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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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I wouldn't do that, because unlike you I seem to respect what everyone else has to say. I have no idea why you have an issue with what I wrote, but if you didn't like it you could have just not said anything and kept scrolling past.

You make me remember why I left message boards along time ago. Some people cannot be mature about things they don't agree with/don't like. Obviously by the few responses I got some people did "bloody care".

Maturity? You honestly talking maturity here? Who follows who is really contributing to the discussion regarding Joshgate?

How old are you anyway?

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However, would you then enter a media contract to sell your wholesome family to the viewing world? Would you then make robo calls talking about the perils of GLTB folks on the lives of children? Accept a position with a group that works to deny others' rights based on your ideas of perversion?

The problem with the Duggars are the layers of deception and myriad poor decisions by several people.

You're right, the girls still may not understand what happened to them.

And what about the 5th person? So JB decided to loosely address the problem- well, he certainly did not take that 5th person into consideration unless he paid off that person's parent/guardian.

Exactly, this didn't happen in your household, it didn't happen in my household. It happened in the Duggars-household and this is where the situation doesn't "just" become tragic or sad, it also becomes very cynical. Only people who had enough stalkerish behaviour to dig deeper into the Duggars always knew that it wasn't just a lovely, religious, shiny and wonderful familyworld but a world reigned by fundamentalism and things like "blanket-training" and as scary as this may sound, I didn't expect any other behavior from Michelle and Jim-Bob when it comes to the Josh-situation. Simply because in their world, you are taking this situation to god and maybe some family meetings, and the legal system is just that, a legal system, but the real judge is somewhere else to be found and the real judge is all that matters to them. Also, when this situation occured (and correct me if I am wrong), JimBob was already being active as a politican. As far as we know and as far as we can tell by how much we got to know JB&M they are and were first and foremost worried about themselves and I just don't think it occured to them to risk all this by making it public or confessing that they failed as parents or failed their family.

But to answer your question: If you were JB&M and would think the way they are and stuck in fundamentlism, wouldn't you have entered a media contract? While they didn't starve to death before TLC, I am sure having 17 kids and counting can't just be funded by buying used and saving the difference. Also it isn't quite abnormal for people with a religious fundamentalistic background to reach out for some public attention to prove and show the world how awesome and shiny your godloving world is and that everything turns out just fine if you just close your eyes and lay your life in gods hands and that you are right afterall and hey - maybe some people will even be sucked into your world and into the quiverfull movement.

And about the 5th girl, she was most likely also raised in a duggarish environment and that her parents are a part of the quiverfull movement and stuck in Gothards worls, she was most likely also raised to believe that wearing shot skirts or holding hands with a boy equals instant rape. There could be the possibility that the parents believe she - in some way - caused that, there may be the possibility that Josh apologized to her and her parents and told them about his "homebuildingtherapytrip" and that he fully turned to god and together they started crying over how wonderful this is and forgave him. Hard to tell, apparently and even with the knowledge we have about their views and how to handle certain things, we are all just on the outside looking in after all.

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Bryon McMath is an attorney from Jasper, AL who unsuccessfully ran for the Alabama State Senate as a Democrat twice and lost. How is he related to this?

I'm guessing the person who donated to him just has the unfortunate luck of being named Jim Bob Duggar. Ours did donate to out of state people but considering McMath is a Dem I doubt JB was the one.

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Maturity? You honestly talking maturity here? Who follows who is really contributing to the discussion regarding Joshgate?

How old are you anyway?

I had posted it in other threads asking people to confirm whether I was mistaken or not, plus I did think it was relevant. I have seen a lot of repeat posting in here as well as other things that don't really pertain to Joshgate being asked, so I figured what was the harm? I thought maybe Ben not following Derick meant something more, and wanted to know what other people though...isn't that the point of a forum?

To be perfectly clear, I'm 33 years old. The maturity I was talking about had everything to do with how people speak to one another, not what the content of mine (or anyone else's writing).

I have been nothing but respectful here, is it too much to ask for the same back?

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Bottom line you shouldn't be having 19 kids if you don't know what #1 is doing within your own house. And I have to believe it was going on in that wee house they had before they moved to the ranch. I'd be interested in all that "media" equipment smugger had when he was still living at home. Cameras, Video eqjuipment et. al. Very creepy.

I wonder if Mullet still has the "Passive" smile still plastered on her face.

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No need to attack me and say I'm spreading lies. I was pretty damn sure he was following him the other day. If I was mistaken, I'm genuinely sorry for that, but I don't go around making things up just for the sake of it. I honestly believed I saw it. I'm not in the habit of rumour mongering. If it was a misconception, you could have just told me in a nicer way instead of being rude.

I really was enjoying being on this site, but people are making it very hard to have a decent conversation. I would never attack anyone, say they were spreading lies or saying "who bloody cares" on people's posts. I find some peoples behaviour here very childish, and to be honest quite rotten. We all have a common interest, we all are trying to figure all of this out. Being unkind is not going to help anyone.

Sorry for the hate. Some of the comments have been particularly short-tempered or mean, especially with newbies. I think everyone is frustrated by the inundation of posts and new people.

As for Ben, is there proof he was not following Derrik? That seems like something that would have been discussed during the whole "Jessa is jealous of Jill" controversy a few months back when it was discussed that one or both of them were not following Jill and Derrik??? I do find it interesting that Pa Seewald has been so vocal in contrast to the Dillards and especially given that Derrik was missing from the Digging In Finale (surgery related - has anyone confirmed that was absolutely the case?). I tend to think the Dillards just have common sense not to add attention to themselves.

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In Touch Weekly's new article:

Duggar Molestation Case — Another Bombshell Revealed: Josh Sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/dugg ... ices-59201

This is interesting. So despite an expired SOL, they went ahead and investigated the home and then Josh countered the findings?

2007, part of the stipulation was that he could no longer be in the house???? Quickly married in 2008.

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I'm on my phone, but I posted in the mega thread some blog links to the Arkansas times that reported that the local media knew about this case back in 2007. Also, we don't know what the outcome of the case was.

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Sorry for the hate. Some of the comments have been particularly short-tempered or mean, especially with newbies. I think everyone is frustrated by the inundation of posts and new people.

As for Ben, is there proof he was not following Derrik? That seems like something that would have been discussed during the whole "Jessa is jealous of Jill" controversy a few months back when it was discussed that one or both of them were not following Jill and Derrik??? I do find it interesting that Pa Seewald has been so vocal in contrast to the Dillards and especially given that Derrik was missing from the Digging In Finale (surgery related - has anyone confirmed that was absolutely the case?). I tend to think the Dillards just have common sense not to add attention to themselves.

Someone confirmed that it wasn't the case at all, in which I apologised for being mistaken. I truly had thought I saw it just last week, but with all the jumping from one Insta to the next, I guess I was wrong. I appreciate your sentiments, thank you. All I ask is that if someone doesn't like what I write or has an issue with it, please don't be derisive. Just ignore it, if it offends you deeply (on a personal level) which I wouldn't think I would ever do, but if I do, please feel free to PM me and air your grievance.

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I had posted it in other threads asking people to confirm whether I was mistaken or not, plus I did think it was relevant. I have seen a lot of repeat posting in here as well as other things that don't really pertain to Joshgate being asked, so I figured what was the harm? I thought maybe Ben not following Derick meant something more, and wanted to know what other people though...isn't that the point of a forum?

To be perfectly clear, I'm 33 years old. The maturity I was talking about had everything to do with how people speak to one another, not what the content of mine (or anyone else's writing).

I have been nothing but respectful here, is it too much to ask for the same back?

The devaluation of the word respect. You are as old as my youngest son would have been. So no need to teach me lessons about respect young lady. You may find me rude, but I am from another continent and a country where we are very honest with each other. Perhaps not very pleasant at times, but at least you know that somebody finds your posts infantile and irrelevant.

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This is interesting. So despite an expired SOL, they went ahead and investigated the home and then Josh countered the findings?

2007, part of the stipulation was that he could no longer be in the house???? Quickly married in 2008.

DAYUM. InTouch is on their A game recently, lol. What else do you have up your sleeves? (God, I hope no more victims, that is NOT something I would be eager to read about :( )

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No need to attack me and say I'm spreading lies. I was pretty damn sure he was following him the other day. If I was mistaken, I'm genuinely sorry for that, but I don't go around making things up just for the sake of it. I honestly believed I saw it. I'm not in the habit of rumour mongering. If it was a misconception, you could have just told me in a nicer way instead of being rude.

I really was enjoying being on this site, but people are making it very hard to have a decent conversation. I would never attack anyone, say they were spreading lies or saying "who bloody cares" on people's posts. I find some peoples behaviour here very childish, and to be honest quite rotten. We all have a common interest, we all are trying to figure all of this out. Being unkind is not going to help anyone.

I apologize if I came off harsh but I felt I had to set the rumors straight immediately before it got any bigger. The last thing we need is a fake tabloid story about a Ben & Derick feud. I'm sorry, but IMO you were rumor mongering with your insinuations that who following who on IG had something to do with allegations against Josh. It's not.

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People are being ridiculous on this thread. Seriously, everyone just take a breath and a step back for a moment.

No, I'm not a Helpmeet. Considering they must have a ton of stuff on their plates at the moment though, I think concerned citizens of FJ need to step forward and help keep order for a bit.

A reminder of some general etiquette:

1. If you see a post you don't care for just scroll past it. No need to call someone out for posting something that they do want to discuss. If they post something truly offensive or out of line, then feel free to discard this.

2. Likewise, don't get huffy if people are calling you out on a post you did make. Sometimes people are out of line in doing so (and other posters usually will point that out), but other times you deserve it.

3. If you find an article about this, try to check the date before you share it here. If it is more than a day old and it is from a major new site then it has likely already been shared here.

4. Do your best to keep up by starting a few pages back. I know it can be tough, but you really should do this if you are planning to post a link.

5. Speculating is fine, but use caution when speculating about stuff. Check your sources to make sure they are credible. If you aren't sure, feel free to ask here if it's a snark site or not.

6. Most people here have been awesome about not using certain language that is unacceptable. For those of you who have, please read through the Basic Rules of this website. In fact, I highly recommend anyone who is new here to read through them.

7. Finally, use your basic manners people. If someone appears to have made an innocent mistake then don't give them a verbal lashing. And if someone gently points out that you made a mistake, don't get all huffy and defensive.

We're all angry about the situation. We're all frustrated that TLC hasn't cancelled yet. I get that emotions may be running high for some people, but turning on one another is completely counter productive to the main goal - exposing Fundies for who they really are and what they really believe.

Lastly, for those people who want a distraction from this thread, I suggest heading over to the one concerning Sponsors of the show. Consider sending one or two of them a letter, signing a petition to end the show, donating time/money to a charity, or pretty much do anything else that will help.

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This is interesting. So despite an expired SOL, they went ahead and investigated the home and then Josh countered the findings?

2007, part of the stipulation was that he could no longer be in the house???? Quickly married in 2008.

I've suspected that he did not stop and that there were more incidents. This seems to suggest that was the case. I wonder if they will be able to find more evidence or if those records have also been expunged?

Or is it possible that he was added to the invisible child sex offender list after the first incident? That seems suspicious given there was no formal conviction. But I wonder if being on the invisible sex offender list meant he was not allowed to live in a home with children after he turned 18? Anyone familiar with family law in Arkansas?

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What cracks me up is that other sources, including the Arkansas times have already reported about that case. The in touch article isn't adding anything new

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Hey mods, if we're going to be clamping down on anything around here, perhaps it could start with posters personally slamming other posters. It's getting to be a huge distraction, especially at a time when there's plenty of Duggar related info talk about. Perhaps you could work a spiel about keeping comments Duggar focused into your red box of info at the top of the page.


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The devaluation of the word respect. You are as old as my youngest son would have been. So no need to teach me lessons about respect young lady. You may find me rude, but I am from another continent and a country where we are very honest with each other. Perhaps not very pleasant at times, but at least you know that somebody finds your posts infantile and irrelevant.

I don't think age has anything to do with the respect. If you are respectful, you will get that back. I don't care if someone is 100. If they are rude, then I'm going to be offended. Especially when I haven't done anything to deserve it.

I am from a continent that values people talking to each other kindly. You'll have noticed I have only spoken to you in that manner, but because of where you live you think it's okay to belittle and hurt other people in the name of honesty.

I don't mind chalking this up to a cultural difference. I would appreciate you avoiding my posts, and refraining from commenting on them and I will do likewise.

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Celebitchy summarizes the above as "It’s sort of a fill-in-the-blanks scenario, but I think the gist of the story is that the investigating police officers – realizing that Josh Duggar couldn’t be charged because of the statute of limitations – turned over their investigation to the Department of Human Services. Arkansas DHS ran their own investigation – likely in 2006-07 – and came up with their own report which included some stipulations about what kind of contact Josh Duggar should have with the minor siblings he molested. And Josh appealed the decision and sued to have the DHS files sealed and it worked."

Makes you wonder what DHS found/recommended and I wonder why the judge on appeal sided with Josh. After this most recent judge having close ties to Huckabee, who is close friends with the Duggars, it makes you wonder. Also would love to know what DHS discovered, although I'm sure the Duggars would've made sure their children only said certain things and not others and towed the family party line.

Someone recently said, on other forum discussion, that they think a lot more went on, and for longer, than we know. Sort of the *For every rat you see, there's 10 more you don't* theory and I suspect that's true. There's been comments here and there made that seem to illustrate that some of the girls haven't gotten over what happened and many have said that while Jana always appears sad and broken, Jessa often appears to have a lof ot anger and rage inside. On the latter, that is a common consequence of childhood sexual abuse...especially as you grow older and think back on what was done. However, with all the brainwashing involved, it's probably likely that she simply re-directs that anger into religious stances against things her parents have said it's okay to hate and projects all her feelings on to that. I mean, even her FIL is supporting Josh and praising JB and M for being Godly parents who handled everything appropriately. I wonder if he'd feel the same way if Josh had molested one of his daughters?

He also seems to think that anyone would do what Josh did if there was no consequences and no chance of others finding out and that only God is holding people back from doing such sin. I hate to tell him, but I would never molest a child simply because I could get away with it. The definition of integrity is to do the right thing when no one is watching. Clearly these people have no personal integrity. They all see God as the authority and the only thing preventing them from sinning rather than taking personal responsibility, but then based on how they talk about women being responsible for lust in men and causing them to "stumble" (aka molest or rape) rather than talking to their sons about self control. It's hard not to feel that the more they try to avoid sexual feelings by the girls dressing in ways that cover everything and talking to their children constantly about purity and yelling Nike when a woman walks by that might incite lust so the boys can look at their shoes and remain pure and all the strict courtship rules...the more they cause their kids to constantly think about it and see it as such a big deal, whereas if they just dressed normally and taught them self control and that nothing gives you the right to violate another person, not even if they are standing there naked, I think it would be a lot healthier and not such an issue!

JimBob and Michelle Duggar are not so powerful in Arkansas that the whole state will cover up for them. Please stop rumor mongering about the judge. A governor appointing a judge to fill a vacant slot does not even mean he ever even MET the judge. There is no evidence whatsoever of judicial impropriety and agency cover ups. The Duggars are not that connected and not that big of a deal. You don't know the facts of the case, you don't know the relevant statutes or administrative law, you don't know anything. This cover up stuff is annoying as hell.

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While I wouldn't normally trust In Touch Magazine, they were the ones to get the ball rolling by getting the police report on Josh Duggar and now everyone has picked the story up. On their new cover they expose more information...

That when the police closed the investigation due to the Statute of Limitations running out, they referred the case to DHS. "Nine months after those agencies entered the Duggar molestation case, Josh Duggar sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services. A trial was held on August 6, 2007.

The results of the investigation into the Duggars and Josh’s trial are sealed. But a source familiar with the Duggar investigation told In Touch it was likely that Josh “appealed the DHS decision or finding from their investigation.†The source notes that DHS had the authority to apply “restrictions or stipulations about him being at home with the victims...The Duggars are refusing to comment on the intervention by either department and Josh’s trial against DHS. They also are refusing to say if their family was monitored by a state agency after the 2007 actions and forced to undergo counseling by a licensed mental health professional."

8/2007- days after Jenny was born!

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This is interesting. So despite an expired SOL, they went ahead and investigated the home and then Josh countered the findings?

2007, part of the stipulation was that he could no longer be in the house???? Quickly married in 2008.

That's the case I found last week. I think it was the start of this thread. Buzzard and I figured we'd never know what was in there. Damn good job InTouch.

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To all the posters here, I'm terribly sorry I got into an exchange with another member who had an issue with something I had posted. It won't happen again, and I have said I would drop it as per my last post.

If someone does speak negatively towards me again, I will do my best not to continue it on. I truly appreciate all the help from everyone here.

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And TLC was in the thick of filming them. So there is basically no way that TLC didn't know something shady was going on.

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Sorry for the hate. Some of the comments have been particularly short-tempered or mean, especially with newbies. I think everyone is frustrated by the inundation of posts and new people.

As for Ben, is there proof he was not following Derrik? That seems like something that would have been discussed during the whole "Jessa is jealous of Jill" controversy a few months back when it was discussed that one or both of them were not following Jill and Derrik??? I do find it interesting that Pa Seewald has been so vocal in contrast to the Dillards and especially given that Derrik was missing from the Digging In Finale (surgery related - has anyone confirmed that was absolutely the case?). I tend to think the Dillards just have common sense not to add attention to themselves.

Yes. I've commented at the time that I thought it was stupid that people were making a big deal about Jill not following Jessa and Ben on twitter (that she barely uses compared to IG) when they don't follow Derick either (Jessa and Ben have both since started following him). That rumor about the sisters feuding on social media was fake then too.

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