post, I'm surprised that I haven't seen mention of Jinger's several twitter posts from Friday. Sad on so many levels.

Jinger doesn't have a Twitter account or any social media accounts. the Duggar kids only get social media accounts when they are courting.

If someone is on twitter posting as Jinger, than , it is a fake.

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I've started DVRing Touched by an Angel on UP the past few weeks. I hadn't noticed any (maybe a few slipped by) Bates adverts. starting yesterday, every commercial break as an ad for them and their faces are even popping up during TBAN. I'd say they're riding this for all its worth! New season in June.

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That's cute, hunter Frederick is 24 according to his site.



And he posted a picture of Lindsey Lohan with the hashtag WCW (woman candy wednesday).

This guy has noooooo idea what rollercoaster ride he is in for with Duggar-gate.


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CPS is investigating!


For at least the 3rd time within one page back - it's a snark site.

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If their co-workers are adults and have any decency it shouldn't be an issue.

In a perfect world perhaps. My job is strictly 18+ with the average age being probably between 23-27, and it is what my mother would call a "Peyton Place". So I don't hold out much hope for Walmart unless Arkansas is vastly different from Wyoming. :lol:

I mean I hope coworkers know better than to say anything to Derick's face, but I'd bet my left foot that they'll be whispering in their cubicles.

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