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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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So Jim Bob went the cheap route for a crisis manager? Why am I not surprised. I am sure this guy is part of the fundamentalist community and that is all the experience needed. I wouldn't hire a lawyer who just passed the bar if I was on trial for capital murder. I would not hire someone who is so green when I am being vilified around the world and it gets worse by the day. The guy is probably doing it for the right price, completely free.

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And he posted a picture of Lindsey Lohan with the hashtag WCW (woman candy wednesday).

This guy has noooooo idea what rollercoaster ride he is in for with Duggar-gate.


Maybe he'll visit us for fundie Friday.

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OK, I'm with Palimpsest - I usually am for giving new posters the benefit of the doubt (and the helpmeets have asked for it to be that way). And these threads are so large and have so many posts, I realize it is easy to miss things.

But this is kind of ridiculous. Brand new posters jumping on here and repeating stuff that was just posted a page ago, and debunked then. Or reposting the exact same thing for the gazillionth time as if they are first. I mean, really?

THIS. So much this.

Not to resurrect the unlamented ghost of TWoP Howard, but there's something to be said for TWoP's old rule of reading X number of pages before posting. I know y'all are eager to jump in, but seriously, as fast as this thread moves, if it's a link concerning Josh Duggar and it's a day old, we've almost certainly seen it.

And FFS, we heard the incest joke when it originally aired.

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This. Watching the show, I see Michelle as the power behind the throne, so to speak. There's a theory that In every relationship there is the beloved (Michelle in this case) and the one who loves (Jim Bob). This gives her lots of power in their relationship, besides which she is no shrinking violet by any means. They both pay lip service to "Daddy runs the show" but oh yeah Michelle gets her say and probably gets her way, too, more often than Jim Bob would publicly admit.

There are many on FJ who think Michelle "wears the pants." If what has been reported is correct, the "tattletale" told JB, not Michelle. I find it very telling that she apparently felt more comfortable telling her male father than her female mother.

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FYI, Walgreens, Choice Hotels, Payless Shoe Source, and General Mills have all pulled ads from 19kids. Please tweet at them or email them to thank them for doing so!

Add CVS Pharmacy @CVS_extra

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There are many on FJ who think Michelle "wears the pants." If what has been reported is correct, the "tattletale" told JB, not Michelle. I find it very telling that she apparently felt more comfortable telling her male father than her female mother.

Yes Mullet would've been all over whoever she was breastfeeding at the time and that's it.

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For at least the 3rd time within one page back - it's a snark site.

Quoting for the people who keep posting. I understand that this moves fast, but we *are* able to see posts made while we were composing posts.

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OK - for the 4th time in approximately one page - ITS. A. SNARK. SITE.

I feel like we need to require posters to complete a quick lesson on source evaluation before posting anything new

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Frederick and Associates claims a specialization in "bridging the gap" between the "Christian world" and the mainstream world:


Perhaps that is why they chose him?

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I'm thinking it's either dinner, nap or bedtime for lots of folks.

The level of cranky is similar to a room full of toddlers.

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CPS is investigating!


Dearsweetjesusgod............READ THE EARLIER POSTS.

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I'm thinking it's either dinner, nap or bedtime for lots of folks.

The level of cranky is similar to a room full of toddlers.

Yes, I'm mildly cranky when reading posts that were debunked on THE PREVIOUS PAGE.

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Yes, I'm mildly cranky when reading posts that were debunked on THE PREVIOUS PAGE.

Can't you just scroll on by?

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In a perfect world perhaps. My job is strictly 18+ with the average age being probably between 23-27, and it is what my mother would call a "Peyton Place". So I don't hold out much hope for Walmart unless Arkansas is vastly different from Wyoming. :lol:

I mean I hope coworkers know better than to say anything to Derick's face, but I'd bet my left foot that they'll be whispering in their cubicles.

Point taken. I must work with a bunch of paragons of virtue because I just can't imagine people openly gossiping or confronting someone over something like this at work. Whispering in cubicles, sure. Or maybe I just have nerves of steel, because while I can imagine it would be uncomfortable to go into work knowing that a lot of people are going to be thinking about it and maybe gossiping about it, it's not something I'd fear to show my face because of... I mean it's not like they're the ones implicated. They should be fine. In fact, if I were them I'd much rather be in the office than at home at this point. It can't be fun to be holed up with the Duggars right now. :?

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Frederick and Associates claims a specialization in "bridging the gap" between the "Christian world" and the mainstream world:


Perhaps that is why they chose him?

Some examples of their work:


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THIS. So much this.

Not to resurrect the unlamented ghost of TWoP Howard, but there's something to be said for TWoP's old rule of reading X number of pages before posting. I know y'all are eager to jump in, but seriously, as fast as this thread moves, if it's a link concerning Josh Duggar and it's a day old, we've almost certainly seen it.

And FFS, we heard the incest joke when it originally aired.

And 300 gazillion times in the last few days on FJ.

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So Jim Bob went the cheap route for a crisis manager? Why am I not surprised. I am sure this guy is part of the fundamentalist community and that is all the experience needed. I wouldn't hire a lawyer who just passed the bar if I was on trial for capital murder. I would not hire someone who is so green when I am being vilified around the world and it gets worse by the day. The guy is probably doing it for the right price, completely free.

This. The crisis the Duggars are facing right now is one of the worst possible. Sexual molestation of children is one of the crimes the general public despises the most (rightfully so). Combined with the fact that the Duggars portrayed themselves as such a Godly family with extreme moral standarts, all while bashing gay/trans people frequently, this case is basically impossible to handle well. It would take some very experienced and brilliant crisis manager to be able to do effective damage control. But those generally don't come cheap.

The only thing in favour of the Duggars is the fact that Josh himself was still a young teenager when he committed his crimes. But since his parents failed profoundly in dealing with the issue for years, it's hard to sell that they are really sorry.

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1. Is it confirmed that they've hired this dude, or is it just a rumour?

2. If it is confirmed, are they actually insane?

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Some examples of their work:


Wtf did I just read? Holy shit this guy is out of his league.

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Frederick and Associates claims a specialization in "bridging the gap" between the "Christian world" and the mainstream world:


Perhaps that is why they chose him?

A deep, wide, crocodile filled moat can remain between me and Jim Bob, thanks.

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1. Is it confirmed that they've hired this dude, or is it just a rumour?

2. If it is confirmed, are they actually insane?

I've only seen one site report it, and it hasn't been a major news site. I would be hesitant to believe it's true until one of the larger networks/media sites picked it up.

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This. The crisis the Duggars are facing right now is one of the worst possible. Sexual molestation of children is one of the crimes the general public despises the most (rightfully so). Combined with the fact that the Duggars portrayed themselves as such a Godly family with extreme moral standarts, all while bashing gay/trans people frequently, this case is basically impossible to handle well. It would take some very experienced and brilliant crisis manager to be able to do effective damage control. But those generally don't come cheap.

The only thing in favour of the Duggars is the fact that Josh himself was still a young teenager when he committed his crimes. But since his parents failed profoundly in dealing with the issue for years, it's hard to sell that they are really sorry.

I agree.

The abuse is one layer.

How it was handled, another layer.

But the fact that JB buried the abuse and then after covering the abuse, sold the entire family as some sort of superior Christian, family role - model...damn, the trifecta from which there is no positive return.

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