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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Not sure if anyone mentioned it, still reading through the thread, but full Sail University is a Joke it's one of those scam art schools like the Art institutes. I prevented a fellow artist from going there.

I was just about to say this. Full Sail came to speak to my technology class in high school, and I considered going there. The teacher of that class pulled me aside and said, "No, do not go there. It's not a real school." It's a fast program that costs a ridiculous amount of money. I'm glad I didn't go.

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I wouldn't take the Dillard's silence as approval or disapproval.

Even playing nice for the cameras doesn't mean that Derrick never sets limits on Smuggar's involvement with the family from here.

I could see a nice harsh conversation by the barn away from other eyes as the first steps.

I'm not sure if you're including Cathy, Dan, and Derrick's step father when you say the Dillards, but hasn't it been said that the step father really tries to limit his camera time and involvement with the Duggars? If anyone is unhappy about this and has severe reservations, it has to be him.

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Good chance it could backfire on him, too.

I doubt he's taking himself that seriously as a crisis manager. Who would hire him looking at his Twitter acct etc.

What's the worse that can happen to him? His mom will kick out of the basement-- I mean his office? Who knows if that is even his name.

What he is showing that he is good at is getting attention. So that's something.

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did anyone see this post? I really thought it was well done


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TLC drops Duggars from its Philadelphia Summer Block Party - just days after it removed family's weekly show from its schedule amid molestation scandal

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z3bIezM1sF

Now I'm pretty sure that the Daily Mail isn't a scam #Don'tShootMeFJ

Well, it is not a scam, exactly, but I would not have gotten caught reading it during my commute on the Tube to my job in the City! This has been posted but the Mail is behind on the US news.

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I found a quote from this character in a Justin Beiber article:

Once a client does accept help, Frederick recommends a dose of humility to win back the public's trust. "Comedy works wonders," he says. "Alec Baldwin sometimes appears on 'SNL' after he's embarrassed himself. Being able to poke fun at yourself makes you look very humble and goes a long way."

http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainmen ... -1.1589367




Former YouTuber turned publicist who founded Frederick & Associates in 2010. He works with celebrities who have public image issues.


Prior to becoming a publicist, he was a YouTube content creator making funny vlog videos about pop culture, entertainment and life.

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Well, it is not a scam, exactly, but I would not have gotten caught reading it during my commute on the Tube to my job in the City! This has been posted but the Mail is behind on the US news.

I hear ya. The only reason I posted it was because TLC did it.

Maybe it's a sign of things to come ... :cracking-up:

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Oh, but precious Josh did not commit incest, he just made a teenage mistake, don't you know?

I bet he justifies it by saying that it's not incest unless there's actual sex involved.

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The daily news (not quite a real paper but stayed at a holiday inn express...) calls hunter Frederick an "expert." Pretty shocking considering his education and lack of professionalism on his PUBLIC Twitter account.

As someone trained in that field I am calling BS on his credentials/reliability

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NALLY's post and someone sniping at her were the first time I saw the phony CPS news story. Shrug.

Infrequent poster here. OK, so the CPS story was fake, but on a serious note, I would NOT want CPS involved. After watching the Justina Pelletier case in Massachusetts, the ongoing case of Isaiah Rider in Illinois, the Stanley family in Arkansas (regardless of what you think of their lifestyle), and several cases in Arizona, I'm afraid CPS is too corrupt and would actually do more harm than good. If the kids aren't being abused now, CPS might actually put them in foster homes where they would be abused.

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I don't have words to say how underqualified I suspect this guy is for this level of crisis.

I will say, however, that the header pic on his site kind of looks like Josh, and not like someone who can manage a crisis. Where the fuck did they find this guy.

Well, he graduated from Full Sail University. Full Sail was a school I looked at for a while when I was looking into going into film. It's a for-profit school that turns out graduates in like 18 months.

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I'm looking at that example of material taught by ATI in the Gawker article and am completely stunned. Really? When a man looks lustfully at a woman, mysterious "bodily functions" are activated, making him more likely to commit violent crimes. This shit passes for education?

I need to stop being so damn naive and trying to see the best in people. I thought the Duggars were strange and hated their political activities, but I overall didn't really dislike them that much and didn't understand why others did legitimately hate them. I even found them admirable in ways. So stupid.

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Infrequent poster here. OK, so the CPS story was fake, but on a serious note, I would NOT want CPS involved. After watching the Justina Pelletier case in Massachusetts, the ongoing case of Isaiah Rider in Illinois, the Stanley family in Arkansas (regardless of what you think of their lifestyle), and several cases in Arizona, I'm afraid CPS is too corrupt and would actually do more harm than good. If the kids aren't being abused now, CPS might actually put them in foster homes where they would be abused.

CPS would have to have a reason or a valid, current complaint to enter someone's home.

In the Duggar's world, where would that complaint come from? The inside? The kids are pretty isolated.

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it is very hard to keep up with the posts. Even reading one or two pages back doesn't mean you will see things that have been posted more than once. And while some may be able to track these threads non-stop, others are at work, or a soft ball game, or running kids to piano lessons, etc, so we aren't able to keep up.

I think a little grace is called for when someone inadvertently posts a repeat. And I think people who post, especially posting links or excerpts from other sources should try to use some due diligence as much as possible to rule out that it has already been posted or been debunked as a scam. It is a two way street.

I think it is fine, if you want to take the time and point out that something has already been posted. But i also think it is unreasonable to assume that someone can catch up on 10 or so pages every time they want to post when we are on hot topics like this.

If repeated posts are getting you riled up to the point of anger, maybe you need to step away from the keyboard and take a walk. I am not being snarky with this because I myself have had to do this at times with this board. For me, it was while waiting for Israel to be born. OMG, I found myself being driven to absolute distraction here and so annoyed with the gazillion repetitive birth stories that everyone felt compelled to share over and over. I realized my reaction was ridiculous because the truth is most women really enjoy sharing their birth stories and normally I am not bothered, but on here for some reason, I was so over it.

When threads are moving at the speed of light, I used to try to catch up, but it becomes impossible. As you are trying to read 20 pages back, new posts are still piling in. So I pretty much just read a page or two. I accept the fact that there is a lot of "noise" on the thread so I scan and really only read entries that seem to have something new.

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That crisis management guy maybe for real. Who would want this job? Remember how 2 lawyers declined working with the Duggar's originally?

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it is very hard to keep up with the posts. Even reading one or two pages back doesn't mean you will see things that have been posted more than once. And while some may be able to track these threads non-stop, others are at work, or a soft ball game, or running kids to piano lessons, etc, so we aren't able to keep up.

I think a little grace is called for when someone inadvertently posts a repeat. And I think people who post, especially posting links or excerpts from other sources should try to use some due diligence as much as possible to rule out that it has already been posted or been debunked as a scam. It is a two way street.

I think it is fine, if you want to take the time and point out that something has already been posted. But i also think it is unreasonable to assume that someone can catch up on 10 or so pages every time they want to post when we are on hot topics like this.

If repeated posts are getting you riled up to the point of anger, maybe you need to step away from the keyboard and take a walk. I am not being snarky with this because I myself have had to do this at times with this board. For me, it was while waiting for Israel to be born. OMG, I found myself being driven to absolute distraction here and so annoyed with the gazillion repetitive birth stories that everyone felt compelled to share over and over. I realized my reaction was ridiculous because the truth is most women really enjoy sharing their birth stories and normally I am not bothered, but on here for some reason, I was so over it.

When threads are moving at the speed of light, I used to try to catch up, but it becomes impossible. As you are trying to read 20 pages back, new posts are still piling in. So I pretty much just read a page or two. I accept the fact that there is a lot of "noise" on the thread so I scan and really only read entries that seem to have something new.

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He is 26. I wonder how many media crises he has managed? He is also the company President?

This amuses me to no end that Jim Boob is still taking the frugal route. For the very first time in this whole ordeal I'm popping pop corn. :popcorn2:

Off to pray to Kali that she destroys the predators and enablers and makes this guy pee his pants.

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it is very hard to keep up with the posts. Even reading one or two pages back doesn't mean you will see things that have been posted more than once. And while some may be able to track these threads non-stop, others are at work, or a soft ball game, or running kids to piano lessons, etc, so we aren't able to keep up.

I think a little grace is called for when someone inadvertently posts a repeat. And I think people who post, especially posting links or excerpts from other sources should try to use some due diligence as much as possible to rule out that it has already been posted or been debunked as a scam. It is a two way street.

I think it is fine, if you want to take the time and point out that something has already been posted. But i also think it is unreasonable to assume that someone can catch up on 10 or so pages every time they want to post when we are on hot topics like this.

If repeated posts are getting you riled up to the point of anger, maybe you need to step away from the keyboard and take a walk. I am not being snarky with this because I myself have had to do this at times with this board. For me, it was while waiting for Israel to be born. OMG, I found myself being driven to absolute distraction here and so annoyed with the gazillion repetitive birth stories that everyone felt compelled to share over and over. I realized my reaction was ridiculous because the truth is most women really enjoy sharing their birth stories and normally I am not bothered, but on here for some reason, I was so over it.

When threads are moving at the speed of light, I used to try to catch up, but it becomes impossible. As you are trying to read 20 pages back, new posts are still piling in. So I pretty much just read a page or two. I accept the fact that there is a lot of "noise" on the thread so I scan and really only read entries that seem to have something new.

Hear, hear! I'm usually behind on these threads myself. And, half the time, I end up skipping posts just to try to keep up. I have no problem with people posting repeats. It's not like this is a typical thread.

I also think it's more annoying to see 2+ posts telling each person who posted a repeat that it was a repeat.

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Has that lady that did the interview for the special made a comment? I would love for her to come out with a comment that she felt deceived or something.

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Well I'm looking at who he lists as clients. I could see the Duggars using him.

  • Saddleback Church
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Saddleback church had a huge scandal not long ago. If he was in charge of that one he did a hell of a job. But he also lists Real Housewives of OC so.....

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Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, but this was trending on Facebook:


Wonder how he feels about that now?

I believe the legal definition of incest involves intercourse. Morally we know it's a very, very thin line from molestation to rape but he could easily explain this away with a legalistic definition.

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Has that lady that did the interview for the special made a comment? I would love for her to come out with a comment that she felt deceived or something.

I've checked her Twitter account a few times, but she hasn't as far as I can see. Unless she talked about it on the Today show?

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Ok I'm digging up stuff on Mr. Hunter. It looks like he writes the plan before the crisis. He does have an article on how to handle a church/faith based crisis. I'm not sure that JB would hire him, he says to be transparent.


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Actually, no one would be surprised if there were more victims of Josh or any other IBLP/ATI or people that may know of other abuses that are going to come forward. The girls must have lots of peers they grew up with that have access to the Internet now and might spill.

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