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Anyone else depressed?


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At least J.R. Ewing had some redeeming qualities.

Larry Hagman was a lot cooler than J.R. Duggar.

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I am disgusted all around. The hypocrisy, the lies, the trauma...it's all horrific and terrible. But I also have to remember that I am only responsible for my actions and protecting my own children. I have a lot of empathy for the victims and how they were treated through their lives and their trama, but I have to keep it at empathy. It's unfair to my family, workplace, husband, and friends to allow them to affect my day to day mood and mental health.

I think the one thing that really makes me angry and hurt is the sheer amount of people standing up for him. To me, it's supporting rape culture. Like many other people here, I have my own sexual trauma and it hurts to my core that so many people still excuse this behavior. It's a huge reminder of how far behind we are as a society and culture. I can't read too many comments on articles, Facebook, or anywhere but FJ basically because I get totally enraged when anyone stands up for those awful people. And, like I said, it's not fair to my people to be in a constant funk.

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I know exactly what you mean. I typically visit FJ a few times over the course of the day, and I have found myself not doing so as often. It really bothers me that the rumors we heard so many years ago are indeed true. I also waited for their downfall, but I really did not expect it to come like this. I am just heart broken for girls. My anger at Jim Bob and Michelle has reached an entirely new level. While they pushed a lifestyle that I felt could be harmful, they were actually pushing a lifestyle they already knew caused harm and tried to hide it... and they called it a ministry. Even with all that happened under their own roof, they claimed they felt called to minister to others on TV.

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I know this sounds very weird, but I will admit that I almost felt relieved when this news came out. I think we all always knew there was SOME kind of trauma in these girls' lives because of the very obvious fear and guilt on their faces...we just didn't know what, exactly.

I feel horrible that this must be incredibly traumatic for them to go through in the public eye, but (and maybe it's just my optimism) I hope that this is somehow the rock-bottom that it takes for these kids to finally acknowledge all of the shit their parents have put them through and start lives for themselves outside of Boob and Jchelle's grasp (and without the watchful eye of a TV network).

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I just read through this entire thread, glad I am not the only one feeling like this. I was SO angry and saddened by this whole situation, it just kept replaying over and over in my mind that I had to take a break from reading about it on any site. Now that I've reflected, I want so bad for those young women to leave, they don't deserve the media storm around this. I am so worried that JB and Michelle will use this to bunker everyone even more at the compound and drill into them that the outside world is so horrible. I can't even deal with that thought...

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It´s good to read that others have similar or the exact same thoughts and feelings I have. But there is one additional thing that makes me sad: The kids got used to a Lifestyle including a lot of money. The had an excellent reputation in their world; they were the Kings and Queens of Fundi land. The fall is deep. Non of the Kids deserve to fall so deep but thats whats happening to them know. They will not be treated the same way as a week ago, all People will look differently on them now. Alone this, and this goes for every child in the Family, is horrible.

I would also imagine that Josh Actions are total News to the younger Kids. An additional shock. Their life turns upside down. And Anna and the M Kids? How would you explain all this to Kenzy? Josh, Michelle and Jim Bob made "mistakes" to use this horrible word. All others did nothing wrong and suffer. This sickens me.

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I'm depressed. I echo the statements of so many here.

This grotesque news came from left field and crushed me and I don't even know these people.

As a mother I cannot believe Michelle would allow her daughters to be preyed upon again and again. Yet she did. I have two kids and always slept with one ear open for anything, sick kids, whatever. I knew when someone was up and about. But that's me. I sure as hell can't speak for Michelle.

The way it was mishandled is shit you just can't make up. JB then brilliantly decides to take his son to the local pedo cop for a stern talking to and clearance? Whatever.

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I have felt sick to my stomach about this. I just wish I could be a friend to the girls and let them vent if they needed it. I know its not possible but still, no one deserves to go through a hell like that.

If you (and others) are really feeling like you/they "just want to help," why not look for opportunities in your own life(ves) for people who are suffering, need someone to listen, need a couch to stay on a few nights, need support in some way?

Yes. This stuff combined with my mother's cancer taking a bad turn, the last day of school (always sad for me) and this head cold I caught has really brought me down. I've been going to bed really early to try to forget about it all.

I think Friday was the worst. After reading lots of comments on facebook and news sites after the show was pulled, I came to realize that it will probably be back one day and these awful people and their garbage will go on as usual. They'll just let it all die down and then bounce back. It's all so sad.

To make it worse, several bloggers that I've come to like posted support for the Duggars. So stupid. I had to unfriend someone on facebook over it. Oh well. We weren't that close anyway.

As I read more, I am getting more and more fired up. Perspective, people!!

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I respectfully suggest that those of you who are taking this personally, in that it seems to be impacting your lives, step away from your computers/tablets/phones. Let's not confuse their lives with our lives. We do not know them. Let's just take a deep breath and keep this in perspective.

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I spent the latter part of last week sitting with my mom who was very sick. I hadn't seen the computer since Wednesday AM the "sin in the camp" topic came up again. When I left the house everyone was saying same old rumor. Didn't get back to FJ until Friday evening. I was pretty stunned!

My mom passed away Friday night so yeah, I'm a little sad.

The thing with the Duggars isn't so much depressing for me but I'm empathizing with the kids, even Josh. As horrible as what he did is, he was 15. Young kids and even some folks in their 20's don't have a very good grasp of forever. The choices of Josh but more so JB & M have really screwed the futures of several of their children. Some will do better than others and I hope eventually they can take it in stride but Josh will have a VERY hard time. It makes me sad that this will follow Josh, Anna and especially the M-kids. As a grandma I just want things to be okay for all of the innocent family members.

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I spent the latter part of last week sitting with my mom who was very sick. I hadn't seen the computer since Wednesday AM the "sin in the camp" topic came up again. When I left the house everyone was saying same old rumor. Didn't get back to FJ until Friday evening. I was pretty stunned!

My mom passed away Friday night so yeah, I'm a little sad.

The thing with the Duggars isn't so much depressing for me but I'm empathizing with the kids, even Josh. As horrible as what he did is, he was 15. Young kids and even some folks in their 20's don't have a very good grasp of forever. The choices of Josh but more so JB & M have really screwed the futures of several of their children. Some will do better than others and I hope eventually they can take it in stride but Josh will have a VERY hard time. It makes me sad that this will follow Josh, Anna and especially the M-kids. As a grandma I just want things to be okay for all of the innocent family members.

I am so, so sorry about your mom, nana sew dear. That is very hard. But as to the rest of your post, in my opinion, you are dead on. I've been trying to express these sentiments for a few days. You stated it very nicely.

Please accept my condolences. YOU will be the one I think of tonight.

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I had forgotten about that skit! Wow. That's pretty powerful now that I'm thinking about it.

Especially since Josiah was old enough to somewhat understand what was going on back in 2006 (I think he would have probably been 11, but he was always very articulate and seemed intelligent). It wouldn't surprise me if he despises Josh.

Also, the kids apparently decided unanimously that Josh would be the one they beat to death.

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Especially since Josiah was old enough to somewhat understand what was going on back in 2006 (I think he would have probably been 11, but he was always very articulate and seemed intelligent). It wouldn't surprise me if he despises Josh.

Also, the kids apparently decided unanimously that Josh would be the one they beat to death.


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For those among us who have the urge to "do something" for lack of a better term, would it be productive to perhaps compile of lists of foundations/orgs that accept donations or sell goods where the proceeds go towards the foundations mission, or would that be too close to solicitation/spam?

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Every day I feel despondent over the whole situation. I would have loved to see the Duggars taken down a peg or two, but k would have preferred it just to be something that only involved Jim Douche. Maybe like a secret affair , visiting a strip club etc...not this.

I say to myself everyday I won't check FJ or news sites for anything, and I'll take a break and let my head clear, but then I just jump right back into it, searching through the threads and reading news articles. This unfortunately is very much like an addiction, I know it's bad for me, but I can't help reading/wanting to know all about it.

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I am so disappointed in TLC. This is way worse than Honey Boo Boo, and we haven't heard a peep.

TLC's god is money, I guess. I thought this would just be so obvious to any basic cable company. It is so triggering to me that still TLC doesn't give a shit.

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I know. It was just a skit, but Josiah, Jed and Jeremiah (sp?) were just too eager to film that skit of them beating up Josh. I think they said something along the lines of, "We wanted to make our parents really happy and proud of us for this skit."

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So I started a thread because of something I remembered - and I was told -and obviously someone has been watching the few posts I've had the past few days, that since I had mentioned I was depressed maybe I should take a break - which from being a member since 2011 was kind of shocking coming from the people who were jumping on me who seem to have posted much more than I ever have.

Anyway I just want to say fuck you to those people, my opinion counts as much as yours, and where are the liberal minds in this place? Really people like me come here to vent and some of you are being condescending when you say "oh if you are so depressed, why don't you do something about it."

Oh and if anyone is wondering, that thread was deleted and I in no way was trying to be provocative.

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If you (and others) are really feeling like you/they "just want to help," why not look for opportunities in your own life(ves) for people who are suffering, need someone to listen, need a couch to stay on a few nights, need support in some way?

As I read more, I am getting more and more fired up. Perspective, people!!

It's ok, calm down, I've got perspective, people! Thanks for your concern. My bad weekend was mostly caused by the bad news about my mom. The Duggar stuff was just the icing on the cake. The person I unfriended was a kooky fundie lite and I'm well rid of her. It's all for the best.

I think it's o.k. for us to be feeling down about this news. We've been following this family for years! I don't think any of us are so depressed over it that we're not functioning, or we wouldn't be on here talking about it.

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So I started a thread because of something I remembered - and I was told -and obviously someone has been watching the few posts I've had the past few days, that since I had mentioned I was depressed maybe I should take a break - which from being a member since 2011 was kind of shocking coming from the people who were jumping on me who seem to have posted much more than I ever have.

Anyway I just want to say fuck you to those people, my opinion counts as much as yours, and where are the liberal minds in this place? Really people like me come here to vent and some of you are being condescending when you say "oh if you are so depressed, why don't you do something about it."

Oh and if anyone is wondering, that thread was deleted and I in no way was trying to be provocative.

If the thread was deleted, why are you bringing it up now if you're not trying to be provocative? I mean you literally just said 'fuck you to those people.' Yet no one knows what you're talking about. How is it wrong to suggest that if you're experiencing actual emotional distress because of this you should probably take a step back? It's true. If this is distressing anyone to the point where it's affecting their emotional health or daily life, step back. Log off. Take a break. That's not snark, it's not judgement, it's genuine concern. These people aren't our friends or our family. This sort of thing is tragic and it has happened millions of times before this, and will continue to happen, and has most definitely already happened to people close to you - your neighbours, co-workers, friends, even family members. You can channel your negative reaction into something proactive like volunteering, donating time or money, writing articles, talking to others, vowing to always report signs of child abuse, etc., if you feel that you need to do something. Otherwise it's probably time to try to move on.

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To be honest, this family has had me depressed every time I see them. There is just something so wrong with that level of stiffing free will by their parents. I find their particular brand of brainwashing and hate mongering simply horrifying.

This! We didn't need to know this rumor was actually true. I think we were all hoping the TLC version of the Duggars would crack and the public and their fans would get a realistic look at their fucked up values and they would lose all political clout.

Part of my issue is even when the truth came to light and WORSE there are still people who support them.

Can we all keep collectively hoping/praying some awesome investigative reporter looks deeper into Huckabee/Gothard/Duggar/child Porn Cop/record destroying judge/Vision Forum connections. JimBob knew this cop and in more than just a business sense. I worry about what happens to those JTTH retreats. How often was Gothard there, personally counseling young women? How many high level families would have offered up their daughters to him for respect in the organization?

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If the thread was deleted, why are you bringing it up now if you're not trying to be provocative? I mean you literally just said 'fuck you to those people.' Yet no one knows what you're talking about. How is it wrong to suggest that if you're experiencing actual emotional distress because of this you should probably take a step back? It's true. If this is distressing anyone to the point where it's affecting their emotional health or daily life, step back. Log off. Take a break. That's not snark, it's not judgement, it's genuine concern. These people aren't our friends or our family. This sort of thing is tragic and it has happened millions of times before this, and will continue to happen, and has most definitely already happened to people close to you - your neighbours, co-workers, friends, even family members. You can channel your negative reaction into something proactive like volunteering, donating time or money, writing articles, talking to others, vowing to always report signs of child abuse, etc., if you feel that you need to do something. Otherwise it's probably time to try to move on.

I thought we never delete posts. They just get archived.

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Actually at this moment I am depressed.

Depressed that the girls are probably so brainwashed that they wouldn't find molestation wrong as long as the abuser is sorry and therefore, forgiven by Christ.

Some of these girls might be young mothers or soon to be mothers. If you're this brainwashed by your parents and their belief systems, how can you adequately protect your own children?


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This! We didn't need to know this rumor was actually true. I think we were all hoping the TLC version of the Duggars would crack and the public and their fans would get a realistic look at their fucked up values and they would lose all political clout.

Part of my issue is even when the truth came to light and WORSE there are still people who support them.

Can we all keep collectively hoping/praying some awesome investigative reporter looks deeper into Huckabee/Gothard/Duggar/child Porn Cop/record destroying judge/Vision Forum connections. JimBob knew this cop and in more than just a business sense. I worry about what happens to those JTTH retreats. How often was Gothard there, personally counseling young women? How many high level families would have offered up their daughters to him for respect in the organization?

Well, I think this is happening, thank goodness to some degree. From what I've been seeing today in the news lots of sources are putting the pieces together. Slightly frustrating that what we knew all along is just now hitting the mainstream news feeds but, better than never. And better now when the Duggar scandal is still fresh. It's very possible that this can lead to something actually being done. We have to keep our voices heard...and keep guiding the media as well as urging them to not be silent on the full picture, truth of it all. It may not change anything with Josh legally, or anything on the legal front. It probably won't dent the fundie world into seeing the forest full of trees. But it might just stop a person from converting to this brand of false faith before they're too far in.

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I was emotional when I first heard and I realized that it wasn't so much the sexual abuse that triggered me, but the lack of protection of the girls, and the total lack of outrage amongst his "people." That's probably something a lot of us have experienced on a small scale. That "you're ok, at least it wasn't worse, let's not tell anyone, get over it" type of treatment. That the parents failed the girls for so long, that's what saddened me the most.

And then to have other christians question if you are even a real Christian because obvs you're just an angry unforgiver, that upset me, too.

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