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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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I don't know if a fair investigation could be done. We've already seen a Senator step up and call for the firing of the Sheriff who released the report. I'm sure JB, Huckabee, and possibly even Holt would be calling in every favor they could think of if there was a need.

IF another victim stepped forward, from a similar time period, would a new investigation open up or would SOL apply?

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Yeah, but at a minimum, he should be investigated. JB shouldn't be able to call in favors to cover for him. He should have a fairly transparent (protect the innocent, ofc) investigation. We don't need to microscopically consider the minors in his vicinity, but he should be on the radars of several government agencies.

We don't need to" hope" it was worse, but I don't think we should ignore the obvious possibility that he just got slicker. We on the internetz don't need to hover over that possibility, but it's clearly there. And someone with some legal heft should be looking at him closely.

If there is nothing on record regarding Josh's transgressions, I'm not sure what the authorities can do about watching him closely.

I do think there is a decent possibility that Josh is still aroused by very young girls. But if he hasn't acted upon this or been caught since turning 18, I'm not sure the authorities can insert themselves in the lives of the M-kids. Admission aside, there is no record of a molestation conviction. Josh is technically and legally not guilty of anything. His moral responsibility is another story, but I'm not sure there is enough for the family to be monitored by the state. Hopefully I'm wrong.

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Unless one of them starts courting a woman, I don't see how a Jana or Jinger courtship would divert any attention from this story.

Even before this happened, I could sense Duggar fatigue setting in. I know there is talk of 19 Kids (or 18 Kids, Because We're not Counting the New Black Sheep) continuing without Josh, but I can't imagine them pulling it off even if they tried. Does anyone really care what the gender of Jessa's baby is?

Not to mention that Jim Bob and Michelle will always be huge elephants in the room. The way they handled Josh's assaults, the whole sordid story about the pedo cop friend giving Josh a stern lecture probably with a stern erection, and Michelle accusing transgendered women of all wanting to molest her daughters, at least four of whom had been molested by her son and covered up by her, I just don't see the Duggars sticking around.

I'm not saying it would work, I'm attempting to use Duggar logic. Is JB stupid enough to think that a courtship will provide a cover up?

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I know Prissy is a Keller, Anna's sister and one of the more "hard core" fundies but I can't imagine her being so accepting of Josh Duggar apology. She is so upight and straight laced. How is she going to handle this one?

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Their website is back online.

I archived it just in case https://archive.is/V8ztL

When you try to click on the "Let's stay connected" link, you get this message:

We're sorry...the page you are looking for isn't here right now! You should check the link and try again, but if you've already done that... it's safe to figure that it's not going to be reappearing anytime soon. Hope you find what your looking for! (Try starting at the homepage again) The Webmaster for Josh & Anna Duggar ja20.com

Calm down there, webmaster :lol:

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Prissy is "only a girl" Josh is Anna's headship.

Does it matter what she thinks?

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I know Prissy is a Keller, Anna's sister and one of the more "hard core" fundies but I can't imagine her being so accepting of Josh Duggar apology. She is so upight and straight laced. How is she going to handle this one?

Would Priscilla even really understand what is going on? She's not the sharpest tool in the shed...

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Would Priscilla even really understand what is going on? She's not the sharpest tool in the shed...

You are right. She just comes across as very judgmental and I can imagine her giving Josh a piece of her mind.

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Jessa's FIL weighs in. He says we should let it go.

Did Bessa still leak the article to the press?

Someone needs to whack Pa Seewald in the face stat and tell him to P the F off.

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I wonder how long it will take a leghumper to start a gofundme account for Joshie and his family.

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What I feel and what I know are two different things. I don't know what Josh's risk of reoffending is, none of us do. Unless someone tips off the authorities, they don't know either and will not act. Someone tipped off Oprah once, someone inside could theoretically email a tip again. But it's not likely because I'd bet the farm that the duggars are circling up those wagons tight. And it's sad.

Having said that I certainly would not let josh alone with my dogs, much less a child. And I am deeply worried about Mac and the one on the way. But that is how I just how I feel. That and five bucks will get you a Starbucks.

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Cant find the original quote, but to the person who claimed they think it was atleast one of the boys amongst the victims. The first person who ever publically claimed this happened over seven years ago, also specified that he molested 4 out of his 5 sisters, and outed the one who wasnt victimized, and as a result the victims. Now that this has all come to light, and they have the facts correct, I tend to put a bit or credence into there original statements.

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I don't know if a fair investigation could be done. We've already seen a Senator step up and call for the firing of the Sheriff who released the report. I'm sure JB, Huckabee, and possibly even Holt would be calling in every favor they could think of if there was a need.

IF another victim stepped forward, from a similar time period, would a new investigation open up or would SOL apply?

Somehow I've missed this. Does anyone have a link handy?

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Somehow I've missed this. Does anyone have a link handy?

As far as the Arkansas courts are concerned the document never existed. When the judge destroyed it she was "wiping their hands clean."

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I have said this many times and I will say this again:

Speculating on which girls were/weren't molested has no point. In my mind, the reason for this is that it likely ALL of them were. He first started molesting them while they were sleeping. Why would he just not touch one of them? Why all of them, except one? Unless he somehow respected them in a way unlike the others? But still, it started while they were sleeping. It's not even a matter of opportunity with that one. Also strange, why would he avoid one of the older ones? He seemed to wanted to touch breasts. Obviously the older girls would have had something resembling breasts, more than an eight year-old. So why avoid one of the older ones? Unless it was pedophilia or about the dominant aspect? It's also possible that because a lot of the abuse happened while they were sleeping, that one of the daughters was unaware that she was ever molested at all. Or perhaps, one of the elder girls, who was old enough to understand the shame and the disturbing nature of what had happened, simply lied. The fact that that conversation includes a lot of other information leads to me believe that the daughter cleverly avoided the subject by talking about cooking and her GED. Very clever. I do that too when I don't want to talk about something.

I have assumed that the oldest girl was left alone because she likely had a sleeping infant in her bed most of the time. As we know, Michelle farmed her babies off to her older girls as soon as they were weaned. I think that Jana likely had lots of back to back babies to care for until Jill got old enough to help out. Josh likely didn't want to risk awakening a crying baby that would alert everyone to his actions.

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I stumbled upon this on a site called Little Green Footballs where the author was describing the Quiverfull movement. I have no clue how i got there. Lol. I have never heard of the blog before. This was in the comments section. The FB page that was referenced, I believe, was TLC's. Somebody posted this perfect response to apologists:

That Facebook page linked above is full of comments from people who support Josh Duggar.

A Facebook user named Katie Robinson dropped this comment off in that thread, I quote it in full here.

Dear Josh Duggar Supporters,

I know you all believe that he simply made a “mistakeâ€. Had it only happened once, and maybe not with his sisters who were normally sleeping at the time of assault, I could possibly see how it could be construed as a bad decision; still not a mistake though. However, he molested FIVE different victims (that we know of), the majority of them his own sisters. There is absolutely NO way this was a mistake, or just a poor decision. This was Josh Duggar making an active and conscious decision to keep repeating this behavior.

In closing, allow me to provide you with some statistics that might make you feel like child molestation is a more serious situation.

Statistics show that child molesters seldom experience rehabilitative success.The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment.

Like rape, child molestation is one of the most underreported crimes: only 1-10% are ever disclosed.

Recidivism rates range from 18-45%.

The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating.

89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance.

29% of child sexual abuse offenders are relatives.

The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.

Though officially, not considered abuse, the highest incidence of incest occurs among siblings.

Are you confident enough about his innocence to allow your children to stay in his home? No? Then stop defending him, and seeking justification for his disgusting actions.




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Jana says something under her breath at 5:28 in what looks like exasperation at Michelle's victim blaming rhetoric, but I can't tell what it is... https://youtu.be/U4NzmVEFPrY?t=50m25s

It looks to me like she's talking to one of the little girls sitting on the floor in front of the couch. Probably they're being fidgety as usual (sitting in front of interview cameras at age 8 has got to be pretty boring), and she's doing her mother's job of keeping them quiet and still.

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If reporters are the media try to dig up more dirt, how can Huckabee or JB political friends really help him with the law? The judge that huckabee appointed got ride of additional evidence. Isn't that obstruction?

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That has been posted already.

Is that really necessary?

We're up to 183 pages in just a few days. I know I haven't been able to keep up, and I've read plenty of other comments of others not being able to do so either. I'm actually glad that things are getting reposted, so I might catch it the second (or third) time around in case it was on one of the 40 pages posted while I was at work (this being one of the things I apparently missed, so thank you AB45377).

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Yeah, but at a minimum, he should be investigated. JB shouldn't be able to call in favors to cover for him. He should have a fairly transparent (protect the innocent, ofc) investigation. We don't need to microscopically consider the minors in his vicinity, but he should be on the radars of several government agencies.

We don't need to" hope" it was worse, but I don't think we should ignore the obvious possibility that he just got slicker. We on the internetz don't need to hover over that possibility, but it's clearly there. And someone with some legal heft should be looking at him closely.

How does speculating about identities of anonymous victims, randomly mentioning male victims when there is no indication in the evidence, making a clinical diagnosis on Josh on an internet message board help an official investigation at all?

Don't attach a noble cause to what you're doing. You are turning this into gossip.

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I stumbled upon this on a site called Little Green Footballs where the author was describing the Quiverfull movement. I have no clue how i got there. Lol. I have never heard of the blog before. This was in the comments section. The FB page that was referenced, I believe, was TLC's. Somebody posted this perfect response to apologists:

That Facebook page linked above is full of comments from people who support Josh Duggar.

A Facebook user named Katie Robinson dropped this comment off in that thread, I quote it in full here.

Dear Josh Duggar Supporters,

I know you all believe that he simply made a “mistakeâ€. Had it only happened once, and maybe not with his sisters who were normally sleeping at the time of assault, I could possibly see how it could be construed as a bad decision; still not a mistake though. However, he molested FIVE different victims (that we know of), the majority of them his own sisters. There is absolutely NO way this was a mistake, or just a poor decision. This was Josh Duggar making an active and conscious decision to keep repeating this behavior.

In closing, allow me to provide you with some statistics that might make you feel like child molestation is a more serious situation.

Statistics show that child molesters seldom experience rehabilitative success.The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment.

Like rape, child molestation is one of the most underreported crimes: only 1-10% are ever disclosed.

Recidivism rates range from 18-45%.

The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating.

89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance.

29% of child sexual abuse offenders are relatives.

The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.

Though officially, not considered abuse, the highest incidence of incest occurs among siblings.

Are you confident enough about his innocence to allow your children to stay in his home? No? Then stop defending him, and seeking justification for his disgusting actions.




117. That makes me physically ill.

Edited to add.

Sorry if this has been mentioned. But if they were so open about the incident like they claim they were with the Kellers. How has this not come out sooner by someone who left and had a grudge or whatever?

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We're up to 183 pages in just a few days. I know I haven't been able to keep up, and I've read plenty of other comments of others not being able to do so either. I'm actually glad that things are getting reposted, so I might catch it the second (or third) time around in case it was on one of the 40 pages posted while I was at work (this being one of the things I apparently missed, so thank you AB45377).

good heavens! I agree. With the lightning speed of the posts, it's hard to keep it all straight! For instance, I *thought* I saw that Dan Dillard had come out defending Josh, but I can't seem to find anything. I may have hallucinate while feeding a troll over at the People site. Idk. Kinda thinking they will try to quiet things down tomorrow since the topic isn't trending as much. Wonder who will stir the pot next?

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How does speculating about identities of anonymous victims, randomly mentioning male victims when there is no indication in the evidence, making a clinical diagnosis on Josh on an internet message board help an official investigation at all?

Don't attach a noble cause to what you're doing. You are turning this into gossip.

Well, seeing as how this all started out as internet rumors and gossip, I think it's very important that all reports of abuse be taken seriously and investigated. This kind of abuse happens in every socioeconomic and religious class. It has to stop. How Josh is is diagnosed is really beside the point.

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