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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Good! It needs to be said. I hope casual viewers are learning how twisted, cult-ish and unhealthy ATI really is. Please CNN, put the interview online. :pray:

They didn't really go into as much detail as I'd hoped about the ATI cult, time constraints, I suppose. But at least it's being talked about now out in mainstream media.

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I keep wondering (and maybe this deserves its own thread) but what do you think JimBob and Josh thought the response to the confessions would be?

I don't have good reasons for suggesting this but I'm wondering if this is a whole lot bigger than he thought it would be. Maybe because of the super vanilla interview and his lack of hiring PR people ahead of time.

I wonder if TLC was caught off guard as well.

I think they're shocked at the response. They probably expected this to blow up online--the fact that it's getting so much coverage on tv, with more and more commentary every day--was probably completely unexpected. And now people outside "hate sites" are spreading the word on Gothard and ATI. My heart grows three sizes imagining their dismay..."But, it was supposed to have died down by now! Why is it getting worse?!""

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I wonder what sort of morality clause TLC/Discover had with the Duggars....and what, if anything, Jim-Boob had his lawyers negotiate knowing what he knew about Josh. That could be why TLC isn't saying that they're canceling yet.... and are fielding spin-offs. Perhaps Josh, Anna, and the Ms are all under a separate contract since Josh's marriage (as would be the other married couples)? So Josh's indiscretion does not cancel Jim-Boob's arrangement with TLC. If they'll have to pay him anyways, they may as well film as long as they can get sponsors.

I would think that any morals clause would cancel the contract if anything was undisclosed which would fall on boob since he would have been responsible for the disclosure originally. It should include anything that could be seen as inappropriate including taking it to a trooper who is a friend and not to the regular channels. The bar would be much lower than it would be for them to sue the Duggars.

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I keep wondering (and maybe this deserves its own thread) but what do you think JimBob and Josh thought the response to the confessions would be?

I don't have good reasons for suggesting this but I'm wondering if this is a whole lot bigger than he thought it would be. Maybe because of the super vanilla interview and his lack of hiring PR people ahead of time.

I wonder if TLC was caught off guard as well.

There's no doubt they had no idea the story would take off like a wildfire in August with no rain in sight.

I'm convinced they don't see this the way normal people do. So he diddled some girls, most of whom were his sisters. Big deal. He was a boy and the girls made it impossible for him to control himself. Recall what Michelle said in the final (ever?) 19 Kids episode about females being responsible for male sexual behavior. And Josh asked Jesus for forgiveness, forgiveness granted, move on.

Maybe the biggest thing they don't get is that most people absolutely despise hypocrites.

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Long time lurker here...

I was searching the joshduggar hashtag on IG and I came across a picture of someone saying she sent the story(about Josh) to inTouch. Her IG username is happy_lil_tantan


She's apparently the same person who kissed her wife in front of the Duggar's house(Those pictures are on her IG too). I'm only mentioning that because it went semi-viral after she shared them.

I'm still hoping some politician leaked it... But that's probably because I watch too much Scandal. :)

If you follow this to her Facebook account, it mentions the molestation (and her cause) before the news leaked out, so it looks legit.

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I think they're shocked at the response. They probably expected this to blow up online--the fact that it's getting so much coverage on tv, with more and more commentary every day--was probably completely unexpected. And now people outside "hate sites" are spreading the word on Gothard and ATI. My heart grows three sizes imagining their dismay..."But, it was supposed to have died down by now! Why is it getting worse?!""

From fundie royalty to bringing the movement down, crashing and burning.

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If you follow this to her Facebook account, it mentions the molestation (and her cause) before the news leaked out, so it looks legit.

How utterly fitting and ironic would it be if this all came out because of Michelle's hateful robocall......

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:angry-banghead: I get so frustrated when people say "Well they could just leave." We all agree that it's a cult and that they've been brainwashed. You don't just walk away from that. Plus if they walked they would be cut off from their family. The only one who has had any chance of being out in the real world is Josh. I wouldn't put it past JB and Michelle to be telling them all this came out because Josh had gotten too wordly.

Oh please. On a website called Free Jinger you say that? Just because you are born to a crap family doesn't mean you can't leave and thrive. No chance in the real world? This board is full of people who have walked away in worse circumstances. I believe breaking duggar is going to happen, with or without cameras. With 19 kids, someone is not buying what they are selling, but it might be years away.

Breaking Duggar would be excellent TV. Explaining fundie beliefs in talking head segments is something these kids have done for years. Most fundie kids don't even have the worldly knowledge to know that these things are different from everyone else. It's only one step more to add the other half of why that's dumb or you don't do that anymore.

I'm rooting for the Duggar kids. I believe some of the Duggar kids will make it on their own, like ex-fundie kids do every day.

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Re: Dan's comment:

I can't imagine forgiving somebody that preaches how holy they are, and has molesting 5 underage girls in his teens as a past "mistake". Then, he doesn't even acknowledge that it isn't about him screwing up his life, but rather that the others around him were hurt more by his actions. Maybe the incest joke was or wasn't a direct joke related to his crimes, but there's also that iffy video of his sister eating a banana on FB :? Totally inappropriate IMO!

The fact of the matter is he never paid for his crime, so even if he has his God's forgiveness, he still has not paid his debt to society and probably never will. That is what upsets most people. That him and his parents skirted the law (because of politics and "God") is just as unforgivable in my book.

So... Nope, sorry Dan, I don't know anybody THAT bad. From experience, I would never forgive or speak to a person like that again. I can't even do that for a few acquaintances I've known through other friends that have committed pretty bad crimes.

Even so, it seems like Dan will still have plenty of people that blindly agree with him. Forget Kim K; Josh Duggar truly broke the internet into one group of the disillusioned and one group of fanatical forgivers.

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From fundie royalty to bringing the movement down, crashing and burning.

And there's the silver lining in all of this. If it brings the whole movement down at least some good came out of it. Frankly, I'm pissed that those whack-a-doodles are the face of my faith.

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The interview with Dr. Drew was positively excellent! I hope CNN posts it on their website.

dang me too I missed it, he is a bulldog when he sees something going wrong! This could get interesting. :popcorn2:

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They didn't really go into as much detail as I'd hoped about the ATI cult, time constraints, I suppose. But at least it's being talked about now out in mainstream media.

Yeah, I wish they would've spent just a little more time detailing why Bill Gothard had to step down because of sexual abuse allegations, but I will be satisfied for what I got. Dr. Drew had me at the steam coming from his ears.

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The post that explains who leaked and why.... (allegedly... I can't confirm)


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I've got a lot of stuff to respond to so I thought it would save space if I just put it all in one post.

1) :angry-banghead: I get so frustrated when people say "Well they could just leave." We all agree that it's a cult and that they've been brainwashed. You don't just walk away from that. Plus if they walked they would be cut off from their family. The only one who has had any chance of being out in the real world is Josh. I wouldn't put it past JB and Michelle to be telling them all this came out because Josh had gotten too wordly.

2. The 2007 case would have shown up in a case search because I found it back when we were looking at documents over Josh's taxes. But didn't think anything of it. I can't even if I even posted it. I'm was more interested in Grandma Mary sueing Grandpa.

3. Spin Off - If it was only the older kids minus Josh of course, no parents, no littles, and if the kids truly wanted to do it. The kids would also have to be able to speak freely without fear of repercussions. I don't think we've ever heard what those kids really think. They've been fear mongered into spouting the party line that they don't step off of it. If the kids were really in control it might be totally different. They would have to cover the scandal of course but not a lot. Show me how Jessa and Ben are going to make it on their own. Ben pounding the pavement, Jessa looking at what she can do until the baby is born and then going on to cosmetology school.

I'm sure there was more I wanted to cover but my head is killing me, must be more storms coming in.

#3 cannot happen because of #1. They are brainwashed and have no independent opinions are thoughts. They are not individuals. They are the Duggar 19 and counting. Without their parents telling them what to think and say, they are nothing. This is what happens when you so limit and control your children; treat 5 yos the same as 25 yos.

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The post that explains who leaked and why.... (allegedly... I can't confirm)

Hmmm... two things jump out at me about this.

1. This was posted on the 21st. The Police Report was posted on the 21st. It's possible this FB post was first - however, it says this is an "edited" post. That means that what we see has been changed from when it was originally posted. She could have added the bit in about Josh after the news broke - we'd need to see the timestamp. If you go to the actual post and click the "edited" button, you should be able to see what was originally posted.

2. IF she did leak the news, How did she get that info? Again, we've speculated on this for year and have some supersluthes on this board who have done a lot of digging and couldn't get anything. How did she A. get the right information and B. convince In Touch that it wasn't just a rumor?

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And there's the silver lining in all of this. If it brings the whole movement down at least some good came out of it. Frankly, I'm pissed that those whack-a-doodles are the face of my faith.

Must suck to have such immoral whack-a-doodles be the face of your religion. Whereas I have to put up with people condemning me for my religion. And people like them running around being all, "I am facing religious persecution because you won't let me force my religion on you and discriminate against people!" Yeah, that's not religious persecution. :angry-banghead: :exploding-head:

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How would you feel about specials covering pregnancy, moving and courtships? I wouldn't mind that. I feel there would be less of an obligation to be fake since they aren't that often and focusing on a certain event

Before the news about the abuse broke out, maybe. But I think all anyone will see is "the girls who were victims."

No, I think the girls main need at this time is privacy.

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The post that explains who leaked and why.... (allegedly... I can't confirm)

I don't see any evidence that this chick is even implying that she leaked the news. Yes, it was on or around the time that the news broke, but as another poster rightly pointed out, the post has been edited.

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How utterly fitting and ironic would it be if this all came out because of Michelle's hateful robocall......

The poster, Happy_lil_tantin, references her family, she posts;"I being from a different orientation and knowing about Josh Duggars child molesting past in my family's community." (Source:http://m.imgur.com/QjT4Pwy)

Hmmm, does that mean she was part of ATI/fundie family? Can any former members confirm this?

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How would you feel about specials covering pregnancy, moving and courtships? I wouldn't mind that. I feel there would be less of an obligation to be fake since they aren't that often and focusing on a certain event

honestly - i am thisclose to deleting all my pvr episodes and again this is coming from me and if you ask me do I miss Jessa and Ben and analyzing their posts - I do -- will i ever be happy to see them post again - sure - but it's now at a different cost and not one i really want to see

yes the girls have clearly moved on from when it happened - but they will never ever tell the truth and that is the bottom line for me at least - it's like that episode from the cosby show when vanessa introduced her finance to the family - watch that episode and you get it

so I say let them live their lives away from the camera - it's over the duggar years are dead and buried in a box with jubilee

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Hmmm... two things jump out at me about this.

1. This was posted on the 21st. The Police Report was posted on the 21st. It's possible this FB post was first - however, it says this is an "edited" post. That means that what we see has been changed from when it was originally posted. She could have added the bit in about Josh after the news broke - we'd need to see the timestamp. If you go to the actual post and click the "edited" button, you should be able to see what was originally posted.

2. IF she did leak the news, How did she get that info? Again, we've speculated on this for year and have some supersluthes on this board who have done a lot of digging and couldn't get anything. How did she A. get the right information and B. convince In Touch that it wasn't just a rumor?

The Duggar bit is in there during the first edit. It looks like March 21st, 8:17pm was the first post. However, her instagram has Duggar protesting things on there for weeks before that... there's even a news articles about it.

She claims that her family's circle knew about the Duggar molestations. That seems to be something a lot of people quietly know in those circles. The only reason she came out with it now is because the robo-calls offended her. She also says it took awhile for someone to pick up the story.

No idea if any of this is true, of course.

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The poster, Happy_lil_tantin, references her family, she posts;"I being from a different orientation and knowing about Josh Duggars child molesting past in my family's community." (Source:http://m.imgur.com/QjT4Pwy)

Hmmm, does that mean she was part of ATI/fundie family? Can any former members confirm this?

Her sister went to high school with Michelle Duggar:

http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2015/ ... n=facebook

The sister (Sherrl McFerrin Townsend) currently lives in Springfield, Arkansas.

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Re: Dan's comment:

I can't imagine forgiving somebody that preaches how holy they are, and has molesting 5 underage girls in his teens as a past "mistake". Then, he doesn't even acknowledge that it isn't about him screwing up his life, but rather that the others around him were hurt more by his actions. Maybe the incest joke was or wasn't a direct joke related to his crimes, but there's also that iffy video of his sister eating a banana on FB :? Totally inappropriate IMO!

The fact of the matter is he never paid for his crime, so even if he has his God's forgiveness, he still has not paid his debt to society and probably never will. That is what upsets most people. That him and his parents skirted the law (because of politics and "God") is just as unforgivable in my book.

So... Nope, sorry Dan, I don't know anybody THAT bad. From experience, I would never forgive or speak to a person like that again. I can't even do that for a few acquaintances I've known through other friends that have committed pretty bad crimes.

Even so, it seems like Dan will still have plenty of people that blindly agree with him. Forget Kim K; Josh Duggar truly broke the internet into one group of the disillusioned and one group of fanatical forgivers.

Sometimes a banana is just a banana. :wink-kitty:

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Sounds like Dan is supporting Josh:


And if her "like" means anything, so is Cathy:


Arrrrrrrrrgh! :angry-banghead: That's it! I despair of this family! :pull-hair: I'm done justifying, rationalizing, and holding out hope for some token member to turn out to be a halfway intelligent, morally decent, non-brainwashed person. DONE. I don't wanna free 'em. Let the leghumpers keep 'em! Maybe a policy of containment would be better anyway, heh.

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Sometimes a banana is just a banana. :wink-kitty:

Yes, I know XD :D It's still a very weird video

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