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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Is it bad that I chuckled at that comparison? I mean this situation is terrible, don't get me wrong, but I just had an image of J'chelle screaming out " My precious! " in bed.

I don't knowing I should laugh or scream in terror or cry at that image.

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Is it bad that I chuckled at that comparison? I mean this situation is terrible, don't get me wrong, but I just had an image of J'chelle screaming out " My precious! " in bed.

Ow. I just snorted milk out of my nose.

Seriously though, if you don't laugh, you cry.

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I read an interesting comment on People that while they might have a spinoff of Jessa and Jill, we all know who/what the white elephant in the room would be - it would be hard for the viewer to get past that.

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Re: the duggar girls spinoff

No I think it would be a horrible thing - and that's coming from ME

These girls would never tell the truth -

instead we would get episodes of Jessa taking cooking lessons, or Jill burping IDDY - the show is over and I think JD sleazeball will get paid out and hopefully run away in a cave

I say let them live their lives

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I'm a social worker and I'm still confused. Maybe because he wasn't officially charged? But even then, CPS can order things the the police can not. I'd think they'd air on the side of caution. I know I've dealt with cases (much younger children) who perp on each other and those kids are usually separated or in intensive therapy with fail safes in the home (door alarms, rules about not being alone, etc)

I work in the criminal justice system, and while I don't know the specifics for Arkansas, in my state when no criminal charges are filed and a referral is made to DHS there would be know way to know what steps were taken as far monitoring and in home fail safes etc. The fact that Josh filed some sort of suit (appeal) in 2007 indicates to me that some steps were taken and he/Jim bob disagreed with DHS findings.

Also, if no other issues were found in the home, wouldn't monitoring stop if/when the perp was no longer in residence?

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I don't understand this 'examine your own life before you judge Josh' line of reasoning. Are they really suggesting that most of us have done something even approaching the level of molesting underage siblings, or covering up for someone who did? I mean what the hell?

I don't get it either. Seriously they think they are so righteous that if one of them does this then the rest of us must have done far worse.

As I say I will stack my heathen atheist life and morals against any of theirs and chances are that even without jesus being all up in me I will still compare more favorably.

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Thank you all for sharing! I found this interesting from an educational perspective (but it is still bristling to hear it). Is it more that people don't understand chemically or within the brain what is different/triggering this preference?

I don't think anyone knows for sure what causes it. However most people assume that some sort of sexual abuse has occurred in most perpetrators. I the statistic I was told was that most victims of sexual abuse will not become perpetrators but the majority of perpetrators have experienced sexual abuse. Again, I just think there is so much stigma around this topic and difficulty doing any sort of research on child sex offenders that we really just don't know why someone chooses this.

I should say that there is a type of OCD where someone believes they might be a pedophile and basically avoids all children (including their own) because this is so horrifying to them. This is extremely different than someone who is aroused or seeks out sexually suggestive images/experiences involving children. This is a good chance to educate about this type of OCD since these people often do not seek help because they are so horrified at the thought of it and too embarrassed to tell anyone. There is very good treatment for people who are having these types of intrusive thoughts and have never been sexually stimulated by images or thoughts of minors. However very careful assessment has to be done to determine that this is actually the case.

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Long time lurker here...

I was searching the joshduggar hashtag on IG and I came across a picture of someone saying she sent the story(about Josh) to inTouch. Her IG username is happy_lil_tantan


She's apparently the same person who kissed her wife in front of the Duggar's house(Those pictures are on her IG too). I'm only mentioning that because it went semi-viral after she shared them.

I'm still hoping some politician leaked it... But that's probably because I watch too much Scandal. :)

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Possible...from the sounds of it he's going to aggressively attempt to white wash his history and be all about the working class. He might just try to spin this to his advantage (using it to sling mud at Huckabee, etc)...the guy is a total slimeball, I wouldn't put anything past him.

I could see Santorum needing to vet all possible problems but I don't see a benefit of him outing Josh like this. That would be better to manage quietly and try to sweep it under the rug.

I agree that its entirely possible this is a tactic to embarrass or eliminate some repub candidates from the primary competition. Is Karl Rove working on Jeb Bush's campaign because I would not put that past him. :snooty:

I also find the timing interesting. Not sure if this was complete coincidence but one of Josh's last tweets before the scandal was a picture with Scott Walker, another possible republican contender. And I believe Josh was attending some Republican bigwig event the Tuesday before the scandal broke since I think I saw a picture of him with Marco Rubio too but can't remember for sure.

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Re: the duggar girls spinoff

No I think it would be a horrible thing - and that's coming from ME

These girls would never tell the truth -

instead we would get episodes of Jessa taking cooking lessons, or Jill burping IDDY - the show is over and I think JD sleazeball will get paid out and hopefully run away in a cave

I say let them live their lives

How would you feel about specials covering pregnancy, moving and courtships? I wouldn't mind that. I feel there would be less of an obligation to be fake since they aren't that often and focusing on a certain event

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Don Lemon had a HUGE segment on CNN about the Duggars with Erin Merryn with Erin's Law and Dr. Drew. And boy, did Dr. Drew ever get heated. It was quite something to watch.

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Hasn't Josh been photographed with almost every prominent Conservative running (or thinking of running) for President? I really don't think there was a political motivation behind any of this, mostly because I don't think there was a leak to begin with. But let's say there was...Santorum wouldn't do this, because he's been way too close to the family for years and knows it could backfire spectacularly on him. Bush wouldn't, because he knows that as influential as evangelicals are, the likes of Huckabee and Santorum don't stand a chance in hell of winning-they're no threat to him. And as a big a deal as this scandal is, I don't think it's of the politically ruinous variety outside of small, local politics. The Duggars are a reality tv show family and while politically active, none of them hold major positions.

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I wonder what sort of morality clause TLC/Discover had with the Duggars....and what, if anything, Jim-Boob had his lawyers negotiate knowing what he knew about Josh. That could be why TLC isn't saying that they're canceling yet.... and are fielding spin-offs. Perhaps Josh, Anna, and the Ms are all under a separate contract since Josh's marriage (as would be the other married couples)? So Josh's indiscretion does not cancel Jim-Boob's arrangement with TLC. If they'll have to pay him anyways, they may as well film as long as they can get sponsors.

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Don Lemon had a HUGE segment on CNN about the Duggars with Erin Merryn with Erin's Law and Dr. Drew. And boy, did Dr. Drew ever get heated. It was quite something to watch.

And now he's got a panel discussion going about ATI and their lack of sex education.

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I've got a lot of stuff to respond to so I thought it would save space if I just put it all in one post.

1) :angry-banghead: I get so frustrated when people say "Well they could just leave." We all agree that it's a cult and that they've been brainwashed. You don't just walk away from that. Plus if they walked they would be cut off from their family. The only one who has had any chance of being out in the real world is Josh. I wouldn't put it past JB and Michelle to be telling them all this came out because Josh had gotten too wordly.

2. The 2007 case would have shown up in a case search because I found it back when we were looking at documents over Josh's taxes. But didn't think anything of it. I can't even if I even posted it. I'm was more interested in Grandma Mary sueing Grandpa.

3. Spin Off - If it was only the older kids minus Josh of course, no parents, no littles, and if the kids truly wanted to do it. The kids would also have to be able to speak freely without fear of repercussions. I don't think we've ever heard what those kids really think. They've been fear mongered into spouting the party line that they don't step off of it. If the kids were really in control it might be totally different. They would have to cover the scandal of course but not a lot. Show me how Jessa and Ben are going to make it on their own. Ben pounding the pavement, Jessa looking at what she can do until the baby is born and then going on to cosmetology school.

I'm sure there was more I wanted to cover but my head is killing me, must be more storms coming in.

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Hasn't Josh been photographed with almost every prominent Conservative running (or thinking of running) for President? I really don't think there was a political motivation behind any of this, mostly because I don't think there was a leak to begin with. But let's say there was...Santorum wouldn't do this, because he's been way too close to the family for years and knows it could backfire spectacularly on him. Bush wouldn't, because he knows that as influential as evangelicals are, the likes of Huckabee and Santorum don't stand a chance in hell of winning-they're no threat to him. And as a big a deal as this scandal is, I don't think it's of the politically ruinous variety outside of small, local politics. The Duggars are a reality tv show family and while politically active, none of them hold major positions.

Its probably coincidence. But I also watch too much Scandal!!! Keep in mind thought that evangelicals are really prominent voting blocks in the primary so that the party often has to swing way to the right early on and then move back to the center which is damaging. Also, the more candidates in the race at this moment means more money spread out amongst candidates instead of asking donors to focus their donations on the front runners campaign. I would not put it past politicians to use this sort of scandal and I do love a good conspiracy but I also am on the fence about this.

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Don Lemon had a HUGE segment on CNN about the Duggars with Erin Merryn with Erin's Law and Dr. Drew. And boy, did Dr. Drew ever get heated. It was quite something to watch.

The interview with Dr. Drew was positively excellent! I hope CNN posts it on their website.

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And now he's got a panel discussion going about ATI and their lack of sex education.

Yep, they really discussed Bill Gothard and ATI on that panel.

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Yep, they really discussed Bill Gothard and ATI on that panel.

Good! It needs to be said. I hope casual viewers are learning how twisted, cult-ish and unhealthy ATI really is. Please CNN, put the interview online. :pray:

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I just can't imagine how boring a show with just Jessa and Jill and their husbands would be. As it stand currently, with so many people the effect of everyone's idiosyncrasies is diluted a bit. But a whole series about just those two couples? Ben and Derrick are so awkward and stilted on camera. Jessa vacillates between looking annoyed at the stupid ass questions the producers ask and trying to pretend that she's as sweet and schmoompy in love as her beliefs say she's supposed to be (I think she loves that turd, but schmoompy she's not). Jill is the only one who looks natural and unaffected on camera, because she genuinely loves being a perky cheerleader for Christ. Imagine having THAT on screen constantly...there's nothing interesting to her personality that she let's out in public, her persona is a happy control freak who smiles big but says nothing funny or interesting.

If such a show were ever made, the rating would tank a few episodes in, once people realized that it's really just Jessa/Ben and Jill/Derrick were all they were ever going to see.

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The interview with Dr. Drew was positively excellent! I hope CNN posts it on their website.

Me too! I want to see the whole thing, I just saw a short clip. I thought Dr. Drew's head was going to explode with frustration and anger.

I also sort of want to invite him to this site...

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I keep wondering (and maybe this deserves its own thread) but what do you think JimBob and Josh thought the response to the confessions would be?

I don't have good reasons for suggesting this but I'm wondering if this is a whole lot bigger than he thought it would be. Maybe because of the super vanilla interview and his lack of hiring PR people ahead of time.

I wonder if TLC was caught off guard as well.

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