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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Giving up my lurker status because I finally have something to add to the conversation :dance:

If you look further back on her insta, you can see Melissa (supposedly the reporter from In Touch) reach out to her for Duggar dirt 4 weeks ago:


And then according to her, she and Melissa worked together to get the evidence (I think this part was already posted):


In recent posts she thanks both In Touch and Melissa for the help in getting the story out. If this is in fact where it started from, kudos to both of them! I reeeeally want to believe that this all came about because of Michelle's idiotic robo calls.

Way to make an entrance! This is pretty interesting, the plot thickens. By the way, welcome to FJ and thank you for sharing this! :D

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Wow. All I can say is wow. Talk about you reap what you sow.

/also, hell hath no fury like a lesbian woman scorned. :D

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Wow. All I can say is wow. Talk about you reap what you sow.

/also, hell hath no fury like a lesbian woman scorned. :D

I'm still amazed how the Duggars could be so reckless to bash gay and trans people all the time, and even accuse them of being out to molest children, when they themselves had such skeletons in the closet. Maybe they thought that they could just get away with it, since it was the LGBTQ population, who is still considered to be an accepting punching bag by many people.

(Remember when this stupid woman sued all gay people: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=25907&start=20 She actually left her whole address and name on the court documents, assuming that no gay people would go out and take revenge)

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Long time lurker here...

I was searching the joshduggar hashtag on IG and I came across a picture of someone saying she sent the story(about Josh) to inTouch. Her IG username is happy_lil_tantan


She's apparently the same person who kissed her wife in front of the Duggar's house(Those pictures are on her IG too). I'm only mentioning that because it went semi-viral after she shared them.

I'm still hoping some politician leaked it... But that's probably because I watch too much Scandal. :)

Great catch. (From page 17 of this thread)

Giving up my lurker status because I finally have something to add to the conversation :dance:

If you look further back on her insta, you can see Melissa (supposedly the reporter from In Touch) reach out to her for Duggar dirt 4 weeks ago:


And then according to her, she and Melissa worked together to get the evidence (I think this part was already posted):


In recent posts she thanks both In Touch and Melissa for the help in getting the story out. If this is in fact where it started from, kudos to both of them! I reeeeally want to believe that this all came about because of Michelle's idiotic robo calls.

AND nice further digging.

So...basically somebody from their own locale who did not take well to the hateful parts of Duggar religion.

Very fitting really. Funny how we are all supposed to demonstrate tolerance, understanding and forgiveness of Josh Duggar who has admitted to sexual deviancy whilst they accuse innocent individuals by means of their sexuality, of deviancy.......they do not actually possess.

The ignorance and arrogance of these people and their supporters.

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The post that explains who leaked and why.... (allegedly... I can't confirm)

Wonder how she knew?

ETA: What I mean to say is I wonder how the community around them knew - she implies it was an open secret. This is basically what I meant about what my mom (who lives near the Duggars physically but in a different world) states about how ordinary people in NWA don't like the Duggars and that Boob is not some sort of politcal krakan who can hide the truth. Frankly, if he was, those police reports and CPS intervention would have never happened and there would have never been a record.

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I don't understand this 'examine your own life before you judge Josh' line of reasoning. Are they really suggesting that most of us have done something even approaching the level of molesting underage siblings, or covering up for someone who did? I mean what the hell?

Wait, you mean you haven't? But you're worldly. And worldly people are infested with the spirit of the devil. You have to be worse than godly people! Otherwise, what's the point of being part of a cult?

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Wait, you mean you haven't? But you're worldly. And worldly people are infested with the spirit of the devil. You have to be worse than godly people! Otherwise, what's the point of being part of a cult?

The free doughnuts and coffee at the end of the meetings.

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It is way more likely than not that TLC will cancel "19 Kids and Counting" ... this according to sources connected with the network.

As it was put to us, "If you're betting, you'd be wise to put money on the show getting cancelled." TLC honchos feel betrayed that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar did not disclose the fact that Josh had confessed to molesting 5 young girls, some of whom were his sisters.

The other reality is that advertisers are bailing left and right.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/28/19-kids-a ... z3bR1lYr6T

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long time lurker first time poster..

I also have lost all respect for the girls - the fact that they are living with, and condoning their brothers actions, now that they are adults/parents of their own - leads me to believe that they would do the same thing, with their own children - that their parents did. And clearly their husbands are also supporting the family - so I will not be watching a tv show spin off of any of the girls - unless they moved out, and away on their own.

I agree. This could have been different if they would have spoken out. To me the silence of the older girls shows me something. They are still into the belief system.

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Forgiveness from fundies (his target market) and condemnation from the world. Pretty much exactly what's happened except that I think he overestimated the forgiveness somewhat. Plenty of mainstream conservative Christians are pretty damn disgusted.

Maybe I'm the exception with this train of thought, but I think the support of Josh from his own religious beliefs was more about trying to save face for the Patriarchial movement, than actual support of Duggar. I may be wrong, but that's how see it. I think that there was a circling of the troops kind of thing happening. In those type of small communities that's whatI believe happens, maybe because of peer pressure or just the beliefs in general.

I also think that this whole "Josh asked for forgiveness" thing is very nieve on their part. First Josh had to ask for their forgiveness, his parents made him do it just like the parents made the victims say they had forgiven him. Did he really want their forgiveness or feel he needed it? I don't know. And repenting to God is a personal thing. Of course he said he repented. What else could he have said?

I am not taking anything for granted. Real repentence requires real shame and real desire.

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The Ms. Foundation is calling upon TLC to partner with child sexual abuse prevention advocates to launch a public education campaign on the same scale as the network's relentless marketing of the Duggar family. Regardless of whether the network cancels the Duggars' show or not, TLC can and must help empower every person who knows of or suspects child sexual abuse to take action.

We hope that TLC will use the same platform it gave to the Duggars to help protect children.

- Teresa C. Younger is the president and CEO of the Ms. Foundation for Women.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2 ... /27990345/

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Long time lurker here...

I was searching the joshduggar hashtag on IG and I came across a picture of someone saying she sent the story(about Josh) to inTouch. Her IG username is happy_lil_tantan


She's apparently the same person who kissed her wife in front of the Duggar's house(Those pictures are on her IG too). I'm only mentioning that because it went semi-viral after she shared them.

I'm still hoping some politician leaked it... But that's probably because I watch too much Scandal. :)

I don't know if I would believe this. This seems like she's claiming she did it for the fame. I could be wrong, but it's too convenient. I mean, has anyone on here been approached by In Touch and asked why we don't like the Duggars? I feel like, if they are going to ask those questions, they're going to start somewhere like here, not on Instagram.

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Wow. All I can say is wow. Talk about you reap what you sow.

/also, hell hath no fury like a lesbian woman scorned. :D

So, if this our whistleblower, she wanted to get the story out because she was justifiably pissed at the Duggars' hypocrisy. And we know that others (Alice and concernedmom, to name two), have been attempting to bring the story to light for years. It seems apparent, though, that others in their community also had at least some knowledge, but most of them have remained mum.

So, my question is, if you had the same information, would you have revealed it to the media? Did she consider the ramifications for the girls? I also wonder to what extent she knew about their Gothard/ATI connections, or whether this was just based on being angry about Michelle's robocalls. Did she want the media to dig into the whole cultish lifestyle as they are now doing? I hope we hear more from her and get her take on the aftermath.

And, yes, if it turns out that the robocalls are the reason for this, that is just the sweetest justice. And shouldn't this be a wake up call to the other racist, bigoted, self-righteous and dangerous fundies out there?

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I just want to address something about the Christian concept of God's forgiveness. The way my denomination teaches it, you cannot simply ask to be forgiven and viola, get forgiveness. You have to fulfill two other criteria 1. repentance, which means you have turned away from your previous behavior and chosen a different path. 2. Restitution to your victim, which of course includes apology but can also include monetary restitution. Only adter you have fulfilled these criteria can you ask for forgiveness, from both God and your victim. This American evangelical twisting of the doctrine of God's mercy is news to me as a Christian. I get to demand evidence of Josh Duggar's repentance and restitution before I make any decision on how I view him. So do his victims. Especially them. He doesn't get to slip by with a "God and I are cool". God's mercy is there, but it comes with prerequisites.

I apologize for this drawn out post on theology, but I am sick and tired of these evangelical carnival barkers misrepresenting basic tenets of the faith so they can literally get out of jail.

AreteJo, Thanks for this post. I self-identify as a Christian, and what you say here is how I have always been taught and reflects my current personal beliefs. I always heard teaching that repentance equals, as you say above, "turning around" and turning away from the wrong and taking a different path.

I also want to add to this theological discussion: In addition to everything above, it is also clear that even though one is forgiven, this does not mean that the natural consequences of the sin will not still be there. Natural consequences still occur; they are not eliminated by being forgiven. Additionally, while there are all kinds of sin that may be "equal" in that they fall under the definition "sin" - all sins are NOT equivalent in terms of consequences. Stealing the candy bar from your sibling's lunch box is a sin, and murdering someone is a sin, but only a fool would imply that the consequences of these two sins are the same.

Just to set the record straight, theology-wise...

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long time lurker first time poster..

I also have lost all respect for the girls - the fact that they are living with, and condoning their brothers actions, now that they are adults/parents of their own - leads me to believe that they would do the same thing, with their own children - that their parents did. And clearly their husbands are also supporting the family - so I will not be watching a tv show spin off of any of the girls - unless they moved out, and away on their own.

The only thing in this post that I agree with is that I will not watch any spin-off show.

Otherwise - victim blaming at its finest. And a total lack of understanding that it may take years to undo how they have been raised and taught.

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It is way more likely than not that TLC will cancel "19 Kids and Counting" ... this according to sources connected with the network.

As it was put to us, "If you're betting, you'd be wise to put money on the show getting cancelled." TLC honchos feel betrayed that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar did not disclose the fact that Josh had confessed to molesting 5 young girls, some of whom were his sisters.

The other reality is that advertisers are bailing left and right.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/28/19-kids-a ... z3bR1lYr6T

To me, that looks like TLC is backpedaling fast and trying to save themselves. I don't believe for a minute that they were surprised by the InTouch revelation. There's no way they just found out - the rumors have been around for years, and apparently plenty of people in NW AR were aware of the Duggar skeletons. As I've said before, if the anonymous witness contacted Harpo, I assume they also contacted TLC. The Duggars are fully responsible for their initial response to Josh's actions, but TLC is an equal partner when it comes to the years of hypocrisy on their show.

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The free doughnuts and coffee at the end of the meetings.

Now I want doughnuts and coffee. I blame you for this!

I agree. This could have been different if they would have spoken out. To me the silence of the older girls shows me something. They are still into the belief system.

I agree that it appears the young women are still part of the belief system. I disagree with foxesden1 though. Losing respect for them, in my own opinion, isn't really fair. They were raised more isolated from society than the vast majority of Americans were and were told from a very young age that the things they believe are the truth. Just because they had greater access to the outside world the past few years (thanks to TLC) doesn't mean they started to believe any differently. The vast majority of their time was still spent living under their parents' roof, being preached to about the same things. Personally, I would have been incredibly shocked if any of the young women spoke out against their parents or Josh.

As for the husbands, we can't know for sure why they haven't said anything. Its possible that they agree completely with the Duggar line of reasoning. Its also possible that they respect their wives enough to stay silent for their benefit. And its possible that they're staying quiet for now because they know they wouldn't be able to stay civil and they don't want to draw more bad attention to their family than necessary.

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Giving up my lurker status because I finally have something to add to the conversation :dance:

If you look further back on her insta, you can see Melissa (supposedly the reporter from In Touch) reach out to her for Duggar dirt 4 weeks ago:


And then according to her, she and Melissa worked together to get the evidence (I think this part was already posted):


In recent posts she thanks both In Touch and Melissa for the help in getting the story out. If this is in fact where it started from, kudos to both of them! I reeeeally want to believe that this all came about because of Michelle's idiotic robo calls.

Ok, which FJer is going to extend the most welcoming invitation to this gal? She would have a fun time here. :)

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I'm still amazed how the Duggars could be so reckless to bash gay and trans people all the time, and even accuse them of being out to molest children, when they themselves had such skeletons in the closet. Maybe they thought that they could just get away with it, since it was the LGBTQ population, who is still considered to be an accepting punching bag by many people.

(Remember when this stupid woman sued all gay people: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=25907&start=20 She actually left her whole address and name on the court documents, assuming that no gay people would go out and take revenge)

When my mom heard the news about Josh and the Duggars the first thing she said was "Didn't they read the part of the Bible about being sure your sins will find you out? Did they really think they could get away with this forever? What were they thinking going on a tv show knowing they were hiding a secret like this?"

I really think that they thought it would never come out so they didn't think twice about holding themselves up as this ideal family who was scared of the ebil trans child molesters all while hiding that their own son molested children.

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Wait so Michelle called this ladys house saying that a transgender person in her family is a child molester? Wtf

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I don't know if I would believe this. This seems like she's claiming she did it for the fame. I could be wrong, but it's too convenient. I mean, has anyone on here been approached by In Touch and asked why we don't like the Duggars? I feel like, if they are going to ask those questions, they're going to start somewhere like here, not on Instagram.

Last night one of our awesome new posters found the actual comment from the in touch reporter on her instagram. It's a few pages back. And we found that her sister commented about the molestation rumors back on may 13th, well before the article.

I can also say that after reading the sisters public Facebook page none of the locals seemed surprised at all about the molestation once it was reported.

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Last night one of our awesome new posters found the actual comment from the in touch reporter on her instagram. It's a few pages back. And we found that her sister commented about the molestation rumors back on may 13th, well before the article.

I can also say that after reading the sisters public Facebook page none of the locals seemed surprised at all about the molestation once it was reported.

I quoted the post just a couple posts before yours, too. All that stuff moved REALLY quick last night, it got buried quite quickly. Hope that helps! :)

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Wonder how she knew?

ETA: What I mean to say is I wonder how the community around them knew - she implies it was an open secret. This is basically what I meant about what my mom (who lives near the Duggars physically but in a different world) states about how ordinary people in NWA don't like the Duggars and that Boob is not some sort of politcal krakan who can hide the truth. Frankly, if he was, those police reports and CPS intervention would have never happened and there would have never been a record.

I don't believe in an elaborate cover up with JimBob being incredibly powerful. It was hidden for 3.5 years before someone went to the authorities. Even in normal molestations, this isn't abnormal. Sometimes, it takes a decade to come out. The only difference here is that AR has a backwards statute of limitations of 3 years. In my opinion, there's evidence to point that they were involved with family services. Authorities took as many actions as they could, under the law. In 2007, Josh sues them, likely to stop whatever actions had been placed by family services. This all just makes the most logical sense to me, without reaching for a mass conspiracy.

It probably started out as whispers amongst church members and family and slowly leaked to others involved in those circles. People can't keep secrets. Although I am sure that most aren't sure whether it's a rumour or proper secret.

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Last night one of our awesome new posters found the actual comment from the in touch reporter on her instagram. It's a few pages back. And we found that her sister commented about the molestation rumors back on may 13th, well before the article.

I can also say that after reading the sisters public Facebook page none of the locals seemed surprised at all about the molestation once it was reported.

Can you post a link to the FB account or give info so we can find it?

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