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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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I bet he justifies it by saying that it's not incest unless there's actual sex involved.

That is exactly how he justifies it. Josh isn't technically guilty of incest bc there was no reported rape involve. It was all touching. That doesn't minimalism it at all, but I bet for JB it certainly does. :angry-banghead:

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This might be the best quote I've read all week:

Amen. :fsm:

That's pretty great. :cracking-up:

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Same here, I just noticed that as well. I heard a rumor saying the show would be back on June 1st, so I guess this is confirmation that TLC is keeping the show?!

TV Guide is showing it as well.

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TV Guide is showing it as well.

Well, I hope any sponsors left have their social media/PR teams at the ready. *cracks knuckles*

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TV Guide is showing it as well.

Excuse my language...

TLC are fucking idiots for letting these criminals continue on television.

It is such a shame that no one can be sent to jail for all this!

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Well, I hope any sponsors left have their social media/PR teams at the ready. *cracks knuckles*

I know someone in the general thread usually posts a recap. I hope they post the sponsor list instead.

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I know someone in the general thread usually posts a recap. I hope they post the sponsor list instead.

I volunteer as tribute

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I'm extremely sad for his sisters and the other victim. I hope they don't blame themselves or hurt themselves over this. It's also sad that people defend and give a pass to celebrities (or people they admire) and people who share their beliefs. What he did was wrong and he should feel bad/ashamed and he should be attacked. Another sad part is that people within his community will see this and make it harder for people to speak up. The whole community standing by the predator causes the victims of other predators to feel like they can't speak up. It will also eliminate any sort of deterrent since there are no consequences for those types of actions. Again, I hope someone helps his sisters and the other victim...

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I volunteer as tribute

Gives the district 12 salute

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Same here, I just noticed that as well. I heard a rumor saying the show would be back on June 1st, so I guess this is confirmation that TLC is keeping the show?!

The on-screen DirecTV schedule includes no 19KAC episodes through June 2nd (the last date available right now). Currently there's an Undercover Boss marathon scheduled for the evening of June 1st.

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TV Guide is showing it as well.

My comcast Is showing no 19 kids and the on demand is gone. There's just undercover boss and say yes to the dress.

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Wow, according to my Xfinity they are airing 15 episodes starting 6/1, there are also a bunch available on demand still.

That was a short break! I think it will get axed, nobody will want to advertise with this tragic family.

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josh duggar: " ah did not have seckshul relations with that sister "

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Wow, according to my Xfinity they are airing 15 episodes starting 6/1, there are also a bunch available on demand still.

That was a short break! I think it will get axed, nobody will want to advertise with this tragic family.

I checked my Dish and no Duggars on the schedule but there is a show on called "My Teen is Pregnant and So Am I". I know, I know, it was so wrong of me but I laughed out loud when I saw that considering other's had Duggar reruns showing at that time.

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My comcast Is showing no 19 kids and the on demand is gone. There's just undercover boss and say yes to the dress.

I have Comcast, and I use both their cable box and Tivo, which gets info for the next 10 days, it gets up to date scheduling info from Comcast daily, and I have no episodes listed in that time span. It's gone from On Demand as well. Maybe some guide info just hasn't been updated yet. I think if it was scheduled to come back on already it would be announced.

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I have a small rural cable provider (Baja) and 19 kids just showed up on June 1st 8-9am (2 half hour episodes). When I checked 2 days ago there was nothing for the next two weeks so this change happened during the midnight update.

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CPS would have to have a reason or a valid, current complaint to enter someone's home.

In the Duggar's world, where would that complaint come from? The inside? The kids are pretty isolated.

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NALLY's post and someone sniping at her were the first time I saw the phony CPS news story. Shrug.

Haha thanks, I didn't see it either or else I wouldn't have posted! And the site duped me! I gotta step up my game.

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I have a small rural cable provider (Baja) and 19 kids just showed up on June 1st 8-9am (2 half hour episodes). When I checked 2 days ago there was nothing for the next two weeks so this change happened during the midnight update.

That doesn't mean anything. They likely pull it from tvguide as they don't do their own metadata like Comcast. June 1 is a new month. I wouldn't get your panties in a bunch until an announcement comes out. I think Comcast removing on demand duggar episodes is most telling. That's a major player with huge market share. Why would they do something like that?

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Excuse my language...

TLC are fucking idiots for letting these criminals continue on television.

It is such a shame that no one can be sent to jail for all this!

If they keep Boob and Mullet's unholy platform on the air, hell will have no fury like the letters I rain on their sponsors! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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This amuses me to no end that Jim Boob is still taking the frugal route. For the very first time in this whole ordeal I'm popping pop corn. :popcorn2:

To me, this just confirms that JimBoob really is as dumb as he appears on camera. Which is why I can also believe he didn't get the police reports expunged until now because it never occurred to him that he should.

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I know that I will probably be stoned for this but..... I have some empathy for Josh. He needed help and his actions dictate that. His parents ignored him (probably saying boys will be boys). He never got actual help. No one cared why he acted up. They just swept the entire thing under a rug.

His actions were wrong and on some level and he knew it. But, with mental health issues, you may not be able to control your urges. Josh may have been in this camp. Its hard for people without mental illness to understand.

If he had proper therapy from the beginning (ie first report to parents) and slow progression from instruction to home life then it might have stopped there. But, Jim bob was an arrogant ass who decided against what some elders from his church suggested. If you read the report you will see that they suggested actual therapy. J.B decided that was bad because it would teach his son to reoffend. Guess what J.B, he did reoffend even when you sent him away for hard labor.

In closing, I think most of the blame lies with the parents. This should have been handled seriously from the start. They should have gotten him into an actual rehabilitation program. Instead, I think they made their own home church, sent Josh away to do hard labor, to help hide what was going on. J.B was the head so no one could question his authority.

I may have had some empathy for 13- to 15-year-old Josh, who was screwed up by his parents.

But I have no empathy for 18-year-old Josh or 19-year-old Josh or 20-year-old Josh or 21-year-old Josh...or 27-year-old Josh, who chose to sit in front of those cameras and proclaim himself a paragon of sexual purity, misrepresenting himself to the whole world, over and over again, year after year, in front of the very sisters he sexually abused, while endorsing, over and over again, year after year, his screwed-up parents' screwed-up beliefs that girls are responsible for all the desires of men that can't be righteously fulfilled, in front of the very sisters he sexually abused. If this guy truly believed that what he did was "inexcusable," if he was truly "extremely sorry" and "deeply regret[ful]," we wouldn't even know the name "Josh Duggar" today because someone who had come to understand the consequences of his abuse--not "mistake"--would never have participated in that misogynistic, victim-blaming circus on 19KAC. [/end rant]

Also, I just want to make a correction. You said above that the church elders suggested actual therapy for Josh. That's not quite what the police report said. It said:

"James said that after these incidents, he had met with the elders of his church and had told them what was going on. James said that they all agreed that [redacted] needed to be put into a treatment program. James said that one of the elders was a chaplain at the Piney Ridge program at Vista Hospital. James said that they had concerns about the program at Piney Ridge because they felt [redacted] might be exposed to other offenders and other things that they did not want his[sic] exposed to. James said that one of the elders was an ex-prison guard and told them that some of the programs for juveniles were finishing schools where juveniles learned how to offend from other offenders. James said that they found out about a Christian program in Little Rock which they felt more comfortable with" (p. 15).

So, as you can see, the church elders were complicit in this. They all decided together that a real, certified treatment program wasn't in Josh's best interest. And, just IMHO, JimBoob relates this conversation to the police to justify why Josh wasn't sent to actual, licensed professionals. I doubt he or his church elders ever intended to do anything but ship Josh straight to Gothard. Of course, that last is conjecture on my part.

Sorry, not trying to pick on you here, but I keep noticing inaccurate paraphrasing of the police report on these threads, so from now on, I think I'm going to point it out whenever I can. Otherwise, misinformation can get spread around.

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