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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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I was reading back in Part 5 and several posters were processing how they might handle a situation like this with their own son. I was reminded of a podcast I heard from This American Life called Tarred and Feathered and it had a segment about a 19 year old boy who knows he is a pedophile but has never acted on that urge. The piece detailed some interesting realities about current research on the topic:

1. No one really knows what causes this

2. It is hard to get funding for any research surrounding this topic

3. Therapists don't want to work with pedophiles because of mandatory reporting laws.

4. There is currently no laid-out therapy plan for how to handle someone who has these sexual urges.

The boy who was interviewed tried to get therapy but was turned down several times even though he had never harmed someone. His mother eventually found him someone who works with addictions. He started an online support group for people who live with this but are committed to not ever harming a child. It was difficult to listen to him talk. But also showed how much researchers really don't know about this or what to do about it.

If only our society could seperate the thoughts from the actions. I'm sure many men (and women?) could be redirected with therapy and drastically reduce the amount of victims. These guys should be respected and supported instead of turned into social pariahs.

I have heard Dan Savage talk to a non-offending, self-diagnosed pedophile and he had so much self loathing and depression my heart went out to him. I will have to check out NPRs show as well.

I have to believe that everyone of these men we help saves 1-100 victims.

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Until I see this crisis manager thing confirmed by a bigger/more reputable source, I'm taking this whole piece of the story with a bucket of salt. The site that originally leaked that guy's name, and now his disavowal of the Duggars is the only place to have that info, and hasn't broken any other significant pieces of the story. I'm on board with the theory that this young, inexperienced (and seemingly very indiscriminate with his social media) guy spread the thing himself to inflate his reputation. JMHO, think what you will.

I agree. I fell for it yesterday, but it really doesn't pass the smell test.

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Sounds like Dan is supporting Josh:


And if her "like" means anything, so is Cathy:


If these are fake profiles (or if somebody's posted this before, or if I shouldn't be posting this here, or whatever) please let me know.

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So...if you are wanting to talk about this mass coverup on the politicians part (Hester, Woods, and Huckleberry) you might want to find out who the lawyers/judge/police officials were for that 2007 case.

What mass cover-up? Jesus.

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Giving the crisis management guy a huge side eye, too. How very convenient for his company that he was contacted about a big scandal in the news, but never will have to follow through with it because he "declined' to represent the Duggars.

That said, I can totally see why 2 lawyers and a PR firm would decline to represent the Duggars. Jim Bob Duggar has all the markings of a truly Pain In The Ass client. Cheap? Check. Know-it-all? Check. Control freak? Check. No one wants to represent someone who thinks they know best, refuses to listen to you, manages to make everything worse every time they speak, never shows gratitude for each time you save their ass and will question the bill and ask for a discount every month.

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What mass cover-up? Jesus.

I don't think there is a sophisticated coverup going on here but having lived in NWA I can tell you that in the early 2000's the local police and politicians were very tight and many in goverment were members of these fundie churches whether they believed the nonsense or were just there for political support.

I would even go far to say there was a fair bit of corruption.

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My apologies if this was reposted somewhere already...

Yesterday we heard reports that the Duggars were looking at hiring a crisis manager. Well the PR firm they were talking with just announced that they DECLINED to take on the Duggars!! Here's the story:

http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/05/27/e ... not-hired/

Hmmm...I think that's quite interesting. There was really no need to go into specifics, a simple "we do not represent the Duggars" would have done. I'd love to know what the deal breakers were. I'm not really surprised though. I would be surprised if they do address the situation again anytime soon, unless the show is cancelled. What else could they really say that could help their image? Anything specific they say will only make things worse for them. I think their best shot at making it out of this is to hope that many fans are still in the dark due to refusing to read or believe the police report and that the anger of the ones that did will subdue.

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I have not seen any references in this thread to this article in the Daily Mail and others that have picked up the story. I did search for it in other threads too so I'm sorry if it has been posted already.

Just throwing it in for what its worth. SMH...But we already knew JB and Michelle were huge hypocrites so no real surprise. Not breaking link because its the DM! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... minor.html

ETA This article covers JB's 2002 political stance on incest and rape

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Giving the crisis management guy a huge side eye, too. How very convenient for his company that he was contacted about a big scandal in the news, but never will have to follow through with it because he "declined' to represent the Duggars.

That said, I can totally see why 2 lawyers and a PR firm would decline to represent the Duggars. Jim Bob Duggar has all the markings of a truly Pain In The Ass client. Cheap? Check. Know-it-all? Check. Control freak? Check. No one wants to represent someone who thinks they know best, refuses to listen to you, manages to make everything worse every time they speak, never shows gratitude for each time you save their ass and will question the bill and ask for a discount every month.

I agree. I don't believe this story of this guy. But the Duggars would really need a crisis manager, as they are in a horrible PR desaster, child molestation cases are a nightmare for anybodys reputation. A brilliant one with lots of experience and knowledge. But those don't come cheap and they usually require their clients to do what they tell them to do, otherwise they won't work with them.

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I don't think there is a sophisticated coverup going on here but having lived in NWA I can tell you that in the early 2000's the local police and politicians were very tight and many in goverment were members of these fundie churches whether they believed the nonsense or were just there for political support.

I would even go far to say there was a fair bit of corruption.

My mom has lived in Bentonville for 20 years and she thinks the idea of a cover up for the Duggars is hilarious.

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By they way, It is about 1200 miles (or 1950 kilometers) from where Josh and Anna have been living in the Maryland DC suburbs to the Duggar compound in Tontitown.

That is a long road trip, esp. when you are in your last trimester of pregnancy.

Is JD even allowed to fly that far?

I'm sure it comes down to funding. Why would JB pay for fuel and landing fees when they could include Josh in a family interview and have the network pay. If there is one thing we can ALL agree on, that man can manipulate any situation to not have to use his own money.

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Until I see this crisis manager thing confirmed by a bigger/more reputable source, I'm taking this whole piece of the story with a bucket of salt. The site that originally leaked that guy's name, and now his disavowal of the Duggars is the only place to have that info, and hasn't broken any other significant pieces of the story. I'm on board with the theory that this young, inexperienced (and seemingly very indiscriminate with his social media) guy spread the thing himself to inflate his reputation. JMHO, think what you will.

He retweeted the article, and also tweeted "I don’t represent the #DuggarFamily just FYI everyone please calm down!"


Also this is a search of tweets to his account. Not that many replies to him about the Duggars though.

https://twitter.com/search?q=%22%40hunt ... 2&src=typd

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Giving the crisis management guy a huge side eye, too. How very convenient for his company that he was contacted about a big scandal in the news, but never will have to follow through with it because he "declined' to represent the Duggars.

That said, I can totally see why 2 lawyers and a PR firm would decline to represent the Duggars. Jim Bob Duggar has all the markings of a truly Pain In The Ass client. Cheap? Check. Know-it-all? Check. Control freak? Check. No one wants to represent someone who thinks they know best, refuses to listen to you, manages to make everything worse every time they speak, never shows gratitude for each time you save their ass and will question the bill and ask for a discount every month.

In my imagination this is why the show isn't canceled yet--Jim Bob is probably fighting tooth and nail to salvage what he can of his TLC income.

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My mom has lived in Bentonville for 20 years and she thinks the idea of a cover up for the Duggars is hilarious.

Did she say why and could you share?

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Same for me. He could be lying, but I really wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't.

We will never know but not only does this ring true for me but I would be willing to bet THIS is exactly what he confessed to Anna and her family when they visited the TTH the first time. That Josh got curious and touched a boob through clothes but then was overcome with guilt, went to Jim Bob to confess his transgression and asked everyone for forgiveness and sought God harder than ever before.

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My mom has lived in Bentonville for 20 years and she thinks the idea of a cover up for the Duggars is hilarious.

Was she involved with police or politicians or any form of government between 1998-2005?

I am not saying there is a cover up now. NWA has wised up in the last decade. But back in 2002-2003 there were an awful lot of mouth breathers working in the NWA "guvment" and while they probably weren't smart enough to actually cover anything up they were just stupid enough to screw up a great many investigations and such. And any small town will always have the issue of a friend helping a friend by just not pressing an issue and while Springdale wasn't tiny ten years ago it still operated very much like a small town run by a bunch of hicks.

Including much of the area around Springdale too.

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He retweeted the article, and also tweeted "I don’t represent the #DuggarFamily just FYI everyone please calm down!"


Also this is a search of tweets to his account. Not that many replies to him about the Duggars though.

https://twitter.com/search?q=%22%40hunt ... 2&src=typd

All adds to my (and others) theory that he "leaked" this information himself. No reporting on it other than a D-list site, his own tweets inflating the significance of it, and his weasel words in his denial:

“It was a no for us to work with them,†Frederick confirmed exclusively to us.

Note that he doesn't say, "they attempted to hire us and we declined" or something to that effect. The way his statement is phrased, it could easily be completely hypothetical.
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A friend of mine has his own radio show and will be discussing the Duggars tonight. As he's a comedian I can only imagine what he's going to say but it should interesting!

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We will never know but not only does this ring true for me but I would be willing to bet THIS is exactly what he confessed to Anna and her family when they visited the TTH the first time. That Josh got curious and touched a boob through clothes but then was overcome with guilt, went to Jim Bob to confess his transgression and asked everyone for forgiveness and sought God harder than ever before.

I agree that sounds like how Jim Bob would present things instead of telling the whole story. Also the sleeping sister was probably one of the older ones, which is still horrible but not quite the same as a 14 year old molesting a 4 year old.

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We will never know but not only does this ring true for me but I would be willing to bet THIS is exactly what he confessed to Anna and her family when they visited the TTH the first time. That Josh got curious and touched a boob through clothes but then was overcome with guilt, went to Jim Bob to confess his transgression and asked everyone for forgiveness and sought God harder than ever before.

Whether this is the way that it happened or not, my guess is that Josh and JB believe it happened this way.

Edited to add color to my words because I kept screwing up the quote.

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Sounds like Dan is supporting Josh:


And if her "like" means anything, so is Cathy:


If these are fake profiles (or if somebody's posted this before, or if I shouldn't be posting this here, or whatever) please let me know.

That doesn't surprise me.

1) A lot--maybe most--people make excuses for friends/family/people they like for all kinds of things. Cognitive dissonance sucks. People can't handle that someone they like and trust did something horrible, so they tell themselves what they did wasn't that bad, or the person repented and is a better person now. That Josh was 14 at the time makes it easier.

2)More specific to Dan and Cathy...all the in-laws actually. What else can they say? Personally I think silence is golden but maybe they don't consider that an option. And the fact is, Derrick is a part of the Duggar family now. Not vocally supporting Josh will likely alienate Derrick. I think he'd cut ties with his mom and brother if they were to be anything but supportive of his in-laws. He's in too deep. Not only does he not want friction with his wife but he is an over-zealous convert to Gothardism. And if that weren't an issue, it Derrick would be ok with his family's private criticism and public silence, it still has to suck for them to see their in-law's family, and by extension Derrick, getting bombarded by the media. I can see wanting to appear supportive no matter what they privately think.

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I don't know anything about springdale or other places but I do know when I smell a lie. Who were the judges in that area in 2007? What if, just what if, favors were called in and the case was just "dropped". Is that dirty government? Not really, that's just some good 'ole boys helping a man out. Can you imagine how star struck those people had to be? Even God herself (Oprah) (Or her people) got involved. Don't just dismiss my opinion. I've rarely been wrong. I smell a turd. A big fat coverup turd.

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Was she involved with police or politicians or any form of government between 1998-2005?

I am not saying there is a cover up now. NWA has wised up in the last decade. But back in 2002-2003 there were an awful lot of mouth breathers working in the NWA "guvment" and while they probably weren't smart enough to actually cover anything up they were just stupid enough to screw up a great many investigations and such. And any small town will always have the issue of a friend helping a friend by just not pressing an issue and while Springdale wasn't tiny ten years ago it still operated very much like a small town run by a bunch of hicks.

Including much of the area around Springdale too.

Please do not insult mouth breathers. I am one, and I may not be particularly intelligent, I like to think that has more to do with other lifestyle factors than the fact that I just never really learned to breath through my nose, which is clogged half the year anyway.

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Did she say why and could you share?

Sure. She just doesn't think the Duggars have ever been that big of a deal in greater Fayetteville/Bentonville/Springdale areas outside their own circles, which are pretty small. There is a lot of derision and embarrassment about them, especially among people who have wanted to push Bentonville area as a tasteful tourist destination with the Crystal Bridges museum and a few other attractions that have gone in. She didn't know until I told her though, that the cop Boob used to scare Josh straight was from Bella Vista - she has a house there on the lake and she was pretty horrified. She didn't have the house then, so she didn't know a child pornographer was so close! She does think some politicians are corrupt around there (don't get her started on the school superintendent in Bentonville) but no more than anywhere else and certainly not for the Duggars.

You have to remember that area is home to a lot of educated, non crazy religious people. My mom and her husband are socialist agnostics. There are a huge number of Walmart and Tyson and trucking executives and management big and small, tons of people in for the ancillary businesses around Walmart that are nothing like the Duggars - most of Walmart's biggest suppliers have offices there like Rubbermaid (my mom was always getting job offers from them). Tons of celebrated folk actually visit the WM home office to promote whatever project/partnership they have going on. My mom got to meet Norma Kamali, Steve Madden, Harrison Ford, Jerry Seinfeld, just a ton of famous people. When the Duggars would come by to promote a book or something it was a universal groan fest.

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