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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Now this is interesting. Never thought I'd see an interview with the first trooper, who's now in jail on child porn charges. I don't know if I believe him or not. What do you think?

http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/peop ... /28058841/

(I apologize if I didn't do the link thing correctly... not very computer literate.)

This was posted already (this thread moves wicked fast!) I think the general consensus was this:

- Some people don't trust him due to the charges he was convicted of.

- Some people would believe a convicted pedophile over JimBob any day.

- Some people ran away from this thread because it was moving too fast and haven't seen it yet. In which case, thanks for re-posting it! :D

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Now this is interesting. Never thought I'd see an interview with the first trooper, who's now in jail on child porn charges. I don't know if I believe him or not. What do you think?

http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/peop ... /28058841/

(I apologize if I didn't do the link thing correctly... not very computer literate.)

This story (different link/ different news source) has already been out there and posted. Not impressed. There is plenty of damning evidence without relying on this guy (who may or may not be speaking truthfully, but at the least is speaking through his own life window).

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We've all seen this right? Sorry if it is a repost, everything is going so fast.

http://www.sheknows.com/living/articles ... in-protest

I had not read that story, but saw the trail of photos and previous information....thank you for posting that, now I have a better connection of the players.

Question.....Michelle's sister is 63 years old....is there potentially another sister (don't know MIchelle's family history) that might be the older lady that was mentioned in Alice or the other lady's description of who had the information on Josh's deeds? Sorry, I have tried very hard to keep up on all the posts and looking at the links. In other words, did Michelle's family have this information all along?

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The Bates' have made a comment:

"We are praying for our dear friends," the statement from Gil and Kelly Jo Bates read. "We respect their privacy and have no further comment at this time."


wow, I think my respect for the Bates family just went up a notch.....

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I would like to thank hancat for uncovering the mystery. I really was wondering. Is there a prize for Best First Post?

I had never watched the show until one year ago. Now an empty nester, I was the oldest of eight, (Catholic) and didn't want anything to do with people who had that many kids.

I inadvertantly caught an episode. Loved the kids, but not Josh (to my credit) or JB and Chelle.

I mentioned the show to a friend who was raised in an actual, free-standing cult. She said "It's a cult". I said, why are the kids, or why do they seem happy?".

She said "We were happy. We lived in the country and had horses."

She was beaten by the cult leader and her sister sexually abused. Many friends she speaks of who were there as chldren have horrible psychological issues to overcome. No wonder.

I feel horrible for the M kids, and really, also for Anna. As well as the now older girls. My heart goes out.

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I had not read that story, but saw the trail of photos and previous information....thank you for posting that, now I have a better connection of the players.

Question.....Michelle's sister is 63 years old....is there potentially another sister (don't know MIchelle's family history) that might be the older lady that was mentioned in Alice or the other lady's description of who had the information on Josh's deeds? Sorry, I have tried very hard to keep up on all the posts and looking at the links. In other words, did Michelle's family have this information all along?

Pamela Peters is a possibility, according to an FJer's math:


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An Evening with the Duggars

Join us on Friday, June 19th, at 7:00 pm for a special evening with the Duggar Family. Come and hear the Duggar kids perform a special musical program, followed by a presentation with Jim Bob and Michelle.


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So, if this our whistleblower, she wanted to get the story out because she was justifiably pissed at the Duggars' hypocrisy. And we know that others (Alice and concernedmom, to name two), have been attempting to bring the story to light for years. It seems apparent, though, that others in their community also had at least some knowledge, but most of them have remained mum.

So, my question is, if you had the same information, would you have revealed it to the media? Did she consider the ramifications for the girls? I also wonder to what extent she knew about their Gothard/ATI connections, or whether this was just based on being angry about Michelle's robocalls. Did she want the media to dig into the whole cultish lifestyle as they are now doing? I hope we hear more from her and get her take on the aftermath.

And, yes, if it turns out that the robocalls are the reason for this, that is just the sweetest justice. And shouldn't this be a wake up call to the other racist, bigoted, self-righteous and dangerous fundies out there?

I'm not sure what I'd do if I knew. I'm not the type to seek attention by going to the press, but on the other hand, the information needs to be brought to light, but also, there's the issue of victims. Hmmm... :think:

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I'm not sure what I'd do if I knew. I'm not the type to seek attention by going to the press, but on the other hand, the information needs to be brought to light, but also, there's the issue of victims. Hmmm... :think:

I wonder if she went to the media as a last resort, so to speak. As in, she had tried and tried to tell people about it, but without any real hard truth people were dismissing her. A layman might have trouble fanangling all the hoops and mountains to get, say for example, the infamous Police Report. I imagine/suspect that the reporter saw something worth pursuing in what the woman had been claiming, and knew how to navigate those hoops and mountains to get said report, and thus it was released.

ETA: I guess she could very well have told the reporter No, she didn't want to work with her. But at that point, perhaps she had had enough and just didn't know what else to do to show people the truth?

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Question.....Michelle's sister is 63 years old....is there potentially another sister (don't know MIchelle's family history) that might be the older lady that was mentioned in Alice or the other lady's description of who had the information on Josh's deeds? Sorry, I have tried very hard to keep up on all the posts and looking at the links. In other words, did Michelle's family have this information all along?

Well here's a thought, is Evelyn "Alice"?

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I'd buy this based on the cover!

Whats up with Josh's right eye, though? They certainly picked a jacked up pic to photoshop in there!


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It is a really weird reaction, that leaves me scratching my head. It is really bad for business to have this sort of a reaction. A vague, "We are discussing the issue" would have been better.

Lowe's had a similar reaction when a lot of people objected to their pulling out of supporting a show called American Muslim because of a FL "Christian" group's campaign against the show.

From the LATimes in 2011....

"The North Carolina company decided to stop advertising on the show "All-American Muslim," on Discovery Communications Inc.'s TLC channel, after complaints by the Florida Family Assn., a conservative Christian group that lobbies companies to promote "traditional, biblical values.""

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It's a cartoon in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. http://www.myajc.com/photo/news/opinion ... ederated=1

duggar v.....to sexually abuse innocent victims while trumpeting your moral superiority. LOL

:cracking-up: Luckovich is amazing. After all these years, he still pens riotously funny cartoons. All the conservatives in the state HATE him, and hate the AJC as well. It's known as "that god-forsaken liberal paper."

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I'd buy this based on the cover!

Whats up with Josh's right eye, though? They certainly picked a jacked up pic to photoshop in there!

[attachment=0]in touch cover.jpg[/attachment]

Wow, that is lurid. I cannot imagine a television show returning after headlines like that.

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God damn it, Lowe's is the reason that Muslim family's reality show got canceled. Somebody give me the proper verbiage to put on their page about true religious extremism and hypocrisy, before I post angry word salad over there!

I was just about to post something similar! Didn't they pull their advertising for All-American Muslim due to pressure from (mainly) Christians? And now they're mum when people want them to pull advertising for a so-called "wholesome, Christian family"?

Fuck you, Lowe's. I'll make sure not to patronize your stores.

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This is whole thing breaking has brought up so many hidden memories for me. I have spent most of my life being abused, bullied,picked on and molested by adults and children alike. Not many know this dark secret about me because I had no one to turn to. Even my partner of seven years does not know the extent. When this came into the media, I had an epiphany of sorts and now realize this is the reason that most people cannot stand to be around me, I am freaking insane, because I have never had any help.

We had our first fight in these seven years over this, he thinks the parents did the best they could and I think the victims should have been given as much space from him as needed as well as plentiful counseling and love from their parents. Instead Jim Bob forced them to forgive their brother and commit to a lifetime of only side hugging their family members yet being obsessed with sex. Josh has always creeped me out the most and now I know why. I feel so terrible for the girls and selfishly myself, I am going to have to finally tell my partner and the only person I have ever trusted the truth. It is so long and I feel like I am going to crack. Thank you for listening to me rant.

Hi TRexGurl, my heart goes out to you as a kindred spirit. I was raised by a fundamentalist mom, and before she divorced my dad I was severely abused during my toddler years including sexual abuse. Because of the abuse and kooky beliefs, I grew up behaving eccentric and weird, and my classmates also bullied me for several years. I had no help or support from any teachers or even my mother. Bullying back then was completely normalized. My sister supported me somewhat but for the most part I was on my own. I haven't gotten help either, and it took me literally years to work through a lot of my issues but I am only a little closer to normal (my behavior is a lot more constructive). It took me a long time to accept that I have been permanently damaged, both by abuse and poverty where my body and brain didn't have enough to develop properly. I discovered this years later on an MRI scan when I had a medical emergency. When people look at me, they see something is off or wrong, and aren't sure why. Couple that with being female and having an unquenchable independent streak (my only saving grace) and people are certain I should be re-programmed to be more docile and socially acceptable. Pshhhhah.

Also, I don't think you are being selfish at all for thinking about your own experiences during this scandal. This situation has triggered a LOT of memories for me, and I think people are right to be considering how this affects themselves and society at large. The Duggar's political ties and activities are what makes this not just a private matter but a public matter too. We're talking about people who disregard Separation of Church and State and literally demonize entire demographics of people. If what I'm reading is correct the goal of Quiverfull is to establish a Christian patriarchy here on Earth (as if the Patriarchy we have now isn't enough) and reproduce faster than other groups. So I think it's highly selfish of their leghumpers to say that nobody else has a right to their own opinion about this or their behavior. Have we not seen enough anti-woman or anti-LGBTQA legislation to see what a menace fundy ideology is? FFS, they have freedom of religion, but they are abusing it and what about our right to be free FROM their religion?

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Oh my god, that magazine cover is priceless!

I am buying one to read, and another to wrap in cellophane for future generations to know in the event of a fundy takeover, there were a lot of us that wanted/tried to stop it.

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Sorry I wasn't more clear! They are on the sponsors list, but they are deleting any comments against the Duggars and are evidently going to continue to advertise, in the event the show is continued/has a spin off. The FB page is Boycott TLC 19 Kids and Counting, I think. I got the link somewhere in this mess yesterday. lol People are posting there they've had luck not mentioning the Duggars by name with comments not getting deleted. I tried that route. Haven't checked to see if my comment is still there yet.

ETA: It appears my comment has been deleted. I didn't use the words "Duggars" or "molestation", but I did say crimes against children.

haha they cracked your code did they? ahhh.

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Oh my god, that magazine cover is priceless!

I am buying one to read, and another to wrap in cellophane for future generations to know in the event of a fundy takeover, there were a lot of us that wanted/tried to stop it.

I know, right? I almost want to buy just to support them.

Didn't expect In Touch magazine to be hard-hitting journalism, but here we are. They took down the top show on a whole network!

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It is way more likely than not that TLC will cancel "19 Kids and Counting" ... this according to sources connected with the network.

As it was put to us, "If you're betting, you'd be wise to put money on the show getting cancelled." TLC honchos feel betrayed that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar did not disclose the fact that Josh had confessed to molesting 5 young girls, some of whom were his sisters.

The other reality is that advertisers are bailing left and right.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/28/19-kids-a ... z3bR1lYr6T

Good. TLC, please cancel the show and please do not do any spin-offs.

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