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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Someone confirmed that it wasn't the case at all, in which I apologised for being mistaken. I truly had thought I saw it just last week, but with all the jumping from one Insta to the next, I guess I was wrong. I appreciate your sentiments, thank you. All I ask is that if someone doesn't like what I write or has an issue with it, please don't be derisive. Just ignore it, if it offends you deeply (on a personal level) which I wouldn't think I would ever do, but if I do, please feel free to PM me and air your grievance.

Hugs!!! It was an honest mistake! At least it wasn't a Josh level "mistake". :angry-banghead:

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That's the case I found last week. I think it was the start of this thread. Buzzard and I figured we'd never know what was in there. Damn good job InTouch.

I don't think in touch knows either. They are just guessing like we've been.

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People are being ridiculous on this thread. Seriously, everyone just take a breath and a step back for a moment.

No, I'm not a Helpmeet. Considering they must have a ton of stuff on their plates at the moment though, I think concerned citizens of FJ need to step forward and help keep order for a bit.

A reminder of some general etiquette:

1. If you see a post you don't care for just scroll past it. No need to call someone out for posting something that they do want to discuss. If they post something truly offensive or out of line, then feel free to discard this.

2. Likewise, don't get huffy if people are calling you out on a post you did make. Sometimes people are out of line in doing so (and other posters usually will point that out), but other times you deserve it.

3. If you find an article about this, try to check the date before you share it here. If it is more than a day old and it is from a major new site then it has likely already been shared here.

4. Do your best to keep up by starting a few pages back. I know it can be tough, but you really should do this if you are planning to post a link.

5. Speculating is fine, but use caution when speculating about stuff. Check your sources to make sure they are credible. If you aren't sure, feel free to ask here if it's a snark site or not.

6. Most people here have been awesome about not using certain language that is unacceptable. For those of you who have, please read through the Basic Rules of this website. In fact, I highly recommend anyone who is new here to read through them.

7. Finally, use your basic manners people. If someone appears to have made an innocent mistake then don't give them a verbal lashing. And if someone gently points out that you made a mistake, don't get all huffy and defensive.

We're all angry about the situation. We're all frustrated that TLC hasn't cancelled yet. I get that emotions may be running high for some people, but turning on one another is completely counter productive to the main goal - exposing Fundies for who they really are and what they really believe.

Lastly, for those people who want a distraction from this thread, I suggest heading over to the one concerning Sponsors of the show. Consider sending one or two of them a letter, signing a petition to end the show, donating time/money to a charity, or pretty much do anything else that will help.

Please use the search function before posting!(It is located in the upper right corner). If you find an article worth posting, "search" the web address to see if it has been previously posted.

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I posted a new thread on this in Snark.

We are the source for Gawker's takedown of the Bates.


And.... I just realized they hotlinked to us.

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That's the case I found last week. I think it was the start of this thread. Buzzard and I figured we'd never know what was in there. Damn good job InTouch.

I don't understand why this wouldn't be public record. Josh would have been an adult in 2006 when the case went to court right?

FJ lawyers, would it require special circumstances to make the case private? Or is it a civil court thing?

Or I've got my facts wrong, and these cases are not public record anyway.

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he needs counselling because a mentally healthy 14 year old does not do that, so there must be something going on there.

Too sad. As a healthy, curious teenager, Josh could definitely have 'experimented' by kissing his classmate by the lockers or something. But no, he had to be sheltered from the evil outside world by his 'caring' parents.

Having said that, this does not justify his actions. Since when it is common for 14 year olds to not have a notion of what molesting an underage person is? How many 14 year olds think incest is 'experimenting'? Playing doctor, really? Not many, and those who do need counselling. Prayers or stern talks from family friends do not work.

At the age of 14, it would have been possible for him to get professional help and some corrective action, if Jim Bob and Michelle took him to the police right away. I have no doubt a caricature of teenage boys showering together in the juvenile hall popped right in their minds.

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JimBob and Michelle Duggar are not so powerful in Arkansas that the whole state will cover up for them. Please stop rumor mongering about the judge. A governor appointing a judge to fill a vacant slot does not even mean he ever even MET the judge. There is no evidence whatsoever of judicial impropriety and agency cover ups. The Duggars are not that connected and not that big of a deal. You don't know the facts of the case, you don't know the relevant statutes or administrative law, you don't know anything. This cover up stuff is annoying as hell.

Yes, the Duggars covering up stuff is annoying as hell!

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To all the posters here, I'm terribly sorry I got into an exchange with another member who had an issue with something I had posted. It won't happen again, and I have said I would drop it as per my last post.

If someone does speak negatively towards me again, I will do my best not to continue it on. I truly appreciate all the help from everyone here.

This is a snark forum. Get it over it.

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I don't understand why this wouldn't be public record. Josh would have been an adult in 2006 when the case went to court right?

FJ lawyers, would it require special circumstances to make the case private? Or is it a civil court thing?

Or I've got my facts wrong, and these cases are not public record anyway.

Family law issues are not always public record and this case involved minors. It was likely sealed from the start.

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Yes, the Duggars covering up stuff is annoying as hell!

Yeah, it is. FFS, Dick Cheney was VP of the US and puppetmaster for Shrub and he couldn't even manage a decent coverup. JimBob Duggar is not the King of Arkansas.

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Yes. I've commented at the time that I thought it was stupid that people were making a big deal about Jill not following Jessa and Ben on twitter (that she barely uses compared to IG) when they don't follow Derick either (Jessa and Ben have both since started following him). That rumor about the sisters feuding on social media was fake then too.

Soooo...how do you know that the rumor was fake? Because up until a week ago the Josh rumor was fake. My original point was that instead of attacking people there was likely a very easy reference to see if the following/unfollowing is true. Instead of just telling people they are rumor mongering you can shut down a rumor even quicker if you can provide evidence its false (e.g. its been discussed in this thread and there is no evidence of them feuding on social media). Keep in mind that information that seems hashed out to old-timers may be new to many of us and that doesn't mean we are rumor mongering.

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I can't believe the Duggars were in the midst of filming their one-big-happy-family reality TV show while all this was going on. JB has an ego the size of Texas and a brain the size of an M&M if he really thought this would never get out.

The amazing part is that this story broke when Duggar fame and influence (in fundie circles at least) was at an all time high. It had to be that someone wanted to take the Duggars down and tipped off InTouch. It's just too coincidental.

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I can't believe the Duggars were in the midst of filming their one-big-happy-family reality TV show while all this was going on. JB has an ego the size of Texas and a brain the size of an M&M if he really thought this would never get out.

The amazing part is that this story broke when Duggar fame and influence (in fundie circles at least) was at an all time high. It had to be that someone wanted to take the Duggars down and tipped off InTouch. It's just too coincidental.

Again, we have to keep JB's actions in the context of their "faith. Josh repented, apologies accepted by the little temptresses, God is Good.

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So I am wondering if that 2007 case Josh filed to seal the DHS case was because they knew that he was about to court Anna? Could JB and Josh wanted to seal the info to make sure Anna and Pa Keller didn't find out any further details on Josh's "mistakes as a young teenager"?

Also could be because they knew that the public would have an enhanced interest in the Duggars once the Josh/Anna courtship/engagement was announced and didn't want this popping up.

Did Josh live out of the TTH at some point? Could he have spent time at the Gothard Ritz Carlton (aka ALERT) because he legally couldn't live in the TTH for some period of time?

Everything the Duggars try to hide just brings up so many more questions. There is no way that TLC or at least the Production Company didn't know about any of this.

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Again, we have to keep JB's actions in the context of their "faith. Josh repented, apologies accepted by the little temptresses, God is Good.

I'll readily admit that the Duggars' brand of faith is foreign to this lowly lapsed Catholic, wonder how he'll respond to this crisis within the context of his "faith."

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The rumour about the sisters feuding on social media was spawned solely because someone here noticed that one wasn't following the other on Twitter - the gossip mags picked it up and ran with it. The rumours about Josh were started by people claiming to live near the Duggars, know them or know people associated to them. Big difference.

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I think the jealousy rumors are fake, too. And even if Jessa IS jealous of Jill (or vice versa), unless they publicly admit it there's no way to prove it. It's a subjective view of another person's behavior online, and it can't be proved false OR true. So there's no point in trying to do either. People have speculated in the past that there are jealousy issues between the girls, but we just can't know it one way or another. And burden of proof is on the person claiming something as true, as has always been the case in any debate. One "rumor" from a person claiming to have inside information (that turned out to be true) doesn't prove that the rest of online speculation about this family by complete strangers is true, too.

Unrelatedly, I agree that some people need to calm their shit. I can't believe how needlessly antagonistic some people are being toward each other. Why anyone would think interacting with a petty, superior attitude would make them look good is beyond me... hasn't worked so well for the Duggars, has it? :roll:

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This is interesting. So despite an expired SOL, they went ahead and investigated the home and then Josh countered the findings?

2007, part of the stipulation was that he could no longer be in the house???? Quickly married in 2008.

The SOL applies to criminal charges. I don't think DCS would ever not investigate because of SOL being run out.

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I think the jealousy rumors are fake, too. And even if Jessa IS jealous of Jill (or vice versa), unless they publicly admit it there's no way to prove it. It's a subjective view of another person's behavior online, and it can't be proved false OR true. So there's no point in trying to do either. People have speculated in the past that there are jealousy issues between the girls, but we just can't know it one way or another. And burden of proof is on the person claiming something as true, as has always been the case in any debate. One "rumor" from a person claiming to have inside information (that turned out to be true) doesn't prove that the rest of online speculation about this family by complete strangers is true, too.

Unrelatedly, I agree that some people need to calm their shit. I can't believe how needlessly antagonistic some people are being toward each other. Why anyone would think interacting with a petty, superior attitude would make them look good is beyond me... hasn't worked so well for the Duggars, has it? :roll:


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I'm guessing JB, M and Josh thought this court case sealed all the documents related to the investigation, not just the DHS investigation, which explains why they didn't think it'd get leaked.

Wtf is wrong with these assholes.

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I'll readily admit that the Duggars' brand of faith is foreign to this lowly lapsed Catholic, wonder how he'll respond to this crisis within the context of his "faith."

Didn't he already respond about the crisis within the context of his faith with his statement? Or that's what it seemed like to me with his statement.

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Too sad. As a healthy, curious teenager, Josh could definitely have 'experimented' by kissing his classmate by the lockers or something. But no, he had to be sheltered from the evil outside world by his 'caring' parents.

Having said that, this does not justify his actions. Since when it is common for 14 year olds to not have a notion of what molesting an underage person is? How many 14 year olds think incest is 'experimenting'? Playing doctor, really? Not many, and those who do need counselling. Prayers or stern talks from family friends do not work.

At the age of 14, it would have been possible for him to get professional help and some corrective action, if Jim Bob and Michelle took him to the police right away. I have no doubt a caricature of teenage boys showering together in the juvenile hall popped right in their minds.

Has anyone really considered that Josh was molested himself maybe? Who taught him what he did? It's not impossible that he like a lot of sex offenders had something wrong with him from the get go either. Sex crimes are always about power, manipulation and control hence if said sex offender could have an opportunity to fool around with an actual peer it wouldn't settle the desire for forced domination. Even if it be done physicaly gentle, then it's the mental domination that turns them on. The othere option is he too was victimized and that's how he learned to do what he did. It confused him. If so it's still never ok to victimize another. But my point is I have a feeling this goes back further. Some of this happened at church, so it's possible Josh was touched inappropriately at church too, prior to him acting out on this with others.

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The rumour about the sisters feuding on social media was spawned solely because someone here noticed that one wasn't following the other on Twitter - the gossip mags picked it up and ran with it. The rumours about Josh were started by people claiming to live near the Duggars, know them or know people associated to them. Big difference.

Yes, that's what I meant about the rumor being fake. Not that the sisters don't secretly have jealously issues or what not (that's a separate issue). What was not true is that Jill and Jessa would be so callous to engage in petty, immature behavior such as "unfollowing each other on social media" to make a point.

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