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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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In defense of the girls, what exactly where they supposed to do while living under JB's headship? Because speaking out or not acting like they 100% forgave Josh and were on board with the official family perspective likely got them a one way ticket to Journey to the Heart. Wasn't Jana gone for like a year?

Segue - MEDIA PICK THIS UP - PLEASE RESEARCH ALERT AND JOURNEY TO THE HEART. Because this is basically a "reeducation camp" as far as I'm concerned. And Alert is a christian military style training camp. Can you imagine if there was a Muslim military training camp in the US that people sent their kids too, had a ton of land and money ? There would be absolute outrage and talks of terrorism and protests to shut it down immediately. But its christian so its existed for decades and the public ignores it. I haven't been able to find too much info about what actually goes on there but would not be surprised if they are using techniques very similar to scientology.

But back to the girls. The ones under JB's headship literally have no means of speaking out. And I'm going to give the married girls the benefit of the doubt that its only been week since this scandal broke and are still processing everything. I actually think its positive that the husbands haven't said anything - they should not make a public statement until the girls are ready to address it, if they even want to address it. Also, there is probably EXTREME pressure for them not to speak out. Not just are their financial futures at stake but I'm sure their family would threaten to break ties and would risk breaking ties with the religious community. Could you imagine having to give up your entire social support system at a time like this? They are dealing with huge ramifications for voicing their mind and going along with whatever JB says but with enough time and distance from this recent whirlwind they may be able to publicly go against Josh.

Just encouraging people not to judge the girls too quickly in a time like this. It reminds me of cases of domestic abuse where people are all too quick to blame the victim for staying in an abusive situation without understanding the economic pressures, emotional ties, and potential fear of losing ones family and friends.

They have a blog they update occasionally. Lots of hiking, insufficient food and water, etc. It was discussed here a little bit when Josiah and Skylar Weiss were there. Skylar's mom is how I found the ALERT blog; thanks Michele! :D


I use a different link for feedly, but I couldn't get it to open in Chrome:



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Wait, you mean you haven't? But you're worldly. And worldly people are infested with the spirit of the devil. You have to be worse than godly people! Otherwise, what's the point of being part of a cult?

Those people better not claim its the "world" that caused this. What happened was happening within those 4 walls of that house is the cause of what went down with this family. Jim Boob and Mullet actively continued having children knowing what was going down with their current children. That's what pisses me off the most about this family and the ones that support them.

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First, and probably LAST time, that I will say I have ever agreed with Rick Santorum.

I'm still shocked by this. He was awfully buddy buddy with them, but it's nice to hear.

Gil n Kelly aren't dumb enough to come out and say they support and forgive him

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See what is really sad is if these girls do feel this way and had any sense of logic or reasoning, they'd put the blame for all of this on their parents, and particularly, on their father. Sadly, we all know there is no logic or ability to connect the dots for these folks.

The brainwashing is the worst because that is what puts all these girls at a disadvantage and makes them victims...not what Josh did, but what their parents did.

The whole thing is incredibly depressing. I have always liked the girls (all the kids, really), they seem very intelligent but it's obvious indoctrination plays a huge role in how they deal with this situation. As a Christian I'm ashamed of how Christianity is being represented by these whack-jobs.

Yes Josh, God forgives you and we can all forgive you till we are blue in the face but that does NOT negate the fact that there are EARTHLY consequences to your actions! Forgiveness doesn't mean it gets swept under the rug with no repercussions! I'm so disgusted! I'm so sick of this Gothard cult! I hope, if anything good comes out of this, that Gothard truly becomes exposed and perhaps that will set more fundies free.

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This is whole thing breaking has brought up so many hidden memories for me. I have spent most of my life being abused, bullied,picked on and molested by adults and children alike. Not many know this dark secret about me because I had no one to turn to. Even my partner of seven years does not know the extent. When this came into the media, I had an epiphany of sorts and now realize this is the reason that most people cannot stand to be around me, I am freaking insane, because I have never had any help.

We had our first fight in these seven years over this, he thinks the parents did the best they could and I think the victims should have been given as much space from him as needed as well as plentiful counseling and love from their parents. Instead Jim Bob forced them to forgive their brother and commit to a lifetime of only side hugging their family members yet being obsessed with sex. Josh has always creeped me out the most and now I know why. I feel so terrible for the girls and selfishly myself, I am going to have to finally tell my partner and the only person I have ever trusted the truth. It is so long and I feel like I am going to crack. Thank you for listening to me rant.

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I feel so terrible for the girls and selfishly myself, I am going to have to finally tell my partner and the only person I have ever trusted the truth. It is so long and I feel like I am going to crack. Thank you for listening to me rant.

You are showing your strength by talking. Wishing you the best of luck with your new openness about your past. If you have the means, perhaps therapy can help you, too.

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I'm inclined to believe some of them don't even realise he molested anyone. Or didn't, unless they're totally avoiding the media.

Someone said to me that I had no proof he did anything bad. I was like uhhhhh, police reports. Some may actually he think he did something stupid but small.

This too, and unfortunately even in our information-overload technological era, people will still take word of mouth over researching the facts for themselves. One of their Facebook friends goes "OMG they are totally throwing Josh Dugger under the bus for playing doctor with his sisters" and this is the narrative that they'll believe and keep repeating, no matter how false.

Couple that with a paranoiac distrust for the media, and refusing to believe what the lihbrul media sez and it's way too easy for false talking points to be bandied about without fact checking.

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According to the Boycott page on FB, Lowe's is digging in their heels and deleting all FB comments about the Duggars. They've also allegedly forbidden employees to speak about the situation between themselves or with customers. Let's all give them a great big FJ hello, shall we?

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I'm a long-time reader and recent new member. I live in Northwest AR (Fayetteville.) When this news came out, I was certain this all stemmed from the robocall Michelle Duggar made over her interjecting herself into Fayetteville politics. This coincided with greater coverage of the Duggars by People magazine. This is a college town full of young, pretty, interesting women, yet we all were having to look at Jill and Jessa on the cover of magazines at the grocery checkout as if they have done something noteworthy. They are not representative of our region, are not considered prominent citizens, are not involved in any of the large, successful companies, civic or social life, or with the University of Arkansas. Yet they are on the checkout stand and worse, on our phones, equating our friends and family with pedophiles. So, no, Michelle didn't tell one specific person that the transgender person in her family was a pedophile, she called and said it to all of us.

Thank you. My mom is in Bella Vista and I posted the same thing but less eloquent a few pages back. A lot of posters here seem to think the area is full of toothless backwoods hicks who worship the royal Duggars - who have so much power the police and judiciary cover up crimes for them. My mom claims they are an embarrassment and certainly not prominent.

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First, and probably LAST time, that I will say I have ever agreed with Rick Santorum.

I think its safe to say that there are far more photos of Santorum with Josh and the other Duggars than all other national politicians combined. He had no choice but be "sickened". He has to place a lot distance now.

Huckabee is total idiot for coming out in strong support of an incestuous child molester. A statement like the one the Bateses made would have been perfectly sufficient.

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None of this is funny.

Yeah I agree. Also, urban dictionary isn't an authority; it's user created and thumbs ups don't sometimes mean much.

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Why are they wanting to pick this show up as a spin-off? Why can they just not cancel it?!?!

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The whole thing is incredibly depressing. I have always liked the girls (all the kids, really), they seem very intelligent but it's obvious indoctrination plays a huge role in how they deal with this situation. As a Christian I'm ashamed of how Christianity is being represented by these whack-jobs.

Yes Josh, God forgives you and we can all forgive you till we are blue in the face but that does NOT negate the fact that there are EARTHLY consequences to your actions! Forgiveness doesn't mean it gets swept under the rug with no repercussions! I'm so disgusted! I'm so sick of this Gothard cult! I hope, if anything good comes out of this, that Gothard truly becomes exposed and perhaps that will set more fundies free.

Luke 23:39-43

39 Now one of the criminals hanging there kept insulting him, “You are the Messiah, aren’t you? Save yourself…and us!â€

40 But the other criminal rebuked him, “Aren’t you afraid of God, since you are suffering the same penalty? 41 We have been condemned justly, because we are getting what we deserve for what we have done, but this man has done nothing wrong.†42 Then he went on to plead, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!â€

43Jesusy told him, “I tell youzwith certainty, today you will be with me in Paradise.â€

Jesus didnt say "you know what, you're right!" and zap them all down from the cross. There are earthly punishments for actions and even Jesus allowed the repentant criminal to die.

Forgiveness may buy your soul a pass on your crimes, but your body is stuck here and will suffer the earthly consequences for your *cough* mistakes *cough*

Not to mention... Josh was already a "christian" at the time he decided to repeatedly become "mistaken." You dont get to use jesus like a car wash and run through every time it rains.

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According to the Boycott page on FB, Lowe's is digging in their heels and deleting all FB comments about the Duggars. They've also allegedly forbidden employees to speak about the situation between themselves or with customers. Let's all give them a great big FJ hello, shall we?

Im confused, my deepest apologies for someone having to remind me. Is Lowes one of the sponsors that pulled out? I cannot find this "boycott" page of which you speak. I assume that since Buzzard gave it a thumbs up that it's a good thing, so... lol. Sorry!

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Im confused, my deepest apologies for someone having to remind me. Is Lowes one of the sponsors that pulled out? I cannot find this "boycott" page of which you speak. I assume that since Buzzard gave it a thumbs up that it's a good thing, so... lol. Sorry!

Bad thing. I "liked" the idea of popping over to say "hi"

eta - lowes is refusing to say that they'll pull out. I cant really remember seeing many of their commercials, though. Regardless, they're being obtuse and I'm glad that I prefer Home Depot.

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This is whole thing breaking has brought up so many hidden memories for me. I have spent most of my life being abused, bullied,picked on and molested by adults and children alike. Not many know this dark secret about me because I had no one to turn to. Even my partner of seven years does not know the extent. When this came into the media, I had an epiphany of sorts and now realize this is the reason that most people cannot stand to be around me, I am freaking insane, because I have never had any help.

We had our first fight in these seven years over this, he thinks the parents did the best they could and I think the victims should have been given as much space from him as needed as well as plentiful counseling and love from their parents. Instead Jim Bob forced them to forgive their brother and commit to a lifetime of only side hugging their family members yet being obsessed with sex. Josh has always creeped me out the most and now I know why. I feel so terrible for the girls and selfishly myself, I am going to have to finally tell my partner and the only person I have ever trusted the truth. It is so long and I feel like I am going to crack. Thank you for listening to me rant.

Hugs!!!!! I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with this. It sounds like you have dealt with so much and are incredibly strong to have been able to keep going despite what you went through. Your voice and feelings matter and I hope that you can find resources to deal help you during this really difficult time! Here is a link to a free confidential hotline with trained professionals available 24/7:


Its not selfish for you to want to talk about this. No one should have to experience what the Duggar girls have experienced and then have it rehashed for all the world to see, but at least the publicity is raising awareness about the issue and helping people start to get help. Please know that you getting the help you need is the best thing you can do for the Duggar girls as its allowing some good to result from the tragedy.

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According to the Boycott page on FB, Lowe's is digging in their heels and deleting all FB comments about the Duggars. They've also allegedly forbidden employees to speak about the situation between themselves or with customers. Let's all give them a great big FJ hello, shall we?

God damn it, Lowe's is the reason that Muslim family's reality show got canceled. Somebody give me the proper verbiage to put on their page about true religious extremism and hypocrisy, before I post angry word salad over there!

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Why are they wanting to pick this show up as a spin-off? Why can they just not cancel it?!?!

It's their top rated show. Advertisers dropping 19 Kids means they might as well just drop the network.

They are peeing their pants trying to make a plan, and we are watching. Also, there might be legal implications for them too. Remember, one of the victims isn't 18 yet...

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RE: Rick Santorum.

I'm in the cynical camp. I don't believe for one second that he cares about this at all. If he cared, his response would have been swift and judicial; with the Duggar girls well being in mind. So far he's said he's sickened, but I don't think he's sickened because of what happened to the girls. He might be sickened because of how it reflects on Christianity or GOP "values."

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Bad thing. I "liked" the idea of popping over to say "hi"

eta - lowes is refusing to say that they'll pull out. I cant really remember seeing many of their commercials, though. Regardless, they're being obtuse and I'm glad that I prefer Home Depot.

It is a really weird reaction, that leaves me scratching my head. It is really bad for business to have this sort of a reaction. A vague, "We are discussing the issue" would have been better.

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RE: Rick Santorum.

I'm in the cynical camp. I don't believe for one second that he cares about this at all. If he cared, his response would have been swift and judicial; with the Duggar girls well being in mind. So far he's said he's sickened, but I don't think he's sickened because of what happened to the girls. He might be sickened because of how it reflects on Christianity or GOP "values."

I think that much like Gil and Kelly, Santorum is looking out for himself and trying to give a response that will help his image. I bet he was sickened at the thought that his association with the Duggars might come back to haunt him.

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Im confused, my deepest apologies for someone having to remind me. Is Lowes one of the sponsors that pulled out? I cannot find this "boycott" page of which you speak. I assume that since Buzzard gave it a thumbs up that it's a good thing, so... lol. Sorry!

Sorry I wasn't more clear! They are on the sponsors list, but they are deleting any comments against the Duggars and are evidently going to continue to advertise, in the event the show is continued/has a spin off. The FB page is Boycott TLC 19 Kids and Counting, I think. I got the link somewhere in this mess yesterday. lol People are posting there they've had luck not mentioning the Duggars by name with comments not getting deleted. I tried that route. Haven't checked to see if my comment is still there yet.

ETA: It appears my comment has been deleted. I didn't use the words "Duggars" or "molestation", but I did say crimes against children.

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DM has a new story today:

Jill Duggar wedding mystery solved: 'We thought it was odd - everyone in Josh's family served in some position in the wedding party but he was left out. Now it makes sense,' guest reveals.

They also mention that Josh was not part of the wedding party of Ben and Jessa either.

When the 'All About Jill' episode aired (Season 14, episode 13) in October 2014, it featured Josh reminding viewers that 'perfect' Jill was basically the family snitch or 'tattle tale,' running to their parents with every thing they did.


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