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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Slick politics right there.

Bus. Under. Thrown.

I don't know that it's "slick politics."

Sometimes, Christians-- even conservative ones!-- actually DO think that kids being molested is sickening and don't condone those behaviors...

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So we know for sure that Derick is an over zealous convert to Gothardism.....I didn't quite know that. Although I guess being married to Jill one could expect it. Is that written somewhere.....too bad, but I guess it makes sense. i can't imagine them with a bizillion kids.

No, that is not written somewhere , it is the opinion of the person who wrote the original post.

Personally, while I think Derick has taken on some of their beliefs, in no way would I consider him an over zealous convert to Gothardism at all. He took Jill to a Broadway play and still goes to his old college and to his buddies weddings and such.

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Good for him for speaking out! But, at the same time, one has to wonder if he's doing it to save political face. Certainly, he has seen the backlash Huckabee has gotten for supporting the Duggars.

No, he knows the Duggars won't support him (Catholic) over Huckabee. Further, Ben bashed Catholics so no love lost there now.

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Ok, which FJer is going to extend the most welcoming invitation to this gal? She would have a fun time here. :)

Karma. Sweet, sweet karma.

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Did anyone else catch the Throwback Thursday post that the Duggars shared on their Facebook page? Thought it was strange that it was their first post after the scandal broke. It was only up for a few minutes, so my guess is that it was a scheduled post.

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All of this happening makes me want to contact an old friend of mine. I'll try to make this short. I met the coolest girl ten years ago when we both had babies on the same day and happened to name our girls the exact same thing (old-fashioned, not common, not trendy name.) We became close even though she was somewhat religious and I am a non-believer and despite my being ten years older than her. Things changed when our daughters were two and she gave me the Pearl book "To Train up a Child." I was shocked at the book. I researched it and learned all about the Quiverfulls, Duggars, so on and so forth. I let my friend know I was extremely uncomfortable with the book and the ideas behind it. I was surprised she was so interested in this lifestyle. She was heavily tattooed, pierced, drank, and was quite intelligent, though uneducated. Slowly, she changed and the new lifestyle was about all she talked about. She quickly had baby after baby, started posting on Facebook constantly about being submissive, dressing modestly, and homeschooling. She dragged her husband along. Last year, her husband confessed on Facebook that he had lost his faith, but they were staying together even though he no longer agreed with his wife's views and beliefs and vice-versa. I can't help but wonder what she is thinking right now after these revelations about the Duggars, who she clearly admired and was emulating. Maybe this isn't the right place to share this, but this is the reason I've read FreeJinger over the years, not the Duggars. I've never even seen one show! I found y'all when I was trying to understand my friend. This must be affecting her. She's based an entire decade of her life on these fundie ideas.

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Santorum on GMA this morning:

“I was sickened by it. I was just sickened by it.†“I pray for those girls in particular.†“To have gone through that is … just hard to think about.â€

http://abcnews.go.com/US/rick-santorum- ... d=31352646

Good. Now I can stop ironically following him on my fundie-reaction-watch IG.

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Did anyone else catch the Throwback Thursday post that the Duggars shared on their Facebook page? Thought it was strange that it was their first post after the scandal broke. It was only up for a few minutes, so my guess is that it was a scheduled post.

The released police report was enough of a throwback for them.

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That is actually the most appropriate response I've seen. Take note Mr. Seewald.

They do have almost every 'wrong' response to have learned from though. It's quite late to weigh in and it to be anything very weighty to me. Just my opinion though.

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The only thing in this post that I agree with is that I will not watch any spin-off show.

Otherwise - victim blaming at its finest. And a total lack of understanding that it may take years to undo how they have been raised and taught.

In defense of the girls, what exactly where they supposed to do while living under JB's headship? Because speaking out or not acting like they 100% forgave Josh and were on board with the official family perspective likely got them a one way ticket to Journey to the Heart. Wasn't Jana gone for like a year?

Segue - MEDIA PICK THIS UP - PLEASE RESEARCH ALERT AND JOURNEY TO THE HEART. Because this is basically a "reeducation camp" as far as I'm concerned. And Alert is a christian military style training camp. Can you imagine if there was a Muslim military training camp in the US that people sent their kids too, had a ton of land and money ? There would be absolute outrage and talks of terrorism and protests to shut it down immediately. But its christian so its existed for decades and the public ignores it. I haven't been able to find too much info about what actually goes on there but would not be surprised if they are using techniques very similar to scientology.

But back to the girls. The ones under JB's headship literally have no means of speaking out. And I'm going to give the married girls the benefit of the doubt that its only been week since this scandal broke and are still processing everything. I actually think its positive that the husbands haven't said anything - they should not make a public statement until the girls are ready to address it, if they even want to address it. Also, there is probably EXTREME pressure for them not to speak out. Not just are their financial futures at stake but I'm sure their family would threaten to break ties and would risk breaking ties with the religious community. Could you imagine having to give up your entire social support system at a time like this? They are dealing with huge ramifications for voicing their mind and going along with whatever JB says but with enough time and distance from this recent whirlwind they may be able to publicly go against Josh.

Just encouraging people not to judge the girls too quickly in a time like this. It reminds me of cases of domestic abuse where people are all too quick to blame the victim for staying in an abusive situation without understanding the economic pressures, emotional ties, and potential fear of losing ones family and friends.

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Did anyone else catch the Throwback Thursday post that the Duggars shared on their Facebook page? Thought it was strange that it was their first post after the scandal broke. It was only up for a few minutes, so my guess is that it was a scheduled post.

I didn't catch it- can you tell us what it was? I wonder if someone else does the posts for the them?

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They do have almost every 'wrong' response to have learned from though. It's quite late to weigh in and it to be anything very weighty to me. Just my opinion though.

Agreed, this should be intuitive but I think I have to give these people credit for very small baby steps in the right direction. Because each time I think no one can possibly say something more ignorant, offensive or inappropriate about the situation, somehow a fundie manages to prove me spectacularly wrong.

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I didn't catch it- can you tell us what it was? I wonder if someone else does the posts for the them?

I can't remember what it said exactly. Kicking myself for not getting a screen-grab. But it was a Throwback pic of two of the daughters smiling in 1996, I think Jana and Jill? That's my best guess. It was posted right at 9am local time so that's what makes me think it was scheduled. It was on Duggar Family Official so I don't think someone else posts for them, doesn't Boob & J'chelle control that page?

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No, he knows the Duggars won't support him (Catholic) over Huckabee. Further, Ben bashed Catholics so no love lost there now.

They may not support him over Huckabee, but they did in the past when their preferred candidate didn't make the cut. Considering Huckabee coming out in support of them is most likely alienating a (hopefully) significant portion of voters, Santorum could very well be covering his ass. Not to mention, it would be deferring the Duggars from potentially throwing their support his way if/when Huckabee drops out of the race.

http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2012/ ... 9-reasons/

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Santorum on GMA this morning:

“I was sickened by it. I was just sickened by it.†“I pray for those girls in particular.†“To have gone through that is … just hard to think about.â€

http://abcnews.go.com/US/rick-santorum- ... d=31352646

First, and probably LAST time, that I will say I have ever agreed with Rick Santorum.

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In terms of the girls speaking out, I would not expect them to because they are still deeply entrenched in the Gothard belief system.

However, because of that connection, I could and would never support a show featuring any member who still supports and lives in that system. Moreso, if that person is a parent and exposing another generation to that system.

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I don't know that it's "slick politics."

Sometimes, Christians-- even conservative ones!-- actually DO think that kids being molested is sickening and don't condone those behaviors...

True. But he's a politician who basked in their approval..OHhhhh not so long ago. Who, now has just announced he is running for election. So paint me cynical 8-)

I think the Bates response is very clever. Praying for their dear friends.

Could mean just about anything. Smart. Vanilla.

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If I were the girls, I would not be speaking out. I don't understand why they would and I think it's cruel to expect them to. When you're molested, you already carry a heaviness with you through life. I'm not assuming they're broken and distraught still (I just don't know), but that feeling doesn't go away- even if you move on with a normal, happy life.

Well, now everyone knows their brother molested them. That's humiliating. For the rest of their lives people will see them as "The girls that were molested by their brother". People won't always say it, but it's in the back of their minds. Molestation isn't something you want to go public.

I don't think their silence has anything to do with religion. I would be absolutely mortified and grieved that the world knew something so private about me. I cannot even imagine.

See what is really sad is if these girls do feel this way and had any sense of logic or reasoning, they'd put the blame for all of this on their parents, and particularly, on their father. Sadly, we all know there is no logic or ability to connect the dots for these folks.

The brainwashing is the worst because that is what puts all these girls at a disadvantage and makes them victims...not what Josh did, but what their parents did.

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They knew but everyone remained silent.

Even this Christian preacher.


Holy crap! He is most concerned how this reflects on Christianity? He not ONCE mentioned about rescuing the girls from that environment! Seriously? Jon Stewart? Please please interview this jerk before you leave. I beg you.

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Agreed, this should be intuitive but I think I have to give these people credit for very small baby steps in the right direction. Because each time I think no one can possibly say something more ignorant, offensive or inappropriate about the situation, somehow a fundie manages to prove me spectacularly wrong.

I didn't expect any less than this from Gil and Kelly and it isn't because they are classy or making baby steps in the right direction, it is because they are extremely media savvy and very concerned about presenting themselves as not like the Duggars. They are careful to not condemn or praise the Duggars because doing either of those things would cause drama and more people to start taking a closer look at their family. They want people to forget that they believe the same things that the Duggars do. They want people to think of them as a family that isn't extreme like the Duggars. I think the Bates right now are praying that this won't hurt their image of being a happy, wholesome family.

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They knew but everyone remained silent.

Even this Christian preacher.


Because focusing on the "family" was never about the family. Its all about stopping abortion and homosexuals.

Didn't Josh do a bunch of PR videos for the FRC during Thanksgiving and Christmas? I think that finding these videos and rehashing them is actually relevant considering they start out with him sitting down with his family, saying how thankful he is and having this in-front-of-the-fire folksy appeal. Then he starts talking about his political agenda.

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