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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Obviously "duggary"(n.) and "duggar"(n.) got some new meanings according to a twitter discussion/new entry on urban dictionary.

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Now I want doughnuts and coffee. I blame you for this!

I agree that it appears the young women are still part of the belief system. I disagree with foxesden1 though. Losing respect for them, in my own opinion, isn't really fair. They were raised more isolated from society than the vast majority of Americans were and were told from a very young age that the things they believe are the truth. Just because they had greater access to the outside world the past few years (thanks to TLC) doesn't mean they started to believe any differently. The vast majority of their time was still spent living under their parents' roof, being preached to about the same things. Personally, I would have been incredibly shocked if any of the young women spoke out against their parents or Josh.

As for the husbands, we can't know for sure why they haven't said anything. Its possible that they agree completely with the Duggar line of reasoning. Its also possible that they respect their wives enough to stay silent for their benefit. And its possible that they're staying quiet for now because they know they wouldn't be able to stay civil and they don't want to draw more bad attention to their family than necessary.

However, the girls are still role models and I think that having that platform, many other girls in the same type of situation are watching what they do. For the girls to remain silent is just sending the wrong message. Remaining silent is a message in itself. What is fair and just has not happened, but the future can/could be different, that's my point.

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Last night one of our awesome new posters found the actual comment from the in touch reporter on her instagram. It's a few pages back. And we found that her sister commented about the molestation rumors back on may 13th, well before the article.

I can also say that after reading the sisters public Facebook page none of the locals seemed surprised at all about the molestation once it was reported.

That is what strikes me. It does bring a few questions to the fore.

1. Were they not surprised because they had witnessed odd behaviours or heard rumours such as the Duggar diciplne? Or just a a vague weird culty family in the neighbourhood vibe?

2. Would neighbours or locals be resentful of their fame, money and go looking? (obviously there was issues to be found.) Just how are they viewed in their hometown :think:

3. I'm not from the US so I don't really understand the police report or legal system. Would they be resentful how it just seemed to be ........left. The last part of the report basically says JB phoned and said he had a lawyer and would not bring Josh in for questioning (also weird two lawyers phoned to say they would not represent and wanted this noted.) It just appears to end there. Would locals feel and could it be possible that the Duggars just appeared to swerve this whole investigation?

Small towns appear to be the same all over the world, I come from one and just wonder how things are going down at the hairdresser's today :lol:

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Wait so Michelle called this ladys house saying that a transgender person in her family is a child molester? Wtf

I'm a long-time reader and recent new member. I live in Northwest AR (Fayetteville.) When this news came out, I was certain this all stemmed from the robocall Michelle Duggar made over her interjecting herself into Fayetteville politics. This coincided with greater coverage of the Duggars by People magazine. This is a college town full of young, pretty, interesting women, yet we all were having to look at Jill and Jessa on the cover of magazines at the grocery checkout as if they have done something noteworthy. They are not representative of our region, are not considered prominent citizens, are not involved in any of the large, successful companies, civic or social life, or with the University of Arkansas. Yet they are on the checkout stand and worse, on our phones, equating our friends and family with pedophiles. So, no, Michelle didn't tell one specific person that the transgender person in her family was a pedophile, she called and said it to all of us.

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It's a good lesson for all really. I left this page last night on page 14 or so, then this morning read from there. It was first mentioned on page 17. You know it took 4 or 5 pages before anybody picked it up again.

READ THE BLOODY THREAD FOLKS!!! BEFORE YOU POST! No wonder folks get annoyed.

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I'm a long-time reader and recent new member. I live in Northwest AR (Fayetteville.) When this news came out, I was certain this all stemmed from the robocall Michelle Duggar made over her interjecting herself into Fayetteville politics. This coincided with greater coverage of the Duggars by People magazine. This is a college town full of young, pretty, interesting women, yet we all were having to look at Jill and Jessa on the cover of magazines at the grocery checkout as if they have done something noteworthy. They are not representative of our region, are not considered prominent citizens, are not involved in any of the large, successful companies, civic or social life, or with the University of Arkansas. Yet they are on the checkout stand and worse, on our phones, equating our friends and family with pedophiles. So, no, Michelle didn't tell one specific person that the transgender person in her family was a pedophile, she called and said it to all of us.


That kind of answers my thoughts to some extent.

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I agree. This could have been different if they would have spoken out. To me the silence of the older girls shows me something. They are still into the belief system.

Here is my 2 cents on the children not shunning their cult/religion/upbringing. You all remember the Jim Carrey movie The Truman Show. Whenever I think about the kids, and wonder how I the world they can stay on such a situation, I think about how hard those parents have worked to program these kids in the ATI mindset. Remember back in the beginning, when they were all so young? It almost seemed like they were as fascinated with the 'outside world' as we were with their strange, super wholesome ways. We have no clue what the Boob and Michelle said to them to scare them deeper into fundieland. These are kids that had been taught to obey obey obey. I mean, blanket training. Hello? Being curious about the world outside their big blanket would not bring good results. Then Josh happened. Now, the parents knew right from wrong. The parents knew the laws. They chose to give their version of treatment to both Josh and girls (totally not defending. He is a sick individual and needs so much more than manual labor.) And look the other way. But then, as their show picks up, the older ones are more exposed to the outside world, and then you see the blocks tumble. Like in the Truman Show, everything they have known and taught to believe is either not true or a perverted version of the truth. On top of that, the girls are denied any tools to help them cope. Then they start courting with some more worldly people. Can you imagine the shock? Learning that your parents have been lying to them for all their lives! Wtf??

So now they have seen the outside world, but still have ties to Fundieland. And we have no way of knowing what kind of hold those kids are under. I am fairly certain they are in fear for their souls. Not in an abstract way that we might think. These people are literalists.

I say give the kids time. We might not like it, but you can't undo a life's worth of programming in a week or two. Or a month or two. And seeing as though intensive psychotherapy is warranted yet they will not likely get it, the best we can do is hope that the adult children will eventually come to terms with it all, and help the younger ones to cope.

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If I were the girls, I would not be speaking out. I don't understand why they would and I think it's cruel to expect them to. When you're molested, you already carry a heaviness with you through life. I'm not assuming they're broken and distraught still (I just don't know), but that feeling doesn't go away- even if you move on with a normal, happy life.

Well, now everyone knows their brother molested them. That's humiliating. For the rest of their lives people will see them as "The girls that were molested by their brother". People won't always say it, but it's in the back of their minds. Molestation isn't something you want to go public.

I don't think their silence has anything to do with religion. I would be absolutely mortified and grieved that the world knew something so private about me. I cannot even imagine.

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I would NEVER ask in front of the kids. NEVER! That is despicable. I wanted to slap the paparazzi for their ruthless pursuit of their cash cow story at the expense of innocent children. I know, I know. In the case of Josh, it's a "Touche!" of sorts. But in the case of three innocent children, it's just pathetic to approach him.

Really they only asked if he had a comment. What did Josh think when he went out into the public into the airport? He was holding a two year old for pete's sake. This is done every day to celebrities and now all of a sudden it's the worst thing ever?

I'm not trying to excuse the paparatsi, but it seems a little silly to me.

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Crisis response? I can't believe no one has called BRADRICK! yet...

OMG he's been underground so long I forgot about that. Where do I turn in my Free Jinger card? :embarrassed:

Actually, he may not qualify to handle the media circus, but I'll bet he could give the Duggars some advice on how to move on from this clusterfuck with a little dignity and an actual job.

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That is what strikes me. It does bring a few questions to the fore.

1. Were they not surprised because they had witnessed odd behaviours or heard rumours such as the Duggar diciplne? Or just a a vague weird culty family in the neighbourhood vibe?

2. Would neighbours or locals be resentful of their fame, money and go looking? (obviously there was issues to be found.) Just how are they viewed in their hometown :think:

3. I'm not from the US so I don't really understand the police report or legal system. Would they be resentful how it just seemed to be ........left. The last part of the report basically says JB phoned and said he had a lawyer and would not bring Josh in for questioning (also weird two lawyers phoned to say they would not represent and wanted this noted.) It just appears to end there. Would locals feel and could it be possible that the Duggars just appeared to swerve this whole investigation?

Small towns appear to be the same all over the world, I come from one and just wonder how things are going down at the hairdresser's today :lol:

2. Would neighbours or locals be resentful of their fame, money and go looking? (obviously there was issues to be found.) Just how are they viewed in their hometown :think:

I moved here six years ago for work. What I detected was widespread embarrasment over the Duggars being locals. The recruiter took great pains to let us know how unrepresentative they are of the area. I've lived all over the United States and this place was/is a huge surprise. It is much more progressive and sophisticated than you'd think, but also really laid back. And people love to have a good time here. We like it so much, we decided to stay. The Duggars are true outliers.

On another note, a big, beautiful liquor store just went up right near the TTH. It cracks me up that they have to pass it on the way to grocery and Hobby Lobby.

I hope this helps somewhat.

Oh, and yes, I have seen a few of the Duggars girls out and about. Just once. Jana is even prettier in person. Jessa is almost orange.

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The Bates' have made a comment:

"We are praying for our dear friends," the statement from Gil and Kelly Jo Bates read. "We respect their privacy and have no further comment at this time."


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Santorum on GMA this morning:

“I was sickened by it. I was just sickened by it.†“I pray for those girls in particular.†“To have gone through that is … just hard to think about.â€

http://abcnews.go.com/US/rick-santorum- ... d=31352646

Good for him for speaking out! But, at the same time, one has to wonder if he's doing it to save political face. Certainly, he has seen the backlash Huckabee has gotten for supporting the Duggars.

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The Bates' have made a comment:

"We are praying for our dear friends," the statement from Gil and Kelly Jo Bates read. "We respect their privacy and have no further comment at this time."


Smart move. Keeping it classy. are they really affiliated with TLC? Lol.

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I was raised in a liberal home by democrat/feminist parents. We were moderately dysfunctional, but nothing headline worthy. I did well in school, went to college and law school, had my share of boyfriends, spent 10 years married and had two daughters before getting divorced. Then I married for a second time. Never in a million trillion years did I EVER think I would end up in such a toxic, emotionally abusive relationship. It has taken me YEARS to work through all of this emotionally, to make peace and understand what happened, to move on. I cannot even begin to imagine what the Duggar girls face in terms of emotionally processing what happened to them. They have experienced betrayal far worse, by the people who are supposed to be their safe haven no matter what. They have experienced all of this in an environment where they are deliberately shielded from the tools that help people recover from abuse and where they have been told by most (if not all) authority figures that girls/women are to blame when these things happen. Have they forgiven Josh? I have no idea. Have they forgiven Josh from within an emotional framework where they truly understand what happened? I have no idea. Has Josh properly repented to his God? To his family? To his victims? I have no idea. But I do know that I am giving the victims (direct and indirect) of Josh's abuse a million miles of latitude to work through their issues on their own. They have an uphill battle. Up Mt. Everest. With no oxygen. And no sherpas. In a blizzard. I hope they will be given the help, support and tools to do that. Hopefully someday this horrible episode will become a teaching opportunity about the dangers of purity culture, just as Elizabeth Smart has used her own horrible kidnapping and rape to teach others.

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Smart move. Keeping it classy. are they really affiliated with TLC? Lol.

They were. Their show was cancelled. They have a new one on the UP Network. Gil is even more deeply involved with IBPL/ATI. I would love to see their show cancelled and the entire Gothard movement crash and burn. :twisted:

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Good for him for speaking out! But, at the same time, one has to wonder if he's doing it to save political face. Certainly, he has seen the backlash Huckabee has gotten for supporting the Duggars.

Catholics = wrong beliefs, right Smuggles? He's not as supportive as the rest of the right wing crew, BAD CATHOLIC! :stir-pot: :lol:

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Santorum on GMA this morning:

“I was sickened by it. I was just sickened by it.†“I pray for those girls in particular.†“To have gone through that is … just hard to think about.â€

http://abcnews.go.com/US/rick-santorum- ... d=31352646

Slick politics right there.

Bus. Under. Thrown.

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The Bates' have made a comment:

"We are praying for our dear friends," the statement from Gil and Kelly Jo Bates read. "We respect their privacy and have no further comment at this time."


I hope the rest of the Duggar family and friends learn from the Bates - this is how you publicly support someone without digging the hole deeper.

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But I do know that I am giving the victims (direct and indirect) of Josh's abuse a million miles of latitude to work through their issues on their own. They have an uphill battle. Up Mt. Everest. With no oxygen. And no sherpas. In a blizzard. I hope they will be given the help, support and tools to do that. Hopefully someday this horrible episode will become a teaching opportunity about the dangers of purity culture, just as Elizabeth Smart has used her own horrible kidnapping and rape to teach others.

Beautiful post. It eloquently states my own feelings, which I hadn't felt able to articulate yet. Thank you.

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Smart move. Keeping it classy. are they really affiliated with TLC? Lol.

That is actually the most appropriate response I've seen. Take note Mr. Seewald.

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