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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Do you think it's possible that the girls don't realize what Josh did was so terrible? I mean, they might think that what he did was wrong but maybe not as traumatized as everyone believes them to be/should be? I'm just wondering if they never really realized how awful what he did to them was and now that everything is coming out and everyone is (rightfully) calling them victims that they're maybe confused or rethinking the situation?

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I wonder why Ben stopped following Derick on Instagram?

Can someone confirm that he was following him to begin with?

This is an interesting development...

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Honestly I don't know how to feel about all this.

While I think the show will be cancelled for good, it makes me kinda sad. Not for Michelle and JB, not because they won't have a huge platform to spit their bullshit anymore. Just because I hope there is alot of money left from what they made and that the kids get their share. Otherwise I don't think this will end good for any of the kids, all of them don't get the opportunity to get a decent enough education to get a decent enough job to support a fast growing family - and most of them will have a fast growing family at one point at the time. So in all honesty, the show was their only chance to be able to afford all this. And I somewhat - and with mixed emotions - do feel bad about the show being cancelled (now even walgreens pulled out and if you follow social media, there are almost no duggar supporters anymore and continuing without josh would be awkward and the shiny bubble of joy and duggarwonderworld is destroyed and unbelievable anymore) because of the kids - and for all we know and experienced so far, all of them are vicitims to their parents who brainwashed them, raised them in a cult and sold them out to public.

On the other hand i caught myself thinking about what i would have done in this situation, if my son confessed to me he molested my daughters. Now this may not applicable to Michelle and JB, because they are just and I am not defending those two morons in any way, but would I have gone to the police immediately? I would first probably have been heartbroken and even if at the same time i would despise my son, he would still be my son and I would still love him no matter what. On the other hand there would be my daughters and I love them no matter what and would be ashamed that I didn't see that coming, stopped it, prevented it and failed to protect them. Then what? I would have for sure thought of a way to get my son out of the house, would I have taken him back at some point? I'm sure I would have gone to the police at some point in time, but even for fundamentalist morons like M&JB this situation must have been overwhelming, just saying.

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Can someone confirm that he was following him to begin with?

This is an interesting development...

He was following him the other day, and he still follows Dan. Why would he only have ever followed Dan and not Derrick?

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I am not sure what I would do. I don't think I would report him simply because I am not sure that would be the first thing that would occur to me, (feel free to shame me on that, I think I feel that way myself) but I would have separated the kids immediately. Therapy with actual psychologists would have been immediate and likely doctor appts for everyone so the story would have been told to multiple mandatory reporters.

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I am not sure what I would do. I don't think I would report him simply because I am not sure that would be the first thing that would occur to me, (feel free to shame me on that, I think I feel that way myself) but I would have separated the kids immediately. Therapy with actual psychologists would have been immediate and likely doctor appts for everyone so the story would have been told to multiple mandatory reporters.

Which would result in a juvenile case because they are mandatory reporters. Thats the key - QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS - who know the risks and how to handle it.

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He was following him the other day, and he still follows Dan. Why would he only have ever followed Dan and not Derrick?

BinBoob is following 8 people as of right now:

Anna Duggar @annaduggar

Dan Dillard @justdand

Jessa Seewald @jessaseewald

Jill Dillard @jillmdillard

Josh Duggar @joshduggar

Seewald Family @seewaldfamily

Duggar Family @duggarfam

Visual Ministries @y.p.o.a

Hmmm, interesting that he doesn't follow Derrick... Good catch!

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BinBoob is following 8 people as of right now:

Anna Duggar @annaduggar

Dan Dillard @justdand

Jessa Seewald @jessaseewald

Jill Dillard @jillmdillard

Josh Duggar @joshduggar

Seewald Family @seewaldfamily

Duggar Family @duggarfam

Visual Ministries @y.p.o.a

Hmmm, interesting that he doesn't follow Derrick... Good catch!

I know he was following him before the scandal broke. I always checked out who each of them were following and I clearly remember seeing Derick in who Ben follows list. Plus, like I said, why would he follow Dan and not Derrick?

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I know he was following him before the scandal broke. I always checked out who each of them were following and I clearly remember seeing Derick in who Ben follows list. Plus, like I said, why would he follow Dan and not Derrick?

He doesn't follow Josiah either.

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Yeah I agree. Reporting to the police may not have been my first step, but I would think there are professionals- including psychiatrists and lawyers one can reach out to and consult before reporting, to be clear on the technicalities. But the authorities must be informed, I just don't think that would be my first reaction.

I think to find out that this is happening within the family is a shock to parents too, but they must look out for both kids. Two things I would not do:

1. Keep both children in the same house. This is a terrible injustice to the victim, and is akin to dismissing the seriousness of the issue IMO.

2. I would most certainly not put my family on TV claiming to be the paragon of purity and modesty, and attempt to convince the viewers that my way of raising kids is perfect, all while keeping the abuse deliberately hidden.

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He doesn't follow Josiah either.

From what I remember he never followed Josiah at all to begin with when Josiah jumped on board. I do remember him following Derick though, I'm sure of it.

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In other news, I think Jessica Seewald took down her "dont hate on me" IG post. Her last pic is now the one where she is covering part of her face with her hand and preaching about forgiveness.

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BinBoob is following 8 people as of right now:

Anna Duggar @annaduggar

Dan Dillard @justdand

Jessa Seewald @jessaseewald

Jill Dillard @jillmdillard

Josh Duggar @joshduggar

Seewald Family @seewaldfamily

Duggar Family @duggarfam

Visual Ministries @y.p.o.a

Hmmm, interesting that he doesn't follow Derrick... Good catch!

Isn't it a little weird that he follows his in-laws but not his sister.

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Isn't it a little weird that he follows his in-laws but not his sister.

Not to me since Jessica Seewald is a bit of a rebel on her IG. Posts pics in pants/shorts, talks about her #MCM and #WCW, talks about loving male friends, etc.

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Not to me since Jessica Seewald is a bit of a rebel on her IG. Posts pics in pants/shorts, talks about her #MCM and #WCW, talks about loving male friends, etc.

No I remember her commenting to someone in a post once about how she had specifically asked for her family and the Duggars not to follow her. She didn't want to have anything to do with that "circus" apparently. I don't think even her own parents follow her on there.

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Who is Derrick now following? (I don't have access to Instagram to see).

Could it be that Derrick cut ties with Ben ... and others?

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Who is Derrick now following? (I don't have access to Instagram to see).

Could it be that Derrick cut ties with Ben ... and others?

Derick follows 28 people and the Duggars and Ben are still there.

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Being a good parent is hard sometimes. While its hard to do the right thing, its still the right thing. Juvenile court has a lot of resources and their records are sealed. Unless your child commits a crime that is a designated felony or punishable as an adult they will be treated pretty gently. Bring them to authorities, get treatment and services. If they re offend not only will that be on your conscience, but there are drastically more consequences in big boy court. We have a "scared straight" program for a reason, and professionals trained in dealing with youthful offenders. If you could just pray away your criminal inclinations there would be no need for "fire and brimstone" churches. Parents need to give their children the best chance possible, and the way to do that is to avail yourself of resources that can do that.

Had Jim Bob submitted Josh to the court when this first happened there would have only been one victim and this would never have gotten out. Had he done the right thing all of their lives would have been drastically different.

There is no discussion that the Duggars handled that in a very...poor...way. But I am not talking about denying my girls proper counceling or if I would rather go to the church eldest or the police. I was wondering how I personally would have handled this situation if it occured in my family (that I don't have, no kids here yet) and honestly I rather not be put into the position to deal with such a situation. But I do think that if I were a parent being put in this situation, tons of thoughts would cross my mind before I would be able to come to a rational decision about how to handle this in a proper way. While the girls would go first in any of my decisions and a proper medical check and counceling and seeing a psychologist would be the first thing that would most likely come to my mind, would i still try to protect my son? Would I send my son to a psychologist but not report him to the police? Would I report him to the police because the fear of him reapeating that behavior over and over again, maybe even fearing he turns out to be a pedophile would weigh much heavier than the urge to still protect your own kid even if he did tremendous harm? I am sure from our point, a point of people who haven't experienced this yet, it is quite easy to say what would be the right way to do it, what would be the wrong way. And quite frankly going to the church eldest, sending him to a place where he helps building homes is not the right way, that is totally out of the question.

The other thing i wonder is (and jadis87 mentioned that already) what if the girls don't even realize what happened there? I honestly do believe that there is a very high chance that even some of the girls don't realize what actually happened and what that means. Afterall we are not talking about your fellow neighboorhood kids, but about kids who have been raised in an environment where everyone believes that wearing short skirts means you are stiring up desires in men who just can't help it but to rape you. They are brought up to believe that you cater to the men - always. Obviously they know it was wrong, but what if they believe that that it was wrong is all that happened and that a sinner who repents and who truly turned to god has to be forgiven, will be forgiven and is forgiven? In their eyes, all of this might not just be such a big of a deal. What struck me tho and what makes me believe that some of the girls do still have a mind of their own, is that one "interviewed victim" stated she doesn't fully trust Josh anymore.

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Something esle that makes me throw up in my mouth about this whole thing is Mike Huckabee commenting that people enjoying watching the Duggar's fall from grace are bad people.

Seriously, no-one is enjoying this, because the reason behind the fall from grace is the abuse of 5 innocent young girls.

I'm not going to lie, if Jim Bob had been caught in bed with a mature consenting adult called Roger, wearing a suspenders and high heels while Michelle sat in the corner in head toe PVC leather filming them I would very much enjoy sitting back and watching the shit storm that followed.

Am I somewhat glad that the white wash facade has been stripped e back and the darker and more sinister aspects of ATI, IBLP, Gothard and funie-ism in general are now being talked about a lot more? Yes- it's a relief to finally see that people are starting to see beyond the lies.

But not at the expense of those 5 girls. The fact that 5 girts being abused was the catalyst for this is sickening.

Remember he is a politician. He knows that the best way to attack is to attack the oppositions motivations. Since he has come out and publicly supported Josh, he is trying to deflect. At first I was angry too. Then I thought about it and realized that that is what he wants us to feel. He wants to put everyone that doesn't agree with him in the same huge basket. Don't fall for it.

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Can someone confirm that he was following him to begin with?

This is an interesting development...

Ben was not following him before this.

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Ben was not following him before this.

I was positive he was following him. Why would he have followed Dan and not Derick?

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